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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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I'm starting to think it's Phil now b\c of the whole "yellow" story it seems like he would know the truth since him and Chris are really good friends (I'm still finding hard to not believe the whole yellow sheet story Chris has been telling for years) I think the Orcale is either

Debs, Miller, or Phillip Christopher Harvey

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I know Debs is a big KOL fan so I am inclined to think it's her. She does occasionally visit here and can rank right up there in the smart ass dept. :P

I don't see Miller making KOL references reguarding tight pants. Over the years Debs has been bombarted with every stupid Coldplay question you can think of. I could see her getting a kick out of answering some of the more bizzare non-coldplay questions.

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August 8, 2008 - submitted by Ryan, United States of America


Q. Who is the Stig?



The Oracle replies:


I couldn't possibly spoil the best-kept secret in TV history, just like I didn't squeal about who shot J.R. I can tell you that it isn't me, Prospekt, Anchorman or Roadie 42.


I do believe that was being discussed earlier in this thread :stunned: :stunned:

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Today I asked:

Are Prospekt, Roadie #42, The Stig and You, the oracle one and the same person?


awww yayyy :dance: My question sorta got answered!!!!

August 8, 2008 - submitted by Ryan, United States of America



Q. Who is the Stig?




The Oracle replies:



I couldn't possibly spoil the best-kept secret in TV history, just like I didn't squeal about who shot J.R. I can tell you that it isn't me, Prospekt, Anchorman or Roadie 42.


though I whis they'd put my name up there:(


we should ask if the oracle is a boy or a girl... that way we can figure out if it's debs... and it's a stupid question so it will definitly get answerd....


though we can't complain anymore... they answered THE question from angie!

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The Oracle has returned:


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Holly, United States of America



Q. So in some of the recent videos/pictures of Chirs Martin it appears that his infamous tattoo is missing. What happend to his hot tat??




The Oracle replies:



I can only assume you mean the equals sign that was never a tattoo but is missing. It was always drawn on with marker pen. His real tattoos haven�t been removed.


More to follow!

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August 11, 2008 - submitted by robbie, United States of America



Q. Who's better Michael Jackson or Prince?




The Oracle replies:



If you put these 2 head to head� they are the same age but Jackson started performing earlier. Prince still is (despite hip replacement). Both can sing and dance. Aside from them both developing film ideas and receiving a panning from critics they have sold millions between them. Prince however not only performs but writes all his won music and plays several instruments therefore he wins this wager.

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The Oracle has returned:


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Holly, United States of America



Q. So in some of the recent videos/pictures of Chirs Martin it appears that his infamous tattoo is missing. What happend to his hot tat??




The Oracle replies:



I can only assume you mean the equals sign that was never a tattoo but is missing. It was always drawn on with marker pen. His real tattoos haven�t been removed.


More to follow!


Seriously how f-ing stupid do you have to be to think Chris would tattoo a huge equals sign onto his hand?!

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More problem sharing:


Q. Almost two months ago my best friend, the love of my life, my Andrea left me. Ever since I have been up side down. Everything feels false and for every day that goes without her a part of me dies. What should I do now? How can I find a meaning of life, when she's no longer with me? I just want to wake up and be a different person. I just want to run away but I know that I have to start with myself, be happy with myself to be able to enjoy life. But how can I like myself when I know that she's not here because of me? This is a cry for help, 'cause I don't know how long I can go on being this misserable...




The Oracle replies:



I know you can�t see it now but it will get better. The feelings you are experiencing, hideous as they are, are totally natural and part of the process. The key to this is to realize that it doesn�t matter who did or said what so stop blaming yourself, it�s in the past. Don�t waste time going over every little detail unless you are learning something from it. When/if you have learnt something from it, move forward. If she left then try to see that it wasn�t meant to be, she�s not the one for you. There�ll be another someone and that could be the start of something amazing. I hate to put a time limit on it but honestly, these things can take a minimum of 6 months before you start to feel anywhere near normal. Ride it out, it will pass. Be strong and hang in there. You will be happy again.


