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The Oasis Thread


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its a very generic oasis song- sort of oasis by numbers-....its alright but i just dont think it shows a lot of progression or anything! It just sounds a bit like they're trying to recapture what they had 10 years ago or whatever but everyone has moved on. I think that during the time of the whole oasis v blur thing that oasis WERE the better band, but in the long run Blur are so so so much better than oasis ever will be....

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Maybe......i guess they're still selling out knebworth and stuff so of course theyre still successful and i'm actually going to see them this summer! i guess i'm just disappointed coz when theyve said its the best stuff since morning glory i didnt take that to mean that the single would sound like an album track from it u know?! It would just be interesting if they tried more of a new sound coz with ppl like kaiser chiefs etc around sounding original, why would ppl want to listen to stuff that sounds like its from 10 years ago when they could actually just listen to Morning Glory?

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face it- coldplay is a dying band. chris has run out of creative avenues and gwyneth is the new yoko.


I saw Coldplay at a secret gig 3 days ago, and I can assure you... Their star is still rising, and hasn't reached its peak by a long shot.


The new material is brilliant.

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its a very generic oasis song- sort of oasis by numbers-....its alright but i just dont think it shows a lot of progression or anything! It just sounds a bit like they're trying to recapture what they had 10 years ago or whatever but everyone has moved on. I think that during the time of the whole oasis v blur thing that oasis WERE the better band' date=' but in the long run Blur are so so so much better than oasis ever will be....[/quote']


That is soooo true! Ive never thought of Blur being better than Oasis, but at least Blur have had a significant progression.


Maybe......i guess they're still selling out knebworth and stuff so of course theyre still successful and i'm actually going to see them this summer! i guess i'm just disappointed coz when theyve said its the best stuff since morning glory i didnt take that to mean that the single would sound like an album track from it u know?! It would just be interesting if they tried more of a new sound coz with ppl like kaiser chiefs etc around sounding original, why would ppl want to listen to stuff that sounds like its from 10 years ago when they could actually just listen to Morning Glory?


Once again, brilliant post! (If it seems like Im sucking up a little, then Im not sucking up enough)


It's the classic oasis formula. If it ain't broke why fix it? It's working for them, it has been for a decade.


It WORKS because it worked in the first place, thats why they got so incredibly popular. In truth, if a new band (Lets say The Kaiser Chiefs) released a song like "Lyla", nobody would give a toss and the band would be unsuccessful. Its no longer a workable formulae.


Oasis have built up a big fanbase from yeaars ago, but now that fanbase is getting thinner and thinner (The US doesnt even care anymore, it just seems like their 'worldwide HUGE' over here in the UK- they arent). This new song is going to lead to a further drop in popularity, since its been released as a video like a good few days ago, Ive rarely seen Lyla on. Ive seen Morning Glory and Shes Electric come back, but not Lyla. And thats an early sign of how a singles going to do.


If they DARED to be different they'd still have a fanbase no-matter what. I mean, if they tried something progressive they could become REALLY POPULAR and adored again, or they could get the same reaction they're going to get for this bland piece of crap.

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^ tell me about it' date=' i just travelled to London to see Interpol, although, it Was worth it. [indiepixie, i'm from the same place as you'] :)



ohh shocked hehe pleased to meet someone from the same area :lol:

i hate having to travel to see bands *sigh* I don't mind going to Newcastle or Leeds but when its London or something its all about the money.

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Try living in Australia where no one comes down!


Though Coldplay did come down a few years ago... 2003 I think it was... and I wasn't "old enough" (according to my parents) to go to any gigs.


I've ranted enough to my friends, so I guess I'll stop rambling.

Sorry 'bout that.

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