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The 6th Mixtape Exchange (closed for entries)

Black Rose

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Dave (or someone else)-

will there eventually be one post where the tracklists and links to each mix are listed? I was just realizing some of the mixes that looked interesting are a few pages back, and I'm not sure I'll be able to go back searching for all of them. A central place to find them all would be wonderful! :D


*in the voice of Churchill the dog*


"oh yes"

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WHOO. DONE. :dance:


Track 1

This mixtape starts very cheerful! The first minute of the song is instrumental. Very catchy and summer-y. I'm not really a fan of the vocals, mainly a group of girls singing about an orange town? It's a bit too shouty and bubbly for me. I really liked the first minute though and I wouldn't have minded if the whole track as instrumental. Rating: 4/10


Track 2

Next... a really awesome guitar starts off a song with a relaxing surfy vibe. Further into the songs it gets a bit more rockier. I rather like this. Sounds like a band just starting out. It's a good start. Rating: 6/10


Track 3

Wow, the start of this song is really awesome. The singer has a great voice. Somehow, it kind of reminds me of Local Natives, although there's less harmony singing here. I guess it might be the balance between the lo fi folky and more rocky sounds. Suffice to say, I really like this song. It's also a very cheerful surfy song and I'd love to hear more of this band. Rating: 8/10


Track 4

Tokyo Police Club, awesome! I don't know this song, but judging from the sound it must be Tokyo Police Club. One of the very, very many bands I only know a couple of songs of, but who are very much worth checking out. Great song, I love the ooh-ooh-oohs. Rating: 7/10


Track 5

First reaction: oh, great something a bit more electronic. Second reaction: ah, it's Kele. I've known Tenderoni for a while now and although it's not nearly as good as (most of) Bloc Party's work, it's a decent song. I wouldn't want to listen to a whole album with songs in this style, one is good. The T-E-N-D-E-R-O-N-I thing is kind of lame though. But it's a great track to dance to. I associate the title with macaroni. Rating: 6/10


Track 6

A more quiet song (compared to the previous few), but still keeping up the awesome happy vibe of the tape. Also really feeling the surf vibe here. I especially love rhythm here (mainly the base line and drums). Another artist I'd love to hear more from. Rating: 7/10


Track 7

Banjooooooooo! I'm a sucker for banjos so I can't help but love this song. It sort of sounds like Mumford & Sons, but less angry and more sweet. The singer (or more the way he sings I guess) sounds really familiar. The song has a really good balance between the folk and rockish elements. I love the line "we are most forgettable". Fave so far! Rating: 9/10


Track 8

We've arrived near the middle of the tape. Now, this song has a bit of a spooky start but develops quickly in a cheerful and catchy little song. It doesn't strike me as really special or original, but it's a nice song to listen to. Rating: 6/10


Track 9.

FRIGHTNENED RABBIT. The Wrestle. I'd recognize them anywhere and I love you for including this, 'nuff said. Frightened Rabbit is one of the best live performances I've seen this year and their new album is solid. Recommended to anyone with any taste in music. Rating: 8/10


Track 10

Ah, another electronic track and a very catchy one at that. It's more poppy than the Kele track and I prefer this one hands down to that one. Actually, the middle part kind of reminds me of Delphic. Great synthpop track. Rating: 7/10


Track 11

This track starts with the line "going down to the underground, 17 blocks away". It sounds really familiar and the combination of music/lyrics sticks. I'm afraid this song is gonna be stuck in my head now. Rating: 7/10


Track 12

An electronic(ish) track with almost a trance-y quality to it. Not really a fan of the lyrics ("take me to the moon, where the sun can shine through", lots of stuff about stars, moons and suns), a bit too cheesy for me. Nonetheless it's a pretty good track to listen to although I'm not really impressed. I imagine this might be really pleasant background music. Rating: 6/10


Track 13

I'm quite positive that this is Mystery Jets as I just streamed their new album this week. I LOVE the whistling, it adds a ridiculously happy vibe to the song. This is Flash A Hungry smile and it was actually one of my favourites when I listened to I feel like jumping around now. Or singing along. *whistles along* Rating: 7/10


Track 14

The start of this song really reminds me of Stornoway (to be specific: We Are the Human Battery), but I think this is Bombay Bicycle Club. I haven't heard their new album yet, but I dig this new acoustic sound! I guess I should give that album a listen now, no? "You're a layer on my clothes" is a great line. Rating: 8/10


Track 15

Joan of Arc? Nah, that can't be right.. Right? Well, other than that, this song is rather electronic. It reminds me a bit of track 12, but this artist makes more catchy poppy songs. Kind of reminds me of music from the '80s really. The downside is that I feel it's a bit too repetitive. Rating: 7/10


Track 16

Boo, nearing the end of the tape. This song is by far the longest on the tape, running for over seven minutes. I'm intrigued. OK, so it seems like this is actually a two-for-one deal. Last track from an album plus a hidden track? In any case, it's hard to believe that both songs are from the same artist, they sound so different! The first one is very calm and loungy and really sounds like a closing track. Reminds me of a tropical island of some sort (even though the singer sings about "hot nights in the city"), I can already see the hammock and palm trees in my mind. It's like a dream.


The second song is kind of a surprise. I expected one track, but now I'm kind of glad the first song wasn't seven minutes! That would've been boring! The singer of this song sings in a much higher register and the song hasn't got the fall asleep quality (that's not a bad thing). Really happy to hear drums and stronger guitars, makes the song a lot more poppy than the previous one. I love the line "so leave that world behind". I'm really curious if both songs are from the same artist. Rating: first part: 7/10 second part: 8/10




Overall I really liked this tape. It's got a nice flow and most of the songs kind of have the same vibe. It's a great tape to listen to in summer. I would have liked a bit more variation maybe, but that also could've destroyed the tape. During the last listen (when I wrote the review) I was quite happy with the cohesiveness of the songs. The songs don't sound to same-ish and that's a really big plus about the tape. I'm happy that I didn't recognize most of the songs, which means I have discovered new music. But it was also great to hear a couple of bands that I do know. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that a fair lot of the bands come from the same area (in the world). If I would make a guess, I'd say Australia. But I don't know much Australian music, so this guess is purely based on the sunnyness of the songs and the sunnyness of Australia. And I really like the Australian music I do know. Anyhow, dear mixtape maker, you did a great job. I enjoyed the tape and I'm curious to find out who you are. In any case, you have great taste in music.

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Hello! I made your mixtape. Sorry to hear you didn't like some of the tracks, and you knew some of them!


