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[27-Oct-2011] BBC Radio 1's Student Tour, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

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This is what I've been up to.

Hope we found all those missing songs soon :blank:

And also full video of Shiver :dazzled:


And many thanks to all people who took the videos.


- Mylo Xyloto/Hurts Like Heaven

- Yellow http://bit.ly/ut1KNY

- In My Place http://bit.ly/rRAtnF

- Major Minus

- The Scientist http://bit.ly/v2hxHd

- Violet Hill

- God Put A Smile Upon Your Face http://bit.ly/v3J1jd

- Paradise

- Up In Flames

- Viva La Vida http://bit.ly/tB7uCq

- Charlie Brown http://bit.ly/u1rECY

- Clocks http://bit.ly/tCxPlm

- Rehab/Fix you http://bit.ly/sHxeMC

- Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall http://bit.ly/vFUiJB http://bit.ly/tT5Moe



- Green Eyes http://bit.ly/txVGra http://bit.ly/u9STa6

- Parachutes /Shiver http://bit.ly/uRCOtZ http://bit.ly/uAdapi

- Us Against the World http://bit.ly/sgQr7s

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Okay this is my really long review with pics, I'll put it in a spoiler cos it's disturbingly long :P





Okay so I’m gonna ”review” the UEA gig now, really just writing down how I experienced it basically and this going to be really emotional as the whole experience was as well haha. This is maybe too long, sorry for that but I really want to write everything down. That was the most emotional two days, I cried so much that I probably won’t cry for like a month now haha (I get very emotional about things…). So I originally didn’t have a ticket cos we went up to Norwich from London on the friday before the tickets came on sale but when we got there all the tickets were already gone cos they gave numbers to the people in the queue so there was just no way of getting them anymore. So after asking a million people if there was ANY way that we could still get tickets, we decided to head back to London cos everyone we talked to kept repeating that there was NO WAY at all to get tickets anymore. I was completely devestated as this was the first time that I was close to getting to go to an intimate Coldplay thing (the smallest place I’ve seen them at before this was freaking Stockholm Olympic Stadium..). I was just completely heartbroken. Then there was the twist of them releasing 100 tickets online…I was in a seminar at uni when that happened so couldn’t get a ticket and even though I was happy for Anna and Mich who got tickets, I was extremely pissed off about the fact that they released more tickets though we had been told a million times that it wouldn’t happen. Oh well. That really made me sad that I couldn’t go, my favourite Coldplayers were going, I was for once in the country where this would be happening and just…I was just really depressed and sad all week cos of this. Was really happy though when Chelsea decided to come cos didn’t think I’d see her this soon after Oxegen and she’s one of my absolute favourite Coldplayers so it was great! Theeen there was a twist again..Anna and Mich saved my life at the Absolute Radio interview by getting me a ticket! Was probably the best moment of my life so far when I was just about to go for a nap when Anna tweeeted me ”answer your phone, it’s important! –Anna & Mich” and I was just trying not to get my hopes up and called her..She goes ”so..what are you going thursday night??” And I just FLIPPED OUT like just started sobbing uncontrollably and couldn’t say anything back and managed to ask her how it happened and when I heard the story I just sobbed even more and couldn’t say anything but ”oh my god”. She asked me if I wanted to meet them in the city and I basically ran for the train, trying to stop myself from crying in public haha. I was just ridiculously happy that evening, I owe Anna and Mich SO MUCH<3 We were gonna suprise Chelsea by not telling her that I got a ticket, just let her show up at Norwich and see me there haha but I deleted my tweets about it too late so she saw them haha.



cute Mich & cute Anna in the bus!


