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04-Oct-2008: Sportpaleis, Antwerp - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos


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Good lord she is slow hey Mel. We'll be hanging out with Jonny in Florida before she gets this bloody thing typed up. :D


I know! Well....you know what they say..



payback is a bitch:P


you two better hushh or I'm not giving you the special magical jonny footage....

and you nkow it's good stuff....:wink3:

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my videos i recorded :


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nl3NGKKg-w]YouTube - Coldplay Live debut of "Glass of Water" (Best Available Quality!!!)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE5L27eL2Tk]YouTube - Coldplay Live Antwerp 2008 - Fix You[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc4gvxnHQ0g]YouTube - Coldplay Live Antwerp 2008 Lovers in Japan + Piano Solo[/ame]

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the review starts here:

Day 2:

4 hours of sleep is NOT enough… but hey were seeing coldplay again who cares!!!

Left my house around 9 and brought some more supplies: bubble wrap to sit on and a cardboard box to makes signs from.. more markers and more balloons (for Reno heehee)

We arrived at the venue around 10:30 only 3 people there YEAH we got ourselves a nice spot like Pete mentioned against the glass doors (we didn’t bring the airbed though) tried to call Fryske Famke.. but she didn’t answer… not worried though for some reason I trusted her.. (must have been the way she told me: maybe I can help hee hee I loved that) so were actually quite comfy and enjoyed ourselves by making signs out of the box: one for reno: it said: hey reno on one side, and the flip side said: How you doin’? :wink3:

One big one for me:

look at the stars,

look how WE shine for you

And I got 2 small ones on the other side: (cooky pay attention)

Thump a Bass

Hump the bassplayer

(yes that means you GUY)

The flip side said:

Just kiddin’

now take your shirt


We wre colouring for quite some time, and enjoying soundcheck! :stunned: soundcheck!?!?!?! Weeee that usually means good news! We heard LIT and VH several times but we didn’t mind

then all of a sudden a girl was in front of us and said HI!

It took a minute for me took click, but then I realized it was Fryske Famke!! Weee (that’s not her name but I don’t wanna out her)

Now this is the part where I say: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU I’ll be forever thankfull!

She is just too sweet! Off course we needed to pay her and she wouldn’t accept the fact that we wanted to give her some more money than the original price… she finally gave in because she just didn’t have change we got some Pizza and had a little pizza party hee hee, CHavi and I were sitting with our back against the glass and Fryske Famke across from us when out of nowhere she said:

Hey that Oxfam guy is getting ready, and Chavi and I almost choked on our pizza! We turned around and saw Pete again weeeeeeee! We knocked on the window but he didn’t hear.. so we wrote him a sign that said: Hey Pete! And held it up, then he saw us and was like: heyyyy you made it! (Without words) and he gave us a wave… then we wrote flip side saying: how are you? He didn’t see or didn’t want to… I think maybe we embarrassed him a bit…

We so now we had something to look out for, for a bit :blush:.. then Lauren texted us Pete mentioned us :smug: weeeeeee! :nice: he turned up again and we made him a sign that said thanks for the blog… hoping he would see it, but by now we had to move away from the door, and security put up some fences to create a line… that didn’t really go in a fair way but we didn’t lose our first spot.. we lost Pete again  then all of a sudden he was outside talking on the phone.. when he hung up we called his name and he saw us, we thanked him in person for writing the blog, and wished him luck getting signatures for Oxfam and he went inside, he told us to have fun at the show…

It was about 5 and I went to the car to put our unnecessary stuff in, I just closed the door when I heard soundcheck again this time much louder so I stood at the door, and at first I thought it was Albert hammond jr. nbut then I recognized Chris’ voice but they were playing a song I’d never heard before… I was bouncing and wanted to run or call chavi But I made a recording on my phone, it’s really soft.. but still cewllll I was the first to hear glass of water EVERRRRR or at least we assumed that it was… the song ended and I practically ran to Chavi again WEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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I'm way too lazy to type long stories, but it was again a great concert, I was standing right in front of Johnny (and that annoying camera guy so I couldn't see Chris), got some nice pics and vids and his bottle of water :P


Really awesome they played Glass of Water!!