The Final Track's massively's psychadelic review:

First a lousy apology for my lack of reviewing activity :inquisitive: I've listened through the mix a few times but've been busy. First, my computer detected dangerous download, then it turned out they were m4a's which means I can't listen to them on my mp3 player :\ Then 3 tracks refused to download so I had to wait one day. Then I found out that the songtitles were still attached if I opened the files. Finally I found out a actually have a functioning converter om my computer and then everything went smoothly....at least until my earphones broke so I have to walk around with the cable in my mouth if I want sound on my left ear.....don't ask.


Ok... :stunned: Sorry you had so many troubles!




Track 1: Apparatjik - Ferreting :dozey: One of 5 of their songs that I have, but it sounds completely diffrent as a mixtape intro. The instrumentation is perfect, even though I'm not the biggest fan of Mew's style (cause that's what it resembles the most). The chorus is so beautiful with Bjerre singing over the backing vocals :wacky: It just sounds so right put here.

:P I couldn't not put this song in. You only have five songs by Apparatjik?? :\


Track 2: Mmm, that guitar sound...dunno kind of guitar it is but I have a similar one on my mixtape. I think there's a week backing organ too which gives a nice atmosphere. I don't know how many times I restarted the track when the singing kicks in, cause my brain says something completely diffrent is comming my way, not the deep american voice that comes. I think it's probably Sivert Høyem :bomb:

It's an easy to like track, though I admit the first time I heard it, I disliked it cause usually I'm not a big fan of deep voiced American singers, even if I'm American myself.

Harmonica solo :wtf:

Ummm... It's the band called The Church, and they're all Australian. Oh well.


Track 3: Starts in a way that makes me think Vampire Weekend, but then it has some techno sounds and then the singer (who is American :whip:) starts bellowing numbers and preceeds to lecture me on why not to kill myself :inquisitive: I can imagine the hoards of American teenagers who decided not to commit suicide after hearing this song and praise it more than any other (or at least out the month) *shivers* :\ The instrumentation is what one would expect (some odd sounds, pounding piano somewhere back there, groovy guitars, more guitars, and it fades out).

That being said it was ok.

Suicide? Not sure where you got that, but everyone's entitled to their own interpretation. :P The song is called You Get What You Give by The New Radicals.


Track 4: Massive Attack - Teardrop :mellow: Someone must have seen my relentless posting in the Elbow thread :P (they covered this). It's a great song, that's all there is to it. Dulcimer, or possibly a harpsi, piano, odd percussion (a lot more of course) and a siren singing :wacky: So beautiful, so beautiful.

I'm glad you liked this one. One of my favourite songs, and it sounded pretty good here!


Track 5: Cheesy synth sounds :D This could be something out of the Eurovision song contest, at least the start of the song. And they're accompanied by a cheesy organ :wacky: then the singer starts doing his thing which involves speaking rather than singing. Can't tell if he's faking the accent so impossible to say where he's from. Pretty catchy chorus aaaaaaand....more cheesy sounds for the bridge.

Man that was cheesy :laugh3: still not bad though.

It's ok. I disn't think you'd have heard this before. It's not from Eurovision, they're an Australian band called The Cat Empire. The lead singer is Australian too, but he has a Greek background. He's not faking the accent. They are an alternative band, with about 50 different musicians who collab for their albums. Very cheesy, but pretty funny too.:P


Track 6: Disappeared during the conversion. Another electro number, slightly like Massive Attack, but instrumental. Heavily produced piano throughout the song. Then after a while it changes to thumping acoustic guitars and then back. Then to a brief flute section, then other various instruments. Didn't enjoy it that much.

Clocks by Faultline. It was on Your Love Means Everything; Chris wrote two songs for that album. Sorry you didn't like it!


Track 7: OHNO, IT STARTS WITH A DRUMMER TAPPING HIS DRUMSTICKS TOGETHER :freak: that's always bad :( Not gonna say much about this. Loud lead guitar with backing acoustic and soso drumming. Not much of a lyricist either....Oh, and it's an American singer :mellow:

:laugh3: Oasis! OASIS!! Not American in the slightest. Don't Go Away. Off the album Be Here Now.


Track 8: The funky/cheesy party organ is back. Opening lyric: "Huh!" Annoying back up singer, annoying vinyl spinning sounds in the chorus :\ then there's a nice section before the next verse. :o Nice organ solo!

Don't care much for this type of music, and I don't know if it's because of the people I associate with it or not.

The Cat Empire again. I thought the two songs that I chose by them were quite different. The song is called So Long.


Track 9: Don't know what to say about this. It sounds a like a nursery rhyme with a choir repeating every (and I mean every) thing the singer (who is American) sings.

"Tell me, mother, can you hear me sing" :\

"Your love is everything" :sick:

"Heart and soul" :shame:

"Breath and skin" :stunned:


This is grusome.

:( Pity you didn't like this song. I love it! It's called Song For The Divine Mother Of The Universe by Ben Lee. And another thing: he's not American, he's Australian. He was born and raised in Sydney. :D


Track 10: The final track :mellow: quite nice, except I think the singer (who is American) mentioned Jesus :inquisitive: The chorus is breathtaking, falsetto. The synths reminisce Map Of Problematique in a way.

Good song but if he didn't mention Jesus it gets a big bonus.

Closing lyric: "Summer moved on"

Errrr... :laugh3:

Again, not American. The song is called (obviously) Summer Moved On, by a-ha, who are more commonly known for the song Take On Me, and are Norwegian.



Overall: As a mix it's great, the tracks compliment each other and flow. But it misses one great track for me :\ preferably in the place of nr. 9 :whip: I should probably have left some hint as to what music I like as I don't have a last.fm page :inquisitive:

7/10, great mixtape, thank you mixtape partner :hug: downloaddownloaddownload.

I'm glad you appreciated it. And I acknowledge that we have different taste in music, so don't worry. :)


And now a half assed attempt to guess my partner:


Squareonefivesix? :inquisitive:

Nice try, but no! :D



Track 01: Ferreting Apparatjik

Track 02: Under the Milky Way Tonight The Church

Track 03: You Get What You Give The New Radicals

Track 04: Teardrop Massive Attack

Track 05: Two Shoes The Cat Empire

Track 06: Clocks Fautline

Track 07: Don't Go Away Oasis

Track 08: So Long The Cat Empire

Track 09: Song For The Divine Mother Of The Universe Ben Lee

Track 10: Summer Moved On a-ha

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When this is all over we should just keep this going, people can make random mixtapes and post them on here and random people can review them :awesome:

But then that might ruin the excitement for the next exchange...

