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23-Mar-09: Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews, Setlists, Phot

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Today was finally the day Coldplay came back to my home country of Singapore. I was so nervous about the gig I could hardly sleep last night. Despite the boys hardly stopping for fans before the show in Sydney, I decided to try my luck in Singapore. I went there about 2pm, waited around, said hi to Jonathan (frontman of Mercury Rev) and Bash. Bash was so surprised, and demanded to know 'How did you know my name???? :stunned:' So I told him I'm from the Coldplaying forum :laugh3: and he went 'Oh my picture is on there as well???' :lol:


After a while I got shooed by this man supposedly in charge (he doesn't leave a very good impression on me, I think he's too big for his boots) and I was relegated to behind a security barrier. So fiiiine, I'll stay there, whatever. I knew, however, that since they stepped up security, the band would be arriving soon.


And indeed they did come in a van. Saw Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will. I was holding on to my insane Jonny banner so Jonny smiled at me before he ducked under the door. Chris, however, recognised me from the Sydney shows and approached me :stunned: He said 'Nice to see you again! and gave me a tiny hug :bomb: He asked whether I had flown from Australia to Singapore, but I told him that I'm actually from here, and I had flown TO Australia instead. He then asked if I'm watching the show tonight. I said I had a ticket for myself, but my friends didn't have because they couldn't afford the money. He then said, 'OK I'll see what I can do, stay right here.' as he turned to leave.


Then the female security guard (I'm sorry I don't know her name :embarassed:) came out with Kelly and started looking around. Both of them pointed to me and she asked Kelly 'The one with the sign right?' and he nodded. So she came up to me to get my name and asked me to collect my tickets from the box office!


When I went to the box office, I said I was on the guest list and needed to collect tickets. The lady serving me asked, 'Are you with the promoters?' I looked around :uhoh: and said 'Umm... no...' Then she looked at me incredulously and asked 'You're with the band??? :stunned:' I sheepishly said yes :P She seemed so shocked. When she eventually found my tickets, I had to sign a list which had all the names of the ticketholders and the member of the crew who gave the tickets out. So my name was listed as under 'Chris' :dead:


I was so touched by Chris' gesture. I wanted to thank him but I couldn't since he never did come out after that.




... more to come... just hold up a little :nice:


Tiny hug :bomb:


Chris is so effing sweet!

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No surprise but it was awesome just so wonderful, had an absolute ball of a time jumping around and singing along to the songs even though i was quite far away.


Have to give it to Chris being so energetic and being able to go on just non-stop throughout the whole concert. At the point in time when Mercury Rev was performing the tour tees were already sold out at the merchandise booths. Was hoping to even just buy the display one but they didn't want to sell it. :rolleyes: They only had the programs left.


Forget about the seats stood throughout the whole thing, left my seat the moment they started.The only thing throughout the whole night that i felt was quite irritating was when i was asked to go back to my seat twice by an usher during "Life in Technicolor" kinda spoiled it while i was enjoying the song. I was like "Please , come on i'm not gonna create trouble i just want to have fun". She went but you're not allowed to stand. :rolleyes:


Didn't bother and just continued standing, the usher buzzed off after that.


Did see from afar someone managed to keep a balloon from the Yellow performance and they had it on the chair while they were standing. Hopefully they managed to bring it back home intact. :lol:

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So I was still feeling incredulous, my hands were shaking so badly.


Then I started chatting to an Indonesian journalist who was about to interview Guy. Speaking of the devil, Guy came out of the stage door for a smoke. We didn't scream his name or anything, but we waited for him to turn around and we gave him a smile and a wave. He walked up to us (with Kelly always one step behind :lol:) and shook our hands and said hi and wished us a good concert :D Not wanting to sound fangirly, but he's gorgeous really :nice:


So I waited a little bit more. The journalist left to do his interview with Guy, and another 2 fans joined me (I believe 1 of them is on this forum :D). Will came out this time :D With his hat and his shades, he looked the epitome of cool :D Once again, we waved and he came up to us, signed a few autographs and took pictures :wacky: (I've run out of smileys to describe my mood!)


