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The 6th Mixtape Exchange (closed for entries)

Black Rose

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That would be super duper cool. :cheesy:


Ok let's do it then :D.


Track 1 : I was so surprised when the guy began to talk, his voice is so deep it almost frightened me! Then I got sort of used to it. But what a freaking depressing way to start a tape! I don't mean that in a bad way but it honestly really depressed me. I mean, his voice, all the dark things he says, and then this beautiful cello(?) starts to play and it's gets better IMO. I really loved the instrumental part even though it was also depressing lol. I definitely enjoy the track more now that I'm used to it. I really fully like it now.


Track 2 : I immediately liked the melody of the intro. I feel like I know the voice of the singer but I can't put my finger on it :dozey:. I fell in love with the lyrics of the song. I don't know, I just really like the whole story about this father who is sort of really discovers his daughter by reading her diary :nice:. The only part I didn't like was when he's like "a chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild, a chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild" lol, it annoyed me! Apart from that, the song puts you in a very peaceful mood and I liked that!


Track 3 : Ahhhhhhhhh I adore this song so much! "Bear" by The Antlers :heart:. I have almost no words for that song. The contrast between the very quiet and delicate verses and the stirring and desperate chorus is just the most perfect thing ever! The climax that the song reaches at the end is freaking overwhelming ! Oh I almost forgot to mention the intensity of the lyrics. The "We're too old, we're not old at all" part is definitely the best. I also love how the lyrics make a completely different sense when you listen to the entire album that goes with this song... I'm searching for something in this song that wouldn't be utterly perfect... in vain :wacky:.


Track 4 : This song sounds more like track 2. Peaceful music (acoustic guitar mostly, calm and simple beat), singer songwriter (I like his voice btw). I'm loving the "ouhhhouhouuuuu" part and the sound of rain at the end of the song (I'm a sucker of sounds of rain/storms/etc in songs :P)! I want to travel in a bus to this song :nice:. Really nice track :)!


Track 5 : "Hello I'm Johnny Cash". Ok so no mystery there :lol: ! It's funny how I didn't like this track on first listen but now really enjoy it ! I'm usually not a fan of country so I guess that's why... But I have to admit that his voice is amazing and that the melody made me want to dance like a fool :laugh3:, you know, the way they do in old american movies :awesome: ! I even felt like listening to it on loop at some point !! Besides, the fact that it's a live recording makes it even more lively!


Track 6 and 7: One live song (again) in two parts. Ok so that's exactly the kind of square songs that I don't like. Part one really bored me to be honest. Part two didn't bored me though, 1) because I've definitely heard it before, it really sounded familiar and 2) because the track amused me! I mean, it's so old school that it makes it funny! Like, when a song like that comes on the radio and I'm with some friends, we would totally start making fun of it, we'd dance very stupidly and pretend we are doing karaoke to it etc. And the voice of the 3rd lady : OMG hilarious !! :laugh3: I so want to know who's this track from! I'm sure it's some old classic band. So it wasn't that bad after all, I had fun, sort of. :tongue:


Track 8 : Wow strong accent indeed. I'm not too sure where it's from though (shame on me, I know). Probably... Scotland?? Anyway, whereever it's from, I'm liking it (even though I didn't understand everything because of it)! The song is not really my style though. It's not that I dislike it but it's not something I would listen to intentionnally I think. "The kids are on fire, in the bedroom", well well, that's insteresting :P!


Track 9 : YAY "Available" by The National! Fucking good song :D! Awww they actually played it at my concert the other day !! I SO love the end when Matt's going completely crazy !!! I can still see him shouting "Why did you dress me down" over and over again :bomb:! It's such a perfect song to listen to when being upset ! OH GOD I WANT TO SEE THEM LIVE AGAIN, RIGHT NOW :bigcry: !


Track 10 : Ok so you're puting The Antlers then The National and then Patrick freaking Watson in the same tape? => YOU WIN ! I've listen to this song so many times right before sleeping. Patrick Watson is so talented and I'm so jealous of you for having the chance to see him live ! "Step Into A Dream" is a perfect interlude song. The title of the song is so appropriate, I literally feel like steping into a dream when I listen to it :heart:.


Track 11 : Sorry I really don't like latin american songs like that :shrug:. Don't hate me for saying that but her voice reminds me of Shakira's voice (which I can't stand at all :sick:).