So on wednesday I left the house at 6:30 to head to the city and after a hunt for elephant outfits and all that (and me getting my new phone stolen, that was a fun start to the trip..karma kicked me back haaaard), me, Mich and Anna headed to Norwich. We sat at the coach station at Norwich waiting for Chelsea and put our elephant hats on to suprise her and she totally flipped out when she saw us with those hats hahaha. We went to check out the venue that night and were all soooo excited cos it was so damn small and we’d be so fucking close to the stage! On thursday me, Mich and Anna got to the venue at 4AM and were all exhausted and cold but I couldn’t feel anything but excited about the day we had ahead of us. It had been only about 36 hours since I found out I had a ticket so I still couldn’t believe that I was there. We got some weird looks from security, they offered us food and were warning us that we’d have to move when they started loading stuff in and all. One girl arrived at 6AM (who turned out to be the most annoying, selfish person in the whole queue imo..) and some more people at around 9AM I think. Chelsea and Laura got there by about 10AM as well. The band arrived at the venue around 11AM I think? (I don’t know the times very well as I didn’t have a phone so never knew what the time was haha) Chris came over and me, being a huge crybaby, started weaping cos I was so touched by a certain thing that happened and was saying thank you to him. So after the annoying people got their signatures or whatever, Anna shouted Chris over to us and I got to thank him quickly though he wasn’t very focused as there was a personal issue which he told us about but that I won’t mention here. He also told us that they’d play a set that would be a bit shorter tonight cos of that problem. He had to go for the live lounge then though so didn’t stay there for very long.


Some queue pics—












After that the security guard who had been there from the beginning and was looking after us, came over, pulled us aside and told us that we’d have to leave the queue to get wristbanded so we should go NOW before he tells the rest of the queue (so we wouldn’t lose our spots on the queue). So the other four (Anna, Mich, Laura and Chelsea) went to get the wristbands and I was left totally alone in the queue cos EVERYONE in the queue went for the wristbands. I couldn’t go cos I was on the guestlist so didn’t know yet how I’d get my wristband and I had to look after our stuff.


SO what happened when I was left alone was that I turned around to look at what was going down by the bar where the band were doing the live lounge and oh what do you know, Mr Phil Harvey is standing right next to me! I just went ”HI PHIL” without even thinking about it, he gave me a huge grin and went ”Heeey! Can you hold on a sec, I’ll be right back!”, he went to one of the loading trucks or behind them and got a cup of tea, then came back to me. I felt like Chris hadn’t really heard me say thank you so when Phil came back for a chat, I told him that sorry I knew that it was a bad time but could you thank Chris for ..(the thing that I wanted to thank him for) and while I was saying this, I started crying AGAIN cos I was explaining to him how much it meant for me that I got to be there.. Really embarassed haha. He went ”Aw, of course! What was your name? I’ll tell Chris!”, I told him my name and he asked me ”Are you coming tonight then?”, haha, no I’m just queueing here for fun.. silly man :P He told me that he had to go back inside and that he’d tell Chris and said bye to me. Then this really nice old security guard who had been there and seen us queueing for a long time came over to ask if I was okay cos I was standing there alone and I told him the situation and he was super nice and told me that he could look after our stuff if I wanted to go ask about the guestlist at the box office! So I went but they said it wouldn’t arrive until about 6PM and the doors would open at 6:30PM which made me sooo fucking worried!


Well then we went back to queueing and a bit later on the band came back and all of them except Mr Berryman came over to talk to us. Jonny came over first and I made a fool of myself (AGAIN). He came over to us first and looked at us, kind of expecting us to go ”can I have a picture” or whatever and I just went ”Hey Jonny, WHAT’S UP?”….He gave me an awkward nod and a smile and moved on as the annoying girl was screaming for a photo. After he got through the crowd we shouted him over to us, Mich and Anna showed him the tattoos which was funny and I got a picture taken with him (which Anna has). Then Will and Chris came over as well but I didn’t even try to talk to them cos of the crowd and I went over to Phil to ask about the guestlist. He was SO sweet! I went over like ”sorry for bothering you again” and he said ”Don’t worry about it! Johanna, right? What’s up?” And I told him about my problem and he was soooo helpful, we talked for a while and he promised me that he’d sort it out by the time they came back for soundcheck, then they had to go again. After this the intense part of the queueing started, with all the stress about front row and all. Zane Lowe and Fern Cotton came over to talk to people, more or less (Zane was even taking pics with people).
















some more queueing..


