mountainloafers Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 I think someone got a bit confused... Tonight they didn't played the same from the Live Lounge, someone posted them just for the sake of it I guess Sorry I posted in the wrong thread and thought this one was for the Live Lounge show... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clairounette Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 link[/url] should work for you :) Oh Thanks youuuuu !!!!!! :D ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MX&Yellow Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Hi :) Don't know if someone has already posted this video... but here is PARADISE :pleased: [ame=]Coldplay Paradise BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge 2011 - YouTube[/ame] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clairounette Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Oh It's cooool !!!!! thanks you ! ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mimixxx Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Nails Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 I missed this. :( That encore must have been insane! You elephant girls are so awesome, btw! :elephant: :thumbsup: Looking forward to all stories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mimixxx Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Just got home to London. That was the most epic Coldplay gig I have ever been to. I get emotional just thinking about it. (Very long) review to follow in a bit. Sigh. God I love them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rnel16 Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Hi guys :) Quite new on here, but saw Coldplay yesterday at UEA so thought I'd share my experience: My Mum won a competition on Wednesday night for the UEA show on Thursday. So you can imagine my excitement when I found out... especially as the majority of the fans had queued up for 2 nights the week before in order to make sure they got tickets! I was stunned and couldn't sleep all night... I am an absolutely massive Coldplay fan (as are all of you) so it truly felt like Christmas Eve! We were told our names would be on the guestlist, so as we arrived to collect our tickets we explained that we had won a competition. The man at the door said 'Sorry, you've missed that competition. It was for this mornings acoustic session, not this evening'. My heart completely sank and I felt really shaky - we'd driven for over 2 and a half hours to get there! We asked them to check again, as we knew that we'd won a competition for the evening. After a bit of waiting around, the man at the door realised that he'd been thinking of the wrong competition, checked our names and we were given our lovely blue Coldplay wristbands! It was the biggest relief, and after that, we were completely elated, as after being told that we wouldn't get the tickets - we did! We then started queuing in the rain at around 5pm, to get in for when the doors opened for 6pm. Everyone was in high spirits singing along to Viva La Vida's classic 'oooo-ooooo's. A camera crew were there with a presenter saying 'Coldplay have come to Norwich!' which was then followed by lots of cheers from the crowd. While waiting in the queue, I was listening to some girls chatting in front of me (as you do...) and one girl was excitedly showing the others her picture of Chris Martin from earlier in the day as well as her autographs from the band. She had then asked the band 'Can you please play Green Eyes tonight?' and Chris said 'Yes sure we will'. I was a bit gutted that I hadn't waited around earlier to try and get some autographs and request a song from the band after hearing that! As we went in, Zane Lowe did his DJ set for around an hour. I'm not a massive fan of DJ's etc (I was only there for Coldplay!!!), however it was nice to see Fearne Cotton onstage. I didn't want to start shouting and losing my voice just yet (that was saved for when Coldplay came on stage). What I found strange was that a massive group of boys in front of us were going crazy jumping up and down... but when Coldplay came on, they didn't seem very excited. I found that very strange, particularly with how they had queued up for at least a night in order to get the Coldplay tickets in the first place! 'Come on guys' I thought 'This is Coldplay!' Then there was the countdown '10 minutes to go until Coldplay'. I started to psych myself up and found myself grinning from ear to ear in anticipation. Then as Zane Low made his exit, there was the lovely sound of MX beginning, as the boys made their way onto the stage. They then burst into an energetic (as Coldplay's style) Hurts Like Heaven. Their setlist after that was very similar to their previous summer festivals, with the notable exception of the removal of Lost and Politik and the addition of Paradise and Up In Flames. I am not a huge fan of Up In Flames... not even sure why to be honest, it just doesn't grab me like their other songs and on the album almost seems like a filler. However it seemed like a good break in between the energetic hit songs one after another. At which point Chris said 'Ok guys you can relax and take a break