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25-Jul-08: Philadelphia - Wachovia Center - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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New member here. I am trying to get my parents to get me Coldplay tickets for Philly. I have never been to a concert simply because there was never a band worth laying down 50$ to see. Now that Coldplay is coming to town, im willing to lay 100$! Tell me some good things that happen at concerts! Thanks

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Girls get....naked. Snapple falls from the rafters, Chris Martin sings everyones name whose in the audience. Free Ice cream, chocolate, and Coldplay cd's so you can listen to more Coldplay. And so on.


Wow, can I go to that concert? :laugh3:

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airies lady - its aaron, if you have a rediculously good memory, i helped you pass out the coldplay/usa signs at the last concert. i met you guys in the parking lot before the show.


this being the first show (MSG doesnt count!), philly ended it last time, we should start with a bang this time. im feelin a sign again. like "welcome back" or "welcome home". something of that nature. obviously id love to help out again. email me or...just get at me somehow. cant wait

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i honestly think signs again, 20,000 of them all saying the same thing like welcome back. theyd remember the signs from last time. i know it was 2 years ago, and i know they tour across the world. but i think itd be special. i think theyd be blown away.

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i honestly think signs again, 20,000 of them all saying the same thing like welcome back. theyd remember the signs from last time. i know it was 2 years ago, and i know they tour across the world. but i think itd be special. i think theyd be blown away.


I think it is a great idea, PM ColdplayJoe on here and discuss the signs, I PM'd them with info for how many needed for each section...one pack of 500 (collated into 20's.. each row aprox.) ...will cover one section... we covered floor and first level all the way around with 12,000 signs. If you get 12 people to make 1000 each, you can do it! ColdplayJoe has designed the template for sign and will email to anyone interested in participating!




So there are enough people here that are interested ... Who wants to make signs? :deal2: Tanks for you help! :D

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yes PM me if you want to do the signs! I am on the floor as well as my friend and the 2 others that are coming with us so that is 4 floor distributors. I am also partial to VIVA LA COLPLDAY which I think means Live Coldplay. Very apropos.

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Both my girlfriend and I have used Adobe Illustrator to design a "USA Still Loves Coldplay" sign with paintbrush strokes and splatters similar to the Viva La Vida album cover. We will be redesigning these signs to read "Viva La Coldplay" by the end of the week and will hopefully have an approved sign design for distribution by next monday.


Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm!

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Philly signs


i honestly think signs again, 20,000 of them all saying the same thing like welcome back. theyd remember the signs from last time. i know it was 2 years ago, and i know they tour across the world. but i think itd be special. i think theyd be blown away.



Aaron, yes, I remember you... get with ColdplayJoe... he is doing the coolest looking template for signs and let ColdplayJoe know where are you sitting and how many signs can you bring? :)

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As in "gang", do you mean handing them out?


You can PM ColdplayJoe with your name,email, seat location...he has the template for the sign and will be ready soon...one pack of paper (500 sheets) will cover aprox. one Section of seats...you can print some signs or if you can't print, you can help hand out... whatever you can do will be appreciated! :D

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