Btw, does anyone knows what that song is Chris played with that shirt one is head? It's piano only (not Postcards).


The three Coldplay days have come to an end... it was really oen-ge-lo-fe-lijk!

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18.15 Security came outside and to stand in front of us… I asked if they were going to check our bags and he said yes.. I asked the man to do it now so he wouldn’t have to when the door openend and they did :nice:

Pete showed up near our door and gave us a wave.. maybe whishing us goodluck? :nice:

18.28(or something) the doors were openend, but we weren’t allowed to go in yet, yet everybody started pushing and one of the lines broke and that line started running in, it was very unfair cause those were people that arrived at like 15.00 I almost cried and begged the security guard to let us through, finally he did and Chavi ran in first, I was right behind her, security is really harsh in Antwerp, if you run they’ll grab you and hold you.. they didn’t grab me but I got stuck behind a couple that did… lucky for me chavi got the right spot: centre Right GUY SIDE my dream come true!there was like a 10 centimeter gap for me left at the fence and people were really pushing the atmosphere was not good! The dude that was centre front had been a bit behind us in line.. how did he manage to get there before us?! Not fair! Also a lot of people that arrived late were first, the guy behind me came at 16.00 he told me… he was okay though, after a while the pushing stopped and I got some space to breathe, but were were unable to sit down cause people were too close! Allthat didn’t matter.. we were on GUY SIDE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (sorry about that)

Now we wait… talked to some people… talked to frank… forgot his screename again (sorry bout that)

He handed out printed smiley faces to hold up during GPASUYF, but we told him it would be played at the b-stage so probably wouldn’t be noticed, and decided to just hold it up during both songs

Told people about our adventure the previous night

19.15 albert Hammond started… EARLY weeeee!

We held up the sign for reno and waved some balloons for him he saw us and smiled theehee!

Albert seemed more into it then yesterday and talked more.. saying how it was the last concert and all, and how he had enjoyed it!

Pretty good gig from them as well, couple of smiles from reno it was fun! When they the other guitarist threw some guitar picks our direction, but again missed them (they fell on the floor but we couldn’t see where) we were looking for them and clapping also when a raodie came directly too us with 2 setlists and handed them over, like he had been ordered to do that (or I’d like to think so) anyway it was nice, then chavi said: too bad a bout the guitar pick though, and then she noticed it! It was in front of the fence and out of our reach wee! We hailed someone from security and he gave it too us cewlll!


Again waiting for coldplay now.. even more excited and all the while Chavi and I had so much fun, I haven’t mentioned this btw but we did have an awesome time together! I miss her:bigcry:!!!!

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One big one for me:

look at the stars,

look how WE shine for you

And I got 2 small ones on the other side: (cooky pay attention)

Thump a Bass

Hump the bassplayer

(yes that means you GUY)

The flip side said:

Just kiddin’

now take your shirt


We wre colouring for quite some time,

Was that you?! lol

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I just finished reading what happened at Rotterdam with CHRIS! and now came running here to see what happened...and I'm practically crying I"m so fucken excited for you!!! You&Chavi trully are official "Stalkers without borders!!!":laugh3: So so so so excited, proud, and happy for you. (especially for the 'hump a bassplayer' sign LOL I'd like to think I inspired that one hahahaha)

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I'm way too lazy to type long stories, but it was again a great concert, I was standing right in front of Johnny (and that annoying camera guy so I couldn't see Chris), got some nice pics and vids and his bottle of water :P


Really awesome they played Glass of Water!!


Btw, does anyone knows what that song is Chris played with that shirt one is head? It's piano only (not Postcards).


The three Coldplay days have come to an end... it was really oen-ge-lo-fe-lijk!


i have a video of it... i don't know either!

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