I finally got my wristband as well! Went to check at the box office again and just as we got there, the list arrived and I got wristbanded, so relieved! Then it was all about the stress of front row, security check and all that..But we got front row easily, on Jonny’s side. Zane Lowe was fun (and Greg James is a baaaaaabe), kind of boring at some parts but the excitement of live radio was really great and he played A-Punk really close to the end which got me super excited cos it’s sort of my song (as it’s about Johanna and all) and oh good lord when they went all FIVE SECONDS and then he announced that it’s CP time and Back To The Future started…We just went craaaazy! I felt like I was gonna lose my voice already there! When MX started, I just started to cry (yes, again..) and couldn’t believe I was there! It was the most surreal thing when they came on stage and we were so damn close!






















Some pics before the show…


Well I’m not gonna do a random spaz about every song either. Hurts Like Heaven was fucking amazing as always though, probably my favourite song on the album and it’s sooooo goooood live! GPASUYF is possibly my favourite CP song and I fucking LOVE the new version so I just lost it when they started playing that, the best thing ever! Was so cute when they were huddled around Will for the build up and then Chris sort of turned his head for a sec to sort look at how the crowd was doing haha (or that’s what it looked like anyways). Charlie Brown is another favourite of mine so that was fucking amazing as well! The crowd was so good, jumping, singing along to every song, cheering, randomly chanting the UEA tune they have and just being generally awesome. The band seemed quite impressed by the crowd as well! I had soooo much fun during the show though I kept losing my voice as I’ve been really sick for like two weeks now and have an awful cough which was quite annoying but I tried not to let it bother me. Up In Flames was also great, was so nice to hear that live!
















I thought the setlist was a bit boring to be honest, just so full of hits and all but that’s Coldplay for ya and I guess since it was on Radio 1 and all, it was a bit different. The encore was sooo brilliant though! First Chris told us to swear cos he’d just gone an hour on the radio without swearing, woo! So we were just shouting out swearwords at him haha. They started playing Green Eyes which suprise suprise made me cry again… After that Chris went ”this song was written probably before some of you were born” and started doing PARACHUTES. I couldn’t belieeeeve it! Parachutes is my favourite album and the little snippet is one of my absolute favourite things on it! They went into Shiver then which is not one of my favourites to be honest but this time it just really sounded bloody great! Before they played it Chris said something about how he and Jonny wrote it together in Jonny’s bedroom and the crowd started whistling suggestively haha and then Chris said something about how it was a sexy time and then Jonny kissed him on the cheek! It was so darn adorable! They ended it with Us Against The World which was amazing as always and then after a few bows they left the stage. Ugh we were all just blown away and out of words at that point! Anna got a setlist and I got one of Chris’ guitar picks which have the special ”sweat stopper” on it haha. We left the venue then, covered in Chris’ sweat and super happy (and exhausted)!






















I loved the elephant costumes thing haha. We were on the liveblog, got mentioned on live radio by Fern and Zane, the band seemed to like it too! Will gave us a huuuge grin when they started playing Paradise and we rushed to fix out elephant hats haha. Guy kept staring at us, looking quite bored but that’s just what he’s like. :P Chris also put on his elephant head during ETIAW (?) haha. Fun times.






















Heeere’s my ticket and pick!




