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I'm baaaaaaaaaack!!! ...with bad news.... I only took like 2 pics and made the mistake of taking them with my mom's cell phone ..and she somehow fucked it up ...and right now the cell phone's being fixed but I think they might have to reset it ..so the pictures will probably get deleted :(


BUT.. I had THE most wonderful time!!!!!!! it was one of the most amazing weekends of my entire life..... it was such a beautiful place!! and I met some sexxxxxee men :sneaky: ..I almost cheated on my bf ALMOST ..but not quite


how's everyone?

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ALEJA! you're sooooo bad! almost.. sure......:wink3: eh, i almost did the same on my ex. no worries. LOL.


*Ahem* if he's your ex, what are you worrying about? Go. Have FUN:sneaky::laugh3:

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Aleja, I love you!! You're so sweet. But I mean, well.... I did kind of almost cheat on him and he was getting the hint that I wasn't really into him but oh well, i really was happy that he didn't get back together because i realized there was nothing good going on between us anyway. I mean, if you want to see a picture:








His name was Aaron Savage. He was ok and seemed a lot better looking once i stopped dating him but eh. He bragged too much about what he's done in life (which is b the w, A LOT). He wrote, skied, traveled to like a thousand places, acted, etc. A basic overachever but he just I don't know, got under my skin and made me feel like I've done nothing in life. Bleh, terrible relationship. :\


And I almost cheated on him with this guy:






Well... i mean, he liked me a lot and he was fucking HOT. And i'm like, there's no way. My mother didn't want me dating seniors so I couldn't but once she got to know him, man I think she fell in love with him herself. Sadly though, he got a girlfriend in like, December 14th of 2008. YES I REMEMBERED THE DATE.... And to make things worse, Aaron was suppose to get me a promise ring over the break, but well... he kind of figured out things.... OH and Brian pulled me to his lap in Food Dynamics. Then this girl yelled out, "HEY INDYA, DON'T YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" and I'm like, "ahhh..... Yeah but he's holding me!" And I was wearing his hat but, I mean, I had to tell Aaron because well... Eh, so that's just the gist. Gist? that's my whole fucking life's story. Sorry.

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That girl's a bitch D|


What can I say? I go to a snobby Catholic all-girls school, and don't conform to the mainstream. I'm left with a little group that is generally treated as social toxic waste.


As for guys... well... D:... the only ones I know are yukkies including one that's obsessed with me :dissapointed:

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