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19-Sep-2009: Wembley Stadium, London - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews/Photos


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just one question.. did it rain on saturday? i was at the friday concert and saturday evening when i was at heathrow there were very dark clouds coming down! then i thought of the coldplay concert.. did there raindrops fall?


Yes we all got incredibly soaked :laugh4:. A lot. It started just before Coldplay came on, and stopped about 20 minutes in to the set.

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Finally wrote a 'review'/account of what happened in my weekend :D

I hardly took any photos throughout the gigs, because my camera is not that great, plus I wanted to just watch the gig :dance:


(sorry, it's very long and probably has unnecessary bits LOL)





I got the train to London and wandered around for a bit because I was too early for Trafalgar Square! Then I saw Mich coming over to me, and the others (Mel, Angie, Lori and Min) sitting on the steps opposite the fountains :) Great to meet everyone (Mich and Lori again)! Then we went over to the fountain when we saw Ian and a few others like Anna :D It was nice to see everyone. We went over to the place where the 'human statues' were on the plinth and watching a lady dressed as a penguin throwing chocolates inside balloons to everyone. :lol: More people arrived and it was great! I won't list all the names because I can't remember, but it was really fun :dance: We took lots of pics, talked, tried to get on the camera that was watching the statue plinth and it's surroundings, and then we all set off for the tube station.


It was funny with so many Coldplayers in one tube carriage! :D We all got off at Camden town and boarded the escalator comprised of mostly only Coldplayers. Some people went in different directions, but mostly people walked towards the Dublin Castle pub, where Coldplay played their first gig under the name Coldplay :heart: It was a really lovely pub too...... with so much cool history. The other punters probably wondered what was going on when so many of us came in, but we soon took over the back area and many tables next to the room where the gigs took place. :) It was great getting to know everyone, some people were drinking more than others :laugh2: Lots of laughs and photographs too. After a while, me Mich Mel Min and Chris left the pub to go home, going past the Jay-Z Roundhouse gig on the way. My friend Steph was going to the gig, so I arranged to try and meet her before she went in. So we hung around a back street for a while. Some dudes climbed over a fence into the carpark/back of the venue LOL.... we saw them being escorted out of the gates a bit later. People started leaving the gig in cars when we were thinking of going home..... then we saw Chris walk out! He talked to us very quickly and took some pics and shook our hands :nice: awesome!!!! We told him we'd see him at Wembley :dance: I went back with the others to the flat that they very kindly allowed me to stay over in :)





The next day, we were up early and on the tube to Wembley :D Everyone loved it when the Archway (slowly) came into view :dance: We walked over and assessed all the queues :) People already there! Including some people that were queueing for the next day's gig :uhoh: Well, the others had the fiasco of not knowing where their tickets were :( So I waited in the H&J queue with Mich while the others spread around the other exits in preparation for when they picked up their tickets. We met some nice people that we had met at the Warchild gig again. Queuing was quite pleasant, with a windy but fairly sunny spell. The others got their tickets and luckily they were in H&J too! :nice: The queueing got more and more stressful, then when were let through to near the door, people ran past us :sad: The doors were opened, we ran in, and discovered that our queue had not been let in at the same time as the other queues. RUBBISH!!!!! We were annoyed, but we managed to be around 4 people from the front still. Annoying, since we waited longer than some people I saw push past in the queue.

View from H&J queue:



White Lies were good!! Good voice but only about 3 songs that made me sing along. Still happy I saw them. Girls Aloud were what I expected them to be..... good for young teenagers and perving blokes. Was funny how they kept waving to everyone! and giving too many shoutouts to their fans (erm, hello? this is not your gig!) Finally when Jay-Z came on, it was absolutely amazing for me!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2MNpxu3oh4]YouTube - Dirt off your Shoulder - Jay-Z at Wembley stadium supporting Coldplay[/ame]

I love his songs and the show he put on was perfect. The girl singing with him was exceptional in the 'Empire State of Mind', amazing. I loved everything! Poor Angie had to put up with some guy who smelt like fish :( was awful and Mich and Mel had some incredibly annoying people behind them too :\


Next..... a little wait. And COLDPLAAAAAAAAAAY! :D

Great show as usual. I didn't hope for any setlist changes, and was right.... but it was amazing nonetheless. Highlights for me were Yellow (not really the Simon Cowell bit though), hearing Glass of Water for the first time

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfnTjaEZem0]YouTube - Glass of Water by Coldplay, at Wembley Stadium 18/09/09[/ame]

, GPASUYF (although I wish they played the normal one too :p ), Trouble (when it echoed everywhere, beautiful) and everything really. Just being there in the stadium with them.... incredible. The mobile phone mexican wave looked so pretty and huge. Simon Pegg's harmonica solo was one of the funniest things I ever heard :lol:

It felt strange knowing that this wasn't our last chance to see the boys though!! :p

Great stuff.


Met Coldplayers handing out cd's after :D




We didn' t know what time to go and queue, had envisaged getting up a bit earlier but everyone was so tired. We got to the queues around 8am. I was again in H&J :) I was a bit worried about the same people working the gate and letting me in late again, but there was nothing I could do about it. Sadly, Mich, Mel, Angie and Lori were in the F&G queue. :\ It was so nice to meet Mari, Chelsea, Semy, Johanna, Linda and Darcy though :) Also to have Ian and Jenjie with us too. Jen, you were brave to stay on that chair at the front for as long as you did! :shocked: I got a bit fed up when everyone moved up, but I was second from the front of the H&J queue. When they let us in, I made sure this time that I wasnt ran past :smug: Me and Mari got to the front of the next holding area really, with the others very close behind. I can't believe that we had to run underneath the ribbon, quite dangerous really!!! but hey. Mari was first through the turnstile, I followed....we ran in and YES. The front row was empty. :dance: :dance: :dance: It was perfect. When I got to the barrier, Mich and Chris were next to me :D We were on Jonny's side. With Coldplayers ALL around and on front row. Making for the best gig ever! Everyone was so hyped.