Can’t really put it into words what this night meant to me. Seeing this gig after such a struggle to get tickets, getting them in such an epic way, going with some of my favourite coldplayers who are crazy and amazing and so much fun, going from being really sad and worried about certain things to being at the top of the world was so tiring but also so incredible. Like Mich said yesterday, we really went through every possible emotion yesterday and in the end everything turned out so perfectly and we just had a blast! This was definitely the best gig I’ve ever been to (yep, tops Oxegen toootally) and was definitely one of the best days of my life! So thanks to Mich and Anna for getting me a ticket and for all the four girls for the company, you’re the best<3




…congrats if you actually read through this haha. Vids coming in a bit! :wacky:


Joooooo :heart:


I love this picture. I don't even remember you taking it!




The penguin picture too! :lol:

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This is what I've been up to.

Hope we found all those missing songs soon :blank:

And also full video of Shiver :dazzled:


And many thanks to all people who took the videos.


- Mylo Xyloto/Hurts Like Heaven

- Yellow http://bit.ly/ut1KNY

- In My Place http://bit.ly/rRAtnF

- Major Minus

- The Scientist http://bit.ly/v2hxHd

- Violet Hill

- God Put A Smile Upon Your Face http://bit.ly/v3J1jd

- Paradise

- Up In Flames

- Viva La Vida http://bit.ly/tB7uCq

- Charlie Brown http://bit.ly/u1rECY

- Clocks http://bit.ly/tCxPlm

- Rehab/Fix you http://bit.ly/sHxeMC

- Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall http://bit.ly/vFUiJB http://bit.ly/tT5Moe



- Green Eyes http://bit.ly/txVGra http://bit.ly/u9STa6

- Parachutes /Shiver http://bit.ly/uRCOtZ

- Us Against the World http://bit.ly/sgQr7s


thanks for doing that :D


I've stolen it for the 1st post

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This is what I've been up to.

Hope we found all those missing songs soon :blank:

And also full video of Shiver :dazzled:


And many thanks to all people who took the videos.


- Parachutes /Shiver http://bit.ly/uRCOtZ


But this is just shiver, isn't it ?

oh wait, beginning of the video is final part of Parachutes, right?

please can somebody upload parachutes ??


thanks for all lovely reviews !!

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thanks for doing that :D


I've stolen it for the 1st post


Sure, and you are very welcome :)


But this is just shiver, isn't it ?

oh wait, beginning of the video is final part of Parachutes, right?

please can somebody upload parachutes ??


thanks for all lovely reviews !!


They started with parachutes and then Chris changed it to shivers.

And as I said hope someone recorded the whole song and upload on yt soon.;)

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Johanna, that was wonderful! :) I love how nice Phil was to you. Thanks for sharing. I'm so jealous. I probably would have cried too. ;)

Edit: I just watched your videos, Johanna. OMG!!! The quality is so good! You were so close! How could you contain yourself?! :dance: It was all big grins from here when watching In My Place. :D :wacky: Green Eyes. :heart:

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Okay this is my really long review with pics, I'll put it in a spoiler cos it's disturbingly long :P





