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[1-Aug-2012] Coldplay @ Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, MI, USA


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Hey everyone! Last night's concert was absolutely amazing, wasn't it? I was seventh row and I got a lot of good pictures :D You can read all about my experience and see some pictures here on my blog.


I'm sure a few of you saw on the Oxfamontour twitter the picture of a certain fan named Emily and her Coldplay outfit. Well guess what? That certain person was me! It was so exciting!

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1) that was AMAZING

2) took a TON of vids that Ill have to edit and post later...

3) I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE C STAGE!! I was so close I could have almost touched the band when they walked by but just out of reach. still awesome

4) anyone know if they took a panoramic pic? havent seen it posted yet..

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1) that was AMAZING

2) took a TON of vids that Ill have to edit and post later...

3) I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE C STAGE!! I was so close I could have almost touched the band when they walked by but just out of reach. still awesome

4) anyone know if they took a panoramic pic? havent seen it posted yet..


They took a pic, I saw Roadie #42 (or who I think to be) come out about 10 minutes before Coldplay came on and take the picture. Everyone was standing up down on the floor and he saw our signs so I think he was the one who took the panorama. I really hope so, I'd love to see it as soon as possible.

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Home after the Detroit show, my 5th and last planned for this tour. I must say I've got a newfound respect for the boys; I am utterly exhausted whereas they just keep going and going and going. Pix will come a bit later but I just wanted to say a few words about the experience.


One of the first highlights was meeting fellow Coldplayers. This is always such a delight! To finally put a face and a personality to a screen name is a fun experience and Ariel, Clinton, and others helped to set the stage for the show. The friend I brought to the show had never been to a Coldplay gig before and was amazed by how we all clicked from the very first moment. Why not? We have this remarkable band at the heart of our friendship!


My friend and I found that our seats were in the section right next to the C stage, merely feet away! Now, on this tour I've been up front, up high, and now just right to get a look at our band up close and they did not disappoint. It was such a pleasure to sing "Happy Birthday" to Will (my second time - got to do it on his actual b-day in 2009, in Toronto) and actually see the look of delight on his face. He was really touched and the smiles on Chris, Jonny, and Guy's faces reflected their affection for him.


This is not a cookie-cutter show, although we anticipated (and received) the speech about the best (bleeping) audience and the best (bleeping) concert, the thanks for the aggravation of going to a concert, and the occasional mess-up. It was the nuances that made the show, and one of the nuances was the audience. The Detroit audience was fabulous, into it right from the beginning and staying with it throughout the show. It's funny that after multiple shows I was feeling PROUD of the band, looking around to see the reactions to the wristbands and the confetti and the sheer spectacle of it all. It was a hoot to watch my friend experience it all for the first time, see him whirl around with a look of astonishment on his face, asking me "WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THAT SONG???" at several points. But it was when the band slowed it down that their ability really showed. Chris's voice was great and the tenacity of the band proved itself as they leaned into the songs.


At the end my friend summed it up: "I was impressed."


During this tour I've found certain songs touch my emotions (even after years of listening to them). In the Washington show it was "Yellow", in the Toronto shows it was "DLIBYH", and last night it was "The Scientist." I don't know whether it was the audience's reaction, the band's stellar performance, or the space my head is in at the moment, but the music and the lyrics resonated with me and have done so throughout my journey home today.


"Nobody said it was easy" but Coldplay does everything they can to make it easy to love them. And I do.


And this is why I keep coming back for more. Yes the setlist is the same, and the "joke" are the same. But somehow they always make it seem like its the first time. I have seen so many MX shows and I fear I've seen my last :(


Like you, Jilly, I've seen them from just about every location in the venues and I've loved every show (although I must admit, I hope to never sit in the nosebleeds again - just too far away for me).


Awesome review and thoughts.

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They took a pic, I saw Roadie #42 (or who I think to be) come out about 10 minutes before Coldplay came on and take the picture. Everyone was standing up down on the floor and he saw our signs so I think he was the one who took the panorama. I really hope so, I'd love to see it as soon as possible.


yeah I thought I saw him take a pic. I just wasn't sure.. I really hope he was! no one in the 100 sections were standing.. my friend and I raised our hands when we saw someone take a pic but idk if we were quick enough. heres hoping!

