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The 6th Mixtape Exchange (closed for entries)

Black Rose

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1 Nick Drake - Introduction

2 The Bangles - Manic Monday

3 Iain Archer - Moon On Tuesday

4 Drive-By Truckers - Wednesday

5 The Decemberists - An Interlude

6 The Futureheads - Thursday

7 Jens Lekman - Friday Night At The Drive-In Bingo

8 Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting

9 The Flaming Lips - One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning

10 Grandaddy - E. Knievel Interlude (The Perils Of Keeping It Real)

11 Ben Folds - In Between Days

12 The String Quartet - Exit Music (For A Film)

13 DJ Danger Mouse - Encore (Grey Album)

14 Shinedown - Second Chance

15 Barrington Pheloung - Stay Of Execution

16 Ryan Adams - Goodnight, Hollywood Blvd


My track-listing


See if anybody can work out the theme ;)

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Review of Carla's tape:

Review of my mixtape:


A first impression after importing is that finally there is someone whom knows how to clear every piece of song information.


Track 1

Hockey with Too Fake, good start of the mixtape


Track 2:

Sound a bit like Mew, ends a bit suddenly


Track 3:

Good intro, working on a dream by the boss by any chance?


Track 4:

In that moment you realise, that something you thought would always be there will die, like everything else. When Anger Shows by Editors, good song 


Track 5:

A song I don’t know, nice melody and lyrics


Track 6:

Folkie song, good beat and it builds up, I’ve heard it before but can’t pin down the band, good song


Track 7:

Piano based song, Rolling Stones Fool to Cry?


Track 8:

Keyboard song, good melody and vocals, never heard of it before, American band?


Track 9:

North American band me thinks, those vocals will get annoying after a while, plus it has an head-ache introducing melody, shoe-gazing isn’t it called?


Track 10:

Muse, one of their slower songs, can’t pick it out from one of the albums, be it a b-side?


Track 11:

Sufjan Stevens, and if I’m not mistaken it sounds like The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us!


Track 12:

Uplifting female vocalist, Metric I think.


Track 13:

Travis from the Good Feeling album?


Track 14:

Placebo – The Bitter End, good way to end the mixtape

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1 Nick Drake - Introduction

2 The Bangles - Manic Monday

3 Iain Archer - Moon On Tuesday

4 Drive-By Truckers - Wednesday

5 The Decemberists - An Interlude

6 The Futureheads - Thursday

7 Jens Lekman - Friday Night At The Drive-In Bingo

8 Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting

9 The Flaming Lips - One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning

10 Grandaddy - E. Knievel Interlude (The Perils Of Keeping It Real)

11 Ben Folds - In Between Days

12 The String Quartet - Exit Music (For A Film)

13 DJ Danger Mouse - Encore

14 Shinedown - Second Chance

15 Barrington Pheloung - Stay Of Execution

16 Ryan Adams - Goodnight, Hollywood Blvd


My track-listing



Shame on me I didn't recognize The Flaming Lips :confused:. I have four of their LP and I like listen to their music :dozey:

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Shame on me I didn't recognize The Flaming Lips :confused:. I have four of their LP and I like listen to their music :dozey:


It's from the Oh My Gawd!!! era which sounds completely different to what they are like now

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Glad You Liked it :) (and that picture weren't meant to be there :laugh3:)




1. We are the foolish - General Fiasco

2. Q - Ash

3. Pounding - Doves

4. The Great escape - The Rifles

5. When I'm alone - Lissie

6. Thunder - Boys like girls

7. Sinking ships - General Fiasco

8. Take Over The World - The Courteeners

9. Many Of Horror - Biffy Clyro

10. The Cave - Mumford & sons

11. Fader - The temper trap

12. Silvia - Miike Snow

13. Here comes the blackout...! - Stornoway

14. Buildings - General Fiasco

15. Soul on fire - Spiritualized

16. Where are your friends - Lights & sounds

17. Cosmic Love (acoustic) - Florence + the machine


Thanks for the tracklist! That's funny because I know most of the artists by name and reputation and already heard some songs from them but haven't recognized any (or almost!) ! I guess I have a good reason to check them out now :)


As most of the mixtape exhange proper has now finished, I would like to give Dave a huge thanks for running the 6th Mixtape Exchange and for all the work he has put in trying to make this happen. Thankyou.