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Okay, so first off I must apologize for having taken so long to get around to this review. Even though I don’t yet know who you are, I presume you’ve been very patient, so thanks for that. Anyway, here we go… (I’ve listened through it twice already, but I’m listening to it again while typing so it’s a bit more authentic or spontaneous.)


Track 1 – Chill acoustic guitar rhythms. Simple and pleasant, his voice is nice enough. Short and soft little love song, not at all a bad way to start off a mixtape.


Track 2 – Clean sliding guitar chords with a very prominent bass. Close up, softly spoken vocals. Another simple one. Don’t feel like the mix has officially taken off yet, but again, it’s certainly pleasant in its discreetness. Lyrics are amusing (about being in love with an android [for other people reading this]), yet I like the serious tone and melody of the chorus…It was stuck in my head during work the other day. Not bad so far.


Track 3 – Groovy bass melody and piano chords at intervals. Drums enter…I really like the sound of the guitar in this one. Voice is, again, decent, but forgettable imo. Kind of an odd contrast between the bass and guitar riffs when they both enter. The chords stay pretty neutral so the overall feel of the song is likewise. Again, not bad.


Track 4 – A warm, amusing, kinda country shanty with a banjo and violin. Bunch of backing vocals… the melody is fun and addictive. I like it!


Track 5 – Now a female voice and snappy piano chords. Is it Feist? Whether or not, her voice has a unique texture which I mostly enjoy, especially on the high notes. I like the chorus, though the whole ‘I am not a robot!’ bit at the end with the minor chord strikes an odd note with me. Altogether it’s a nice track, certainly different from what I’m used to, which is kind of the point of this whole exchange.


Track 6 – A groovy, summery track. Every part of it is fine, but with each listen I find myself feeling bored by it. Even with the little breakdowns, it feels a bit generic and very forgettable. Most people would definitely enjoy it, but I’m so-so about it only because I find it uninteresting. That said, the beat and melody are still pleasant enough.


Track 7 – Woah, okay. 80s string synths, occasional piano riff and a very full, funky sound. After a minute I’m still not really into it…Don’t care for the girl’s voice. I can see why some people would really like it, but it’s just not really my kinda thing. Not in-tune with the mood I guess. Sorry.


Track 8 – Okay, back to a folkish, country vibe. Violin nuances, strummed guitar and a decent voice. After the first chorus I’m fine with it(though getting a weird plain white tees vibe). Nice backing vocals, nice chords and a nice emotional drive. I like it!……AND it appears I’m getting a two-for-one bonus.

A new track, also with a folkish, acoustic vibe enters, though it appears to be a completely different band (hidden track on the album it came from?). Again, pleasant and tongue-in-cheek, though I feel the mix is getting weighed down by these kinds of tracks that are safe and fun but have relatively little novelty to them. That is to say, I haven’t been blown away by anything yet. Lol, the ‘CSI-shit’ and outro bits are cute.


Track 9 – I like the very start of this one as it feels completely different than the previous tracks. An overbearing droney loop followed by a bass beat. Electronic distorted vocals enter. Though I liked some of the textures, I’m not really warming up to the song at all. The rythms and sounds are very chaotic, which would be fine if I could attach myself to something, but by the end I just find it all very annoying and abrasive. Yeah, don’t like it. I appreciate the change and variety though.


Track 10 – Tense, off-key piano in the intro. Bass, drums, vocals, etc. come together…not really liking it so far. The chorus, always starting with ‘she lifts up her skirt’ followed by the piano doesn’t really do anything for me. I can tell by the guitar arpeggios that it’s meant to have a sour, kind of haunting flavor… But while I can no longer say this mix is too consonant, the only thing I find enjoyable about this track is the surge of voices at the end. That was really cool.


Track 11 – Lol. Coincidentally this song was on the tape I got from the last mixtape exchange. “Sun Hands” by Local Natives. I thought it was a good song then, and I still do. It has a nice groove, and the voices are a great. My only annoyance about this song is I think it goes on too long, and the voices get to be monotonous. A good pick all the same!


Track 12 – Guitar arpeggios fade in… a clean, descending guitar riff comes in on top and runs off key. Nice voices, a fine song so far. The bridge and outro are especially warm and nice, I definitely like it.


Track 13 – More guitar arpeggios, though much more solemn this time. Now a bass line and drumbeat enter. I’m starting to like the garagey, sorta neo-punk sound of the instruments. Oh, but I can’t stand the screechy female vocals. I was starting to think this would be an instrumental, but the singing just kills it for me.


Track 14 – More guitar, off the back I like the smooth timbre of the chords. Fine with the voice…oh, I really like it now that the electronics enter. Yeah, this track started out okay, but it just gets better and better as it goes along. I’m really curious who this is now, I really like it!


Track 15 – Last one now… Acoustic picked guitar. Feels like a return to the soft mood that began the mix. His voice has a very nice sound to it. Bass enters…great so far. Choir-like backing vocals now, I especially like the vocal bass. A fine way to the end a mixtape, I really enjoyed this last one.


Okay so, in all honesty I was very neutral about this tape the first time through. I remember thinking it felt like it was made with someone else in mind. However, it’s grown on me a bit since then. The first half is really nice. 2, 4 and 5 stood out to me the most out of those. On the backside I was really thrown off by 9 and 10, but 11, 12, 14, and 15 saved the day for me; I especially liked those tracks. In the end it turns out to be a pretty solid mix. :thumbsup: I was also pleased to find that I only recognized one track. I have some theories about a few of the other bands but I’m afraid to guess for fear of embarrassment. Whoever you are, thanks so much for putting this together, I definitely enjoyed it and look forward to researching some of these artists as soon as you post the tracklist. :D

I apologize again for delaying this review.


I'm going to start off by saying that I'm glad my mixtape wasn't too bad!




Playground Love - Phoenix

Yeah, I'm In Love With An Android - Say Hi

Eloise - Say Hi

Burn the Pity of Our Past - Boulder Acoustic Society

I'm Not a Robot - Marina and the Diamonds

Rally - Phoenix

Lovesick - Lindstrom & Christabelle

Punchline/She Ain't No Good - Boulder Acoustic Society

The Zebrah - Big Black Delta

DMT - Mellowdrone

Sunhands - Local Natives

Beach Comber - Real Estate

Krimson - Warpaint

Plain Material - Memory Tapes

On a Sunlit Stage - Villagers


I kind of laughed a bit when you said that you liked my odd bluegrass music! It took a bit of time for Boulder Acoustic Society to grow onto me. :smiley:


Overall, I'm glad that my mixtape wasn't horrible! And I am thankful for your honest review!


btw: If anyone would like to download my mixtape here is the link:



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I'm going to start off by saying that I'm glad my mixtape wasn't too bad!




