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Coldplay in Time Magazine's Year in Review: "It's still uncool" to like Coldplay


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Same type of uncool situation happened on the fuse channel top 40 show. They made a list of the top 5 best things in music in 2008 and at number 3 was free coldplay concerts but the guy introducing it had to go and tell the audience not to laugh first. Why can't people just admit their love for coldplay and embrace their amazingness?

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Same type of uncool situation happened on the fuse channel top 40 show. They made a list of the top 5 best things in music in 2008 and at number 3 was free coldplay concerts but the guy introducing it had to go and tell the audience not to laugh first. Why can't people just admit their love for coldplay and embrace their amazingness?


Because they're clearly in the Coldplay "closet" and need to come out!!:P

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Same type of uncool situation happened on the fuse channel top 40 show. They made a list of the top 5 best things in music in 2008 and at number 3 was free coldplay concerts but the guy introducing it had to go and tell the audience not to laugh first. Why can't people just admit their love for coldplay and embrace their amazingness?


*shrug* I'm used to it... Today I found Parachutes on vinyl and my friend refused to stand with me in line while I paid for it :rolleyes: She was going on and on about how awful they are, but I really don't care, cause I know I'm right!


At least this Time writer seems a bit baffled by it, they said "go figure" in the article :thinking:

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I knew I was uncool because I just happen to like a lot of artists that are considered to be "uncool". I don't know why that is but there are a lot of artists that folks want to label as nerdy, uncool, gay, and so forth. It's so bad that many fans will not say aloud that they like a particular artist.


Personally, I don't think I am uncool. I actually think I am cool, very smart, and brave for having the guts to proudly say I am a fan of Coldplay. So, I guess I've been out of the closet for a long time. LOL!!

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I just bought Time's special Year in Review issue, and Coldplay's featured in the music section along with REM and Lil Wayne. It says:


Rising: Coldplay the British lads have sold 31 million albums, won four Grammys and, with U2 and Radiohead, are part of adult-rock's holy trinity. And Coldplay's new CD, Viva la Vida, was a hit. But go figure: it's still uncool to admit you like Chris Martin and Co.


And there's a picture of them performing Viva la Vida at what looks like the VMAs.... I'll try to get a scan if I can manage it!






I likeh teh picture

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This gives new meaning to the phrase "the writers views and opinions are their own". I can truely say that none of my friends thinks of me as "uncool" because I like Coldplay. This is an immature, gossip rant that caters to a particular crowd of snobs that Im am not to fond of and that I would like to accuse of being "un-cool". It is a misguided statement and tired continuation of non facts. The words are not worth the paper it is printed on. :dozey:

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This gives new meaning to the phrase "the writers views and opinions are their own". I can truely say that none of my friends thinks of me as "uncool" because I like Coldplay. This is an immature, gossip rant that caters to a particular crowd of snobs that Im am not to fond of and that I would like to accuse of being "un-cool". It is a misguided statement and tired continuation of non facts. The words are not worth the paper it is printed on. :dozey:
Clearly you have some nice respectful friends, then. Not all of us have that luxury.


It's nice to have someone gently acknowledging the absurdity of the situation every once in a while in an article like this. They're popular, innovative, the best you're going to find in the mainstream pop world, and yet the snobs (ie most of the music world) would rather admit that they listen to Katy Perry for the irony than that they actually think Coldplay can carry a tune. :dozey:


I really do think time will be much kinder to Coldplay than the present.

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At least this Time writer seems a bit baffled by it, they said "go figure" in the article :thinking:


exactly. rather than labelling coldplay as uncool as so many others have done, here i think time magazine is saying that despite coldplay's HUGE popularity and huge sales, it's still considered generally uncool to be a coldplay fan in many venues. i think they're on our side, given that they said "go figure" :wink:


for the record, though, i'm still at a loss as to why coldplay, and especially chris, are considered any more uncool than other soft rock bands or artists. it completely baffles me. (though i guess chris's quirkiness and jokeyness is a turn off to some people, and i know some people that don't know him have thought he was serious when he makes his funny outrageous comments about how awesome he and the band are, but really, if you just look a little deeper, you realize he's completely joking).

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^ Yeah, I think the writer is on our side too. He/she is saying that it's weird that Coldplay's this popular, and yet it's still considered "uncool" to like them. I think we can all agree here that Coldplay fans do take some abuse, so it's not like this writer is making anything up ;)


And I think it's because they're so much more popular/ubiquitous than other soft rock bands, plus there's a lot more to them than just their music, so people form stronger opinions about them.

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In my case Coldplay is far from the most uncool band in my collection. I don't really care what people say, I never have. I've always liked things that annoyed people (see my avatar, easily one of the most uncool bands on the plant but I love them and they are the most awesome people ever). Part of what makes me special. And honestly how uncool can a band that sells that many albums be? People love coldplay but for some reason utterly beyond me they find listening to a band with an other than "rock star" persona to be embarrassing. I on the contrary find it easier to relate to them since their not trashing hotel rooms. I couldn't be happier to proclaim that I love coldplay!!

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AMEN :smug:


:D you're right!


:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3:yaaaaayyyyyy we are all uncool:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3: and i love it:D:D


You also forgot gay ;)!


I'm uncool and gay can there be a better thing? I'm so proud if it. Therefore I have to shout out loud: I LOVE COLDPLAY!! :dance: :dance: :laugh4:


My friends don't think this^^, they just think I'm a bit demented but that's ok! :D It was possible for me to convert some :sneaky:! One friend really loves "Death will never conquer me". Once she was at my place. We were talking about bellydance and suddenly she started to sing DWNCM! I was so happy! :D

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Back in the olden days of Parachutes, it was pretty cool to like Coldplay. They were considered more or less indie/alternative and only a small group of people actually knew about them outside of UK, but with ROBTTH, things started going downhill for Coldplay fans, as they started going uphill (in terms of popularity).


And everyone, who is afraid of not being taken seriously by proclaiming that they are a Coldplay fan, will maintain the usual "I like Parachutes, but everything else really sux." statement. And I can't say I disagree whole heartedly with that statement, although ROBTTH (I think) is also good.


Why everyone thinks it's uncool to be a coldplay fan probably doesn't have everything to do with the fact that the band has gotten so big, so commercial, so mainstream. There are bigger bands out there, and I don't think people give you just as much shit for liking, say U2.

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This writer from the Richmond Times Dispatch said that VLV was the best album and song of the year. Here is what she said.


About the CD...

"1. "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends," Coldplay


For so many years, Coldplay strived to become the next U2. Now they've proven they can be. Not only is the title track an ambitious, sweeping anthem (see Best Songs of 2008) in the grand tradition of Bono and Co., but the organ that ushers in "Lost!" and the gentle hum and sweet sentiment of "Strawberry Swing" showcases a Coldplay that's finally found what it's been looking for."


About the song...

"1. "Viva La Vida," Coldplay


OK, so maybe they (allegedly) stole the melody from Joe Satriani. They still deserve the top spot because the rest of the song is so majestic."



I gotta agree that the song is so magestic.

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I have never felt that it is "uncool" to like Coldplay. Maybe I am just oblivious. Being honest, I don't think I would feel comfortable wearing any of their merchandise, but I can say that for several bands. That is pretty much the extent of my discomfort. Whatever, I guess...

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