Track 12 : Back to some simple singer songwriter song :). You said it in the informations of the song : "Cute guitar song". Well, that's exaclty that, nothing more, nothing less. The artist is "A dead guy" hmmm I really wonder who that could be:thinking:. I have no idea :disappointed:.


Track 13 : "The Present Tense" by Thom Yorke, live at Latitude Festival last summer. :stunned: : That's the effect this song has on me. I'm like froze in place by its beauty. Thom Yorke's voice is so flawless and emotional :sweatdrop:. The day you recommended it to me, I immediately ripped it off youtube and listened to it non stop for hours !!! The part from 3:23 to 3:40 KILLS me every single time :dead: !

PS : I love how the info says "Some Guy. Some song."! You should have said :" Some genius. Some masterpiece." lol


Track 14 : Fucking rough transition :bigcry:! That was mean of you really :tongue:!!! Those drums felt like an agression after the calmness and perfection of the previous track. So I first hated this track just for this reason. Apart from that I don't really like this song anyway. It was too repetitive so I got really bored at some point.


Track 15 : Oh harmonica song :). Ha ha ha wtf is that language ????!!! My guess : dutch? Ok, it doesn't count. I only said that because I know that's your language. But I actually have no idea ! So I obviously don't have a clue what the lyrics mean but I enjoyed the song nonetheless.


Track 16 : First of all I love how the tape started and ended in a very dark way.

I really really loved this song immediately and it keeps getting even more amazing everytime I listen to it :wacky:. You wrote in the band's name place "A band you should probably know" => yeah no doubt about that! I so want to know more of this band because I loved everything about this song. I particulary loved how the song slowly becomes more and more intense. So then you expect it to explode but it never really happens and ends very suddenly instead. It could be a bad thing but it's not, I actually liked that feeling of frustration that the song leaves. To be more specific about the music, the girl singing has such a smooth and pretty voice, which builts a great contrast with the strident sound of electric guitars and the very intense and agressive music in general.


DONE :D. It was a pleasure to both listen to your mixtape and review it.


PS : I hope my english wasn't too bad. For my defense : it's 2 in the morning :sleeping2:.

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Forgot to post link :inquisitive: I also edited the original :nice:


Just Cause You Feel It Doesn't Mean It's There: Phantom Limb

1. Elbow - Mirrorball | The Seldom Seen Kid

2. Frightened Rabbit - Swim Until You Can't See Land | The Winter Of Mixed Drinks

3. Lou Reed - Perfect Day | Transformer

4. The Shins - Phantom Limb | Wincing The Night Away

5. Joanna Newsom - '81 | Have One On Me

6. Susanne Sundfør - Turkish Delight | The Brothel

7. Fleet Foxes - Heard Them Stirring | Fleet Foxes

8. Elbow (with Richard Hawley) - The Fix | The Seldom Seen Kid

9. Bon Iver - Come Talk To Me (Peter Gabriel Cover)

10. Fleet Foxes - Your Protector | Fleet Foxes

11. Muse - Soldiers Poem | Black Holes And Revelations

12. Franz Ferdinand - Come On Home | Franz Ferdinand

13. Radiohead - There There (The Boney King Of Nowhere) | Hail To The Thief

14. Frightened Rabbit - Yes, I Would | The Winter Of Mixed Drinks

15. Lightning Dust - Wondering What Everyone Knows | Infinite Light

16. Built To Spill - Things Fall Apart | There Is No Enemy

17. Emma Pollock - The Child In Me | The Law Of Large Numbers

18. The Beatles - Across The Universe | Let It Be...Naked




If anyone's interested :shy:


I dl'ed it :awesome:


Track 8 : Wow strong accent indeed. I'm not too sure where it's from though (shame on me, I know). Probably... Scotland?? Anyway, whereever it's from, I'm liking it (even though I didn't understand everything because of it)! The song is not really my style though. It's not that I dislike it but it's not something I would listen to intentionnally I think. "The kids are on fire, in the bedroom", well well, that's insteresting :P!


Frightened Rabbit? :P

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1. Starting off with a song with a rather high pace. I love the catchy drum beat. Haha, it suddenly stops, and then starting off again just as suddenly as in the beginning. It makes the song exciting. Later on, lots of different sounds are mashed together (I love the piano notes!)