Playground Love - Phoenix

Yeah, I'm In Love With An Android - Say Hi

Eloise - Say Hi

Burn the Pity of Our Past - Boulder Acoustic Society

I'm Not a Robot - Marina and the Diamonds

Rally - Phoenix

Lovesick - Lindstrom & Christabelle

Punchline/She Ain't No Good - Boulder Acoustic Society

The Zebrah - Big Black Delta

DMT - Mellowdrone

Sunhands - Local Natives

Beach Comber - Real Estate

Krimson - Warpaint

Plain Material - Memory Tapes

On a Sunlit Stage - Villagers


I kind of laughed a bit when you said that you liked my odd bluegrass music! It took a bit of time for Boulder Acoustic Society to grow onto me. :smiley:


Overall, I'm glad that my mixtape wasn't horrible! And I am thankful for your honest review!

Ah, the mask comes off. I had no idea that some of those songs were by the same bands. It makes sense in hindsight considering a lot of the singers did sound similar to other songs. I've also been meaning to check out Phoenix, so it's cool that you included two of their songs in this mix. :)

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Hi, Ian. I was your mixtape maker. :)


First, I'm glad your review is finally finished. :cheesy: I remember seeing you posting the first bit, and I was like, "Ahhhhh, nooooo." :laugh4: It's perfectly OK, though. I didn't mind THAT much. :P


Yeah, the title idea I stole from Kelsie (ceolsige). I didn't wanna just name them "Track 1" or whatever, so I decided to use lyrics. I decided on "For You" on a whim. I don't know, it seemed proper. Anyway, here we go with the tracklisting:


1 - (Anon titled "If") - I love these kind of tracks... no lyrics, just atmosphere. They make albums really stand out. This track reminded me immediately of Phoenix Nights with the tinkling at the start No idea who this artist is but if this song is indicitive I'd like to hear more...


Geez, if I'd have known that, I would've put more stuff like this on there. Anyway, this one is "City of Safe Harbors" by Port Blue. Port Blue is a side project of Adam Young (aka Owl City), where he does instrumental music. I've come to find I like Port Blue rather much, and I figured one of his tracks would be perfect for an introduction to the mixtape. I'm really glad you liked it. :)


2 - (Anon titled "You're") - Don't know who this artist is either... not sure about the headache-inducing drum loop in the background which makes the song quickly irritating... sorry!


This one was "Arrow and Bow" by Apparatjik. I wanted to use one of their tracks, but I was having a hard time choosing between this one and "Datascroller." In hindsight, I probably should've stuck with "Datascroller" (which is what I was initially thinking of putting on there), but I thought the intro to this song might grab your attention. I'm sorry the drum loop drove you bonkers. :P


3 - (Anon titled "Feeling") - Back on track - this one had me tapping on the desk, but noticed the word particles appears in this song as it did in track 2 - are these two songs linked in any way?? Lots going on in this song, including a flute? and drum signature which dominates the singing. Mysteriously addictive song! .........


I'm really glad you liked this one. This song is "Kingfish Pies" by Midlake, a band from Denton, Texas. I'm kinda proud to say this band is from my state. :smug2: Anyway, this one is from their debut album. Yes, that was a flute. :D


4 - (Anon titled "And") - Shortish 3 minute song with a catchy string melody - sounded quite folky - artist unknown. A solo artist perhaps? And those waffles look tasty too!


Your assumption about this being a solo artist is correct. His name is Fionn Regan, and he's from Ireland. This is his song "Hunter's Map," from his debut album. I like this song a lot, as I think the guitar is really catchy. Oh, and I'm glad you liked the waffles. :waffle: :laugh4:


5 - (Anon titled "Feel") - Two Door Cinema Club, Undercover Martyn - I know of this one, unfortunately I only enjoyed the first 18 seconds. Something's happening in that basement, sorry but I'm washing my hair!


Awww, sad day. :P Nahhh, it's fine. I did want something from the group, and I just stuck with this one because it was my favorite at the time. Oh well, at least you enjoyed the intro. :P


6 - (Anon titled "Alone") - Good driving track with the lyrics "I've got you next to me... I don't want to waste it" the standout highlight. "I know who this is but I can't put my finger on it" was the rhyming lyrics I added myself at the end......


Haha, nice. Anyway, this is "Next to Me" by Civil Twilight, a band that's originally from South Africa. They've been compared to Coldplay in some aspects, so I thought it might be a good idea to throw something of theirs into the mix. I'm glad my instinct was right on this one. :wacky:


7 - (Anon titled "Circumnavigate") - Is this Arcade Fire? I don't listen to them much but recognise their busy music. This is quite a ballad whatever it is, one of the longest tracks on the mixtape. Only needed one listen and enjoyed it thoroughly!


Actually, no, it's not. :laugh4: This is Fanfarlo, a relatively new band from the UK. This song, "I'm a Pilot," is the opening track for their debut album, "Reservoir." I found it kinda funny you thought they were Arcade Fire; that's mostly because when I myself listen to them, I'm kinda reminded of Beirut. :P Anyway, I'm glad you liked the track. :)


8 - (Anon titled "The") - Singing Softly To Me! I really haven't listened to a lot of Kings of Covenience recently for a reason I don't know, but hopefully this track will give me a reason to capture their mellow ballands again in my collection, including the 2009 album which I've yet to hear! I reckon little Sammy will like this kind of music when he's trying to drift to sleep Off to Spotify sometime soon.....!


Yeah, checking out the 2009 album is a good plan. :cheesy: Well, maybe that's just because I like Kings of Convenience in general. If your little boy ends up liking them, I think I'll be a very happy camper. :nice:


9 - (Anon titled "Globe") - Another track to drive to... as you can tell most of my music is in the car! Don't know who this is... "feel like a cannonball..." are those the correct lyrics? His voice is quite produced in this song, difficult to tell. Not a great fan of the voice, so for me the melody is in charge here... head for the motorway!


This song is "King of Rome" by Goldheart Assembly. They released their debut album earlier this year, and this is the opening track for it. It's fine that you feel the melody is what takes charge; I believe that's a huge reason in why I like this song so much myself. I thought it might serve as a good contrast to the previous track, so yeah. :P


10 - (Anon titled "All") - Best track of the mixtape for me! Quite a Mexican feel what with the quick strumming, almost as if the singer is wearing a sombrero, stuffing his face with tapas in between songs. Strange what thoughts go through one's head when driving. Shame this track is one of the shortest at only two and a half minutes, but there's something about it that got me going! Love to know who this artist is..!