now' before starting the song. Just after singing Paradise Chris thanked the crowd 'Thank you so much, that was the first time we've sung this song to a crowd in England. So that was really special, thank you' The other songs played included Yellow, In My Place, Major Minus, Charlie Brown, Violet Hill and Viva La Vida. Instead of going off-stage before being cheered back on to begin their usual 3 song encore of Clocks, Fix You and ETIAW, the boys stayed on-stage and continued into these songs (I think for the sake of the radio show). Before beginning Rehab/ Fix You, I saw Will hand Chris a piece of paper, and Chris then said 'This song is dedicated to Jordan, wherever you are'. Three boys standing directly in front of me then cheered and the boy in front said 'That's me! Oh my gosh, I've got a song dedicated to me'. The boys were very chuffed with themselves and Jordan looked stunned. Chris then started to sing a part of Rehab (which I personally thought was a waste of time... who wants to hear that when they have so many superb songs?) before leading into the classic Fix You. Before Chris even started singing the song, the crowd had started the lines of 'When you try you best but you don't succeed...', Chris waited for us to finish our huge chant before properly starting the song. Chris then asked the crowd 'Have you got time for one more?' with everyone cheering back 'Yesss!' and ETIAW began. Chris then put an elephant costume head on and danced around, before lifting it up slightly in order to sing the song! They then were cheered and did their three bows before walking off-stage. I really thought that was it, and they wouldn't return to the stage, as they almost always do their bows right at the end at their shows, and finish with ETIAW. But after they left the stage the crowd cheered 'ONE MORE SONG! ONE MORE SONG!' over and over. It continued for a while, and I was sure that they wouldn't return. However Chris then appeared again on-stage and said 'Thank you so much. We are now officially off-air'. He said everyone was allowed to swear again now (hence everyone swore as loud as they could). Then they sang Green Eyes (as requested by the girl I mentioned before). After that, Chris then said (along the lines of) 'Now this next song, was written in Johnny's bedroom'. There was lots of wolf whistles from the crowd. Chris then assured the crowd 'No, trust us it wasn't as romantic as it sounds.' Johnny then walked over to Chris and kissed him on the cheek. It was absolutely hilarious, and such a comedic moment. This was naturally followed by lots of cheering from the crowd. I think they then wanted to play Parachutes... but accidentally both Chris and Johnny I think started strumming the chords to Shiver. So Chris then said something like 'Oh well, lets do Shiver!' and then they played that. I was so happy, as I'd been waiting for Shiver all night. After Shiver, Chris closed by saying (along the lines) 'Thank you so much for singing so incredibly, and making this quite frankly sh**** square block feel like Wembley'. They then finished on the fantastic Us Against The World. After the show, I overheard a boy saying 'If only Rihanna was there as a surprise tonight as well!'. And I suddenly remembered what Fearne had said earlier in the Radio 1 Show. Fearne promised that there would be a big surprise in the evening, when Coldplay were going to perform. She said 'I don't know how much I can give away' but promised there would be something special. However, I didn't notice anything that was particularly considered a 'surprise'. Maybe they meant to do something and it didn't work out? Or she was just saying that...? I'm not sure. But nevertheless, an amazing night that I will never ever forget. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PolitikClocks Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 For everyone who didn't get to see/hear the amazing encore: [ame=]Coldplay - Green Eyes - YouTube[/ame] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tash Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Thank you!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anitamiracle Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 That was amazing! Thank you! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skuze23 Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Oh how lovely thanks for posting this! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
l0wxo2 Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Amazing video, thank you for posting! Green Eyes :dazzled: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ronnie O Sullivan Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 So now we just need someone to post the Us against the world Video :wink3: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christa42 Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 omg Green Eyes, thank you!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
