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FREE FOOD now I have your attention


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Reasons I love the UK:


  1. The T.V. is fantastic! I'm obsessed with Sherlock and Dr. Who!
  2. The best bands come from the UK. It's true.
  3. The accent :P I can't help it!
  4. Lots of history.
  5. It also helps that we were once part of Great Britain. :P


I don't hate the U.S. by any means, and I feel fortunate to be born here and continue living here. I just think it's a matter of being bored with U.S. mainstream culture. I don't like the kind of people we hold on a pedastal, like Kim Kardashian, etc. And I think it's sad that everything is so focused on money, as someone else mentioned.

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Me and my boyfriend where considering moving to America when we have the money but I'm not sure I could do it. America seems a scary place to me!

Probably because it's such a massive country and everyone's seems more brash and bold and I dunno :tongue:


Aww. America is not as scary as you think! Yes it is big, but if you pick one region to focus on it won't feel so intimidating.

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Its the accent :dazzled: and the best bands come from Britain.

this :nod:


My friend and i plan to move to london if we ever get enough money to rent a flat...

Anyways.. Here's my list:

the lingo

the big ferris wheels

awesome people come from there


yeaah all i could think of right now

p.s. Nice intro, thing i caught my attention with the free food... lol:P

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Me and my boyfriend where considering moving to America when we have the money but I'm not sure I could do it. America seems a scary place to me!

Probably because it's such a massive country and everyone's seems more brash and bold and I dunno :tongue:

Everyone will kiss your ass if you're British, i.e. this thread

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People seem to think you live in some amazing land where the humor is amazing and more highbrow than all American humor ever. These same people also forget that they also have accents specific to their country and the area(s) they have lived in. Many of them also tend to think that there is no American culture whatsoever and that whatever we do have is shitty or something? Dunno.


So, you know.


It's so easy to overlook the vast differences in cultures across America because there are a lot of places people don't go. I challenge anyone to tell me that southern Appalachian culture is even anywhere near the same as what you'd find in New England or in southern California or wherever the hell.


It's totally cool to be interested in the cultures of non-American places, but it really irritates me when people dismiss the entire United States as a wasteland. It's not like I'm dismissing other cultures here, don't get me wrong, but the entire "The USA is completely devoid of culture; let's go to England" bullshit is getting really, really annoying. It's a little stupid and unworldly still, considering you haven't looked past your own culture's goggles enough to realize that YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING LIVE IN ONE.


AGAIN, because people here don't read sometimes, it's cool to be into the traditions of other countries, maybe even okay to be into them more than your own sometimes, but you should not be dismissive of where you have come from.


That being said, I can't wait until I get to study abroad in Turkey. NAO THATS SOME REAL CULTURES LOL

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People seem to think you live in some amazing land where the humor is amazing and more highbrow than all American humor ever. These same people also forget that they also have accents specific to their country and the area(s) they have lived in. Many of them also tend to think that there is no American culture whatsoever and that whatever we do have is shitty or something? Dunno.


So, you know.


It's so easy to overlook the vast differences in cultures across America because there are a lot of places people don't go. I challenge anyone to tell me that southern Appalachian culture is even anywhere near the same as what you'd find in New England or in southern California or wherever the hell.


It's totally cool to be interested in the cultures of non-American places, but it really irritates me when people dismiss the entire United States as a wasteland. It's not like I'm dismissing other cultures here, don't get me wrong, but the entire "The USA is completely devoid of culture; let's go to England" bullshit is getting really, really annoying. It's a little stupid and unworldly still, considering you haven't looked past your own culture's goggles enough to realize that YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING LIVE IN ONE.


AGAIN, because people here don't read sometimes, it's cool to be the traditions of other countries, maybe even more than your own, but you should not be dismissive of where you have come from.


That being said, I can't wait until I get to study abroad in Turkey. NAO THATS SOME REAL CULTURES LOL



I agree, i always try to tell people you can't put the whole US in one box. Living in New York is different than living in Florida. People always visit New York, Florida or California and then act like they know how the whole USA is. There are 50 states each with their own unique identity.

I lived in three different states and to me it was like almost living in different countries (Has anyone ever felt that or is it just me?)

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Me and my boyfriend where considering moving to America when we have the money but I'm not sure I could do it. America seems a scary place to me!

Probably because it's such a massive country and everyone's seems more brash and bold and I dunno :tongue:

What part of America were you considering Em?

I agree, i always try to tell people you can't put the whole US in one box. Living in New York is different than living in Florida.


:stunned:Don't ever come to Florida:no:


Just kidding, I'm sure it's nice in other parts. But this all depends on people's mindsets, not everyone thinks America is a wasteland. And you're right it's different in every "corner", the culture,the food (excluding the fact that there's a fast food restaurant on every corner). Dee's right too, people seem to think of America as one big culture don't they? People aren't always aware of everything around them until they are put into a different situation.