:cheesy: Really!? I'm excited now. This was the one I was afraid you'd not like as much as the others. :laugh4: Anyway, this song is called "Alone Together," and it's from Mesita. Mesita is the musical name for James Cooley, a self-taught multi-instrumentalist from Colorado. You can find his music (which can all be downloaded for free) at http://mesitamusic.com/.


11 - (Anon titled "You") - Since I was listening to this in the car because this track started off quietly it was 1m18s before I realised the song had even begun! Was still thinking about the previous track. So this song really didn't get going for me, and I could hardly tell what the lyrics were, so I'd have to say I won't be listening to this one again!


I have mixed emotions about this. While this means you really liked Mesita (which is more than I could've hoped for), you didn't like this one. :\ This was "Creature Fear" by Bon Iver. It is rather quiet, so I understand your reasoning. It makes me wish, though, that I knew you mostly listened to music in your car. If I had known that previously, I would've tried to take that into account when I was making your mix. I couldn't expect you to like everything, though; that would be ridiculous. :P I'm just sorry it didn't work out. :shrug:


12 - (Anon titled "Ever") I've heard this track on the radio I think before, but its basically been outside the scope of my musical listening. Jack Johnson or somebody? Solo artist, but I'm just guessing at the name. Bit drowsy for me, not much umph. Fair to middling on this mixtape for me, not the worst, but not my favourite.


Well...OK, the track is interesting. It's not Jack Johnson. The vocalist you were listening to was actually Adam Levine from Maroon 5. However, he's the featured artist, not the main artist. This song is called "Gotten," and it's Track 7 of Slash's solo album, "Slash." I kinda "stalked" you and saw that some of your plays consisted of Guns 'N' Roses, so I thought it might be a good idea to throw this in there. Sorry you didn't care for it like I thought you might.


13 - (Anon titled "Have") - This track has a Johnny Cash feel to it, but with a modern twist. I actually quite like this track, it has a touch of maturity about it. Get the feeling that the artist is emotionally quite close to the song. My next question then is important - is this a cover or an original recording? Love to know the answer.


This is an original song. :) The song is called "Stranger," and it's by Noah and the Whale, a band from London. It's interesting that you said something about a Johnny Cash feel, because I've never really thought of it that way before. I'll have to listen to it sometime and see if I can't notice the resemblance. The emotional part (what you were talking about) is why I really like this song. I'm not sure if it's really that way, but I feel something when I listen to this track. I'm glad you liked it. :)


14 - (Anon titled "To") - Almost need no introduction to this song - Lilac Wine. Jeff Buckley is one of my favourite artists, Grace is scratched to death. Excellent choice for this mixtape, probably the one song I have most in common with my mixer!


Oh, really? I'm glad. :) I wanted to put at least one song on here that wouldn't have been from like, the past five years. :P It was really hard thinking of a way to do that. I was listening to iTunes as I was thinking about what to put on your tape, and this song came on. I thought, "Yes, this would be perfect." Knowing that you like Jeff Buckley makes me feel much more at ease.


OK, so about the mysterious 15th track (aka "Hope"). I'm really sorry about that. I had given the tape a test run with someone else, and they had mentioned to me that they couldn't get the 15th track at all. I've tried reuploading it since then, and each time, something goes wrong. This is what it was supposed to be:




Mando Diao is a rock band from Sweden. The main reason I'm disappointed about this not working is that it was a main point in terms of breaking the quiet monotony of the tracks before it. I'm sorry I couldn't get it to work. :(


16 - (Anon titled "For") - Almost immediately after listening to "Have", the review for "For" could almost be the same - Johnny Cash feel, emotional etc. This song with the added strings to it almost makes me think of listening to it on the Scottish Highlands with a whiskey Similar song to the previous track, similar question as above...


See, this is another reason I wanted Track 15 to work. I figured you might start to think the songs sounded the same. :\ Oh well, there's not much I can do about it now. Anyway, this song is also an original. This is "90-Mile Water Wall" by The National, a Brooklyn-based indie band from Cincinnati, Ohio. This song is from their second album, "Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers." I'm glad you liked this one, too.


17 - (Anon titled "Too") - Exit Music (for a film) - but not by Radiohead. WTF did they do to this song :lol: Sorry but if its not broke don't fix it!


...OK, so that was a fail. :laugh4: I'll make sure not to do that again. :P I ended with this song on purpose. (Because, you know, exit music...blah, I know. :P) I tried using this cover by Vampire Weekend to kill two birds with one stone. I thought that this way, I could introduce you to Vampire Weekend, yet at the same time, put some other sort of familiarity in the tape. I myself personally like the cover, which is from a 10-year-anniversary tribute to "OK Computer." What can I say? I tried. :P


Well, that's it. I'm really glad there were some things you liked. That's the main goal for any mixtape maker, I suppose. When I found out it was you I was making the tape for, I kinda started to spazz internally. :laugh4: I was like, "What if I put something on there he hates? He could kick me off the forum for this! D:" Well, maybe not, but you get my point. :P


Anyway, here's a condensed tracklisting:


1. “City of Safe Harbors”-Port Blue (The Albatross EP, 2008)

2. “Arrow and Bow”-Apparatjik (We Are Here, 2010)

3. “Kingfish Pies”-Midlake (Bamnan and Slivercork, 2004)

4. “Hunter’s Map”-Fionn Regan (The End of History, 2006)

5. “Undercover Martyn”-Two Door Cinema Club (Tourist History, 2010)

6. “Next to Me”-Civil Twilight (Civil Twilight, 2009)

7. “I’m a Pilot”-Fanfarlo (Reservoir, 2009)

8. “Singing Softly To Me”-Kings of Convenience (Quiet is the New Loud, 2001)

9. “King of Rome”-Goldheart Assembly (Wolves and Thieves, 2010)

10. “Alone Together”-Mesita (Alone Together Single, 2008)

11. “Creature Fear”-Bon Iver (For Emma, Forever Ago, 2008)

12. “Gotten”-Slash feat. Adam Levine (Slash, 2010)

13. “Stranger”-Noah and the Whale (The First Days of Spring, 2009)

14. “Lilac Wine”-Jeff Buckley (Grace, 1994)

15. “Down in the Past”-Mando Diao (Hurricane Bar, 2004)

16. “90-Mile Water Wall”-The National (Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers, 2003)

17. “Exit Music (for a Film)”-Vampire Weekend (Stereogum Presents…OKX: A Tribute to OK Computer, 2007)


As soon as I can find a way to get the stubborn Track 15 to work, I'll put up a link of my mixtape for everyone. :)

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I'm sorry for the delay.

