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The Sixth Week Begins...

Jack Bauer

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Yeah but they don't need to go to the Beehive or Bakery to do that.


Come on give her some breathing room, she does have a point.


Maybe not, but it may be a matter of being able to get out at all. From what I remember, Chris doesn't live very far from the Bakery


Maybe the riots were caused by Coldplay fans who want to kidnap Chris the moment he leaves :laugh3:

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Where did you hear 16?


Right here man. I hope this helps. (:




**The band played a swag of new songs at Splendour which are among the 16 songs that may make the album including Hurts Like Heaven, Us Against the World and Charlie Brown. "It's a baptism of fire in the greatest sense," Martin said of Coldplay's run on the festival circuit this year. "People are obviously on your side because they're coming to watch you. So you know if they don't respond to the new songs they're probably shite. Or if everyone starts yawning. It's fun doing these festivals. It's a nice way of reintroducing yourself to the audiences and reintroducing yourself to the idea of coming back with something new. It's a different pressure to trying to sell out an arena or a stadium on your own. You feel you have the safety net of your peers around you. Even if we're shit at Splendour people got to see Pulp.**

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I would like to apologize for that rant, my friend, _______ Morentin(no first names for all you stalkers :P) was over, and I was on this page, and he commented that rant against Jack D: I'm sincerely sorry Jack Bauer! D: I feel genuinley bad! :/ I feel like throwing myself into the pits of burning London! D:


Seriously, I'm sorry Jack!

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And if I may:


1) MX/Hurts Like Heaven

2) Major Minus

3) U.F.O.

4) Up In Flames

5) Tomorrow

6) Great Expectations

7) Princess of China

8) Charlie Brown

9) A Hopeful Transmission

10) Us Against The World/ Paradise


Okay here's the story I have in my mind(broken down a little of course :P)! Tell me whatcha think!! :D


(HURTS LIKE HEAVEN) So it's about a guy, a Writer(a vigilante Graffiti artist), and over the course of a few days he starts seeing all these mysterious writings throughout the city, so he goes back home and has this nightmare(of him being chased down by figures he cant distinguish), and waking up scared and nervous he gets up in the middle of the night and he goes out and just starts tagging spotaneously, by the end of it he steps back and see's a whole wall of cosmic themed paint. All of a sudden, he has a kind of vision(MAJOR MINUS), in the vision he gets a warning that people have been watching him for a while now, coming out of the vision he passes out. (UFO)The next day he wakes up in his bed and the city he lives in is being attacked by some UFO'S! They warn him to come or no harm will be brought to his loved ones. (UP IN FLAMES) He refuses so then the UFO'S start attacking everything, and the city goes into turmoil, and they capture him! (TOMORROW) The next day he wakes up in a futuristic surrounding not remembering anything! (GREAT EXPECTATIONS) He then overhears the Aliens talking about plans they have for him and they catch him eavesdropping! They take him to the prison area and hold him captive with another human prisoner. (PRINCESS OF CHINA)After a few days he starts to fall in love with this girl and he tells her he will get them out. (CHARLIE BROWN)He then meets up with some aliens that are willing to help him escape for some Earth supplies, the aliens tell him to keep his ear out for a signal. The man complies, after a few days of waiting, (A HOPEFUL TRANSMISSION)he hears the signal that the aliens told him about. (US AGAINST THE WORLD)Him and the girl then try and make their daring escape from the aliens, (PARADISE)and finally land back on Earth, realizing what a beautiful home they have.

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