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Rate "Magic" and post your review/comments (New Poll - Magic music vid)


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After Midnight I was hoping for another interesting song, but Magic sounds very average to me, not to say clichƩ.


My brain really can't understand how the same people wrote a song like Yes, Violet Hill and Viva la Vida, with a lot of culture in it and then write "call it magic when i'm with you" like, really??
Exactly. Coldplay are intelligent men, experienced musicians, inspired by literally all sorts of music. So why on earth would they not be able to write something we don't already hear on radio 95% of the time?

The only explanation I can think of is they don't want to, which I can respect. You could call that a statement. Maybe they want to break with a moody image. Still, to me the lyrics seem lame. I just can't take them seriously. Someone said maybe Chris wrote this for his children, I thought of that as well. It's a song kids could sing when they fall in love for the first time. (This is not a compliment.)

Chris does sound happy and kind of jokingly flirty, which suits the song. (This is probably a compliment.)


What I am content with is that it doesn't sound like a stadium hit that demands a singalong. It's light and relatively subtle. I'll give it 6/10 because of that and the guitar parts. Jonny Buckland saves the day.


I'm also glad Midnight is on the album. Ghost Stories will probably have a few different shades.




PS. I know many people are annoyed with negative comments and I know some will be influenced by them, but it wouldn't be an interesting discussion if we all agreed on everything. Please don't let posts like this one ruin your experience of the song.

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I'm a bit disappointed , it's not a bad song but i was expecting more guitar or a better guitar riff , and i prefer when Chris uses his low voice ( like in "Atlas" or "A rush of blood to the head" for exemple )


Wait and see :)

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I love the album name and the artworks look absolutely epic! Probably the best they've done since rush of blood! The whole album reveal was the exact opposite of MX and I'm loving it!


Now onto Magic. After Midnight I had different expectations and after a lot of listens I still prefer Midnight. BUT, production wise, Magic is exactly what I was hoping for in that they've kept it minimal. Guy's bass is epic and dominant during the whole song and Chris's voice is just right. However, every time Jonny comes in with his heavenly guitar, and I mean the kind that sends shivers down your spine, he is cut too short! So all in all I hate some parts about it but love the rest. I can't give it a rating yet.


By the way 03:04 to 03:10 sounds really familiar and I'm positive the melody is borrowed from another song I just can't remember what song!

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10 - Brilliant! Houdini! 125 32.47%


I hope you people realise you are rating this (and those who voted Midnight a 10) equal, or even higher than songs like Yellow, Trouble, Clocks, The Scientist, Fix You and Charlie Brown etc. Tbh I think/hope this is mostly due to over excitement. But then again, everyone like different types of music.

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Guest kmm1482

It's Coldplay back to doing what they do best: simple, sweet, uplifting love songs.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I like the production (i can hear every intrument), the sound of it and the structure and the way that Chris sings it, but i hate the lyrics, Chris you are a 37 years old married man with two kids but sometimes you write like a boy in middle school


Pretty much my feeling about it too... I gave it a 6 personally, there are plenty of things I do like about it like you mentioned, and it actually has a few great vocal and sonic flourishes. But the lyrics are just lazy and lackluster (in my opinion). Midnight on the other hand really impressed me so I'm still interested to see how the rest of the album pans out. I'm glad it's coming out a lot sooner than everyone was expecting!

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I like the production (i can hear every intrument), the sound of it and the structure and the way that Chris sings it, but i hate the lyrics, Chris you are a 37 years old married man with two kids but sometimes you write like a boy in middle school


This so much.


I am sorry to say this guys, but I think that the band might be losing it. And by "it" I mean their identity. I find it hard to believe that the point of this song is not just to be a commercial hit. And before the "they are growing" thing starts - this is not growing. Compare for instance Viva la Vida (the song) to this. Can you?


And oh, since Chris was so fascinated with Madness by Muse, it's blatant to see he tried to pull one here.

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I quite like it. I listened to about ten seconds of the iTunes preview and initially thought, "Well. This is different." Despite the fact I think Midnight is a great song, musically and lyrically, I seemed to connect quicker with Magic. I think we can all agree the lyrics are pretty bad, even for Chris, but luckily the music saves it for me. It's not a perfect song, but two songs in, we can already tell this is loads better than Mylo Xyloto so far. I'm still anxious for Ghost Stories, and carry a really great feeling for the album itself. Should be a good one.



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we all know that chris likes to keep it simple BUT WHAT'S WITH THAT MELODY!!! it feels like i'm watching an old episode of the fresh prince of bel-air you know where will smith is wearing colorful shirts with flower prints?!
This genuinely gave me a good giggle.


I would up-vise my vote to a 6 now, because I can appreciate the guitar near the end a bit more. I still feel very 'eh'.

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10 - Brilliant! Houdini! 125 32.47%


I hope you people realise you are rating this (and those who voted Midnight a 10) equal, or even higher than songs like Yellow, Trouble, Clocks, The Scientist, Fix You and Charlie Brown etc. Tbh I think/hope this is mostly due to over excitement. But then again, everyone like different types of music.


There are always people who rate every song with a 10 :\

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So I finally gave it a 6. The lyrics are terrible even by Coldplay standards and as always I hate the electronic drum. Jonny just manages to save the song!


Midnight was so brilliant it raised my expectations, but after this I just hope the album doesn't turn out to be a disappointment like MX.


10 - Brilliant! Houdini! 125 32.47%


I hope you people realise you are rating this (and those who voted Midnight a 10) equal, or even higher than songs like Yellow, Trouble, Clocks, The Scientist, Fix You and Charlie Brown etc. Tbh I think/hope this is mostly due to over excitement. But then again, everyone like different types of music.

Excellent point. I don't know how its getting a 10!

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It's a brilliant little love song, and I fell in love with it pretty much on the spot, unlike Midnight (which took two listens to really fall in love with.) I like when Coldplay do acoustic ballads like this, makes me think of Parachutes, Til Kingdom Come, and some songs from the VLV era... and this one's probably my new favorite. Gonna be jamming to this one for a while.


I'm giving it a 9/10 because it's not Charlie Brown or Viva La Vida.



Charlie Brown and VlV 10/10, you must be kidding.. icon_wink.gif


How would you rate either Clocks, The Scientist, Square One, Yellow, Major Minus, Fix You or DaAHF then?!?! Lol


To me Magic is worthy of 7/10, with Midnight they take it to the next level (9/10)

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