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" Major Minus " LP5 Title?


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Is it?



As Coldplay´s previous albums,they tend to use a Song Title as the Album title..


This plus " the new album is still untitled -- although Martin has hinted it would be two words and start with the letter "M."



If it is,do you like it? :D

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It seems to be. When I first read the track title that's the first thing that popped in my head-that it was the title. I guess well see :D


:p same here.


I think that if its the album title,its better than the things I expected!!


Like "milky way" or "mnemonics and murals" :lol:

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I think it will be... And I'm kinda expecting the walking man guy from the live shows and that weird video to be the front cover. Just an image of that against black, with the band name and album title above it in red or something. Simple but slick and cool, points them in a new, striking direction. I at least expect the walking man to be linked to the artwork/theme of the album in some way. But yeah, Major Minus for the album title.

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Well, considering what Chris said about the title being two words starting with "M" and the fact that there's always been a track with the name of the album I think it's quite likely! :) Sounds better than Monday Morning in any case :P

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And why not MX? It starts with an M too... but I don't know what the hell it means. I've seen that anyone has posted that there's a song called MX, and wait, MX is what appears in the front of the newspaper icon in the Coldplay official website. So can anybody help me?

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It's a better title and less of a mouthful than "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends". So I would approve of "Major Minus", especially if they're going the continued path of naming the album after one its songs. Because let's be honest - the other song names so far are awful. :lol:

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