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Okay I haven't really listened to DOOM at all before this, so...


I actually like the beat, etc., but the way he laid down the verses just sounded incredibly lazy. It didn't jive with the beat. He could have almost doubled the amount of lyrics and just spit it out faster, with more "urgency"/effort, and it would have sounded a lot better.

I can envision Esham or someone along those lines doing something pretty dope with this beat, but I don't think that would ever happen.


Definitely. I mean, DOOM's style is somewhat lazy but this is extremely so. I just feel bad for people who've never heard him. This is a bad representation :(




He's my favourite rapper. He has a crazy story....he was in a hip hop group with his brother in the early 90s, his brother was killed & they were dropped from their label so he went into this terrible state of depression where he was "damn near homeless" He became an alcoholic, which eventually made his voice sound amazing. Erm anyway, he moved to Atlanta and started rapping at open mic nights with a mask on his head. He never performs/is photographed without the mask :wacky:


ah...he's amazing okay! this song is pretty bad :(


This song though, is one of my favourite songs of all time. it's produced by Madlib, who's cool as fuck.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsi-dNbgrqg]MF Doom - Figaro - YouTube[/ame]


"DO not stand still, both show skills

Close but no crills, toast for po' ills, post no bills

Coast to coast Joe Shmoes flows ill, go chill

Not supposed to overdose, no Doz pills"


omg :blank:



spoiler cos i dont want to spam this thread with doom. i just think hes amazing and this is a bad representation of how great he is!

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I gave my friend who listens to house, pop etc. some Radiohead songs to listen. He asked me then: "What genre is this? Some pop-subgenre?" :lol:

Funny you mention that... I noticed this comment on the In Rainbows FTB video the other day (see the last comment at the bottom, highlighted).





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Parts of that collab sounded not awful, but almost like a freestyle, or most likely that he didn't have much time and rushed it, and he's a perfectionist so that's never going to work. It's a shame because I think it's close to being a great song, but it goes off in tangents and is a bit of a mess, I can't see myself listening to it again.


Hold me Eddilly. Hold me.

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You know her? Because even if jokingly, the sites incredibly homophobic.


lul eh


A lot of people on Tumblr(or at least the ones that I know) just say homophobic things to see people overreact and get angry. None of them are actually like that. Personally, I don't think the joke's hilarious myself since it's been done so many times, but there's some light humor in it. It's all based on opinion though.


Yeah, not a very funny joke though.


thanks for the feature :) :) :)



also, who else thinks it's Shane!


I've made a blog similar to it before, but that was June or July.


Good guess though.

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OK so you don't find the joke funny, why is it a joke then? If that's a joke, your friend needs to learn how to satirise. How do you know them? I must say on the big world wide web its incredibly, incredibly unlikely that we'd come across a blog in this thread created by someone you know.

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also, who else thinks it's Shane!


If Shane is that Notion guy, then I do too!


Or if not, it's obviously someone who visits this forum..And yeah, I agree with the anti-radiohead thingy being a little over done. I just found it funny cause they featured my post.

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