Okay so I’m gonna ”review” the UEA gig now, really just writing down how I experienced it basically and this going to be really emotional as the whole experience was as well haha. This is maybe too long, sorry for that but I really want to write everything down. That was the most emotional two days, I cried so much that I probably won’t cry for like a month now haha (I get very emotional about things…). So I originally didn’t have a ticket cos we went up to Norwich from London on the friday before the tickets came on sale but when we got there all the tickets were already gone cos they gave numbers to the people in the queue so there was just no way of getting them anymore. So after asking a million people if there was ANY way that we could still get tickets, we decided to head back to London cos everyone we talked to kept repeating that there was NO WAY at all to get tickets anymore. I was completely devestated as this was the first time that I was close to getting to go to an intimate Coldplay thing (the smallest place I’ve seen them at before this was freaking Stockholm Olympic Stadium..). I was just completely heartbroken. Then there was the twist of them releasing 100 tickets online…I was in a seminar at uni when that happened so couldn’t get a ticket and even though I was happy for Anna and Mich who got tickets, I was extremely pissed off about the fact that they released more tickets though we had been told a million times that it wouldn’t happen. Oh well. That really made me sad that I couldn’t go, my favourite Coldplayers were going, I was for once in the country where this would be happening and just…I was just really depressed and sad all week cos of this. Was really happy though when Chelsea decided to come cos didn’t think I’d see her this soon after Oxegen and she’s one of my absolute favourite Coldplayers so it was great! Theeen there was a twist again..Anna and Mich saved my life at the Absolute Radio interview by getting me a ticket! Was probably the best moment of my life so far when I was just about to go for a nap when Anna tweeeted me ”answer your phone, it’s important! –Anna & Mich” and I was just trying not to get my hopes up and called her..She goes ”so..what are you going thursday night??” And I just FLIPPED OUT like just started sobbing uncontrollably and couldn’t say anything back and managed to ask her how it happened and when I heard the story I just sobbed even more and couldn’t say anything but ”oh my god”. She asked me if I wanted to meet them in the city and I basically ran for the train, trying to stop myself from crying in public haha. I was just ridiculously happy that evening, I owe Anna and Mich SO MUCH<3 We were gonna suprise Chelsea by not telling her that I got a ticket, just let her show up at Norwich and see me there haha but I deleted my tweets about it too late so she saw them haha.



cute Mich & cute Anna in the bus!


So on wednesday I left the house at 6:30 to head to the city and after a hunt for elephant outfits and all that (and me getting my new phone stolen, that was a fun start to the trip..karma kicked me back haaaard), me, Mich and Anna headed to Norwich. We sat at the coach station at Norwich waiting for Chelsea and put our elephant hats on to suprise her and she totally flipped out when she saw us with those hats hahaha. We went to check out the venue that night and were all soooo excited cos it was so damn small and we’d be so fucking close to the stage! On thursday me, Mich and Anna got to the venue at 4AM and were all exhausted and cold but I couldn’t feel anything but excited about the day we had ahead of us. It had been only about 36 hours since I found out I had a ticket so I still couldn’t believe that I was there. We got some weird looks from security, they offered us food and were warning us that we’d have to move when they started loading stuff in and all. One girl arrived at 6AM (who turned out to be the most annoying, selfish person in the whole queue imo..) and some more people at around 9AM I think. Chelsea and Laura got there by about 10AM as well. The band arrived at the venue around 11AM I think? (I don’t know the times very well as I didn’t have a phone so never knew what the time was haha) Chris came over and me, being a huge crybaby, started weaping cos I was so touched by a certain thing that happened and was saying thank you to him. So after the annoying people got their signatures or whatever, Anna shouted Chris over to us and I got to thank him quickly though he wasn’t very focused as there was a personal issue which he told us about but that I won’t mention here. He also told us that they’d play a set that would be a bit shorter tonight cos of that problem. He had to go for the live lounge then though so didn’t stay there for very long.


Some queue pics—












After that the security guard who had been there from the beginning and was looking after us, came over, pulled us aside and told us that we’d have to leave the queue to get wristbanded so we should go NOW before he tells the rest of the queue (so we wouldn’t lose our spots on the queue). So the other four (Anna, Mich, Laura and Chelsea) went to get the wristbands and I was left totally alone in the queue cos EVERYONE in the queue went for the wristbands. I couldn’t go cos I was on the guestlist so didn’t know yet how I’d get my wristband and I had to look after our stuff.


