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I firstly brought this album, via a copy not because I am to tight fisted to get the real one but for a few days I did not have the money now for a oringial thew copy was terraible but I could here the class and its quiality.


I now have the oringinal this is now a GREAT ALBUM in my collection I would like to thank my fellow coldplay fans for showing me radiohead they are quality. The album is great. I don't understand what they are on about but the sound fabolus.


I need a long time radiohead fan to guide me though their songs/ albums.

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i was watching glastonbury live coverage last night of Radiohead headlining :shock:





Thom yorke is a freakin genius. radioheads music is totally mad and i love it, he just gets totally into the atmosphere...mmmmmmmm


*thumbs up* :D

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yeah weren't they!

i was never a big fan until i heard Karma Police and Creep a few months back - Now i think they're excellent!


I can only imagine what the atmosphere was like actually being there at glasto!! lol


i was getting excited just sittin at home! :o :D

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Radiohead Glastonbury set list


What can i say " amazing " Radioheads performance last night at Glastonbury . for anyone who missed / never saw it here's the set list ......


The band performed a classic Glastonbury set to the throng on the hillside in front of the Pyramid Stage, winding up with a powerful rendition of 'Street Spirit'.


The set-list ran:


'There There'

'2+2 = 5'


'The National Anthem'

'Talk Show Host'

'Where I End And You Begin'

'Climbing Up The Walls'

'The Groaning'

'No Surprises'

'Fake Plastic Trees'

'Sit Down Stand Up'

'Go To Sleep'

'Sail To The Moon'

'Paranoid Android'


'Everything In Its Right Place'


'Karma Police'

'Street Spirit'



Totaly awesome !

HTTT :-x

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CHRIS!! My radiohead buddy!! How are ya??


That set list sounds SOOOO awesome!! I'd love to hear Street Spirit!! Anyhoo, seeing them in August, so i'm excited!! :D


Hey Laura - good to hear from you , glad your going to see the almighty Radiohead in august - your gonna love the gig let me tell you . i too am seeing them in november , but glastonbury was just AMAZING !


great to hear from you again .


HTTT :twisted:

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i really love a wolf at the door, high and dry, just, fake plastic trees, and so on...


I was telling my bro that i want to go to Radiohead's concert and u know what he said, he really pissed me off. He said that they are 'wak' and that they sound like nirvana, what the hell? nirvana.

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