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Anja, Germany



Q. hiya, this is weird but i'll ask anyway.

ever since i can think ive been worried that my parents may die. my mum is a heavy smoker and bother her parents died at the age of 49/50 due to lung cancer. im 23 years old but somewhat totally dependant on living at home because i feel like its going all wrong when im not here and i might not know how much time i have left with my parents. i know its probably rather weird but i have no idea what to do.

any ideas?




The Oracle replies:



It�s not weird, it�s absolutely natural for you to be concerned with the future given the medical history but this is not healthy for you in the long-term. Your parents are adults, as are you, it is time to realize that they are responsible for themselves and that you are responsible for yourself, not them. I very much doubt your Mum is going to give up smoking even given your cause for concern but try talking to her if it�ll make you feel better just don�t expect anything. The fact is you don�t know when life will end, none of us know how long we have or time left with loved ones. It doesn�t mean you have to put yours on hold by staying at home in fear of a guaranteed eventuality.

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Coldplay related but boring (in my opinion)


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Marilu, Argentina



Q. I`m still waiting the answer of 07/08. Album's Title "viva la vida" but the oracle doesn't know spanish. If Coldplay know this...




The Oracle replies:



You have to realize that the meaning of words can be translated in many different ways. Either as a whole or by taking the individual words literally. Viva on its own is different to its meaning in a phrase. I know where you live for example; viva can be a celebratory exclamation. Not every question is answered by the way, so no more waiting people, just call it a period of expectancy.

August 11, 2008 - submitted by Alvin, United States of America



Q. Will Coldplay be using The Bakery again to record after the tours? Or will they create a new base since the location of Bakery is now known?




The Oracle replies:



The Bakery is the band�s office if you like so they aren�t going to move just because someone may have been a super sleuth and found it. It wouldn�t be practical to up sticks every time their whereabouts were uncovered. That said, it�s their place of work so one would hope people would respect that and realize it�s not open to visitors.

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And back to the problem page!


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Johann, Switzerland



Q. When a young man is a father of a litlle son, but cannot live together with the mother of his son anymore, because all love seems to be gone after several years of love & hurt ... What is more important: Staying close to his son in the family home or finding a new love? Or combining both, which means finding a secret new love? I mean, Coldplay's songs are about nothing else but love, so I think my son also would like me to be in love with a woman. Only a happy father is a good father, am I right?




The Oracle replies:



The question you pose doesn�t include an option that I would choose. Staying in the family home doesn�t sound viable but why even mention finding a new love? Sounds like there�s already someone on the horizon. A new love would come one day but that�s not the most important thing right now. That would be to continue being a good father. Be true to yourself. If the love has gone and there is no way back, you need to consider your happiness and the long term affect on your son. Children pick negative feeling up very easily. But less talk of secrecy and new love, there could be upheaval afoot, preserve your energy and focus for the immediate future.


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Josh, Canada



Q. I'm in a bit of a frustrating situation. I'm in a band, and we've been together for more than a year now, but we just can't seem to get a gig. No one seems to interested in helping us get one, and i have no idea how to do that myself. Can you please help us out?




The Oracle replies:



To be honest, you have to help yourself. If you�re any good, it shouldn�t be hard to get a gig booked but you have to do it and it�s fairly easy to put the effort in. Call your local venue and ask to speak to the promoter or band booker about getting a gig for your band. Ask how they prefer to receive demo submissions. Send off said demo and that should be that. When you get a booking, promote, promote, promote to get as many people to it as possible, this will most likely secure you subsequent gigs.

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And the last post today:


August 11, 2008 - submitted by Sara, United Kingdom



Q. Hello, oh wise one. I have a few questions to ask:


1. In the song Ladder to the Sun there's a strange word I'm not sure about: icaristic.

Does this by any chance refer to Icarus, son of Deadalus who died because he flew to close to the sun? If it isn't what is it?

3.There are a few songs(Gravity, proof, the world turned upside down etc.) which I can't seem to be able to find on CD. Will they ever be released on one?





The Oracle replies:



I�ll answer 2 out of your 4, that�s fair.

1. Well, I can see how you may be confusing Icarus (yes, the chap who flew too close to the sun) with I risked it, which is the actual lyric.

3. Gravity can be found on the b-side of Talk, Proof on Speed of Sound, The World Turned Upside Down is available on the Fix You cd.

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