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LP7- "A Head Full Of Dreams"

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It's a good thing "Yes" is the only dark, heavy, sexual, low-register-using song that Coldplay has done. If they ever included more than one on a single album I would just melt into a giant puddle of my own tears :dazzled:


Yes tears of ~sexual~ joy


"Yes" feels like Chris is undressing himself orally








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Is Chris' voice altered/vocoder on Amazing Day? :thinking: I think it may be but it's a short clip. I may be wrong but it sounds a little odd.


I thought this too - doesn't really sound like Chris ws my first impression. Still, nice nonetheless

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Which clips aren't you enamoured with?


HFTW really leaves me cold. not a fan of everglow yet either. quite a few clips make it hard to judge because they are too short. but army of one looks interesting. looking forward to that.


how about you? any standouts yet?


and btw, color spectrum looks like an instrumental so far.

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For sure. I've been off-and-on the forums myself for a few years now, but I remember a few people just up and left and have never been back.



I used to geek out over the song ARoBttH with Tryptophan :bigcry:


I remember when people were really geeky and used to analyse absolutely everything in the build up to an album release. We were all better than sherlock holmes in finding stuff out - I remember when someone found out that LP5 was to be called Mylo Xyloto, it was crazy!

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Sounds like they taken every single inspiration from since they began and put it into one album! I like it!...the only track i dont like is Amazing day. i dont know why but it does nothing for me lol


Haha exactly how I feel about that song

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haa, the symbol for colour spectrum in the top left is the same as it shows up on the back of the album track list


<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="6" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/-e1txbndQE/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">#Track10 #ColourSpectrum #AHeadFullOfDreams #Coldplay #TenDaysUntilAHFOD</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A video posted by Coldplay (@coldplay) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2015-11-24T21:00:03+00:00">Nov 24, 2015 at 1:00pm PST</time></p></div></blockquote>

<script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>



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I remember when people were really geeky and used to analyse absolutely everything in the build up to an album release. We were all better than sherlock holmes in finding stuff out - I remember when someone found out that LP5 was to be called Mylo Xyloto, it was crazy!


The detective work put in to finding out what the Running Man represented was insane


Man, I'm so nostalgic today

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HFTW really leaves me cold. not a fan of everglow yet either. quite a few clips make it hard to judge because they are too short. but army of one looks interesting. looking forward to that.


how about you? any standouts yet?


and btw, color spectrum looks like an instrumental so far.


Lol I understand about HFTW. I like it ok; sounds like it could be a solid R&B song, but I feel Like it's gonna be a skip track after I listen to the album the whole way through once. I'm really excited for Up&Up, Amazing Day, AOAL, Kaleidoscope, Fun, and Everglow. AHFOD and Army of One are growing on me, but I'm not expecting too much love comimg from me for those tracks. Hope I'll be surprised tho.

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