A couple of roadies passed by, looked at my sign and said they've seen it before :lol:


Waited until about 7+ but nothing else really happened, so I met my friends and gave them their tickets from Chris and we headed into the arena. When Mercury Rev came on, everyone just surged to the barrier. Compared to the shows I've been to before, we actually had a very good time during Mercury Rev's set. Granted, Mercury Rev probably has a higher profile in Singapore than in Australia, since they've been here before to perform.


When MR finished, the security told us all to return to our seats. Somehow, a fight broke out between 2 Caucasian men, and they were hurling vulgarities at each other and was just about to get physical when the ushers pulled them apart and threatened to get the police in. Seemingly, the brawl had to do with the people standing up at the barrier. The police was not called in, but they continued to swear at each other while getting back to their rightful seats.



... part 3 coming up :P

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Today was finally the day Coldplay came back to my home country of Singapore. I was so nervous about the gig I could hardly sleep last night. Despite the boys hardly stopping for fans before the show in Sydney, I decided to try my luck in Singapore. I went there about 2pm, waited around, said hi to Jonathan (frontman of Mercury Rev) and Bash. Bash was so surprised, and demanded to know 'How did you know my name???? :stunned:' So I told him I'm from the Coldplaying forum :laugh3: and he went 'Oh my picture is on there as well???' :lol:


After a while I got shooed by this man supposedly in charge (he doesn't leave a very good impression on me, I think he's too big for his boots) and I was relegated to behind a security barrier. So fiiiine, I'll stay there, whatever. I knew, however, that since they stepped up security, the band would be arriving soon.


And indeed they did come in a van. Saw Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will. I was holding on to my insane Jonny banner so Jonny smiled at me before he ducked under the door. Chris, however, recognised me from the Sydney shows and approached me :stunned: He said 'Nice to see you again! and gave me a tiny hug :bomb: He asked whether I had flown from Australia to Singapore, but I told him that I'm actually from here, and I had flown TO Australia instead. He then asked if I'm watching the show tonight. I said I had a ticket for myself, but my friends didn't have because they couldn't afford the money. He then said, 'OK I'll see what I can do, stay right here.' as he turned to leave.


Then the female security guard (I'm sorry I don't know her name :embarassed:) came out with Kelly and started looking around. Both of them pointed to me and she asked Kelly 'The one with the sign right?' and he nodded. So she came up to me to get my name and asked me to collect my tickets from the box office!


When I went to the box office, I said I was on the guest list and needed to collect tickets. The lady serving me asked, 'Are you with the promoters?' I looked around :uhoh: and said 'Umm... no...' Then she looked at me incredulously and asked 'You're with the band??? :stunned:' I sheepishly said yes :P She seemed so shocked. When she eventually found my tickets, I had to sign a list which had all the names of the ticketholders and the member of the crew who gave the tickets out. So my name was listed as under 'Chris' :dead:


I was so touched by Chris' gesture. I wanted to thank him but I couldn't since he never did come out after that.




... more to come... just hold up a little :nice:


Tiny hug!!!


Oh my God, I would have had a " Tiny heart attack!!"


Well done!

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When MR finished, the security told us all to return to our seats. Somehow, a fight broke out between 2 Caucasian men, and they were hurling vulgarities at each other and was just about to get physical when the ushers pulled them apart and threatened to get the police in. Seemingly, the brawl had to do with the people standing up at the barrier. The police was not called in, but they continued to swear at each other while getting back to their rightful seats.



... part 3 coming up :P


I saw the scuffle from where i was seating looked quite heated between the 2 of them.

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Today was finally the day Coldplay came back to my home country of Singapore. I was so nervous about the gig I could hardly sleep last night. Despite the boys hardly stopping for fans before the show in Sydney, I decided to try my luck in Singapore. I went there about 2pm, waited around, said hi to Jonathan (frontman of Mercury Rev) and Bash. Bash was so surprised, and demanded to know 'How did you know my name???? :stunned:' So I told him I'm from the Coldplaying forum :laugh3: and he went 'Oh my picture is on there as well???' :lol:


After a while I got shooed by this man supposedly in charge (he doesn't leave a very good impression on me, I think he's too big for his boots) and I was relegated to behind a security barrier. So fiiiine, I'll stay there, whatever. I knew, however, that since they stepped up security, the band would be arriving soon.


