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I don't see why everyone is complaining so much about the commercials, it's how TV works. ColdplayAtlas on Twitter says the show was 42 minutes of Coldplay, with 18 minutes of commercials (that's how long nearly every one hour show is).


According to Chris the show cost ~$3 million, so NBC had to get their money out of it someway. I'm thankful I got to see my favorite band for a full hour on TV. NBC took a risk giving a whole hour to a band, I hope it works out for them so we can see other bands on TV as well. We'll most likely get to see the full concert on DVD in a couple months, this is enough to hold me over till then.

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Now you can understand why those of us who were at the taping were so in awe of ASFOSā€¦it was not the EDM version and Chris Martin coached the audience to sing along with the last chorus of "ā€¦heavenly viewā€¦yea, yea, yea, yea" and it sounds like an echo on the TV special.

A Sky full of stars was amazing
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the taping in LA had all of the songs from GS plus Fix You, ETIW, Scientistā€¦I may be forgetting another. So they have the footage. Will be interesting to see what the DVD looks like.

I really hope they work on some more film segments for the other songs (a la Oceans) in the interim from when they plan on releasing the blu-ray - that may make up for not being able to tour this album proper.
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This was fine, but the sequencing of songs was, for me, erratic. I think this was kind of a missed opportunity. The beginning with AIMH, great camerawork, visuals - I wish the whole thing was like this. Better with great videos and no audience; riskier, yes, but more innovative. How original it would have been to film the new record straight through with videos, close ups, maybe interspersed with a few brief interviews. We didn't need to see the old songs again, as good as they are.

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American TV is great, but their commercial breaks system: @*$!)^@%)$*&@!

Thank god I live in The Netherlands.


The part from Oceans to the end of Sky Full Of Stars was the best part of the TV special. Despite i really dislike Sky Full Of Stars on the album, I appreciate it much more within this kind of mixed-album-setlists.

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So so many obligatory shots of young women flailing their arms or rocking back and forth dreamily. Must have been over 100 in the entire hour. I really wish they did without that. It is a clear marketing technique that is trying way too hard to say, "Look at our cool young fans and how our music controls their every emotion, also they are beautiful young ladies." Not saying that I wouldn't be dancing like a madperson if I was there, but I swear they showed one individual young woman like 5 times ahahahaa.

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So so many obligatory shots of young women flailing their arms or rocking back and forth dreamily. Must have been over 100 in the entire hour. I really wish they did without that. It is a clear marketing technique that is trying way too hard to say, "Look at our cool young fans and how our music controls their every emotion, also they are beautiful young ladies." Not saying that I wouldn't be dancing like a madperson if I was there, but I swear they showed one individual young woman like 5 times ahahahaa.


What about their cool older fans? Lol. I'm on a plane so I can't watch for a few more hours but I'm dying to saw what they did with the shows I was at!




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What about their cool older fans? Lol. I'm on a plane so I can't watch for a few more hours but I'm dying to saw what they did with the shows I was at!




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There actually were a bunch of shots too of some surprisingly older fans! I am 20 and was surprised at how many looked over 40! Maybe the dad-rock label is completely unfounded! haha But the overall show was great. They left out a few tracks I would have liked to hear live, but I am sure they will be on the dvd. Would have been the coolest live tour ever if they could have pulled it off.

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