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Who has been the greatest live act ever?


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we're not trying to answer any questions here. we're simply discussing the topic, throwing names around, saying who we like and who we dont like ie the purpose of a forum. and on the topic of bands from the 60s 70s and so on i think we can draw alot from dvd's and other footage of those classic bands but of course nothing beats the real thing.

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I have seen a lot of greats band and great concerts over the last 2,5 decades, including Tuxedomoon, Iggy Pop, the Fall, Nick Cave&Bad Seeds, Nirvana, to name just a few. My regret is to have missed Joy Division by very little in Paradiso.


I'd love to see Radiohead and Muse, amongst others.


But Coldplay is really standing out for me because : the sound is so great live I was catapulted in no time and

it is the only concert where I was allowed or able to sing along, cry, shiver, laugh and dance and not feel it was awkward.


As a concert experience it beats listening with dropped jaw to a band as wonderful as it might be.

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Well yeah, Radiohead, Sigur Ros and Muse might just be the best live bands I've seen.

U2 are ok too. Oh, and Bruce Springsteen, The Verve, Blur, Depeche Mode, The Cure, just to name a few others.


Coldplay and Oasis are really fun, but they're not what I call brilliant. It's just a blast seeing them.

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Thank you mr. with better music taste


Come on !


Showbiz era : the man can't even sing right.

Symmetry era : He's playing so much his guitar hero part that he forgets to play well.

Absolution era : Not too bad, I gotta say.

Black holes era : he's so high on Cocaine that he permanently looks like a skeleton, and his way of singing, you can't even recognize the word you know by heart. Plus show off again.


So many bands are so much better out here right now.

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  • 4 years later...

Black holes era : he's so high on Cocaine that he permanently looks like a skeleton, and his way of singing, you can't even recognize the word you know by heart. Plus show off again.


This is the funniest thing I've read in ages :laugh3:


Anyway I haven't seen many bands live, but Blur are amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing Muse and Biffy Clyro this year, those are both excellent live bands.

I also want to see Radiohead and U2 before it's too late.

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Although the Coldplay concert I attended was the best day of my life, I don't have enough concert experience to judge who the greatest live act ever is.

My gran (as silly as it sounds) has been to see many of "the greats", she's seen The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, U2, she's been to Glastonbury more than 10 times, and more so I think I'll find out her opinion to see what she thinks.

I, personally, wouldve loved to have seen Queen because I can't imagine how amazing they would have been.

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You know, the best concert I've ever been to was an Arcade Fire one, but I know they certainly aren't the best live band ever or even the best live band currently, especially since that show had them doing special things. It takes consistency for greatness. I've seen Coldplay twice. One of those times they were incredible. The other time they were completely awful. My point is that all bands have their high performances and low performances and you can't use one show to decide.


I'd say the best live bands are the ones who play their hearts out for their fans and give you your money's worth by playing 2-3 hours instead of half-assing it for 90 minutes and going back to their bus to collect their paychecks. Bands like Foo Fighters, U2, Springsteen, etc. (though I haven't seen Springsteen yet)

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Isn't there much more at play to a great concert than just the band?

I mean, I saw Radiohead. They're my favourite band and have been for a long time but it wasn't my favourite show. They were jet-lagged, I was sick, the crowd were dull and seemed uninterested. It was an odd experience. It should have been the best show I've ever been to but it wasn't.


I saw Four Tet 2 years ago. He's an electronic musician, so he doesn't really do much live. He presses buttons and fiddles with knobs, which is absolutely fine but you know. This was the best show I ever went to. He played in an empty swimming pool, there were no security guards, no barriers and the crowd were on the stage with him. I was literally leaning on his desk watching him play. It was incredible!

In no way would I consider Four Tet the greatest live act in the world but it was the greatest thing I've ever experienced :shrug:

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The best live experience I had was CocoRosie, third album tour. Nicely stoned (not too much at all) and a couple of drinks. Watching them play a really stripped back set and some great songs.


Watched them a couple of years later and it was nothing compared. Sometimes things just click, other times they don't.


Seen Radiohead and they were awesome, but the whole experience wasn't as good as this one. Wasn't a fan of the crowd singing along and clapping along, etc. I prefer more intimate venues and a bit of space to move for most bands. If it's something heavy there's nothing wrong with a bit of chaos in the crowd (not people being dicks, but a bit of movement). It can be strange watching something heavy going on and not feeling the crowd respond.


As said above, it all depends on a good few factors. That four Tet gig sounds fucking great, too.

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