busybeeburns Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 thanks for green eyes! and looking forward to more reviews and pics :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lili_pt Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 link[/url] should work for you :) thank youuu!!! is there a complete video of the show available to watch for people outside the UK? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mimixxx Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Okay, will split my review into pre-gig and gig since some people might just want the juicy stuff :P Part 1 - Pre-gig I’m soooo tired, I think I’ve gotten about 8 hours sleep in the last 4 days all for Coldplay related reasons (Tuesday up at 6am for Absolute, Wednesday up at 6am for travel to Norwich, Thursday up at 3.30am to queue, Today up at 6am to travel home to London) but I want to get this down before I sleep for a week and forget. So, Anna (AnnaElisabeth), Jo (johkujii) and I set off for Norwich early on Wednesday as we planned to queue v.early on the day of the gig (hey these students proved themselves to be crazy with the 48 hour queuing just for tickets) and met the lovely Chelsea (ApproximatelyInfinate) there. After checking into our weird, yet awesome hotel (no reception which was great since there were 5 of us bunking in a room for two :wacky:) we headed to UEA to check the situation. Chelsea (who is a UEA alumni) took us to the LCR and showed us all the possible entrances and likely queuing places, there were a lot which worried us, but we decided we’d just get there the next day early enough to be able to scope the scene first. Next she showed us the room Coldplay would be playing in, which was SO small :wacky: The barrier was also insanely close to the stage. Excited squees ensued :awesome: After a lovely meal, where we sat talking about life and Coldplay for far longer than we should have given we had such an early start the next morning, we headed to bed (or floor in some cases :P) and set our alarms for the ghastly time of 3.30am :sick: So after a quickly gathering everything we needed Anna, Jo and I grumpily headed out the door the next morning (obviously jetlagged Chelsea stayed in bed, she would join us once she’d had a decent nights sleep) We jumped in a taxi and got to UEA at 4.00am. We kinda knew there would be no-one there, but we figured we wouldn’t be able to sleep worrying there would be so we might as well get down there early as possible. We headed to the door we had been told would be the entrance to queue at and made ourselves “comfortable” :P It wasn’t long until security/maintenance staff started milling around and we got a fair few funny looks, snarky remarks “You do know the gig isn’t until tonight right?” Oh no shit Sherlock, we thought it was at 7am :dozey: It did start to get to us after a while, however our spirits were lifted by the arrival of another girl just before 6am (I forget her name now) who told us all her friends had said they were coming at 7am so she decided to beat them by an hour. We had a few issues with a security guard who kept telling us to move and who we thought was a big meanie :P But later discovered was actually lovely :nice: They roped off the entrance for access for the BBC for the Live Lounge and for Coldplay’s crew to load in. However thankfully a queue formed behind us as more people arrived and as we all got talking there was quite a jovial atmosphere. At around 11am three blacked out vans appeared signaling the arrival of the band, by this point the lovely Laura (**Laura**) and Chelsesa had joined us. We just watched and waved from afar as Jonny and Guy clambered out, however as soon as Chris came into view everyone else in the queue screamed his name. Surprisingly (since he looked so very tired and they were late for the Live Lounge soundcheck) he came over. Immediately everyone started making demands of him. We opened our mouths to greet him since he was standing in front of us, only to have someone nearby shove a camera in his face and demand a picture without so much of a “hi, nice to meet you” :rolleyes: And on it went like that for the duration of his stay. Without going into too much detail Chris told everyone that the gig would be slightly shorter than planned thanks to a personal issue (I know there’s rumours floating around but I’m not going to repeat what he said, sorry) however instead of people backing off as you would expect they continued undeterred, barking demands for autographs and pictures. It left a pretty sour taste in our mouths to be honest I know the biggest band in the world walking around a university campus is a very very rare occurrence, however I kinda think that doesn’t mean people should forget how to be respectful. Anyway after he thanked everyone and left the security guard who we though was mean came over to us and pulled us away from the rest of the queue and said “look I have some bad news, you have to leave the queue to collect your writsbands, but since you’ve been here since 4am I’m telling you girls now so some of you can go and some of you can stay, we’re going to tier it so the queue remains in tact as is” :nice: Once we had them we all relaxed slightly, and chilled out, eating, telling jokes, singing, sheltering from the rain and generally having a great time. It really was the most awesome group of Coldplayers :heart: Seeing people clambering up the sides of the pub they were doing the Live Lounge