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[27-Oct-2011] BBC Radio 1's Student Tour, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

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Part 2 - The Gig


Let me start by saying I don't have any photos or videos cos I just wanted to actually get into it and enjoy the experience 100%. I know Jo and Chelsea too some though :D


Also I'm just gonna do bullet point type things for the broadcasted part of the gig a) You all heard it b) I'm tired and c) I have work soon. I'll go into more detail for the off air part of the show.


    Zane Lowe was awesome at getting the crowd going however we were in big elephant hats so an hour of being made to jump and cheer was hard going!
    Fearne Cotton gave us a shout out :awesome:
    Greg James = :dazzled:
    The build up to them coming on was electric, I was almost in tears just at the sound of MX! :wacky:
    Jonny noticed our hats quite early on and gave us a big grin :dance:
    During Yellow Chris gave Jonny such a filthy look that it caused a whole herd of fan girl elephants on the front row to literally scream, which made them giggle :wacky:
    During VLV I think, Chris fell to the floor rolled over and stood back up without missing a beat!
    VLV into Charlie Brown in the hats was really hard work, it would've been without them though. That's the most aggressive (for lack of a better word, I don't mean that negatively) crowd I've ever encountered. Everyone was jumped and pushing and bouncing, it was so hot and painful. But fun! :D But during CB I was literally having to rest during the verses. TMI but I've never ever been so sweaty at a Coldplay gig before. The atmosphere was electric.
    I hope it carried over to the radio but the singing on all the songs was FANTASTIC. Even the new ones. Everyone was singing every word. Was amazing to hear and the band were really touched by it :nice:
    Chris annihilated his guitar during GPASUYF. He always throws it, I know, but it went with some force yesterday and landed not far from us.
    Fix You was incredibly moving, more so than usual. UIF also had people in tears. It sounds much better live than on record and Chris sang it incredibly well.
    We all quickly threw our hats back on for Paradise and Will noticed and laughed then smiled at us :wacky:
    Chris wore his own elephant head for ETIAW. :lol:
    Jonny forgot to switch a switch on his guitar and Matt had to crawl on stage and try to flick it whilst he was playing, he kept missing, it was funny! :P
    I've never seen Chris so drenched in sweat during a show before and he is always a sweaty boy. At the end of ETIAW he collapsed on the floor and was there for a fair while before getting up on his knees, Jonny asked if he was okay as he passed :nice: He got up and was fine but he looked like he was about to keel over!
    After they went off stage the crowd were chanting 'ONE MORE SONG' really loudly :D


Okay so once we were off air Chris came on in a fresh tshirt (:P) and said it was a miracle he'd "made it through a whole fucking live show without swearing" he then asked us all to swear on 3 :lol: Most people said f**k or s**t and he said it was good, but he wanted it to be an even worse word so I think we can all imagine what we shouted :awesome: Then he said something like "and lots of people say that to us without us asking" :P


He then said that they weren't going to play for as long as they'd planned, so they'd only be playing three more songs but they'd put their everything in to them :nice:


The first was Green Eyes, with Chris on acoustic guitar, Jonny on electric, Will on tambourine and piano and Guy on the a small string instrument I don't know the name of :P It sounded amazing. Again tear inducing. Chris sang it with so much heart and emotion. The whole audience was just transfixed.


Next he sang the first verse of Parachutes :awesome: Then he looked over at Guy who was giggling away so he stopped :lol:


They went into Shiver after that. Chris introduced it by saying "This is a song we wrote in Jonny's bedroom, it was a very sexy...sexy time" then Jonny leaned over and planted a big kiss on Chris's cheek! :awesome: They looked over at us afterwards too! I think perhaps they realised we'd probably have enjoyed that :lol: I hope someone recorded it!! Guy looked his usual "I hate this song" self whilst they were playing it, but it was still awesome.


Finally they did UATW, the whole crowd sang along, well at least everyone around me, sounded really loud from where I was, which is great! :D Chris thanked us all from the bottom of his heart and said that they have the best fans in the whole world. He was really touched :nice:


They did another quick bow, by which time Chris was drenched in sweat again and as he turned to go a load flew off him and landed on me, Anna and Chelsea! :lol: :sick: Good job he'd just put on possible the best Coldplay show ever otherwise we might've complained :P


I'm unable to describe coherently the vibe of this show, I don't know if it was the small venue or the fact that the band seem so happy together right now, or the insanely awesome crowd or the fact I was with the most crazy, amazing Coldplayers in elephant hats or (most likely) the combination of them all, but it was hands down the best Coldplay gig I have ever been to. I went through every single possible emotion through it and it left me feeling completely and utterly drained, but happily so. Ecstatically so. We all looked at each other afterwards completely dumbfounded. It was just magical and I was so incredibly lucky to be there :heart:

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Hmmm :( No Green Eyes and Shiver

but at least we have this






I love HLH like that. Great version! And the Rihanna cover was good too. I love when Chris plays piano :D


So funny on Paradise when Chris fails :lol:


Thank you all for your reviews, it's so amazing that Chris played Green Eyes for the girl who asked. That's so nice of him. Wow!!!

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Hi guys :) Quite new on here, but saw Coldplay yesterday at UEA so thought I'd share my experience:


welcome :) awesome review. ty for sharing :kiss:


For everyone who didn't get to see/hear the amazing encore:




thank you, thank you, thank you :kiss:


Okay, will split my review into pre-gig and gig since some people might just want the juicy stuff :P


Part 2 to follow :D


ty Michie :D haven't added your photos to Wiki yet coz can't do it in work :(



Ask and ye shall receive.







Wiki is a work in progress, but can be found here


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Just like to say a big thank you to all who went to the uea gig last night. It was an amazing , epic, emotional and uplifting performance. The crowd played a big part in this, being a norwich boy it was great to see the crowd so up for it. Maybe its the fact we don't get any big big bands come here that made it a once in a lifetime moment . I just wish the ****s who say coldplay are dull and boring were there to see it.:)

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