Thank you very much for your review ! I'm your mixtape maker :) . Haha I'm sorry, this was my very first attempt at doing this so I had absolutely no perspective nor experience and no clue about how to organize the tracks etc ... :sweatdrop: .

I'm glad you liked it as a whole though, and I can undertand why you did not really like some of them. Reading your review was very instructive, really ! :) Thanks again for making such a complete review !!


Yay! You're welcome, and thanks so much for the mixtape :) You did a wonderful job, I'll definitely be checking out a couple of those bands (Beirut, Volo, and Stornoway especially) really soon.

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Nailed it. Australia. You're pretty damn clever. Here's the tracks you reviewed.


Here you go Fietssleutel!


WHOO. DONE. :dance:





Track 1

This mixtape starts very cheerful! The first minute of the song is instrumental. Very catchy and summer-y. I'm not really a fan of the vocals, mainly a group of girls singing about an orange town? It's a bit too shouty and bubbly for me. I really liked the first minute though and I wouldn't have minded if the whole track as instrumental. Rating: 4/10


‘In Colours’

Paper Dolls (NEW ZEALAND)

Off their album ‘In Colours’ (2010)

I agree, the instrumental part is the best. It’s a real bright opener which starts their album too, from a duo from…. NZ of all places! They are practically unheard of. Dad got me onto them this year. It's a risky bold opener, but it kinda sets up the sunny, optimistic, dreamy theme of the mixtape.





Track 2

Next... a really awesome guitar starts off a song with a relaxing surfy vibe. Further into the songs it gets a bit more rockier. I rather like this. Sounds like a band just starting out. It's a good start. Rating: 6/10



Last Dinosaurs (AUSTRALIA)

Off their debut EP ‘Back from the dead’ (2010)


Here’s the first of the Aussie talent I have packed into the mixtape. Yeah, the riff is a bit surfy, but it’s got a real cool indie vibe, and I love the “hey” they shout in the background too. And when the beat doubles later in the song, I love that! It is a very summer song, and you’re right its their first single. It’s pretty much propelled this local band to Australian national recognition in the indie scene.





Track 3

Wow, the start of this song is really awesome. The singer has a great voice. Somehow, it kind of reminds me of Local Natives, although there's less harmony singing here. I guess it might be the balance between the lo fi folky and more rocky sounds. Suffice to say, I really like this song. It's also a very cheerful surfy song and I'd love to hear more of this band. Rating: 8/10


‘Mexican Mavis’

Boy & Bear (AUSTRALIA)

Off their debut EP ‘From Emperor Antarctica’ (2010)


Yet again another new Aussie band. Our answer to Fleet Foxes, and a bit of Mumford and Sons thrown into their sound. Their EP is amazing, and it’s such a great folk-pop sound – like you said. The guitar riffs, up-tempo drums and the harmonies = perfect. And the added riff in the chorus is sneaky but effective. Definitely one to look out for, one of Aussie’s best new up-and-comers.





Track 4

Tokyo Police Club, awesome! I don't know this song, but judging from the sound it must be Tokyo Police Club. One of the very, very many bands I only know a couple of songs of, but who are very much worth checking out. Great song, I love the ooh-ooh-oohs. Rating: 7/10


'Wait Up (Boots of danger)'

Tokyo Police Club (CANADA)

Off the album ‘Champ’ (2010)


haha nailed it! It’s one of Canada’s best indie bands with their second album, and definitely worth checking out if people haven't, this is one of many good tracks from the album that was just released. I love how simple the chorus is but oh so memorable!





Track 5

First reaction: oh, great something a bit more electronic. Second reaction: ah, it's Kele. I've known Tenderoni for a while now and although it's not nearly as good as (most of) Bloc Party's work, it's a decent song. I wouldn't want to listen to a whole album with songs in this style, one is good. The T-E-N-D-E-R-O-N-I thing is kind of lame though. But it's a great track to dance to. I associate the title with macaroni. Rating: 6/10



Kele Okereke (UK)

Off his debut solo album ‘The Boxer’ (2010)


Hmm I throught this was too easy to pick. I heard it for the first time and didn’t like it at all because I liked his old stuff with Bloc Party so much better, but the lead singer’s solo stuff is ok. He’s gone the dance route; I really like the vocals in this more than anything and the riff at the end. It’s quite different but has the fundamentals of a great song being a little less indie-rock than my normal stuff!





Track 6

A more quiet song (compared to the previous few), but still keeping up the awesome happy vibe of the tape. Also really feeling the surf vibe here. I especially love rhythm here (mainly the base line and drums). Another artist I'd love to hear more from. Rating: 7/10


'My Fear #2'

Cloud Control (AUSTRALIA)

Off their debut album ‘Bliss Release’ (2010)


Thought you’d like this one. It’s from a very impressive debut and one of the best Aussie CDs this year. They supported Vampire Weekend a couple of months and impressed me. This is quite late in their album, and I love the surfy vibe you picked up. The riff and the bass complement each other so well.





Track 7

Banjooooooooo! I'm a sucker for banjos so I can't help but love this song. It sort of sounds like Mumford & Sons, but less angry and more sweet. The singer (or more the way he sings I guess) sounds really familiar. The song has a really good balance between the folk and rockish elements. I love the line "we are most forgettable". Fave so far! Rating: 9/10


‘Creature Comforts’

The Nick Tree Band (ENGLAND)

Off their debut EP ‘A story born in wonderland’ (2010)


I am a sucker too! Great track. NME used this song (out of nowhere) to put on their Glasto videos for their website, thats where I heard it first. It’s their only good song and VERY hard to hunt down! The banjo and drums make this for me. You're right it’s like Mumford and Sons with more summery vocals.





Track 8

We've arrived near the middle of the tape. Now, this song has a bit of a spooky start but develops quickly in a cheerful and catchy little song. It doesn't strike me as really special or original, but it's a nice song to listen to. Rating: 6/10


‘Mr Keeperman’

Buchanan (AUSTRALIA)

Off their debut EP ‘The Safety Beach’ (2010)


This track in fact is from fellow Melbourne coldplayer Josh_Simo… it’s a great lead track off their debut EP. They are completely unknown here, so it’s a good find! I love the beat and piano working together, and the change up with the kids chorus. It’s quite Coldplay and could easily be played in a stadium. Great stuff from a fellow local two-piece.





Track 9.