Crowd behind us:




White Lies were great again....they hold their songs well in such a huge place. Girls Aloud were the same again - pretty much annoying. The previously-Ginger one is very scary :( I sung along to a few songs like 'Call the Shots' but they played too many other crap ones, and gave too many shoutouts to their fans (erm, hello? this is not your gig!)


Jay-Z was exceptional from where I was standing in the front row. Him and his buddy Memphis were ALWAYS on the ledge in front of the stage, so just that extra bit closer to us. I love how he interacts with the crowd. Plus yellow shirts Mich and Chris got a shoutout :dance: I'm SO GLAD he was supporting both days, I loved his performances SO MUCH!!! :heart: (apart from the strobe lighting :lol: )


Part of Mich and Angie at the front....



Some of us at the front :dance:



I look too tired :lol:


Ok...so now we'd finally arrived at show time!!! WOOOOOO! It was really emotional seeing the map zoom down until it said Wembley. Finally after so long after buying the tickets, we were all there, having the best Coldplay concert ever. The rain was absolutely crazy. Kinda cool though. I hope that some people got good shots of the lights and the rain maybe! The guys were having so much fun... Jonny was giving it everything and they were all joking, laughing, loving it. PERFECTION!


Unfortunately the person doing filming for the concerts was in front of Jonny for me :\ I could see his face though :nice: Only got this one of Chris.... then I put away the camera. I really need to get a new better point and shoot!



I've got over the fact that they weren't going to play any older/different stuff, and just thouroughly enjoyed the set. Maybe because it was the last of the tour :cry:

My favourites were pretty much everything.... just soaking up the last lot of Coldplay goodness. :\ Lost + was awesome.

I found it hilarious when our 'local' security guard, a youngish guy, tried to look all tough when the butterflies were falling on him, then he gave up and laughed about it :lol:

The butterflies falling was an even more beautiful moment because of where we were.

I took a video of The Scientist, because it sounded lovely.




I guess my real favourite of the night was Politik, that 'give me love over, love over.....' bit and knowing it was the last time I'd hear it for a while :cry: but :nice:


Soon it was nearly the end, and I agree with many others that the hug in the back right corner of the stage said it all. I love these guys! :heart:


Afterwards everyone met and had photos :) Soon it was time to head off to get our stuff. We waited for a little bit and met a few people ;)

and take a ride in one of the most stupid taxi drivers car ever. Driving us through the busiest streets of London on a Saturday night and then whilst trying to perform a U-turn in a petrol station, getting stuck behind two cars filling up at the pumps. USELESS!

Everyone was exhausted and sad :(


The next day I couldnt make the meetup because I was meeting my friend Steph and Angie at Waterloo, we had a nice reminisce and chat :)


Overall, this was one of the greatest 4 days ever! Great times, meeting great people who have the same love for Coldplay. :heart:


and thank you VERY much to Angie, Mel, Mich, Lori and Min for letting me stay at their place with them. I had a fun time with you guys :nice: :kiss:


One last photo of Wembley (after-gig) :(

(from lucky Chris's room, where we kept our stuff, cheers for that :)





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OMG!!!!! You got your DSLR in! I wish I had taken my Nikon now! :O

Really nice photos :nice: Very cool and the queuing ones are funny!


edit: or maybe you used a different camera inside?


Yeah that's right I didn't even try to get my DSLR in 'cause I knew I wasn't going to take many pics cause I wanted to focus on the gig 100% :smiley: so I took only few pictures. And the camera I took in isn't so good but those pics are the best I could get with it. :D


Thanks! :kiss:

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awesome :D


I knew Wembley would be a big 'un, but we're currently upto 4 Wiki pages and still growing :stunned:.


Its a bit rough & ready so far. Mainly the reviews in there, and only Coldplayer reviews so far. Need to work on adding some pics into the reviews in the next few days. but not done anything on the 18th yet, so about to start that now. :D


Here's the pages:


19 September 2009 - Wembley Stadium, London, UK


19 September 2009 - Wembley Stadium, London, UK (Fan Reviews Part 1)


19 September 2009 - Wembley Stadium, London, UK (Fan Reviews Part 2)


19 September 2009 - Wembley Stadium, London, UK (Fan Reviews Part 3)

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I hope you don't mind that I tagged both myself and my cousin in one of your pictures! I have a few pics and a couple videos, not great quality, but as soon as I upload them I'll post them on here :)


Of course not! :smiley: Just nice to know where have all coldplayers been there :P

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This includes that hug the boys had at the end of the night! :wacky:



Thank you so much for that video!

I was waiting for that hug video. :)


Cute moment!!

They look like kids who just won a prize or something, it's funny! ;)

And it's almost as if they were alone, as if there weren't 70,000 people who were watching them! :D

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Lovely review Kara. You should come visit me sometimes in Texas. It's somewhere between Wembley and Albert Embankment. :laugh3: Do you need the post code? SE1 7HF ...W? ............no F as in Fuckwit!!!!!!!!:angry:



I will never stop laughing about that when I think of it. BAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!


Nice butterfly pic atomgrill :dance:

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but hey..... the shows were still amazing, once you were there, you couldn't think about the non-changing setlist.



Indeed... just pure flying from beginning to the end. And the same feeling still hits me when I look brilliant concert videos... :cool:

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