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I'm in love. :')

He's so handsome/funny/talented.


Well I don't know, that would be cool if Deb finds out because she'd understand more Dex but it's tough because I don't know if she could keep the secret because she loves her job as a cop.

What do you think ?


I don't think Deb job is more important to her than Dexter. It obviously is very important. But I can't imagine it'd be > Dexter. Now, obviously she'd feel hurt and betrayed, but he means so much to her and she would know that he did all of his killings to to people who deserved it. I feel like Deb wouldn't turn him in herself, or kill him or herself. I feel like she'd either make him leave Miami forever and she'd continue on as best she could, or She'd just give him the cold/angry shoulder for a long time and there'd be times of him and her having deep conversations with him explaining and all that. I feel like IF she did ever turn him in it's be after many long/hard thinking sessions. And I feel like she'd warn Dexter and he'd escape or something. I don't know really. I don't think she's gonna find out in the finale but if she does then I think it'll be at the very very end. And the next season would be about how it all works out from there. Wherever they decide to take it.

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Well I don't know, that would be cool if Deb finds out because she'd understand more Dex but it's tough because I don't know if she could keep the secret because she loves her job as a cop.

What do you think ?


I think Deb will get in the way of Quinn getting killed and she will get killed, accidently.

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Yep, very true!

I dont think she could look at herself in a mirror knowing Dexter's secret and not do her job (arrest him). But I dont think she could ever turn her brother in.

EXACTLY!! thank you! Hence the she kills him out of 'pity' (dex asking for it because he knows there is no other way out) instead of seeing him be lock up in a cell and judge as a killer...



a: she finds out the vigilante theory is true and Lumen got helped by Dexter. She understands why dexter did it (as she told him she found it romantic in a way and that she would be the kind of person who'd want to kill the guys for what they did to all those girls) and now has to make a choice between covering him or turning him in. But never finds out about Dexter's past killings, so it's not too much..

b: finds out about EVERYTHING, vigilante and past killings.. and cant bear the idea of another serial killer in her life. Kills him and kills herself..

c(very unlikely!!) : finds out, turn him in and live happily ever after with Quinn and his "I told you"

d: Deb knows nothing.. Lumen dies, she did everything on her own coz someone has to take the fall (maybe the crazy girl will though). Chase dies, cant say anything about Dexter. Dexter lies again.. and keeps on killing on season 6.


or none of the above, or just a mix of them all :lol:


I vote for theorie a or b (minus the killing herself, I don't think Deb would do that but she can become an alcoolic :lol: ) or c, that is more likely to happen :dozey:

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Haha! So much for the random speculation.


I know, right! wasted a good five minutes writing these theories down for .. what.. a mediocre finale..


This last episode was disapointing....


it was almost entirely rubbish! :dozey:


The only part I like was when Lumen told Dexter she was leaving him.. the look on his face and his disappointment made me tear up a bit! Wonderful acting there!

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with what was said in that last episode.. the show might actually end with Dexter only getting rid of his dark passenger, and not actually dying, which I always thought would be how the show would end.


cant believe we have to wait another 9 months to see season 6 (bad or good)..

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Spoiler alert, just in case I guess.



I feel like we were sort of close to guessing the Deb finding them but letting them go bit. Which I loved because it showed that actual justice can come even before her job, which is a pretty new thought and experience for her. I liked the visible change in Deb, relating to that situation and with Quinn. And speaking of Quinn, I loved loved loved the way he acted in this one. Just something about how calm and....I don't even know, I just really liked it.


On the whole I was actually very satisfied with the finale. I'm SO glad there wasn't another big cliffhanger. I think that would have sucked. You can't end every season like S4. And I thought it had its share of excitement and poetic justice I guess. I think they tied everything up beautifully and I really love the way the ending left S6 open for almost any possibility. So I didn't find it disappointing... Aurélie and Chavi, I want to hear more about your opinions, like why you didn't like it, etc! :)


With the way the last shot was done, with Dex and Harrison together, I feel like maybe they might include more Harrison story line? What do you guys think?