Yep, totally agree!! Thank you very much Dave, you did an awesome job :nice:

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I already wrote this reply twice, but my laptop ran out of power twice, so I lost those. Twice. :dozey:


Nailed it. Australia. You're pretty damn clever. Here's the tracks you reviewed.
Heh, that was quite a leap though. All the very unknown tracks made me think they probably weren't UK or US, so Australia seemed like a good option because a lot of good music has been coming from there. That and the balance between Aus/ UK indie gave me the idea that the tape might be yours (in the sense of "hey, I wouldn't be surprised if.."). But I didn't have enough evidence to include it in my review. :tongue:






1. 'In Colours' - The Brunettes

2. 'Honolulu' - Last Dinosaurs

3. 'Mexican Mavis' - Boy & Bear
*download* Love this song! :wacky:

4. 'Wait Up (Boots of danger)' - Tokyo Police Club
Yeah, Tokyo Police Club is great. I've discovered them through Citizens of Tomorrow and sort of kept track of them ever since. Got to check out that new album. :wacko:

5. 'Tenderoni' - Kele Okereke
I want Bloc Party back.

6. 'My Fear #2' - Cloud Control

7. 'Creature Comforts' - The Nick Tree Band

8. 'Mr Keeperman' - Buchanan

The Nick Tree Band is probably my favourite new band from this tape. I finally figured out what it reminds me of (besides Mumford), Villagers! I can't believe they are so unknown though.. They aren't even on last fm. It's almost a crime really. :freak: Currently listening other songs on myspace and still liking it. Creature Comforts is my favourite though.

9. 'The Wrestle' - Frightened Rabbit
Winter of Mixed Drinks. :heart: I wish more people discovered Frightened Rabbit..

10. 'Better Than Love' - Hurts

11. 'Underground' - Evermore
Hey, I know Evermore. Or rather, I know of Evermore. :thinking: This requires further listening.

12. 'Moon Theory' - Miami Horror

13. 'Flash A Hungry Smile' - Mystery Jets

14. 'Ivy & Gold' - Bombay Bicycle Club
I need to get that album, preferably yesterday.

15. 'Jona Vark' - Gypsy & The Cat
HA. So I'm not hearing things after all. At first I thought the song was about Joan of Arc, but I googled a bit and only got some cheesy old songs. In hindsight, the first Jona is a give away, but it's a smart (and very sneaky) homophone.

16. 'Sweet Days Waiting' - Teenage Fanclub / 'Asleep' - Kowalski

That's a bit sneaky but it works very well. I've heard of Teenage Fanclub (hard to miss really) but never bothered to check them out. Same goes for Kowalski, so I'll add those to the "must listen to in near future" list.


Thanks for your kind words! It was a daunting task making this for you because I saw your last.fm 'bands you've seen' profile. You nailed the Aussie part, overall I just liek sun-drenched indie music and UK alternative. This mixtape summed it up, all new songs by the way. Glad I could entertain and inform!
It's getting kinda long, yeah. I was really happy that I only recognized a couple of songs, so you did a great job at that. Actually, I think Frightened Rabbit is the only band you included that I've seen. Already hunting for more songs of some of the bands on the tape. :D
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Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to keep this separate from my review reply reply.


My tape still hasn't been reviewed yet, even though it's been downloaded four times. :\ Can somebody please to listen to it and post some sort of verdict? I also have a spare one if anyone's interested.



First - http://www.mediafire.com/?n12yymmld3n

Spare - http://www.mediafire.com/?ofo2oi1dc2oy2q2

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So here is my review of the Mix Tape I got! First, many thanks to the person who made it for me! My English is not really good, but I hope you’ll understand!

I really loved listening to the Mix Tape! There was only 1 song I really knew, and some that I recognise... Especially Track 5 and 9 were a suprise, It's just not my type of music that I like... But these songs are really good! Thanks for introducing me to these knew songs! Really want to see the tracklist to check out some of these bands!



Hey KingChris, I did your mixtape ! I'm really glad you enjoyed it even if it wasn't the type of music you usually listen to. I hope you thought it flowed well because that was one of my main goals !



Track 1 (8/10)


Lovely guitar melodies! Two guitars and also the drums, sounds really great together with his nice voice! Great to begin with, really good lyrics! Like it! Which band is it?


This one was "Ceremony" by New Order (The original version of the song is by Joy Division though, you should check that out too btw)! At fist I wasn't sure whether I should put it in the tape or not because I thought the chances you already knew it were huge, I'm so glad you didn't ! The song is so gorgeous that I think everybody should listen to it before they die. I can't tell you how much I love it <3. Such a masterpiece.


Track 2 (7/10)


Again guitar, sounds good! Don’t like his voice that much, but it’s OK! Crazy catchy song, with crazy lyrics… But I like it! I absolutely hate that weird sounding instrument at the end together with that clapping, awful… But the guitar outro is amazing! The song was stuck in my head for two days!


It's "Lust For Life" by Girls. Oh God, I love those crazy lyrics ! Honestely I really don't see what's awful about the clapping and I'm not even sure I get what you meant by "that weird sounding instrument" but oh well... This band is fucking weird and sometimes even disturbing but that's what makes them amazing in my opinion.