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Also meant to ask.. did anyone stay after and have any luck meeting the band?


I wanted to stay after but my friend wanted to leave haha I even asked for a "rock paper scissors" best of 3 for staying but we ended up leaving :/

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Ariel, you have got a career ahead of you in photojournalism, girl! And adoption as your Coldplayer Mom gratefully and humbly accepted. May we (all of us) share many more shows. And let's send gratitude and love to Coldplay for helping us find each other - it's "Us Against the World!"

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I didn't get to stay after either.


Also I have a question. Did any of you guys end up recording Speed Of Sound? I did on my phone but it didn't pick up and audio. I just found out and now I'm crying and sobbing because Speed Of Sound is one of my favorites and the version they played last night was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.


So if anybody could link me to a video they found or took or anything that would be the most amazing thing.

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Ariel, you have got a career ahead of you in photojournalism, girl! And adoption as your Coldplayer Mom gratefully and humbly accepted. May we (all of us) share many more shows. And let's send gratitude and love to Coldplay for helping us find each other - it's "Us Against the World!"


Oh Jill that was beautiful... I'm so touched.. that made me smile! I love you!

I actually do want to be a photojournalist so thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your words. It was so great to meet you last night, I felt like I was going to cry..


And I fully agree to give credit to Coldplay for bringing us together...I'm overwhelmed that music can do that, I mean its absolutely beautiful.

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It's so amazing how Coldplay brings together people of all ages. Last night I got seats next to an older man, probably 48 or so, with a huge beer belly! And I thought before it started that he was going to just stand there and get it the way of me dancing. And while he didn't dance, he did bounce a little and fist pumped a bit and held his hands up to be a part of the Xylobands. He even sang along to the chorus of Paradise.


And I just think that's so amazing. I saw a woman who had to be like... 70 years old, 4th row, making her way down all of those stairs, just to see Coldplay.


How amazing!

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It's so amazing how Coldplay brings together people of all ages. Last night I got seats next to an older man, probably 48 or so, with a huge beer belly! And I thought before it started that he was going to just stand there and get it the way of me dancing. And while he didn't dance, he did bounce a little and fist pumped a bit and held his hands up to be a part of the Xylobands. He even sang along to the chorus of Paradise.


And I just think that's so amazing. I saw a woman who had to be like... 70 years old, 4th row, making her way down all of those stairs, just to see Coldplay.


How amazing!


I love that about them too. It's wonderful to see all age groups rocking out :D


I'm bringing my mom to the Minneapolis shows. She's in her late 40's and I know she'll rock out as hard as me. She's even dressing up in her own home made Coldplay shirt.

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Here's my review with pictures, hope you like it :)


At 7:30am, I awoke from my paradise dreams in excitement for Coldplay's Auburn Hills concert tonight.


I covered myself in paint, with a black equals sign and my custom made Mylo Xyloto inspired shorts and shirt, my poster, Lovers In Japan parasol and a bag of chocolate and made the 160 mile journey to Auburn Hills, MI.


As soon as I pulled into the parking I could feel them and excitement.. my boys were in the house and I still felt so honred to be there. I was surrounded by Coldplay brothers and sisters, they were all family and I absolutely loved the feeling, it was beautiful. A lot of people had fan-made shirts, were so cool to see. I had the honor of meeting two amazing Colplayers, Clinton and Jill. All three of us were speaking the Coldplay language, all I could do was just smile the whole time. Jill is officially my 'Coldplayer Mother' now, she was amazing, it was our very first time meeting last night, I was so happy to see her, I ran up to her and hugged her, almost crying.




Coldplayers Jill (JillyBlue), Clinton (Black_dog) and I :D it was so great to meet you both! I loved it!







After the two opening acts were done, you could tell a lot of people were inpatiently waiting for Coldplay to come on, the excitement was building fast, I had to prepair for what was coming... I met another Coldplayer because I had recognized her shirt from the thread and what were the chanced that she was sitting two rows in the front of me, she was incredibly nice... I wish I knew her name, if your reading this I wish I had gotten your name dear.. I loved your shirt, you did an incredible job.




