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Another POTENTIAL leak (cover) "DLIBYH"


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i found a really bad review of a spanish web site: Let us say it quickly and warm cloths: Coldplay's new album is fucking lazy bad. From here, the more fans of the British band Taliban can stop reading to avoid blood boil them.


Anyway, yesterday I went to hear Mylo Xyloto EMI, the fifth and highly anticipated new album from Chris Martin and company. I acknowledge that, despite previous singles, did not know what I would find, for everything surrounding the new album from London is a mystery. Not even the company itself know too many details of a release that will hit stores on October 25th, a day before the concert that fill the bullring of Las Ventas (entries yesterday flew in just one hour). Perhaps, I thought, teardrop Every joke is a waterfall and kitsch tribute to The Rhythm of the Night was just an anecdote. Perhaps uninspired Paradise, with its air reloaded halfway between what is now called R & B (am I the only one who reminds Halo Betyoncé?) And themes-time most forgettable of his discography was just another step to false. Perhaps the third single, the most worthy Major Minus, out of the weakest on the disc. But it is not. The entire disk (saving the initial Hurts Like Heaven and ballads like that closes the album, Up with the Birds) is a full-scale skid that shows a lack of ideas of a group that apparently does not already overstretched .


Mylo Xyloto-a title that means nothing, which probably is the biggest outburst of originality in all commercial disco supposedly sounds in the worst sense of the term. Sipura overproduction, artificiality and some complacency. He knows a little plastic. No soul, no songs. Because even though I was never a big fan of Coldplay, is fair to recognize that throughout its history have known pop songs of large bill for all ages. Harmless, buenista and predictable at times, but certainly inspired. Today seems to be no trace of his best moments: Charlie Brown, Up in flames, Princess of China (where the remarkable collaboration of Rihanna is indicative of which way the shot) or Do not Let It Break Your Heart go through the unnoticed player, and when it reaches the end-by-three interludes, the feeling of insignificance overwhelms the listener. Nothing more.


In a recent interview with British newspaper The Mirror, Chris Martin speculated that this was the last album of Coldplay since, as the blond vocalist, the band "has already given all I had." Perhaps it was a joke. Perhaps a moment of sincerity enlightening. Or maybe the error was that of the many who thought, at some point, they could have something more to offer.





I agree .... but why I bought the tickets, the record and we are out here waiting desperately?? I don't understand me, I don't pretend to understand anyone, I hear his music and just feel really good.:kiss:

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This one actually sounds even closer to Coldplay stuff than everything I've heard so far :D Except his fking voice, i think he's done a pretty good job and we should give him credit, maybe, for trying ;) Who knows, it could be the actual song after all!


P.S. what if "pirurirururiru" is some sort of guitar solo?

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I think the guy has the real song covered, but his voice is just, uhhhh I'll try to be gentle, TERRIBLE.


And to those thinking he's not telling the truth, there have been 1 or 2 sessions where the whole album was streamed for a lucky few, and maybe he was one of them.

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if it's legit it's legit, but even if he was at a listening party there's no way he'd have bagged all the lyrics as perfectly as this after one or two, even three or four lyrics without having them to hand and I very much doubt he was writing them all down, but we'll see and I'll be damned if this is the actual song.


Nice chords though, let it be known if this joker is right on the money, that I at least said as much.


there's my two cents. boom.


EDIT ^ LOL. so sounds like it.

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I think the guy has the real song covered, but his voice is just, uhhhh I'll try to be gentle, TERRIBLE.


And to those thinking he's not telling the truth, there have been 1 or 2 sessions where the whole album was streamed for a lucky few, and maybe he was one of them.


So you think he heard a stream and remembered every single word and chord in the song?


Doubt it. It's fake in my books.

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