And indeed they did come in a van. Saw Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will. I was holding on to my insane Jonny banner so Jonny smiled at me before he ducked under the door. Chris, however, recognised me from the Sydney shows and approached me :stunned: He said 'Nice to see you again! and gave me a tiny hug :bomb: He asked whether I had flown from Australia to Singapore, but I told him that I'm actually from here, and I had flown TO Australia instead. He then asked if I'm watching the show tonight. I said I had a ticket for myself, but my friends didn't have because they couldn't afford the money. He then said, 'OK I'll see what I can do, stay right here.' as he turned to leave.


Then the female security guard (I'm sorry I don't know her name :embarassed:) came out with Kelly and started looking around. Both of them pointed to me and she asked Kelly 'The one with the sign right?' and he nodded. So she came up to me to get my name and asked me to collect my tickets from the box office!


When I went to the box office, I said I was on the guest list and needed to collect tickets. The lady serving me asked, 'Are you with the promoters?' I looked around :uhoh: and said 'Umm... no...' Then she looked at me incredulously and asked 'You're with the band??? :stunned:' I sheepishly said yes :P She seemed so shocked. When she eventually found my tickets, I had to sign a list which had all the names of the ticketholders and the member of the crew who gave the tickets out. So my name was listed as under 'Chris' :dead:


I was so touched by Chris' gesture. I wanted to thank him but I couldn't since he never did come out after that.




... more to come... just hold up a little :nice:


Chris is so AWESOME!


(my vocab has shrunk to just one word - awesome)

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So I was still feeling incredulous, my hands were shaking so badly.


Then I started chatting to an Indonesian journalist who was about to interview Guy. Speaking of the devil, Guy came out of the stage door for a smoke. We didn't scream his name or anything, but we waited for him to turn around and we gave him a smile and a wave. He walked up to us (with Kelly always one step behind :lol:) and shook our hands and said hi and wished us a good concert :D Not wanting to sound fangirly, but he's gorgeous really :nice:


So I waited a little bit more. The journalist left to do his interview with Guy, and another 2 fans joined me (I believe 1 of them is on this forum :D). Will came out this time :D With his hat and his shades, he looked the epitome of cool :D Once again, we waved and he came up to us, signed a few autographs and took pictures :wacky: (I've run out of smileys to describe my mood!)


A couple of roadies passed by, looked at my sign and said they've seen it before :lol:


Waited until about 7+ but nothing else really happened, so I met my friends and gave them their tickets from Chris and we headed into the arena. When Mercury Rev came on, everyone just surged to the barrier. Compared to the shows I've been to before, we actually had a very good time during Mercury Rev's set. Granted, Mercury Rev probably has a higher profile in Singapore than in Australia, since they've been here before to perform.


When MR finished, the security told us all to return to our seats. Somehow, a fight broke out between 2 Caucasian men, and they were hurling vulgarities at each other and was just about to get physical when the ushers pulled them apart and threatened to get the police in. Seemingly, the brawl had to do with the people standing up at the barrier. The police was not called in, but they continued to swear at each other while getting back to their rightful seats.



... part 3 coming up :P


Weee for Guy and Will. :D Damn that Jonny :angry: :P

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COldplay. As the lights dimmed everyone screamed really loudly. LiT, Violet Hill, Clocks, IMP, Yellow were received really really well. Chris said at one point that the Singaporean audience probably ranked near the top of the list of all audiences so far on the tour :D


However, I was pretty disappointed that not many people knew GoW or DWNC, and no one was really singing along to LiT ii, although we didn't miss a beat @ the 'ooooohhh ooooohhh oooh' ending :P


LiJ had probably the best audience reaction of all. When the confetti started dropping, everyone just started shrieking and trying to catch them and taking pictures of them :nice: It was a nice surprise for everyone, I heard soooo many comments that it was amazing and awesome and cool and brilliant :lol:


Chris saw me in the crowd (I was about 3rd row), pointed at me and smiled :nice:


We did the Coldwave :lol: But the audience wasn't really into it I guess :rolleyes: The first few rounds were amazing but it petered out really fast, it was quite embarassing.