As soon as Jay-Z's '99 Problems' started playing some people were getting up and dancing to get warmed up, everybody knows thats song before they come on stage.



Lights go down... oh man, oh my, I lost a bucket of tears, because that Back to The Future theme started playing and I fet like I was going to faint. I saw my lovelies come on stage and I was stunned to see them, it was like I completely surprised to see them as if I didn't even know they were going to be there. When the beautiful instrumental Mylo Xyloto started playing and all the Xylobands lite up, that was a moment I had been looking foreward to for months.. words cannot even describe.. the feeling, the atmosphere, of it all, as soon as everyone's xylobands lite up I was hit with overwhelming joy, I couldn't stop smiling, words are not enough to even try to describe the feeling, you had to be there. When the band broke into singing Hurts Like Heaven and I heard Chris singing live for the first time ever, I lost it...truly spectacular.. brillant opening, it was going to a never ending night of smiles and free-spirited dancing while being serenated by the band's incredible words, colors and atmosphere.









In My Place just sweept me off my feet, I was pretty much in awe the whole time..throwing my hands in the air and having the confettii shower all over you, it was like being at the end of a rainbow or dancing in the rain..seriously... how does Coldpaly give you this feeling..? Listen to the words, feel the music in your soul, you will be scared for life once you hear Coldplay.



Major Minus lite up the room in bright red colors..along with some sexy dances moves from the audience, its impressive lyrics and melody had everybody jumping, it was like being inside a human heart and seeing what it takes to bring happiness to the mind.


Lovers In Japan was aboslutely, just so stunning...large round, graffitti ballons fell from the ceiling during the chours and more confetti was shooted out at the end just like the music video. This was one song you can count on to look foreward to, any song of the Viva La Vida album is bound to blow you away and make you fly inside your mind... it serenates your soul and leaves you breathless, that's exactly how I felt while they were singing it and after it was over.. during the lovely outro I had to get my painted parasol out and jump around with it opened up like Chris did during the Viva La Vida tour. I absolutely love to death the feelings that Coldplay's music can give you.. shivers, goosbumps, breathless, leaving you stunned, feeling different, a calming sensation, it takes your imagination on a never ending journey..you can't just not smile whle listening to the Viva La Vida album. The outro of Lovers In Japan, I just felt like the only person in the room, jumping in circles, dancing like theres no tomorrow with my parasol held high and confettii flying everywhere.... when you get deep into the music your in a whole other world, you don't care about what other people think of you...that's something Coldplay's music gives you.


If Chris Martin's soft, soothing voice with a piano melody of 'Yellow' doesn't make you cry or atleast smile then you'll be missing out on a love song unlike anyother and its not just for married couple or boyfriends and girlfriends, no this is a song for anybody you love.. its a declairation of love. The piano, the lights, it just made you want to slow dance and you couldn't but think about those people that you love in life. Yellow was an absolute masterpiece, they made you feel like you were sitting in a rocket ship floating through outterspace and all the stars were your friends and family, shining bright in your heart.







'The Scientist' was a favorite of mine last night, it always sounds so incredibly amazing live. It can be a tearjerker but once you hear the crowd sing 'Nobody said it was easy... no one ever said it would be this hard.. oh take me back to the start.", you just want to smile. They were so gentle with the song, you just couldn't help but having this feeling of worry leaving you and any kind of fear about life that's controlling your mind, it was just lifted off your shoulders... everybody was pretty much singing their worry and fears away in that moment.


One thing I truly admired about the concert was that it was 100% crowd interactive. They had a very very beautiful and intimate acoustic performance at the end of the catwalk with all four of them being there, it made all the more better. Singing Up In Flames and Warning Sign was a delightful treat, hearing people sing-a-long with no cares in the world or no worried, the faces of the people as they watched and listened to the words that is the soundtrack of planet Earth... words can't descibe it, you had to be there...it might as well of been a poertry club with candles lite, singing along to every song with your closest friends and family because that's the best way to describe it.