FRIGHTNENED RABBIT. The Wrestle. I'd recognize them anywhere and I love you for including this, 'nuff said. Frightened Rabbit is one of the best live performances I've seen this year and their new album is solid. Recommended to anyone with any taste in music. Rating: 8/10


‘The Wrestle’

Frightened Rabbit (SCOTLAND)

Off their album ‘The Winter of Mixed Drinks’ (2010)


Glad you love this! It’s from what I think is easily the most underrated band in the British Isles. I love the dreamy back sound and the bass riff through the whole song. They played it here live in an intimate pre-album gig in Feb, it was great to hear it then and I instantly fell in love with it. It’s so powerful and draws you in. Looking forward to seeing them here in a month again!





Track 10

Ah, another electronic track and a very catchy one at that. It's more poppy than the Kele track and I prefer this one hands down to that one. Actually, the middle part kind of reminds me of Delphic. Great synthpop track. Rating: 7/10


‘Better Than Love’


It’s their debut single (2010)


Thought you might like. I went out on a limb putting it in. I only discovered it the other day. It’s a bit dark and similar to a bit of stuff out there, I just like the electro riff on the chorus. And so true it sounds a bit like the band Delphic.





Track 11

This track starts with the line "going down to the underground, 17 blocks away". It sounds really familiar and the combination of music/lyrics sticks. I'm afraid this song is gonna be stuck in my head now. Rating: 7/10



Evermore (AUSTRALIA)

Off their greatest hits album ‘Evermore’ (2010)


Thought this would kick things back into gear. It’s such an epic stadium song – I heard it live for the first time in Feb and loved it. I have good memories of this song too, and just love singing it out loud at home! it sticks cos its good pop!





Track 12

An electronic(ish) track with almost a trance-y quality to it. Not really a fan of the lyrics ("take me to the moon, where the sun can shine through", lots of stuff about stars, moons and suns), a bit too cheesy for me. Nonetheless it's a pretty good track to listen to although I'm not really impressed. I imagine this might be really pleasant background music. Rating: 6/10


‘Moon Theory’

Miami Horror (AUSTRALIA)

Off their soon-to-be-released debut ‘Illumination’ (2010)


Any Aussie with great music taste will tell you they love this track. These guys have put out two amazing singles, the other I put on my last mixtape, and they have a great indie-dance vibe. Lyrics are a bit cheesy, but I like the musical side of it more I guess.





Track 13

I'm quite positive that this is Mystery Jets as I just streamed their new album this week. I LOVE the whistling, it adds a ridiculously happy vibe to the song. This is Flash A Hungry smile and it was actually one of my favourites when I listened to I feel like jumping around now. Or singing along. *whistles along* Rating: 7/10


‘Flash A Hungry Smile’

Mystery Jets (ENGLAND)

Off their album ‘Seratonin’ (2010)


Nailed it! This band is another one that’s relatively unknown outside of the UK. It’s their third album, and it’s great indie rock. The vocals in this are ok, lyrics quite funny, but it’s the instrumental side I love. These guys play on 80’s synths, and make some incredibly catchy stuff. It makes me move too! It's probably a song about oral sex to be honest - look at the lyrics.





Track 14

The start of this song really reminds me of Stornoway (to be specific: We Are the Human Battery), but I think this is Bombay Bicycle Club. I haven't heard their new album yet, but I dig this new acoustic sound! I guess I should give that album a listen now, no? "You're a layer on my clothes" is a great line. Rating: 8/10


‘Ivy & Gold’

Bombay Bicycle Club’ (ENGLAND)

Off their soon-to-be released album ‘Flaws’ (2010)


nailed it again! Yeah tose vocals are so distinct. yes its got a great summery acoustic vibe to it. I like the soft optimism and sun-drenched sound. Its good to put you in a happy warm mood, and thats what I get out of music most. Definitely check out the album.





Track 15

Joan of Arc? Nah, that can't be right.. Right? Well, other than that, this song is rather electronic. It reminds me a bit of track 12, but this artist makes more catchy poppy songs. Kind of reminds me of music from the '80s really. The downside is that I feel it's a bit too repetitive. Rating: 7/10


‘Jona Vark’

Gypsy And The Cat (AUSTRALIA)

Unreleased Single (2010)


Spelling was close! Another amazing Aussie talent, that NME in England is starting to notice. Another indie-dance band too… see a familiar trend? I think a lot of music tends to be going that way at the moment. It is a bit like Empire of the Sun, and I think that is why these guys (another duo) will be successful. So chilled out too, the sound from it.





Track 16

Boo, nearing the end of the tape. This song is by far the longest on the tape, running for over seven minutes. I'm intrigued. OK, so it seems like this is actually a two-for-one deal. Last track from an album plus a hidden track? In any case, it's hard to believe that both songs are from the same artist, they sound so different! The first one is very calm and loungy and really sounds like a closing track. Reminds me of a tropical island of some sort (even though the singer sings about "hot nights in the city"), I can already see the hammock and palm trees in my mind. It's like a dream.


The second song is kind of a surprise. I expected one track, but now I'm kind of glad the first song wasn't seven minutes! That would've been boring! The singer of this song sings in a much higher register and the song hasn't got the fall asleep quality (that's not a bad thing). Really happy to hear drums and stronger guitars, makes the song a lot more poppy than the previous one. I love the line "so leave that world behind". I'm really curious if both songs are from the same artist. Rating: first part: 7/10 second part: 8/10


‘Sweet Days Waiting’

Teenage Fanclub (SCOTLAND)

Off their album ‘Shadows’ (2010)


Once again, a massively underrated band. This is like their 9th album too. It’s actually a band that Kurt Kobain and Liam Gallagher had both said in the 1990’s that they were the best in the world. They’re a bit more mellow now, and this is a nice soft dreamy closer track.


Secret Track



Kowalski (IRELAND)

Off their debut EP ‘Take Care, Take Flight’ (2010)


Yep I thought I would be sneaky and make this mixtape a bit more surprising by adding a secret track‼ Not the same artist tho. This is by an irish band with a lead singer with the best vocals I have heard all year. It’s what makes the song for me. The actual track has a lot of noise at the start so I edited that… all 40secs of it! But the vocals stand out. And I love the reverb and all the components work so well…. The lyrics ‘coast away and you’ll be fine’ pretty much sum up the mixtape.