SO what happened when I was left alone was that I turned around to look at what was going down by the bar where the band were doing the live lounge and oh what do you know, Mr Phil Harvey is standing right next to me! I just went ”HI PHIL” without even thinking about it, he gave me a huge grin and went ”Heeey! Can you hold on a sec, I’ll be right back!”, he went to one of the loading trucks or behind them and got a cup of tea, then came back to me. I felt like Chris hadn’t really heard me say thank you so when Phil came back for a chat, I told him that sorry I knew that it was a bad time but could you thank Chris for ..(the thing that I wanted to thank him for) and while I was saying this, I started crying AGAIN cos I was explaining to him how much it meant for me that I got to be there.. Really embarassed haha. He went ”Aw, of course! What was your name? I’ll tell Chris!”, I told him my name and he asked me ”Are you coming tonight then?”, haha, no I’m just queueing here for fun.. silly man :P He told me that he had to go back inside and that he’d tell Chris and said bye to me. Then this really nice old security guard who had been there and seen us queueing for a long time came over to ask if I was okay cos I was standing there alone and I told him the situation and he was super nice and told me that he could look after our stuff if I wanted to go ask about the guestlist at the box office! So I went but they said it wouldn’t arrive until about 6PM and the doors would open at 6:30PM which made me sooo fucking worried!


Well then we went back to queueing and a bit later on the band came back and all of them except Mr Berryman came over to talk to us. Jonny came over first and I made a fool of myself (AGAIN). He came over to us first and looked at us, kind of expecting us to go ”can I have a picture” or whatever and I just went ”Hey Jonny, WHAT’S UP?”….He gave me an awkward nod and a smile and moved on as the annoying girl was screaming for a photo. After he got through the crowd we shouted him over to us, Mich and Anna showed him the tattoos which was funny and I got a picture taken with him (which Anna has). Then Will and Chris came over as well but I didn’t even try to talk to them cos of the crowd and I went over to Phil to ask about the guestlist. He was SO sweet! I went over like ”sorry for bothering you again” and he said ”Don’t worry about it! Johanna, right? What’s up?” And I told him about my problem and he was soooo helpful, we talked for a while and he promised me that he’d sort it out by the time they came back for soundcheck, then they had to go again. After this the intense part of the queueing started, with all the stress about front row and all. Zane Lowe and Fern Cotton came over to talk to people, more or less (Zane was even taking pics with people).
















some more queueing..


I finally got my wristband as well! Went to check at the box office again and just as we got there, the list arrived and I got wristbanded, so relieved! Then it was all about the stress of front row, security check and all that..But we got front row easily, on Jonny’s side. Zane Lowe was fun (and Greg James is a baaaaaabe), kind of boring at some parts but the excitement of live radio was really great and he played A-Punk really close to the end which got me super excited cos it’s sort of my song (as it’s about Johanna and all) and oh good lord when they went all FIVE SECONDS and then he announced that it’s CP time and Back To The Future started…We just went craaaazy! I felt like I was gonna lose my voice already there! When MX started, I just started to cry (yes, again..) and couldn’t believe I was there! It was the most surreal thing when they came on stage and we were so damn close!






















Some pics before the show…


Well I’m not gonna do a random spaz about every song either. Hurts Like Heaven was fucking amazing as always though, probably my favourite song on the album and it’s sooooo goooood live! GPASUYF is possibly my favourite CP song and I fucking LOVE the new version so I just lost it when they started playing that, the best thing ever! Was so cute when they were huddled around Will for the build up and then Chris sort of turned his head for a sec to sort look at how the crowd was doing haha (or that’s what it looked like anyways). Charlie Brown is another favourite of mine so that was fucking amazing as well! The crowd was so good, jumping, singing along to every song, cheering, randomly chanting the UEA tune they have and just being generally awesome. The band seemed quite impressed by the crowd as well! I had soooo much fun during the show though I kept losing my voice as I’ve been really sick for like two weeks now and have an awful cough which was quite annoying but I tried not to let it bother me. Up In Flames was also great, was so nice to hear that live!
