I had my 'moment' when those viollins started playing for Viva La Vida... and I just want to say that after everything I went through at work and at home, making what was suppose to be a three hour drive and ended up being a four hour drive to get to the Palace of Auburn Hills because of heavy traffic and trying to stay awake for three hours drivng back home, alone in the dark was WORTH IT. This is the number one song I had been looking foreward to, to hear live for so long... Viva La Vida. I felt overwhelmed and wanted to cry at the sametime... hearing everbody sing those "Ohh oh oh oh oh ohs'..." was literally one of the most beautiful and best sounds and feelings ever... that completely overwhelmed me, I could barely hold back the tears of joy... and the middle part of the song when the big "Ohh oh wo oh oh ohs.." were being sung loudly and everybody singing at the top of their lungs, words cannot even begin to describe that moment, that was the one moment I had been waiting months for. Those 20 seconds of the BEST mouth dropping, tearjerking of the most beautiful, heart warming melody, dancing and sing-along ever. I felt like the only person in the room again... danced my heart out like there was no tomorrow and felt the music all over me, completely taking over my body and my soul... did I mention I LOVE, love, love the feelings that Coldplay's music gives you.






Charlie Brown was the ultimate house party/rave/live life to the fullest moment part of the show.. everybody was worry free in that moment.. jumping, jumping and more jumping, sing our hearts out. It's one of those things you have to see to believe that music can heal and music can change your heart.


Paradise, wheew.. oh my, another song I had been looking foreward to.. my summer anthem. One thing that Coldplay's music has taught is to not care about what other people tihnk of you and to express yourself the way you want.. you have the freedom of expression. I toke that message and put into the true meaning when I danced like I never danced before and again smiling unconditionally.. .it was an unbelievable performance.


For their first encore, Chris, Guy, Will and Jonny made their way out onto the C-Stage located in the back of the arena right in the crowd, it makes me so happy that Coldplay loves making their fans apart of the show and making them feel so special..especially with the Xylobands. One of the best acosutic performances of the night was on C-Stage when they sang Speed of Sound, that was absoutely brilliant, any song from the X&Y album that is sung in acoustic, I can sure promise you that it will make you cry or atleast make you tear up a little. Then after singing Us Against the World, Chris had the Oxfan crew bring out a birthday cake for Mr. Will Champion, who celebrated his birthday the day before and Chris had everyone sing Happy Birthday to Will! That was adorable because Chris had to ask Will which key it was in.


After running through the crowd and making their way back on stage, they immediately went into 'Clocks', which I must say is one the most serenating Coldplay songs ever.. oh my, that song gives you the chills.I mean, seriously... really.. my goodness.. what did we do to deserve Coldplay?






When the organ chourds for Fix You started playing, I immediately felt really really sad. It was bad, I did not want this to end.. not yet. When Chris hit those notes.. "When you try your best but you don't succeed.." Ijust lost it... completely lost it, I already knew and predicited that I would lose a bucket of tears, I don't know if they were tears of joy or sadness because I wanted to be happy and sad at the same time. I called my very great Coldplayer friend from Italy, Francessca Biscardi to listen to Fix You over the phone, I know its her favorite and she deserved that. I was just shaking my head the whole time and really wanted to hug someone.. Fix You is an absoulute charm, masterpiece, a beautiful and brilliant work of art, a sunset after a perfect day, a hope for tomorrow.. all you could do in that performance was either smile or cry.. they get very into the music and singing and it makes it more special, more intimate and more lovable..




To end the unforgettable night was the canvas painting of Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall... one last jumping and dancing free for all for all the lovely brothers and sisters of Coldplay. That was a special moment, it was end and barely anybody was interested in taking pictures.. you would get so caught up in the moment that all you could do is jump, dance, sing-along and smile like theres no tomorrow...




I collected handfulls of confettii afterwards, asked for a setlist at the sound booth, but they had already given it away... that's okay though. It was worth the trip and heavy traffic to see my lovelies.


Four years and seven of being a fan, it was more than worth the wait to see them live for the first time. I really do feel so changed on the inside... it made me so happy to be surrounded by my Coldplay family. It was a very special and touching night for me..there will always be a place for Coldplay in my heart.


Their truly my cup of tea..



Ariel! I love your review, it's like I was there with you!