Track 3 (8/10)


Guitar again! Wow! Amazing melody building up with the drums, bass, and second guitar! Great voice too, with great Lyrics, wants to sing along! Really like both guitars during the entire song, the one playing the melody and the other guitar, especially in the last chorus! Also the drum solo, and the bass solo are awesome! Really like it! Want to know which band this is!


This one is called "Wide Eyes" and it's by Local Natives. I'm glad you liked it ! You should definitely check their whole debut album (Gorilla Manor), it's mind blowing ! And I agree, the guitars are so great in this song <3 !


Track 4 (6/10)


No guitars this time! Really Electronic sounding song… I don’t like this genre most of the time… But this song is OK! Catchy melody, with strange synthesizers… Hard to understand the lyrics… Especially the weird voices in the end of course… The ending is boring, the sound just fades away…


This song is "6669 (I Don't Know If You Know)" by Neon Indian. I figured this one had more chances not to be liked than the rest of the songs. But I just love it. I have to admit I never tried to understand the lyrics, I don't think it's that important for that song. I just love the feeling to the song you know. I love to play it really loud and get so lost in it that I almost feel high (don't call me crazy please).


Track 5 (8/10)


Again Electronic… Don’t like the beginning, sounds like a million phones going off at the same time… But as the song starts, it becomes really good! Like the melody during the entire song! Awesome voice he has! (For one moment I thought it was Tom Chaplin) Lovely Chorus too! Guitar solo is great! Ending is lovely… Really nice song, I really don’t like this genre that much, but this is a really awesome song!


Ha ha yeah I know the beginning is weird, but I'm used to it! This band is called "Kowalski" and is really new, they just have released an EP so far (you can listen to it on streaming here if you like : http://kowalski.bandcamp.com/). I think they are very promising. The song is called "Get Back".


Track 6 (7/10)


Heard this one before I think... No idea from who it is… Lovely melody, great voice! Don’t like the ending though, with that weird synthesizer sounding…


It's "Slow Poison" by The Bravery. I don't know much about this band actually because I pratically only listen to this song of them. <But I totally overplayed this song ! It's so damn catchy, it gets me everytime !


Track 7 (7/10)


Begins with some random laughing… And then drum solo which goes on the hole song.. Great voice with a lovely melody during the Chorus! Awesome guitar, and bass together with piano… Also heard this one before I think… Not really good in remembering band names… Nice ending!


Jesus ! THAT DRUM SOLO ! :bomb: The song is called "Percussion Gun" (appropriate title) and it's by White Rabbits. I love the badass feeling to this song, if you know what I mean^^ ! I really need to listen to their other stuff, it's been on my "to do list" for so long :S.



Track 8 (7/10)


Nice song… Like his voice! Heard this song before too, I think… Nothing special, catchy melody… But not something I want to listen to all day! The ending is good!


"Nothing special"? You killed me lol. Ok, maybe it has "nothing special" if I am being objective... Ok, no I think I just can't do that ha ha! Anyway it's "Submarine" by The Drums. This band is definitely my "coup de coeur" (crap, how do you say that in english?) of the year. I love all their song too much for words. I don't know ANY other band that can pass on the feelings of happiness, fun and summer this perfectly ! All their melodies and lyrics are so simple but so perfect, it kills me. And that reverb that their songs have, oh god <3! And that old feeling <3... I mean you can tell they've been influenced by bands like New Order, The Smith, even The Cure and I love that! Ok, I need to stop rambling about them now. I'm really sorry I can get prettu carried away sometimes!


Track 9 (8/10)


Whistling! I love to whistle! Starts whistling along with it… Finally a female voice, together with a male voice! Like both voices, they sound great together! Really like the melody! Absolutely not something I would listen normally… But this is great! Funny lyrics, and nicely done with both voices! Singing along after the first time listening to it!


Et hop, one new fan of this amazing song that is "Home" by Edward Sharp And The Magnetic Zeros :D :heart: :heart: ! You've discribed it perfectly. You just forgot to talk about that awesome conversation the two singers have in the middle of the song ! If you loved this, you should mostly check out "Janglin" and "40 Day Dream", but they can also do pretty amazing melancholic songs like "Desert Song".


Track 10 (7/10)


Finally acoustic guitar! Great voice! Lovely song… No idea who this is…


Actually that's no surprise you had no idea who made this 'cause that band is so damn unknown :(! They are called the Impossible Shapes. I randomly found out about them and this song on youtube. The song is called "Florida Silver Spring" and it's from their album Tum. I also need to check more of their stuff out... :disappointed: Oh, I just found out they are on Spotify :nice:


Track 11 (6/10)


Vinyl rip? Some strange violins… Drums… His voice is good! Like the Chorus! But overall I don't really like it...


