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Ghost Stories, release date: 19 May 2014


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Is anyone else just getting an over whelming sense of pride and emotion from what we have heard so far both through the songs and now with some light shed on the lyrics and what they mean to Chris.. Ive never had this much anticipation for an album .. Its like I want to hear his story , we know its something true its not a concept .. I just cant get a lot of these lyrics out of my head.. Its almost haunting me ( theheh ghost stories lol ) It has a lingering impact ..An impact that makes you stop and think how amazing is it for someone to be able to take such hurt/love and strife to be better and try and make it into something amazing . This album is totally for him as a release and that's the song writing that I love. I really think this is going to be their best album .


Ill be honest Im a DYE hard CP fan.. Ive loved them as long as I remember and not to sound fan girly but well Ive loved at least thought of who Chris Martin seemed to be .Yet no matter how beautiful the songs have been I never connected to them personally on a high level ( ive connected and they are amazing but they weren't something that could be life changing for me personally ) like Ive connected to say U2 I dunno if its because I knew U2 wore thier heart on their sleeve and were open about it and maybe CP where a little more mysterious? Anyway I guess my point something finally just clicked to 100% for me something connected at 100% I believed every word from ghost stories that Ive heard so far.. Being able to connect to a song to me is almost like being able to connect to the person behind it . I feel like I want the best for him and for him to come out on top of this journey he seems to be on. People will say well you don't know him .. Your right I don't know him or the rest of the band ,we don't know the deep dark secrets we don't know them in day to day life but when you get lyrics that are raw and personal don't we somehow feel like we are all connected.


I'm so happy yet sad for this important moment in his life and the message of life and how it is fleeting. That we have to take the bad to sometimes come out on top has really resonated with me and I just wanted to share that with my thoughts about this album.. I think this may be one of my favorite albums.


ya know when you watch those great movies about life and they make you think about and question your heart, religion, family, all the wonderful and hard aspects of what make up a human being ... Thats what I'm getting here. I m just really feeling it !! I just really wish him and his family the best ( and I have to say him and not CP because I feel like this is his heart on his sleeve with the love and support of his bandmates )


Or have I gone mad? lol


Amazing post!


I love the comparison to movies, I love the feeling you get after watching one of those movies but with an album you can get that same feeling over and over and that's how I think "Ghost Stories" will feel. I'm really loving this album already and it might at some point overtake X&Y as my favourite album, maybe :P


I have such a connection with "Always in My Head". I think the last songs to have that sort of connection were "What If" on X&Y and "Miracle Drug" by U2 who have always been my 2nd favourite band :)

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Warner Music Thailand just contacted me that they are doing listening party of the album next Wednesday but I can't go. :(

Stupid work. I need to leave my job.


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Can't you request permission or call that day saying you are sick?

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Can't you request permission or call that day saying you are sick?


I already plan to call for a sick when the Tokyo tickets go on sale and another 3 days off for trip to Japan to see them in concert.

์No more days off for me. :rolleyes:

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Does anyone else think Chris's voice sounds different on this record?! Sounds more special; better. Theres this pain and agony at times that I haven't heard since AROBTTH days. Kind of like how Bono's voice changed from How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb onward after his father's death. He actually believes that was a miracle.

I have such a connection with "Always in My Head". I think the last songs to have that sort of connection were "What If" on X&Y and "Miracle Drug" by U2 who have always been my 2nd favourite band :)

We have very similar taste in music ;)

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Does anyone else think Chris's voice sounds different on this record?! Sounds more special; better. Theres this pain and agony at times that I haven't heard since AROBTTH days. Kind of like how Bono's voice changed from How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb onward after his father's death. He actually believes that was a miracle.


We have very similar taste in music ;)


Absolutely. There is something different in his voice and I feel like I connect to the music better then ever before.

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Whoops. Ok, in my sleep deprived state I assumed you were talking about the guy who initially told me the album was on that site. I've heard nothing further from him. I have pm'd some Coldplayers further details but from what I know no-one's been able to log into the site in question so far.

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The site is very exclusive and please believe me when I say it's unlikely there's anything we can do except wait.


It does look promising though. Another site is reporting the same news as I received from our friend here.


I'm being cryptic because I don't wanna blurt out the news and have everyone panic over something very unlikely to pan out and I don't want to condone this method cause it isn't strictly legal.


Again, please trust what I am saying to you. There is a highly unlikely chance theres anything anyone of us can do anyways. Just sit tight and the album is only 2 weeks away anyways so it's starting to become leaking season

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Getting a small influx of pms. I will not be answering any of them past the ones I already did. Not because I'm mean but because I don't have much more to say and it's past midnight where I am so time for sleep soon.

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This all seems pretty suspicious to me. I know the specific site that this is rumoured to be on, but even with all the exclusiveness, I'd still be taking this news with a grain of salt.

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This all seems pretty suspicious to me. I know the specific site that this is rumoured to be on, but even with all the exclusiveness, I'd still be taking this news with a grain of salt.


Oh of course. I think it's silly to read any news on the net without caution. With that being said, like I said, another site is reporting the same thing.

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