in was quite a site :lol: That’s just one side of the building! The menu in the canteen :awesome: Once it had stopped raining we decided to reveal our surprise and elephant up :awesome: We had sat in those PJ’s all day without the hats so people must have thought we were right chavs up until that :lol: (Please note those pjs are not flattering at all and add like 10 pounds! :P) After the live lounge was over Coldplay left to go back to their hotel for a few hours. We saw Jonny hanging by one of the cars, he was with security so someone in the queue asked who it was and I made the mistake of saying it was Jonny she then screamed at the top of her voice "JOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" Haha. Was actually really funny and embarrassing at the same time. He came over though and we even managed to get his attention long enough to show him our tattoos since we hadn't at Absolute. He said they looked "really awesome" and I don't remember saying this at all but apparently I said "but do they though?" :uhoh: Chelsea said she burst out laughing and so did he! Haha, obviously I'm subconsciously desperate for Jonny's approval. :facepalm: Continuing the idiot mouth theme I asked him if he knew which songs the symbols represented and he laughed and guiltily said "er no" :lol: Then as he was walking away he said "only joking" Yeah yeah likely story J. :P We didn't get a pic with him since we had only met him the other day and didn't want to be greedy. Will came over too :D Thankfully Chelsea said something embarrassing to him, so it wasn't only me making a fool of myself :lol: I'll let her tell you about that though :P As Chris appeared obviously everyone screamed for him again, he was accompanied by Phil and Kelly. But only stayed long enough to fling his arm around Will and sing his praises :nice: He explained that they were very late and had to go. A very excited Chelsea :D The rest of the time in the queue passed quite quickly, we could hear the roadies doing a soundcheck inside, when the band returned to the UEA a few hours later the queue had tripled in size and the arrival of Chris Martin caused CHAOS. People went MENTAL! People running across campus and clambering over each other to get to him. We stayed where we were but the scene was hilarious! :lol: We could hear the band soundcheck too which included Glass of Water which they didn't play later on. Perhaps Zane requested it :D We also hear Charlie Brown and Paradise about 1369604640 times! :lol: People had started to push forward really early, so we had a rubbish hour and a half before doors squashed up waiting to go in. But after a worrying moment where we though Anna and Chelsea were going to have to put their cameras into lockers before they were able to go in (thankfully the nice organiser man agreed to do it for them) we were in, front row, elephanted up and ready to go!! :dance: Part 2 to follow :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yeshe Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Their cover of We Found Love is amazing. They bring love from a hopeless place to a hopeful place ;). EDIT: So great to see all the videos (Green Eyes!), pictures and read about everyone's experiences! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan 6N Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Sounds like fun! Anyone got anymore videos? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
**Laura** Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Well…I’m not very good at writing reviews so I always leave it to the others to do it but last night was something really special so I feel like I have to write one. Be prepared it’s gonna be very long and detailed. Ok,so here we go… Last week a few of us, Coldplayers managed to get tickets through the website which was very very lucky and we got all super-excited about it, however, I was a bit worried as I was supposed to have a really busy week at work and was afraid my boss wasn’t going to let me take the day off. Finally, I made myself write an email to him explaining what was going on and it would be awesome if I could take the day off. That was Sunday early afternoon,we waited quite a few hours for the reply (me massively fighting with my nerves) with Anna and Mich. I was sure he was going to say no but there came the answer which said “We have to find a way. It's too good an opportunity for you. How exciting. “ Woohooooo,he said YES!!!Norwich,here I come! Anna,Mich,Jo and Chelsea travelled to Norwich on Wednesday and they got up VERY early the next day to secure our spot in the queue. I left London on Thursday early morning and joined them in the queue at around 10ish (btw Norwich is bigger than I thought but luckily Chelsea is awesome at giving directions so it was easy to find the university).The first couple of hours were a bit miserable as it was cold and everyone was tired. I soon left for a couple of minutes to find the bathroom. When I got back,the girls told me that I’d just missed Chris (of course I had…wouldn’t have been me if I hadn’t:P). So probably it’d better if I left that part for them. We reached 12 o’clock slowly (and I mean extremely slowly) when we got our awesome