This was "Excuses" by The Morning Benders. So, you didn't find it incredible? How is that possible? lol, I'm just kidding (or not :tongue:). As someone else who put this song in their mixtape said : this song takes me to a whole entire place. It's as simple as that. I'm sorry you didn't felt that way.


Track 12 (7/10)


Radiohead! It’s called “Fog” right? Also a Radiohead fan, so I recognised his voice instantly of course! Love this song! Really like that bass ending!


Yep ! It's indeed "Fog" by Radiohead. I thought maybe this song was one of their less known and considering it's one of my favourite RH songs (and my most played) I just HAD to put it in the mix. I feel like I'm floating when I listen to this song. It's so dreamy and delicate and PERFECT really. :sweatdrop:


Track 13 (7/10)


Acoustic guitar! Lovely melody! I wish I could play that! Nice voice… Great lyrics! “As long as there is some kind of view…” Lovely ending! Lovely song!


Another really really unknown and underratted band : Folded Light. This song ("Where We Go") is from their debut album. Their music is amazing but also really hard to find so if you are interested I could upload their stuff on rapidshare.


Track 14 (7/10)


Weird intro… Like this song! His voice is great! Lovely woman voice in the background! Nice guitar!


This was "Hard Rain" by Shout Out Louds but that is not the album version of the song. It's a shorter (and better if you ask me) version they used for the music video. You'll understand the weird intro better if you watch the video : [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWCFzJMDT2I]YouTube- Shout Out Louds - A Hard Rain in Tokyo[/ame]

This songs makes me want to travel all the way to Tokyo and explore it all on my own, listening to this song and, of course, on a rainy day :nice:.


Track 15 (5/10)


Another weird intro.. And a weird song too! Weird electronic sounds, voice is OK… Song gets a bit better at the end, but I just don’t like this song… Sorry…


I'm sorry you didn't like it. It was "Taste" by Animal Collective. Their music is quite strange so I can see why some people don't like them. I personally think their music is brilliant ! Especially their last record : "Merriweather Post Pavilion".


Track 16 (7/10)


African song? Cool drums! Great voices! Don’t understand a bit of what they are singing… Catchy melody! Different, but nice!


Nope, it can sound like it but it's from an american band actually. They're called Le Loup and the song is "Forgive Me". They are so underrated, it's a pity. They sound like a mix of Grizzly Bear and Fleet Foxes conbined with african sounds in my opinion :awesome:. Listen to it people !!! Their last album Family is so beautiful. "Forgive me" is my favourite song off it.


Track 17 (7/10)


Dance, dance, dance… I know this song! She’s Norwegian or something right? Really lovely voice! Lovely lyrics too! Great guitar, and great voices at the end!


Nope she's from Sweden but her name (Lykke Li) is Norwegian. I really love her voice and her music as a whole. I think "Dance, dance, dance" is my favourite but I'm not too sure lol. I'm so digging the brass part near the end of the song :heart: ! What I really like about her music too is that it sounds pretty unique I think.


Track 18


Piano, guitar… Great voice and Lyrics! Great ending of this Mix Tape, cause it sounds okay! (Better then that)


Yeah the song is called "Is This Sound Okay?" and I love it, so I had no over choice than end the tape with it :P! It's by Coconut Records. Jason Schwarztman is the lead singer. I don't know if you see who he is... He's an actor, he played in The Darjeeling Limited and Marie-Antoinette for instance. He's obviously also talented in music. I like Coconut Record because it doesn't sound pretentious, it's simple but so nice to hear. I can't resist the urge to post the link of the music video of the song 'cause it's gorgeous : [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OATV6kuehBE]YouTube- Coconut Records - Is This Sound Okay? (starring Jason Schwartzman and Kirsten Dunst)[/ame] (it's starring Jason Schwartzman and Kirsten Dunst). Enjoy.


So, I'm sorry for this big reply. I just couldn't help it :shy:.


Tracklist :

1. New Order - Ceremony

2. Girls - Lust For Life

3. Local Natives - Wide Eyes

4. Neon Indian - 6669 (I Don't Know If You Know)

5. Kowalski - Get Back

6. The Bravery - Slow Poison

7. White Rabbits - Percussion Gun

8. The Drums - Submarine

9. Edward Sharp And The Magnetic Zeros - Home

10. The Impossible Shapes - Florida Silver Springs

11. The Morning Benders - Excuses

12. Radiohead - Fog

13. Folded Light - Where We Go

14. Shout Out Louds - Hard Rain (short version)

15. Animal Collective - Taste

16. Le Loup - Forgive Me

17. Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance

18. Coconut Records - Is This Sound Okay ?


Link : http://www.mediafire.com/file/mbejmzdhbmw/Mixtape.rar

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