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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Ladder down from the sun..


I'm not building a ladder to the sun, but just some of the rungs back down to Earth.:elf: Looking at our current quandry with energy and especially fuels for autos and homes, it's beginning to look a little ridiculous - what the current patterns are.. My neighbor ( a very nice fellow, but living in the past) is all upset over fuel prices. Driving a pickup with all the aerodynamics of a shoe box, and an engine big enough to power a tank, naturally he's upset when fuel goes over $3.60 US. I begin to wonder...

Now, since engine exhaust components get really, really hot, that means there's a lot of energy going down the drain. Miller effect energy capture works well - should easily double engine efficiency. Aerodynamics are - the biggest, by far, energy loss in a moving vehicle under normal driving conditions. This is a cubic function. American autos have been going the other way on this one as well. Bigger, fatter, wider, boxier. Make that Sleeker, smoother, longer. Hmm.. room for another doubling of efficiency as well. Add some regenerative breaking, a little lighter unit, and better tires - should be able to increase mileage by 5X no trouble, without loosing anything!

The reason I'm headed in this direction is in shifting from a resource-dependent economy to an efficiency and renewables economy, it will take this type of thinking to make renewables effective. When an auto can effectively get 120 miles/gallon (or, 51Km/L), true hybrids and bio-fueled vehicles become practical. Americans becoming practical? Well, like the Springsteen song, Pink Cadillac, if it costs too much to drive it, we can always park it out in back, and use it for parties!:laugh3: Once again, we're facing a fuel-shock like in the 70's; same thing, different era..

I'm leaning towards supercapacitors as a major energy storage device for true hybrids in the future - batteries require too much heavy metal - mining is risky, and the elements are too rare to run the global vehicle fleet.. Common elements make much more sense, provided we handle them properly. Carbon nanotubes are storage devices with amazing promise, all from abundant carbon. They look to hold a key, if we can put the investments in developing technologies like these.. One glance - web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2006/batteries-0208.html. (hope this like works!)



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I had an odd dream involving Speed of Sound. I think we were in space, on this station. And the boys were there. And Speed of Sound was playing... although I think it sounded slightly like Talk, I don't know... but that's the second time I've dreamt that.

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Guest Grace

i've got this project for PE class and i've got to make up a circuit training.

i'm going to explain every single station and to make things clear i always made a little poster with a stick figure on it, which explains what people have to do at the station.

it turned out that every stick figure looks like chris martin.

i couldn't come up with any hair style for my stick figures so i ended up drawing a mop on their head, which is why they remind me of chris so much. :laugh3:

could it get any more random?!

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i've got this project for PE class and i've got to make up a circuit training.

i'm going to explain every single station and to make things clear i always made a little poster with a stick figure on it, which explains what people have to do at the station.


it turned out that every stick figure looks like chris martin.

i couldn't come up with any hair style for my stick figures so i ended up drawing a mop on their head, which is why they remind me of chris so much. :laugh3:


could it get any more random?!


Liek the madman hair style in the first half of the Twisted Logic tours :freak:? Genious :laugh3:

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i had a dream last night in which i was apple and moses's nanny.


i'm going to be a nanny abroad this summer to three equally blonde children, so i suppose it's a bit fitting, but it was still quite random. gwyneth was there, but i don't really remember chris being there...i just found the whole thing pretty funny!

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Guest Grace

"violet hill" topped last.fm's weekly charts of top tracks!

23,075 users listened to it 114,404 times, which means it was played more than three times more than the second track of the weekly chart (35,504 plays)!

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I was just on the iTUNES store and it has Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends at number 1 on the top albums.Im guessing a lot of people have already pre-ordered the album.And then on top songs Viva La Vida(song)is already at number 6.Violet Hills not even on there but i think its making a push though.Nice to see a lot of people are downloading the music!

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I have two random thoughts :dance: didnt have any for so long !!


the first one :

I went shopping and when I was about to pay, they started playing Trouble :nice: after that I didnt want to leave.. this got me excited and I cant wait to hear to new Coldplay songs while I'm shopping ! :lol:


the second one :

I probably had the weirdest dream ever.. I was watching BBC news and Guy made it in the breaking news. They showed a little clip of him driving his car (he was on the right side which is not usual for British..) with his daughter who was blond (both her parents are brown-haired..:dozey:) and looked like she was about 4.. actually she looked like Apple :lol:

he was driving a journalist from BBC to a strange place in London where he discovered that some vampires (yep that's right vampires.......) were living there. then they got a phone call from Chris who was freaking out and couldnt believe it.. I think the place where near The Bakery.

and afterwards I woke up.. Thank God !!

this was the stupiest dream ever!! I guess it's due to the fact I cant find any pic of Guy in running shorts on BBC.com, the recent nwes about The Bakery and I dont know, the fact that I might be retarded or something.. :lol:

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Oh man....I've been listening to VLV NONSTOP for the past 24 hours! :lol: 200 times, easily.


Everytime I hear it I keep thinking of Christmastime, when I'll be going to Paris and London. I don't know, I get this 'Old-European' vibe when I hear VLV, and like Chelsea said 'a 1700 French feeling'. Listening to VLV while looking at two of the most beautiful places in the world....heaven!

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I'd be surprised if it wasn't....



Observation: I'm realizing how much a difference there is when it comes to listening to music on your computer and listening to it on your mp3 player w/ headphones. I just transferred viva la vida, violet hill etc. on to my mp3 player and while I'm listening I'm seeing how many details and subtleties I missed before. (I've noticed this before, especially when it comes to bass but listening to it right now I'm really rediscovering these songs.) Seriously, Viva la vida especially sounds so much better on the mp3 player.


Note to self: When I get the album, have the patience to get the songs on the mp3 player before listening to it all the way through.

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Yeah I realized that too ! it's much better with mp3 player and headphones :)

that's why I barely listen to music through my computer..


I think MTF will always be something they'll talk about and I think the equal sign will remain on Chris's piano.

But did you notice that he doesnt have it on his hand in the NME pics ??

(I sent him a question about that on Blender)

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