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Coldplay Dreams

Guest LiquidSky

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About a week ago, I had a dream that I was at a colplay concert, a lot of people started to leave before it was over, so I moved up about 20 rows. I met this girl, and we exchanged our love for coldplay blah blah, then loves in japan came on and it ended. Everyone left but me, and I waited by the the right side of the stage, Chris came down to get something, and he freaked out because I was still there, and ran back up to the stage, and I was just like 'omg, no, no its okay...' and stuff. Then he had to come down again, and get something else about 10 mins later, and this time he actually talked to me and said 'Don't scream.' And he pushed me up against the wall and said 'DO YOU REALIZE..SOME OF MY FANS, WEAR MY P.J.'S TO SLEEP IN?' I said, 'Ummm uhh :scared: I promise I'm not like that...I don't have any intention to freak you out....' and he said, 'Oh, alright...' I was like, 'How ever...may I hug you pleaaaaaaaase? -puppy dog eyes- He said "oh, fine" -hug- Then he told me that he had something for me, but we needed to go to another building close to where we were at. I followed him into the crowd of leaving people and we got to this field, but there was a fence, so we could only go through this one part, and there were four or five people standing there, and the girl i met at the concert. They started threatening chris and stuff, and it turned out to be paparazzi. They were hurting him, so I tried my best to make them quit, but thier were to many, so I started to bite them and stuff, and they took all of poor chris's clothes off, accept for his underwear, and he was like 'WHAT? NO PENIS?' and ripped off his underpants, but my mind had a cencorship and blurred it, that was kinda funny..LOL! But, then he ran off naked, and idk I woke up..I was crying hysterically when I woke up.. :(


I think I have issues............



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A few weeks ago I had the best dream ever :awesome: It was about Chris :blush:

Coldplay had a concert, and I spoke to Chris, I think it was backstage. At first I was all like OMG and I almost couldn't speak (which would also happen in real life). Somehow I managed to talk normally, and we had a conversation, during which he gave me a kiss on my forehead. Maybe I asked him if he was nervous, but I'm not sure.. I do remember wishing him good luck with the gig.

He also was in my room in that dream. We were chatting, and for some reason I asked him to sign a weird little box.. Which he did.


I hope that I have and remember more dreams of Chris/Coldplay, but so far no luck :(

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^I can't sleep because I think to much when I go sleep...

so practically I don't dream but I think :D So I can choose what I dream

but you can't say it's a dream ...


damn . I'm making this to complicated ! :thinking:


But If I dream , and really dream I only can remember them if I wake up when I'm still dreaming


^This is too complicated ! lOl :D

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Yes it is :lol:


A lot of people can't sleep when they think, but I actually fall asleep when I'm thinking.. I just have a weird brain I think :P


Btw you have about 7 dreams when you sleep. But you just don't always remember them.


I'm like that too :) If I think a lot about Coldplay before I fall asleep then it's a pretty big chance that I'll dream about them. I've had a lot of Coldplay dreams lately, probably because my Coldplay obsession are on it's way back :awesome: (I had a break in november and december)

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a while ago i dreamt that they gave a gig in a place i never heard of before, anyway, i went to it, so i found myself a way to the total front, but that was just like a little round stone platform, not higer or something, a HUGE crowd, it was strange, only chriss piano was there, no space left, little tent above it, sunshine and stuff. then chris came up, i was going crazy, ofcourse, but the played everything acoustic, and only the less famous or my last fave b-sides, but i could come to his piano, as only one, so i loved it so much, like a little private concert, but i was a little disappointed of the songs he played, but i felt amazing cause he sung everything just for me :heart: and then my alarm rang :sad:

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A few weeks ago I had the best dream ever :awesome: It was about Chris :blush:

Coldplay had a concert, and I spoke to Chris, I think it was backstage. At first I was all like OMG and I almost couldn't speak (which would also happen in real life). Somehow I managed to talk normally, and we had a conversation, during which he gave me a kiss on my forehead. Maybe I asked him if he was nervous, but I'm not sure.. I do remember wishing him good luck with the gig.

