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The drum beat of this song...

Free Revok

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The drum beat of this song epitomizes the problems I have with Coldplay's so-called "new direction." I mean, the song is fucking great! I enjoyed it to no end in the ACL performance and enjoy it nearly as much in the album version but honestly, drop the fucking computer guys (Coldplay)!>!>!>!


What in the world is wrong with the kick drum on your set Will!?! huh!?


I love Coldplay and they clearly have a vision for their music but what is wrong with just taking a few guitars, a drum set, piano, and mic and locking it in a room with the guys and let them have at it. I'm sick of this computerized shit they (and many MANY other bands) are resorting to.


It is their music though, afterall, so its only my opinion but these guys are capable of making some damn good music without having to use all this filler crap they have oversaturated this album with. Bleh!


My two cents. lol

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I just wished that when the guitar kicked in, there would be some sort of explosion(like DAAHF or Fix You) and the drums got different patterns and some more variation. Come on Will we all know you can do better than this! Next album will be yours!! (Don't get me wrong it's still a really beautiful song)


It also reminds me a little of this song:





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I'm sure most of the comments are just because we aren't used to a beat like that. I'm sure that after some weeks most of the people hear will like it in a way.


At the moment I also find the bass at least too hard, but nevertheless its a great song in my honest opinion. The minimalistic and repetitive character fits perfectly on the record after the first half of the album + U.F.O + PoC. It shows that Coldplay still can make "boring" songs which are lovely (boring because no special building and variety etc.).

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I'm sure most of the comments are just because we aren't used to a beat like that. I'm sure that after some weeks most of the people hear will like it in a way.


At the moment I also find the bass at least too hard, but nevertheless its a great song in my honest opinion. The minimalistic and repetitive character fits perfectly on the record after the first half of the album + U.F.O + PoC. It shows that Coldplay still can make "boring" songs which are lovely (boring because no special building and variety etc.).


Yeah, rhythm of the beat itself is just fine. Minimalism is great (i.e. Frusciante on Californication) but It's the non-natural sound of the "kick drum" that URGGGS me to no end. It sounds so far out of place it doesn't even speak the same language of the song.

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I'd rather go for dubstep than techno. I think I'm getting used to it, it seems like the whole song has to go to subconsciousness to appeal.

But then again, the song could really use some more variation. The guitar part is great, but sadly the only new aspect in the song after 3 minutes.

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It's terrible. I like almost all songs, but this one is just bad, and I blame those stupid drums. I can't believe they wrote that drum part actually :stunned: , because it sounds like a job of a 10 years old kid. And it goes through whole song. :\

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So the drum beat is ok, but the fact that in the studio version they destroy it with that unnecessary electronic bass kick is just annoying. We get it, you like your laptops and synth keyboards now, why don't you just make music? You're not Radiohead, and you continue to make that clear, so stop. Ugh. Good song ruined.

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the beat ruins this, it couldve been like life is for living maybe with just chris and his piano, and the song wouldve been much better, but its still good.


But will seems to make some bad decisions lol, including not thinking clocks is a good song

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