2. Sun hands by Local Natives! I really like this song, but I don’t know how to describe it… I love how it gets more rock-y (? Lol) in the end. And his voice… Perfect :awesome:


3. Oneee twoo three four… BEACH HOUSE TIME! Apple Orchard is one of the first songs by them I heard, and I’ve loved it ever since I first heard it. The slow, dark beat, the lyrics, the voice… I don’t know what else to say, honestly. :wacky:

I’m starting to wonder who made this tape, it’s so awesome this far.


4. Definitely the Shins, but I don’t know this song… Starting off with a rather slow drum beat, then I can hear something that reminds me of a keyboard’s lame imitation of strings (?), and so the singing starts. I have a hard time hearing what he says, but I like this song, it’s really catchy. I have a feeling this will be stuck in my head all night. :mellow:


5. SNOW BRIGADE BY MEW. I want to know who made this tape, right now. This is one of my favorite songs ever. I love how it has really rough and dark sounding guitars through the whole song, and Jonas’ really high voice to it. And the lyrics… Ahh.


6. Weird sounds in the beginning, kind of makes me think of the Knife, for some reason. This is followed by happier keyboard tones. A man’s voice, really calm, not low, not high. In the middle, the song slows down… The weird sounds again! Not as much like the Knife this time, though.

Wow, I thought it was going to tone down now, but the pace is actually getting faster! I can hear a really awesome guitar riff. Great song, I want to know who this is! :wideeyed:


7. A calm, almost melancholic acoustic guitar opens this song. The singer, who is a man (I’d love to hear some more female vocalists!) has a calm and kind of dark voice (this one too). Somewhere in the middle of the song, I can hear grand piano and a child laughing. I liked that, especially the piano! This is something I’d listen to on a rainy day, on a car ride maybe… But I can’t say I loved it. This song is ok.


8. Something that sounds like piano, some other weird sound, drums, a man humming and an electric guitar make this intro interesting. Then this man starts singing, I can’t say I love his voice, but it’s not bad either. More background noises and more humming, now his voice sounds more distant. I like the feeling of this song, it’s kind of dark, and it makes me think of a city at night, with all the noises/sounds that are mixed here. Not crazy about it, but I liked it!


9. E is for Estranged by Owen Pallett. As I said before, I really like piano in songs. The intro is amazing, and his voice is so beautiful. This song is like a dream, up in the clouds… LOOK HOW CHEESY I CAN BE. :mellow: Anyway, the violin is really nice, as usual in his songs, and I like how the pace kind of picks up towards the end, to slow down again and then fade out… Ten points to my mixer.


10. Sudden drums, and an acoustic guitar… THIS IS MUTEMATH. I know I’ve heard this song before, somewhere… Anyway, this is kind of slow, as the previous songs, (and I like it), but the singer’s voice is more confident this time (just my weird opinion, but whatever). Acoustic guitars, dreamy (mew-ish, I admit it) sounds, really good drum beats and the lyrics… “It’s alright, it’s alright”. I really have to listen more to Mutemath!


11. This song has no intro. I usually like intros, but this song obviously doesn’t need any, it’s good anyway. That totally made sense, I know. Well, as a big fan of high vocals and dreamy music, I really like this. I don’t know how to describe this; it’s nothing like anything I’ve heard before… At the end, the feeling kind of changes, becoming more mysterious, I don’t know really. I have to check this band out.


12. Whoa, track 11 ended suddenly, and Lasting Echo by Fictionist started playing! I love you for putting this song on the tape. I love Fictionist, one of my favorite bands, I don’t think there’s anything else to say. :heart:


13. This is not as calm as the previous songs, and I liked that. The song has a really long intro, and it’s kind of pop-ish, very catchy. A male vocalist again, and no, his voice is not dark. I like the outro!


14. Haha, I was just waiting for a Sigur Rós song! And speaking of high voices, Jónsi is the king. Gong is such a beautiful song, I almost get frustrated because I don’t speak Icelandic! What else can I say? This is just great.


15. Piano, again. But no high voice! Is it the National? It’s just a guess, I haven’t listened to them so much. Anyway, I’m not a huge fan of his voice, but the song is good! I like the trumpet sounds in the middle, haha. The drums make me think it’s going to burst out and speed up (word fail), but it doesn’t. It totally changes in the end, though. This is a good end of an awesome mixtape.