At the end of the show, I went to the FOH but they had run out of setlists already. The soundman however was really nice and laughed at my hoarse voice and commented, 'So you were singing along, eh???' :lol: I went out, hopefully to catch a last look at the band. Unfortunately Jonny, Guy and Will did a runner again. I was pretty sure Chris was still inside, despite all the ushers and security guards saying everyone had left. So I didn't move an inch from where I stood.


When the crowds outside the stage door had thinned, one of the security guards suddenly and quietly slipped me a folded piece of paper. :stunned: A setlist :stunned: I was so shocked and surprised I just looked at it in amazement. When I finally got to my senses, I repeatedly thanked the guard quietly, over and over and over again. He just smiled :nice:


Then after a while, he came back up to me and said 'Why aren't you going back yet?' I told him I was waiting for the band. He looked around :uhoh: and then whispered, 'Yeah, the lead singer's still inside. But don't tell anyone I told you that.' How awesome is he???!


So I waited around a little more. I saw Matt coming out for a smoke. I quietly called his name and he turned around, saw me and climbed up the flowerbed. I told him 'I just wanted to say that it was a good show.' He thanked me and then said 'Here, a gift for you' and he gave me a customised Viva La Vida guitar pick :nice:


Chris came out after a short while, but he didn't stop for us, I think he's just really tired. He did wave to us though :nice:



So that wraps up the last of my adventures for the Viva la Vida tour.


I haven't met Jonny yet, despite trying at least 5 times. However, I should be content since he smiled at me a couple of times and gave me his guitar pick. Chris has been an absolute angel; I wish I had a way to thank him properly!!!!!!!

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COldplay. As the lights dimmed everyone screamed really loudly. LiT, Violet Hill, Clocks, IMP, Yellow were received really really well. Chris said at one point that the Singaporean audience probably ranked near the top of the list of all audiences so far on the tour :D


However, I was pretty disappointed that not many people knew GoW or DWNC, and no one was really singing along to LiT ii, although we didn't miss a beat @ the 'ooooohhh ooooohhh oooh' ending :P


LiJ had probably the best audience reaction of all. When the confetti started dropping, everyone just started shrieking and trying to catch them and taking pictures of them :nice: It was a nice surprise for everyone, I heard soooo many comments that it was amazing and awesome and cool and brilliant :lol:

Chris saw me in the crowd (I was about 3rd row), pointed at me and smiled :nice:


We did the Coldwave :lol: But the audience wasn't really into it I guess :rolleyes: The first few rounds were amazing but it petered out really fast, it was quite embarassing.


At the end of the show, I went to the FOH but they had run out of setlists already. The soundman however was really nice and laughed at my hoarse voice and commented, 'So you were singing along, eh???' :lol: I went out, hopefully to catch a last look at the band. Unfortunately Jonny, Guy and Will did a runner again. I was pretty sure Chris was still inside, despite all the ushers and security guards saying everyone had left. So I didn't move an inch from where I stood.


When the crowds outside the stage door had thinned, one of the security guards suddenly and quietly slipped me a folded piece of paper. :stunned: A setlist :stunned: I was so shocked and surprised I just looked at it in amazement. When I finally got to my senses, I repeatedly thanked the guard quietly, over and over and over again. He just smiled :nice:


Then after a while, he came back up to me and said 'Why aren't you going back yet?' I told him I was waiting for the band. He looked around :uhoh: and then whispered, 'Yeah, the lead singer's still inside. But don't tell anyone I told you that.' How awesome is he???!


So I waited around a little more. I saw Matt coming out for a smoke. I quietly called his name and he turned around, saw me and climbed up the flowerbed. I told him 'I just wanted to say that it was a good show.' He thanked me and then said 'Here, a gift for you' and he gave me a customised Viva La Vida guitar pick :nice:


Chris came out after a short while, but he didn't stop for us, I think he's just really tired. He did wave to us though :nice:



So that wraps up the last of my adventures for the Viva la Vida tour.


I haven't met Jonny yet, despite trying at least 5 times. However, I should be content since he smiled at me a couple of times and gave me his guitar pick. Chris has been an absolute angel; I wish I had a way to thank him properly!!!!!!!

Min you are never to leave my side in Manchester/Wembers! You hear? :lol: :kiss:


Awesome review Min, sorry about Jonny, but am so happy for you otherwise. :nice:

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