I thought the setlist was a bit boring to be honest, just so full of hits and all but that’s Coldplay for ya and I guess since it was on Radio 1 and all, it was a bit different. The encore was sooo brilliant though! First Chris told us to swear cos he’d just gone an hour on the radio without swearing, woo! So we were just shouting out swearwords at him haha. They started playing Green Eyes which suprise suprise made me cry again… After that Chris went ”this song was written probably before some of you were born” and started doing PARACHUTES. I couldn’t belieeeeve it! Parachutes is my favourite album and the little snippet is one of my absolute favourite things on it! They went into Shiver then which is not one of my favourites to be honest but this time it just really sounded bloody great! Before they played it Chris said something about how he and Jonny wrote it together in Jonny’s bedroom and the crowd started whistling suggestively haha and then Chris said something about how it was a sexy time and then Jonny kissed him on the cheek! It was so darn adorable! They ended it with Us Against The World which was amazing as always and then after a few bows they left the stage. Ugh we were all just blown away and out of words at that point! Anna got a setlist and I got one of Chris’ guitar picks which have the special ”sweat stopper” on it haha. We left the venue then, covered in Chris’ sweat and super happy (and exhausted)!






















I loved the elephant costumes thing haha. We were on the liveblog, got mentioned on live radio by Fern and Zane, the band seemed to like it too! Will gave us a huuuge grin when they started playing Paradise and we rushed to fix out elephant hats haha. Guy kept staring at us, looking quite bored but that’s just what he’s like. :P Chris also put on his elephant head during ETIAW (?) haha. Fun times.






















Heeere’s my ticket and pick!




Can’t really put it into words what this night meant to me. Seeing this gig after such a struggle to get tickets, getting them in such an epic way, going with some of my favourite coldplayers who are crazy and amazing and so much fun, going from being really sad and worried about certain things to being at the top of the world was so tiring but also so incredible. Like Mich said yesterday, we really went through every possible emotion yesterday and in the end everything turned out so perfectly and we just had a blast! This was definitely the best gig I’ve ever been to (yep, tops Oxegen toootally) and was definitely one of the best days of my life! So thanks to Mich and Anna for getting me a ticket and for all the four girls for the company, you’re the best<3




…congrats if you actually read through this haha. Vids coming in a bit! :wacky:


Oh, thanks for writing this!

Felt like I was there, so emocional.... argh, I'm jealous, but I'm so happy that you had such a great experience!:cheesy:

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Chris' "Personal Issue" - ???


"Without going into too much detail Chris told everyone that the gig would be slightly shorter than planned thanks to a personal issue (I know there’s rumours floating around but I’m not going to repeat what he said, sorry) "


Can anyone shed any light on this? I've done an extensive forum trawl but cannot seem to find out any more...


Is it the issues with EMI? Is everyone ok etc?

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Chris' "Personal Issue" - ???


"Without going into too much detail Chris told everyone that the gig would be slightly shorter than planned thanks to a personal issue (I know there’s rumours floating around but I’m not going to repeat what he said, sorry) "


Can anyone shed any light on this? I've done an extensive forum trawl but cannot seem to find out any more...


Is it the issues with EMI? Is everyone ok etc?

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Laura went back to the hotel a few hours before we got in to take most of our stuff away. Then we had our coats etc. on when we got in so our bags were as empty as possible so we'd get through security as fast as possible (they didn't even have a bag check though) and once we had our places at the barrier, we took our outwear off and atleast I put mine into my bag and the security guy was nice enough to put our bags under the barrier :)

I see. Thank you for answering. :) So if you hadn't got 1st row you'd have to either carry your bags or have them stand very impractically by your feet. :\

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This is the first time I've had internet in days because we got 11+ inches of snow at home here in the US and no one has power and blah blah, and I didn't bring my computer to England!


I'll have a review maybe by tomorrow? I'm going to type it up tonight and will post it whenever it's done and I can get it up. And photos will trickle out. I REALLY want to write up my story but life is so nuts right now! Suffice it to say that this was the best Coldplay-related thing I've gone to yet, tied with the Boat Trip last year. To see Coldplay at my university? To talk to them outside buildings I had classes in and got my degree in? Insanity. I'll never, ever get over this gig, or this band. Or the lovely girls I went with.

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