Overall I really liked this tape. It's got a nice flow and most of the songs kind of have the same vibe. It's a great tape to listen to in summer. I would have liked a bit more variation maybe, but that also could've destroyed the tape. During the last listen (when I wrote the review) I was quite happy with the cohesiveness of the songs. The songs don't sound to same-ish and that's a really big plus about the tape. I'm happy that I didn't recognize most of the songs, which means I have discovered new music. But it was also great to hear a couple of bands that I do know. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that a fair lot of the bands come from the same area (in the world). If I would make a guess, I'd say Australia. But I don't know much Australian music, so this guess is purely based on the sunnyness of the songs and the sunnyness of Australia. And I really like the Australian music I do know. Anyhow, dear mixtape maker, you did a great job. I enjoyed the tape and I'm curious to find out who you are. In any case, you have great taste in music.


Thanks for your kind words! It was a daunting task making this for you because I saw your last.fm 'bands you've seen' profile. You nailed the Aussie part, overall I just liek sun-drenched indie music and UK alternative. This mixtape summed it up, all new songs by the way. Glad I could entertain and inform!






1. 'In Colours' - The Brunettes

2. 'Honolulu' - Last Dinosaurs

3. 'Mexican Mavis' - Boy & Bear

4. 'Wait Up (Boots of danger)' - Tokyo Police Club

5. 'Tenderoni' - Kele Okereke

6. 'My Fear #2' - Cloud Control

7. 'Creature Comforts' - The Nick Tree Band

8. 'Mr Keeperman' - Buchanan

9. 'The Wrestle' - Frightened Rabbit

10. 'Better Than Love' - Hurts

11. 'Underground' - Evermore

12. 'Moon Theory' - Miami Horror

13. 'Flash A Hungry Smile' - Mystery Jets

14. 'Ivy & Gold' - Bombay Bicycle Club

15. 'Jona Vark' - Gypsy & The Cat

16. 'Sweet Days Waiting' - Teenage Fanclub / 'Asleep' - Kowalski

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Alright, I've procrastinated long enough. :P


Here's my review for the mix I received:

Hi there! I made your mixtape :nice: Thank you very much for posting your review. Honestly when I found out I had you, I had no idea what to put...I really didn't expect to have a guy so many of the songs I had chosen were kinda girly. They're also mostly mainstream as I'm not really avant garde at all with my musical tastes. High five for being a Muse fan though. And sorry for so many electro songs, I didn't even realize how many there were until you pointed it out...


Track 1- Girlfriend-Phoenix-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Really? the swoosh seems like the ideal beginning noise to me...oh well. And its a man singing. A french man actually.


Track 2-Creature Fear-Bon Iver-For Emma, Forever Ago

It was an m4a file instead of mp3 which might have caused you some problems. And the ending is part of the song, its goes better with the full album. I'm glad you liked it though, he has such a unique tone to his voice which is really soothing...check out the rest of the album!


Track 3-Fader-The Temper Trap-Conditions

I figured you would like this one, all of their songs are really catchy and mainstream-ish, but still rock-y enough with a good beat to really grab onto. They're really going to be big one day soon I have a feeling.


Track 4-One Foot Boy-Mika-The Boy Who Knew Too Much

Haha, yeah as its just a singer instead of a band its going to focus mostly on his high vocal capabilities than the music. Really, I only added this one in because I felt there were too many slow songs on here and it makes me happy just listening to it. Not everyone's cup of tea for sure.


Track 5-On A Cloud-PPP (Platinum Pied Pipers)

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't like this one. It's girly and poppy and jazzy and I think fit in well for an early diversifying track.


Track 6-Crossfire-Brandon Flowers-Flamingo

Yep, you got it, it's Brandon's first single! It's really good I think musically considering its primarily a vocal solo album.


Track 7-You and Your Heart-Jack Johnson-To the Sea

Got it again. I love Jack Johnson and I'm glad you do too. He's under appreciated by a lot of people.


Track 8-Paris Is Burning-St.Vincent-Marry Me

To each their own, I suppose. I agree with the lyrics not being really groundbreaking or anything, but its a fun little escapist track.


Track 9-So Long To The Headstrong-Fleet Foxes-Fleet Foxes EP

They really do a great job at layering the song, don't they? The speeds change and the riffs go on and off quickly, but its a great tune overall. One of their best I think. Definitely download the rest of their EP and first LP.


Track 10-Lights Go Down-Telepathe-Dance Mother

I agree it does get repetitive after a while. Video game music? I see your point. :shrug:


Track 11-These Stones Will Shout-The Raconteurs- Consolers of the Lonely

It starts to grow on you, right? Same happened with me. I wasn't sure what to think of it, and now they are one of my favorite bands. Check out Broken Boy Soldiers, it has a lot of music I think you'll recognize and like.


Track 12-Cosmic Love-Florence + the Machine-Lungs

Everything is strong and punchy, in your face yet pretty at the same time. I've yet to meet a person who doesn't like this song. I think you got it, its all so powerful.


Track 13- Fast Fuse-Kasabian- The West Rider Pauper Lunatic Asylum

Yeah, the drums kind of fade into the background one the vocals come in. It's great to just dance and rock out to though.


Track 14-Deadbeat-Apparatjik- We Are Here

It's intentional, trust me. Maybe not the best track for a beginner Apparatjik listener. I wish I had known you didn't like electro-futuristic stuff before, like half of these songs wouldn't have made the cut :lol:


Track 15- Ghost Under Rocks-Ra Ra Riot- The Rhumb Line

You can't understand him? I swear it's English. Aren't the drums un-freaking-believable? So damn fast, really their best asset, I think. And if you could understand the lyrics, I think you'd have liked them, too.


Track 16-Headlock-Imogen Heap- Speak For Yourself

Yeah, you won't like Imogen if you don't like electro sounding stuff.


Track 17- Foreground-Grizzly Bear- Veckatimest

I always end with soft songs and piano. Its a thing, I like slowly fading away. Don't give up on them just because of this track, they really are an incredible sounding band.


The songs that I really liked-


I had fun doing this review. Thanks for the mix!


That's more than I had expected so I'll label this mix a success :laugh4:

You're welcome! :)

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Yay! You're welcome, and thanks so much for the mixtape :) You did a wonderful job, I'll definitely be checking out a couple of those bands (Beirut, Volo, and Stornoway especially) really soon.


Aww YOU are welcome ! :dance:

I'm glad I could help you discovering some new bands :). And I'm sorry for the tracks that weren't so good to you ... I wish I knew it before mixing actually, so I'd have chosen other songs to put on my tape :sweatdrop: . But anyway, yay for you being so open minded and nice ! :thumbsup:


Oh, just in case my mixtape maker is passing by... ( :curtain: ) my review is on page 52 ! *is still optimistic about getting a tracklist :D *

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