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The PROS & CONS of "Princess of China" (plus 1-10 sliding poll)


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Guest howyousawtheworld
I didn't mind it too much at first but I've grown to hate it more and more with every listen. Now it's one of my least favourite Coldplay songs. And it's not because of Rihanna, I can handle that strangely. It's those fucking synths, they just sound ugly and it really takes away from the song in a big way.


I hav to admit the screaming synths are what I love about this song!

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I guess I'm too old for Coldplay now, which is ironic since Chris Martin is two months older than me.


Pure Top 40, just like ETIAW and Paradise. Funny - the first song I heard from MX was Major Minus and I was so excited that they were moving away from pop-friendly stuff. Sooooo wrong.....


Can't wait to see what they have in store for their 2014 album. Auto-tune? Samples? Lionel Ritchie cover?

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When I heard the live version it was a bass heavy beat driven song, much like Violet Hill. This version is quite disappointing. Not because of RIhanna, but this is supposed to be a bass heavy song and there's almost no bass or drums on this song. And that synth should have been a guitar.


What's good about this song? I can put it in my list of bad songs that could have been good and do an amazing cover of it. (Which I haven't ever actually done, but one day I just might.)

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I don't think I can really say if I like it yet. I'm only listening to it for the second time now, but I will say this: REALLY different. I love that Coldplay have in no way listened to people longing for their a sound similar to their earlier, more subdued years. This is probably the most bombastic and audacious thing they've done. I have a feeling Mylo Xyloto wil be their most flawed album, but their most interesting one.


As for Rihanna's contribution, it's obviously a great vocal performance...I'm just not sure she really adds anything to the song. But I'm thinking it just wasn't that strong of a track to begin with. Aaaanyway, I'm not sold on it yet, but I wouldn't say I hate it or anything. It's different, and different is good, in my opinion.


EDIT: I also think that, like Paradise, this is one that's going to get better once I'm able to crank up da bass. I wasn't entirely sold on Paradise until I blasted it in my car at full volume.

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I don't understand the hatred of this at all. The synths and guitar (I'm positive I can hear guitar, not just synths) are absolutely epic! And Rihanna gives a great vocal performance, and really blends well with Chris'.


I do agree that it'd be nice to hear a bit more Chris in the song, but this is going to be amazing in arenas and is guaranteed to get Coldplay a #1.


And this is coming from someone who hates RnB and Hip-Hop

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Guest Osaka Sun
PoC is one of the best tracks on the album IMO. I love it!

I'm giving this beauty a 9/10


Shut up.


Oh wait...





In all seriousness though, her voice really didn't fit the song, and it might have trainwrecked the flow of the entire album. As expected, it should have been Chris and Chris only.

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- Rihanna actually works very well in this song






- Needs moar Chris (in the 'You could be a princess' verse) and less Rihanna

-Chris should have sung the 'Ohohoh' bits, or at least harmonized with Ri (I can barely hear him)

-The epic score of this song would have shot through the roof if there had been a Jonny-riff coupled with the synth-drop and a full-band 'ohohoh' instead of just a Ri 'ohohoh'




But an unexpectedly good song overall :D

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- Great melody. Catchy as all get-out.

- The crackling synths were a nice touch. The main synth-line (Rihanna's first "oh") is fantastic as well.

- Rhythm section is super tight on this song, definitely one of Coldplay's best ever.

- Rihanna's voice sounds great. So does Chris's. But I can barely hear it, which leads me into...




- I don't have a problem with Rihanna singing such a large portion of the song. HOWEVER, the duet sections don't really sound like duets because Chris's voice is mixed too low.

- I'm not sure anybody else hears it, but I feel like after each measure there's a very slight pause in the background synths that makes it sound like the track is skipping or something. It might just be me, but it's driving me crazy.

- Lyrics. 'Nuff said.

- Here's my biggest problem with the song...the synth scream isn't nearly loud enough. After the quiet bridge with the electronic flourishes, that scream should have hit me full force, loud enough to knock me off my feet, before the main theme stomps back in. The scream is far too quiet.


Overall, a pretty good song. Musically it's brilliant, but there are a few production blunders that I would have fixed. I probably would have redone the whole lyric as well, but the same goes for pretty much every Coldplay song, so... :lol:

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