Thank you for making a spare!




Ceolsige? :uhoh:


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1. Starting off with a song with a rather high pace. I love the catchy drum beat. Haha, it suddenly stops, and then starting off again just as suddenly as in the beginning. It makes the song exciting. Later on, lots of different sounds are mashed together (I love the piano notes!)


2. Sun hands by Local Natives! I really like this song, but I don’t know how to describe it… I love how it gets more rock-y (? Lol) in the end. And his voice… Perfect :awesome:


3. Oneee twoo three four… BEACH HOUSE TIME! Apple Orchard is one of the first songs by them I heard, and I’ve loved it ever since I first heard it. The slow, dark beat, the lyrics, the voice… I don’t know what else to say, honestly. :wacky:

I’m starting to wonder who made this tape, it’s so awesome this far.


4. Definitely the Shins, but I don’t know this song… Starting off with a rather slow drum beat, then I can hear something that reminds me of a keyboard’s lame imitation of strings (?), and so the singing starts. I have a hard time hearing what he says, but I like this song, it’s really catchy. I have a feeling this will be stuck in my head all night. :mellow:


5. SNOW BRIGADE BY MEW. I want to know who made this tape, right now. This is one of my favorite songs ever. I love how it has really rough and dark sounding guitars through the whole song, and Jonas’ really high voice to it. And the lyrics… Ahh.


6. Weird sounds in the beginning, kind of makes me think of the Knife, for some reason. This is followed by happier keyboard tones. A man’s voice, really calm, not low, not high. In the middle, the song slows down… The weird sounds again! Not as much like the Knife this time, though.

Wow, I thought it was going to tone down now, but the pace is actually getting faster! I can hear a really awesome guitar riff. Great song, I want to know who this is! :wideeyed:


7. A calm, almost melancholic acoustic guitar opens this song. The singer, who is a man (I’d love to hear some more female vocalists!) has a calm and kind of dark voice (this one too). Somewhere in the middle of the song, I can hear grand piano and a child laughing. I liked that, especially the piano! This is something I’d listen to on a rainy day, on a car ride maybe… But I can’t say I loved it. This song is ok.


8. Something that sounds like piano, some other weird sound, drums, a man humming and an electric guitar make this intro interesting. Then this man starts singing, I can’t say I love his voice, but it’s not bad either. More background noises and more humming, now his voice sounds more distant. I like the feeling of this song, it’s kind of dark, and it makes me think of a city at night, with all the noises/sounds that are mixed here. Not crazy about it, but I liked it!


9. E is for Estranged by Owen Pallett. As I said before, I really like piano in songs. The intro is amazing, and his voice is so beautiful. This song is like a dream, up in the clouds… LOOK HOW CHEESY I CAN BE. :mellow: Anyway, the violin is really nice, as usual in his songs, and I like how the pace kind of picks up towards the end, to slow down again and then fade out… Ten points to my mixer.


10. Sudden drums, and an acoustic guitar… THIS IS MUTEMATH. I know I’ve heard this song before, somewhere… Anyway, this is kind of slow, as the previous songs, (and I like it), but the singer’s voice is more confident this time (just my weird opinion, but whatever). Acoustic guitars, dreamy (mew-ish, I admit it) sounds, really good drum beats and the lyrics… “It’s alright, it’s alright”. I really have to listen more to Mutemath!


11. This song has no intro. I usually like intros, but this song obviously doesn’t need any, it’s good anyway. That totally made sense, I know. Well, as a big fan of high vocals and dreamy music, I really like this. I don’t know how to describe this; it’s nothing like anything I’ve heard before… At the end, the feeling kind of changes, becoming more mysterious, I don’t know really. I have to check this band out.


12. Whoa, track 11 ended suddenly, and Lasting Echo by Fictionist started playing! I love you for putting this song on the tape. I love Fictionist, one of my favorite bands, I don’t think there’s anything else to say. :heart:


13. This is not as calm as the previous songs, and I liked that. The song has a really long intro, and it’s kind of pop-ish, very catchy. A male vocalist again, and no, his voice is not dark. I like the outro!


