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What would all your album rankings be?


New fan here, I finally have gotten around to The Bends, I know I'm a bit late. :dozey:


Surprisingly, OK Computer is taking much longer, maybe it will grow on a me soon.




1. Planet Telex 10/10

2. The Bends 8.5/10

3. High & Dry 9.5/10

4. Fake Plastic Trees 8.5/10

5. Bones 9/10

6. Nice Dream 7/10

7. Just 8.5/10

8. My Iron Lung 10/10

9. Bullet Proof, I Wish I Was 7/10

10. Black Star 8/10

11. Sulk 7/10

12. Street Spirit (Fade out) 11/10 :singer:

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i quite liked Stop Whispering off pablo and i didnt mind Blow Out either. but after a few listens it just dosnt have the same impact on me that all their other records have had. i guess the main reason we cant stand pablo honey is because the following albums were sooo incredible for anyother band pablo.


and yeh i cant rank them either. i have 3 number ones!! has anybody got their setlist from their main sqaure fest show in france last week. for some reason at ease web had nothing for their last two shows??!?

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Radiohead are planning a tour in South America for the first time in 15 years in March/Arpil 2009.


Dunno if there are any people here from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and the likes, but I think it's cool the 'Head are finally touring there.

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All their music videos pretty much. Radiohead have the best music videos ever.


My favorates are Karma Police and 2+2=5 and Wolf at the door.


Of course you can see all these on youtube, instead of buying the DVD.

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All their music videos pretty much. Radiohead have the best music videos ever.


My favorates are Karma Police and 2+2=5 and Wolf at the door.


Of course you can see all these on youtube, instead of buying the DVD.


2+2=5 and Wolf at the door?


2+2=5 didn't have an official video, except a live version which was often aired on MTV2.

And AWATD? I doubt that.

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All their music videos pretty much. Radiohead have the best music videos ever.


My favorates are Karma Police and 2+2=5 and Wolf at the door.


Of course you can see all these on youtube, instead of buying the DVD.


But the ones on Youtube ain't as good as seeing the proper videos on a massive TV screen :P

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2+2=5 had a great video, this is it.


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Dunno how to embed.


Heres the actual link.

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