wristbands. That cheered everyone up a bit and made us enthusiastic again. After that I headed to the hotel the drop a few of our stuff which was needed for queuing and to get changed into my supercool elephant costume the girls bought. Got back to the uni in a bit and as I was walking back who did I see chatting to the fans? Mr Buckland himself. I just thought:”Soo f#cking typical that when I left again, someone came out:P” Fortunately, he stayed for a few more minutes but mostly he was taking photos with some people behind us (*here I have to mention that most of them hadn’t even had a clue who he was before we told them and they were very pushy and quite rude in my opinion). He then came up to us, had a short chat and then he walked back inside the building. A few minutes later those people behind us shouted for Will and he came to take photos with them. Someone then spotted Chris and shouted for him to come over again which was very disrespectful as he was a bit down in the morning and he already came out once anyway (someone took a photo with him 3 times during the day and got them to sign all 4 of her albums! :o:embarrassed:). During the afternoon, we saw some of the roadies working very busy to load the trucks and set everything. It felt a bit weird that we were the only ones who actually knew who they were by their names.(obsession?-might be:P) As we were getting closer to the time the doors were supposed to open, nerves pushed in big time. They opened the doors around 6.15 and we all made it into front row and the stage was closer than ever. If I wanted to,I could have literally reached it. First Zane Lowe came on which was quite fun at the beginning but then it just went on for a bit too long in my opinion and most of us were trying to save our energy for Coldplay. Fearne Cotton came on stage in a bit and she gave us a shout out acknowledging our elephant costumes and Zane added :”Yes,there are a lot of elephants in the house tonight” That made us scream of course ;) A bit later Greg James came on stage for a few minutes and it turned out that he was a student at UEA and he made the crowd have an UAE chant which sounded pretty cool. At 8 o’clock,Zane presented Coldplay and the Back to the Future theme came on and they walked on stage. The set list was brilliant. Although we didn’t have Life is for living or Politik (which is my personal favourite), we did get quite a special treat. In the main setlist we had Paradise and Up in flames which was absolutely beautiful. After ETIAW, Chris came back on stage and told us that the official air-time was over so we could now swear. He counted 1-2-3 and we had to swear which was really funny and then he said: ‘Great but let’s try with sg worse’ and counted again we shouted and then laughed. The rest of the band came back on and they started singing Green eyes which was AMAZING!! Then they started Parachutes which turned into Shiver and Chris said: “This is a very special song. We wrote that in Jonny’s bedroom.” Of course that put us into a fangirl mode and we screamed. He started laughing and Jonny kissed him on the cheek which made us scream even louder. That was the cutest moment of the whole gig!(*sorry for being such a fangirl). Finally, UATW came on which made me end up in tears and that gives a feeling how great that concert was as I’m really not the crying type, I very rarely cry but that night made me so emotional. I was incredibly happy and grateful that I could be there. That was the best night ever, most incredible gig I’ve ever been to, I will never forget it. When the concert was over I even managed to get an MX guitar pick from Matt <3 and Anna has got a setlist. After that we headed back to the hotel…bit tired and broke but soo happy and emotional. What an incredible, amazing,beautiful and unforgettable night that was!!! A really special treat. PS: Sorry I didn’t take any photos but I’m sure the others will add some nice ones ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PolitikClocks Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Ask and ye shall receive. [ame=]Coldplay - Us Against The World - YouTube[/ame] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiONACiD Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Totally Amazing ! One of the best love songs ever. Thanks for the great video. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
l0wxo2 Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Thanks everyone for the reviews, pics, and videos. Sounds like it was an unforgettable gig. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Li_cold Posted October 28, 2011 Share Posted October 28, 2011 Wowwww, thank you girls for the amazing reviews! It really seemed a special concert! Greend eyes, Parachutes and then Shiver? :freak: Oh my dear gosh!!!!! :dead: :dead: :dead: You girls are so lucky!!! :nice: And sooooo nie your elephant costumes! :awesome: Lovely idea!!! How come people didn't know who Jonn was???? :thumbsdown: Really, that makes me really angry. Real fans don't get the opp to take pics and these random guys do? That's not fair... :sad: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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