14. Haha, I was just waiting for a Sigur Rós song! And speaking of high voices, Jónsi is the king. Gong is such a beautiful song, I almost get frustrated because I don’t speak Icelandic! What else can I say? This is just great.


15. Piano, again. But no high voice! Is it the National? It’s just a guess, I haven’t listened to them so much. Anyway, I’m not a huge fan of his voice, but the song is good! I like the trumpet sounds in the middle, haha. The drums make me think it’s going to burst out and speed up (word fail), but it doesn’t. It totally changes in the end, though. This is a good end of an awesome mixtape.

Thank you for making a spare!




Ceolsige? :uhoh:


Haha good guess. :P

I'm glad you liked it! :nice:


Here's the tracklisting:


1. Cough Coughing – Menomena (I Am the Fun Blame Monster)

2. Sun Hands – Local Natives (Gorilla Manor)

3. Apple Orchard – Beach House (Beach House)

4. Spilt Needles – The Shins (Wincing the Night Away)

5. Snow Brigade – Mew (Frengers)

6. Red Eyes – Magenta Skycode (IIIII)

7. This Place Is Haunted – DeVotchKa (How It Ends)

8. Herculean – (The Good, The Bad & The Queen)

9. E Is for Estranged – Owen Pallett (Heartland)

10. Valium – Mutemath (Armistice)

11. Crystal Rope – Gayngs (Relayted)

12. Human Wings – Fictionist (Lasting Echo)

13. Hannibal – Caribou (Swim)

14. Gong – Sigur Ros (Takk…)

15. England – The National (High Violet)


And the link if anyone wants to download it: http://www.mediafire.com/?tc3oghtz3yt

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Okay, here's your review chienorange.


1. A Mew song! One I’ve never heard though. Actually this must be the new version of King Christian. I like it much better than the original one.


2. The voice sounds familiar. I like how it kind of speeds up in the middle, and the piano arpeggios are nice. The guitar + humming at the end sounds really nice too and is pretty soothing.


3. Oh I know this one, The Ghost Inside by Broken Bells. It’s my favorite song from their album. I love his falsetto voice.


4. Female singer. Pretty poppy song with repetitive lyrics. Not something I’d normally listen to, but it’s not bad.


5. Nice intro with violins and piano at the beginning. The singer sounds kind of anxious. I really like the humming part with the electric guitar and violins playing. It ends quite suddenly. I’m really interested to know who this is…


6. I know you said to skip this one, but it’s not that bad. :P It’s acoustic with two male singers, and… a xylophone? Oh fuck I suck at guessing instruments. :uhoh: But anyway, it’s a nice song. I liked it.


7. This one starts out sounding kind of spacy, with sharp ping sounds… then a piano, and a woman singing with a very odd voice. I love the trumpets. Then it goes a little more fast-paced and sounds like something from the 1920s. I really like that part. Wow, this song is great. Probably my favorite so far.


8. Starts out with a keyboard and drums that go in and out. This is definitely a Mew b-side. It’s a really beautiful song and one I haven’t listened to very much…


9. This one is much louder and fast-paced than the previous ones. I like when it gets slower and quieter, and the singer sings “are you alive?”


10. The singer of this song kind of sounds like Jonas Bjerre. I like the violins playing in the background, but you can hardly hear them with all the guitars playing. It has kind of an uplifting sound. The singer sings “Let us be happy while we’re still young” over and over near the end.


11. The guitar in this one is really catchy and it has a nice beat. I’m not too into the singer’s voice though. But it’s not a bad song, I like it.


12. This is one of my favorite songs by Fictionist. The intro reminds me of a Sufjan Stevens song though, for some reason. Anyway, it’s a great choice. I love to sing this one. :awesome:


13. Starts out with electronic instruments and a keyboard, then the drums come in. The singer’s voice sounds familiar. I’m having a hard time understanding him though.


14. This one is a female singing along with a piano. I think it’s Regina Spektor. I’m not really into her, but I like this song. It’s very emotional.


15. Starts out quietly with an acoustic guitar and a guy humming, and then it kind of explodes into loudness with electric guitars and a piano. It goes back and forth between being loud and soft throughout the song. The singer has a pretty strong accent, I think it’s Scottish but I’m not sure. It’s a nice way to end this mixtape.


Overall, it's a really good mixtape and I enjoyed listening to it. :nice:

Oh and I love the artwork too. :wacko:

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