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WE ARE SO BORING infact the only good thing to come out of here, apart from me ;) is COLDPLAY!QUOTE]


And Radiohead. And Muse. And Pink Floyd. And numerous other glorious bands. And great literature. And AWESOME TV shows. And interesting history. And beautiful scenery. And lovely people. And lovely accents. And I want to live in England someday. And my ancestry is from there. And I wish I had been born there. And I could go on and on forever about things I adore about that country and I take great offense at it being called "BORING" :wink: :lol: because I'd say it's one of the most lovely places on earth. :nod:

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Being Irish I can relate to this, in fact, as awful as it sounds, its fucking annoying (Where you at ELS?) when people go on and on about how we have a beautiful green country (The countryside just as green as any other countryside by the way, theres just more of it) and our accent is so quirky and sweet blah blah blah.


I mean its nice to be liked for not doing anything, simply being from here gets you liked from foreigners, but it goes past that where a lot of people think that because they like Ireland, or (Especially Americans) if they have ancestors from 8 generations ago, we're suddenly family.


It can get very patronising and frustrating, but to be honest thats mainly looking at the pessimistic side of things, most of the time its not annoying whatsoever. It just depends on the persons attitude towards you, if they say something like "Let's go for a drink, you're Irish so I doubt you'll say no! Hehe!" -MOMMA SAID KNOCK U OUT

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i hate the US

Rave about Britain as much as you want, but don't throw your country in the trash, you don't know how lucky you are to live here.

I only got my U.S. citizenship recently, I couldn't imagine my life if I wasn't living here.

We're tought by our culture that America is the only "free" country, which just isn't the case.

I wasn't taught this, if anything I was conditioned to hate America, that it's boring and arrogant and full of no culture (as seen by this thread). If you're proud of being American, you're called a hillbilly or a bigot.

I've poked fun at America before, but I'm really gonna tone it down now, because it seems like some people don't have one good thing to say about their country anymore. Not exclusively in this thread, but people my age in general.

If you hate the U.S. so much, go live in a country where your basic human rights are denied, where newborns are murdered or left at the side of the road, where you can't find a job so you have to sell your body for food. I know you might be joking, but 'hate' is a terribly strong word.

British people are... people, the same as any other kind of people. They have their fair share of wonderful people and scumbags, just like we do. Don't know why you're putting them on a pedestal...

I'm a lover of British music and TV too, who isn't, but this is just...wow.


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On the other side of the coin, there are arrogant Americans, e.g. tourists who travel and expect people to speak English flawlessly for them when they don't even bother to say hello in their native tongue. They are rare but they do exist. I don't know what to say about that. I'm sure there are assholes of every nationality. :uhoh2:

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Isn´t it all the rage to be proud of where you came from now? Nobody thinks Mexico is amazing or think our musicians are cute :angry: THEY ARE :angry: :angry: And we have pretty pyramids and awesome culture and history and language and dresses and food and we have plenty of green if you look for it :angry:



and "i just love mexican music i know imma nerd!!" info details on their tumblrs :angry:

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I lived in three different states and to me it was like almost living in different countries (Has anyone ever felt that or is it just me?)


I so agree with you! I have lived in 2 different states, and they couldn't be any more different if they tried. Minnesota is like Ohio's opposite. For the record, I massively prefer Minnesota, I hope I can move back there some day. The US has a lot of different culture, you just have to know where to find it!


...And for me, I love British accents and of course, UK bands are wonderful. :)

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Being Irish I can relate to this, in fact, as awful as it sounds, its fucking annoying (Where you at ELS?) when people go on and on about how we have a beautiful green country (The countryside just as green as any other countryside by the way, theres just more of it) and our accent is so quirky and sweet blah blah blah.


I mean its nice to be liked for not doing anything, simply being from here gets you liked from foreigners, but it goes past that where a lot of people think that because they like Ireland, or (Especially Americans) if they have ancestors from 8 generations ago, we're suddenly family.


It can get very patronising and frustrating, but to be honest thats mainly looking at the pessimistic side of things, most of the time its not annoying whatsoever. It just depends on the persons attitude towards you, if they say something like "Let's go for a drink, you're Irish so I doubt you'll say no! Hehe!" -MOMMA SAID KNOCK U OUT

Oh god, this so much.

I don't know? may be we should see it as flattering, but god it just gets patronizing. There has been a pretty big influx over the past few years of this attention going away from Ireland and going to Britain, with british tv shows being shown in American and such. (You brits might like this at first, but trust me it gets annoying)

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Also it's pretty cool to see that the generalised views of globalisations, being mainly an Americanisation process, isn't always true. I know the people on this site aren't the vast majority, but it's nice to see that an aspect of a smaller country is having influence on people in such a large nation.

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The topic was interesting enough, the only reason why i clicked the thread was because it had a lot of responses. And just with the title FREE FOOD would have been enough, I thought you were promoting your coldplay covers or something.

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