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Rate the latest movie you've seen


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Gimmeh teh points Juleh :evil3:


Lost In Translation I'd give an 8/10. Very nice film.


I haven't seen Alice, but if it's anything like the charmless shit that was the Willy Wonka remake, I'll give it a -67.

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Gimmeh teh points Juleh :evil3:


Lost In Translation I'd give an 8/10. Very nice film.


I haven't seen Alice, but if it's anything like the charmless shit that was the Willy Wonka remake, I'll give it a -67.

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Gimmeh teh points Juleh :evil3:


Lost In Translation I'd give an 8/10. Very nice film.


I haven't seen Alice, but if it's anything like the charmless shit that was the Willy Wonka remake, I'll give it a -67.


It's hard for me to rate things! :bigcry: But if I had to I would probably give LiT an 8/10 as well. Alice was more like a 4/10. I actually liked the Willy Wonka remake, but then again I did see it when I was like 9 haha

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Lost in Translation - Beautiful beautiful film! I loved Bill Murray and Scarlett.


One of my favorites. Bill and Scarlett <3




Inglourious Basterds


This was my very first Tarantino and it was great. I'm looking forward to seeing more of his movies now. :)

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Oh and I just watched Team America.


When I first saw it: 9/10


After seeing it about 3 times (Which isn't much considering I remember every joke): 3/10.


That was so, so dull.


haha,... i remember that movie and I remember loving it when it came out. I saw it about a year ago and realized how lame it was



the most recent movie I saw was Inglorious Bastards (which i've already seen). Although I enjoyed it the first time seeing it I like it a lot more this second time. great movie... 9/10

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Gimmeh teh points Juleh :evil3:


Lost In Translation I'd give an 8/10. Very nice film.


I haven't seen Alice, but if it's anything like the charmless shit that was the Willy Wonka remake, I'll give it a -67.


Completely agree with this post.


I hate Tim Burton so much

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