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Spoiler alert, just in case I guess.



I feel like we were sort of close to guessing the Deb finding them but letting them go bit. Which I loved because it showed that actual justice can come even before her job, which is a pretty new thought and experience for her. I liked the visible change in Deb, relating to that situation and with Quinn. And speaking of Quinn, I loved loved loved the way he acted in this one. Just something about how calm and....I don't even know, I just really liked it.


On the whole I was actually very satisfied with the finale. I'm SO glad there wasn't another big cliffhanger. I think that would have sucked. You can't end every season like S4. And I thought it had its share of excitement and poetic justice I guess. I think they tied everything up beautifully and I really love the way the ending left S6 open for almost any possibility. So I didn't find it disappointing... Aurélie and Chavi, I want to hear more about your opinions, like why you didn't like it, etc! :)


With the way the last shot was done, with Dex and Harrison together, I feel like maybe they might include more Harrison story line? What do you guys think?


I already said that this season was to me a bad remix of S2/S3 in terms of plots : Dex being watched by one of his coworker, Dex partenaring in crime with someone...

They didn't fully use the Trinity family/Dex storyline which could have been really thrilling but, no.. :dozey: The Trinity/Rita case is close up really quickly, same as the barrel girls case: HOW convinient that Deb choose to let them go.... The nanny plot: nothing.....(she wasn't evil after all :lol:) Same with the Quinn storyline, resolve too quickly for a 'happy ending' (not that I'm not happy that Quinn is free, I love the man and his relationship with Debs). Lumen just..leaves (well, Julia was just a 'guest star' so we knew it was coming but still...)

I feel that overall this season has taken the 'easy way' out.... Not that I want only drama and cliffhanghers but it was just 'too easy', too repetitiv with older seasons. Maybe I react like this because I tend to get bored when TV shows are dragging along with too much seasons, but Dex is running out for me, the plots are becoming boring. I really hope season 6 will be the last.


As for the divorce, :cry: didn't see that one coming...

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a-chan, I totally feel the same way that you did. At first I thought that this season could be exciting, but then it did not really develop as I hoped it would be. I still had hope for the ending though because Dexter's always big on a quite dramatic ending. But everything was mundane.


I especially am disappointed that Deb let them go. I would like to at least let her see Lumen or something like that. And how easy it was for Dexter to kill that cop (I've forgotten his name - the one that Quinn paid to spy on Dexter)? He was spying on him quite a long time, but it just ended like that. No real complicated fight, nothing. He just stabbed him, and that's it.


So yeah, it was a let down. I hope they pick up for the next season.

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I agree with the last two posts here.. It's always been the easy way out in this season. But the main reason is the producers/creators/whoever probably wanting more seasons so it's obvious they can't have Dexter caught or people being suspicious : is why Quinn just decided to let it go coz after Lidy's death he had all the reasons in the world to really suspect Dexter.. but he chose love.. :rolleyes: And we have Debs letting them go.. alright it was nice to see her like that and actually decide to let her more human side speak and not the cop side.. but still, too easy.. they were right there in front of her! Helloooo, go see who's behind that plastic sheet! Now it would have been interesting to know if she would've still let them go if she knew who it was.

Lumen being Dexter's new partner in killing could have made it a bit better, and new.. but no, they got rid of her as they got rid of everything exciting happening in this season (Lidy, Quinn's suspicion, Debs about to know, Dexter/Rita/Trinity).

I'm actually disappointed there was no cliffhanger.. I hate waiting for months to see a new season, even I hate waiting a week. But at least it made it all a lot more exciting. I couldn't wait to see what would happen after Rita's death.. now big woop, we'll have Dexter telling us his exciting summer with Cody and Astor.. :dozey:


Typing this I realized I do want Dexter to get caught and not just get away and stop killing with no dark passenger anymore! :P

Still looking forwards to s6 though, I love me some serial killing :evil:


About the divorce.. hmm.. the curse of co-workers in hollywood. :\

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