I wish I could've been the one to :hug: you during Fix You and to jump around with you. :dance:

I hope you don't mind, but I just HAD to tweet this to our boys. You've written it down so well, you express all feelings, emotions and all so amazingly.

Thank you for this personal look in this wonderful experience for you.

I love you girl!

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Concert Review: Coldplay delivers a hot show at the Palace



For Journal Register Newspapers

[email protected]; Twitter: @graffonmusic


AUBURN HILLS -- When a band lets the confetti fly during the second song of its concert, you know it has a great deal of confidence in the rest of the show.


And if the group in question is Coldplay, why shouldn't it?


The British quartet, touring in support of its platinum 2011 release "Mylo Xyloto," welcomed August with a another of its whiz-bang spectacles Wednesday night at the Palace. A couple of confetti storms were only part of a colorful and energetic hour and 40 minutes that also included lasers, projections onto five circular video screens -- four of which hovered above the crowd of 17,000 -- giant balloons that fans batted around during "Lovers in Japan" and a special stage situated in the rear corner of the Palace's lower deck, where Coldplay played a pair of songs ("Us Against the World" and "Speed of Sound") and also sang a belated "Happy Birthday" to drummer Will Champion, who turned 34 on Tuesday, July 31.


The night's most inventive effect, meanwhile, was light-up wristbands given to each attendee that were triggered by Coldplay's crew to turn the arena into a twinkling, truly 360-degree effect during five of the show's 21 songs (although it should be noted that some of the wristbands stayed on throughout the show, while others -- like, ahem, this reviewer's -- did not work at all).


Coldplay's musical integrity did not suffer for all that pizzazz, either. The group's melodic but muscular brand of anthem rock plays well in large spaces, and that was certainly the case at the Palace despite a blaring mix that periodically subsumed hyperkinetic frontman Chris Martin's vocals and some of the instrumental nuances. The group, not surprisingly, dipped generously into "Mylo Xyloto," opening with the title track and "Hurts Like Heaven" and delivering eight of the set's other 13 songs, with Rihanna performing her part on "Princes of China" via video and the crowd singing the end of "Paradise" with Martin conducting.


Coldplay also mined its abundance of hits on Wednesday, rolling through quieter favorites such as "In My Place," "Yellow," "The Scientist" and "Fix You" along with propulsive fare like Viva La Vida," "Violet Hill," "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" and "Clocks." And "Warning Sign," from 2002's "A Rush of Blood to the Head," was a welcome deep dip into the group's catalog.


Martin thanked the crowd for coming out on a Wednesday night to see his band and promised "the best (expletive) concert you've ever been to in your life." That's a tall order, but most of the wristband-wearing legion at the Palace will probably consider Coldplay's show a contender for that distinction.

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I am nowhere as good as photographer as Ariel and Wabbit and others here (I can't seem to take a nonblurry picture to save my life), but here are a few of my pictures from Wednesday night.



Three excited Coldplayers, ready for the show!



Here we go!



Chris and Jonny are in there somewhere!



Yes, there they are.



I just like this one.




I like this one, too.



View of the X stage from our seats.



Guy REALLY seemed to enjoy played UATW on the C stage.




Chris & Will, C Stage



Guy: Wait, that's Jilly over there...



Jonny: I think you're right, it IS Jilly!



Jonny leaving the C stage



I will never tire of the spectacle that is Coldplay.

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Also meant to ask.. did anyone stay after and have any luck meeting the band?


I wanted to stay after but my friend wanted to leave haha I even asked for a "rock paper scissors" best of 3 for staying but we ended up leaving :/



We waited for a long time and after talking to some security guards found out they left as soon as the concert was over :(

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Panorama: Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit

3 August 2012 8:08 pm

Check out the pre-show crowd panorama shot


Good evening. Here's the crowd panorama shot from Wednesday night's show in Detroit. Click the photo to see the full, hi-res version, and add your photos from the show to our Live Archive here.








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lol what the heck... in the panoramic pic it looks like I spelled Will's name with an extra "i"!


I'm sure there's loads of people out there thinking, "wow that stupid girl doesn't even know how to spell Will."


smooth :tongue: thanks a lot Mr. Miller...

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