He also was in my room in that dream. We were chatting, and for some reason I asked him to sign a weird little box.. Which he did.


I hope that I have and remember more dreams of Chris/Coldplay, but so far no luck :(


I had a dream friday night that I was backstage at a Coldplay concert!!!!!!!!!!!!


It was so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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^oh really ? I don't believe such thinks ...

all those theories .. 7 ? I mean ... 7 ? :D

I go sleep around 23:00 (11 pm) and I "think" till 3:00 (am) --> That's really not cool! And I have to have 7 dream ?


:P whatever !

Well I think it has been researched and stuff.. I don't know the exact number, and I don't think you have the same amount everytime.


I'm like that too :) If I think a lot about Coldplay before I fall asleep then it's a pretty big chance that I'll dream about them. I've had a lot of Coldplay dreams lately, probably because my Coldplay obsession are on it's way back :awesome: (I had a break in november and december)

I'm totally obsessed with them and I only got one dream about them that I can remember! :(


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A kind of weird thing I do when I can't sleep is to make up stories in my head. Haha :P Like my own bedtime stories. Coldplay features in most of them, so I dream about them quite a lot! But I don't really remember them all that much. I usually wake up in the middle of the night, right when a dream finishes, I really should start writing the dreams down then instead of thinking 'Oh, I'll remember it in the morning'. Like tonight, I had the strangest dream where Chris was going to climb down a skyscraper and I was really anxious about it. So I joined him and held his climbing gear, pulling on all the rope and everything to make sure it held. Then a small plastic piece that kept it all together fell off! He was so relieved he didn't have to climb :P He cried and hugged me and everything. It was strange, but nice :nice:

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*joins conversation*

I have Coldplay dreams, but I only remember like parts of them most of the time. :uhoh:


It's weird, I try thinking about them before I go to sleep, but my mind wanders to something else and I dream about that instead or vice versa. :thinking:

Yeah I have the same problem!


A kind of weird thing I do when I can't sleep is to make up stories in my head. Haha :P Like my own bedtime stories. Coldplay features in most of them, so I dream about them quite a lot! But I don't really remember them all that much. I usually wake up in the middle of the night, right when a dream finishes, I really should start writing the dreams down then instead of thinking 'Oh, I'll remember it in the morning'. Like tonight, I had the strangest dream where Chris was going to climb down a skyscraper and I was really anxious about it. So I joined him and held his climbing gear, pulling on all the rope and everything to make sure it held. Then a small plastic piece that kept it all together fell off! He was so relieved he didn't have to climb :P He cried and hugged me and everything. It was strange, but nice :nice:

When I was little I also used to make up stories when I couldn't sleep! It's a good idea to do that with Coldplay.

That dream sounds so cool.

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omg so this is amazing it wasn't my dream, it was my friend's dream!!

so coldplay came to our school for no apparent reason, then chris & i snuck off to the english room & started making out. then our history teacher (who's a total strict asshole) came in & started yelling at us.


i thought that that was so amazing!! i mean, that's so random she's not even a coldplay fan!! i'm pretty sure it's a sign

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^ where's the quote in your siggy from? :thinking: I loled at it. :lol:


I had a dream where I was walking down the street and I passed by a giant turtle named Frank and he was wearing a buisness suit and had a brief case. And I was like :freak: and he was like "I'm goin' to a coldplay concert" and I was like "no way" and he was like "yes way" and we totally went on a spaceship to Mexico where we ate tacos and Coldplay was giving us a private concert. Then Chris Martin was all like "oh noes, we need a pianist' and I totally rocked out with them. (We were playing Clocks. :D ) And then Frank thought he was a cornflake, fell, and thought he broke. And he was like :bigcry: and I was like :laugh3: and then Chris gave me his shirt :wink3: and then I woke up because I fell off my bed. :bigcry:




THIS made me lol :laugh3: :lol::lol::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3::laugh3:

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