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Before you became a Coldplayer...

Zero Theory

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For me-

Yellow, Clocks, The Scientist, Speed of Sound, VLV, Charlie Brown, Paradise. Although I did not realize they were all from the same incredible band.


It was around Ghost Stories (Magic and A Sky Full of Stars) when I became hooked and realized wow, there are a lot of Coldplay songs on my phone! So I checked out each album and fell in love with 90% of the songs.


So what about you guys? I'm curious.

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As for me, I can remember Yellow, Clocks, The Scientist, Speed of Sound, Viva la Vida, Paradise, Charlie Brown, Princess of China, A Sky Full of Stars, Adventure of a Lifetime, Hymn for the Weekend, Something Just Like This + some album tracks as I listened to them.


Some of those songs I knew only by melodies but later I found out by whom they are. Then I was interested in them despite not being a fan of them. I just occasionally played their tracks.


However, All I Can Think About You hit me hard and made me follow this great and extraordinary band!

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What makes a Coldplayer? I have loved them since 2000 when I first heard Parachutes and would buy then stream every album. So I loved and knew lots of songs.


I actually remember when I wondered if I was growing out of them. That was, surprisingly for me now, Ghost Stories. I remember initially really disliking the album. Which seems crazy since I usually love chill sad music. Now it is one of favorites l.


But...I didn't become an actual Coldplayer superfan until I went to my first concert finally during AHFOD in 2017. I hadn't even really listened much to that album but...The euphoria of that night stuck with me and literally changed my life. It was crazy.

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This is kind of a mysterious story. I grew up hearing all of the old songs, but what's annoying is that I don't know when or where or even exactly the first time I heard of them. I remember Paradise coming out since I used to listen to everything on the radio back in middle school, but honestly I didn't like it that much. My music taste wasn't very good then. Near the end of eighth grade (2014) I heard Viva la Vida and I remember thinking I'd heard it a lot before but I didn't know where. I liked it so much that I started listening to a lot of the new music from Ghost Stories and moved on to their old songs, almost all of which I'd heard before when I was too young to remember. When AHFOD came out I saw them live and became truly obsessed. I think part of the reason I like Coldplay so much is because all of the old music reminds me of the forgotten parts of my childhood. Even songs like Talk sound familiar....and it's not like my parents ever played them (my mom somehow didn't know who Coldplay was until 2015 no joke) so I'm not even sure where this comes from.

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This is kind of a mysterious story. I grew up hearing all of the old songs, but what's annoying is that I don't know when or where or even exactly the first time I heard of them. I remember Paradise coming out since I used to listen to everything on the radio back in middle school, but honestly I didn't like it that much. My music taste wasn't very good then. Near the end of eighth grade (2014) I heard Viva la Vida and I remember thinking I'd heard it a lot before but I didn't know where. I liked it so much that I started listening to a lot of the new music from Ghost Stories and moved on to their old songs, almost all of which I'd heard before when I was too young to remember. When AHFOD came out I saw them live and became truly obsessed. I think part of the reason I like Coldplay so much is because all of the old music reminds me of the forgotten parts of my childhood. Even songs like Talk sound familiar....and it's not like my parents ever played them (my mom somehow didn't know who Coldplay was until 2015 no joke) so I'm not even sure where this comes from.
Exactly the same for me!!! Except I was obsessed with Mylo Xyloto before the Ghost Stories release.


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What makes a Coldplayer? I have loved them since 2000 when I first heard Parachutes and would buy then stream every album. So I loved and knew lots of songs.


I actually remember when I wondered if I was growing out of them. That was, surprisingly for me now, Ghost Stories. I remember initially really disliking the album. Which seems crazy since I usually love chill sad music. Now it is one of favorites l.


But...I didn't become an actual Coldplayer superfan until I went to my first concert finally during AHFOD in 2017. I hadn't even really listened much to that album but...The euphoria of that night stuck with me and literally changed my life. It was crazy.

Beautiful story ;-)

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The first Coldplay song I heard was In My Place. The video had just come out then. I remember not liking it much because I found it boring (I was just a kid) but later it grew on me. I looked up their other songs and I've been a fan ever since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I became an accidental Coldplay when i went to see Embrace on some stage at Glastonbury 2000

Coldplay came on for a short set, i had heard a few of their song on a NME promo tape i was given

That Had Spies (Studio 1st Mix) and Shiver (Live) on it....

I liked Shiver,

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I became interested in Coldplay when I heard Fix You in November 2007 and for the first time paid attention to the lyrics. Those words expressed exactly what I felt at that time and I really loved the tune, especially that cord, the transition from the verse to the chorus. That song gave me so much hope and peace. Then I found out that I had heard many of their other songs before, like Yellow, Clocks, In My Place, Politik, Shiver. I had liked them but had not paid special attention to the group. But from November 2007 on I have been a fan. I like all their albums and almost all of their songs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yellow of Parachutes, I listened to a range of different types of music from teenage days till now and ever, but as other things in life, I feel that I am fixed on certain things I like/love, such as chocolate sundae, literature, playing basketball, nature&animals etc.~ and usually this "sureness" need not further analysis or explanation, even when sometimes, life seems taking all your *beloved* from you...and they will come back... Coldplay is among those.....I just know I would love them from the very beginning as it is really beautiful...but I wasn't aware that they would become so wonderful and evolve so much along this journey, amazing with surprises~ :sun:

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I LOVE this topic. I rarely post but I’d thought I’d be nice to share that I fell in love with the song Clocks the second I heard it on the radio. I had no idea what the song was called for the longest time but when I found out it was, Coldplay, I became an instant fan. That was back in 2004.... then I joined this forum... yes I have been here watching and reading posts for over 14 years...

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I think Trouble was the song I knew first from the band. Didnt think much of it except that I liked it, but not enough to find out who the artist was, etc. This was also partially because I was in my preteens and didn't even know to check.


Fast forward some time, and somewhat randomly, my sister bought me LP2 as a gift. Not even sure what prompted it, if I told her at some point liking Trouble, or maybe she heard it was a good album and bought it for me. Anyways, I wore that disk out pretty hard on Politik, Clocks, The Scientist and GPASUYF. I remember vividly not wanting to even bother listening to Warning Sign or Green Eyes. As soon as their intros hit, it sounded kinda 'country' to me, which was a turn off. It's funny how much I love those songs now!

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The euphoria of that night stuck with me and literally changed my life. It was crazy.


I know exactly what you mean!


I was never one that listened to music unless I was in the car and the radio was playing as background noise. But I remember my husband (big into music) mentioned during the first ever performance of One Direction on the british X Factor that it is a Coldplay song and that they are known to be one of the live performance around ... years later I hear on the radio that the tickets for the concert in Frankfurt will be soon on sale, happen to remember when that sale was gonna start and actually got two really nice tickets, so I bought them as a surprise for my husband.


I basically knew Paradise as one of the most annoying songs on the radio and cause enough to change stations and Viva La Vida from the One Direction performance. My husband was trying to chat about who Coldplay is while being in the stadium before the concert started, asking me what the names of the lead singers kids are ... and I was like: How would I know? I don't even know who the lead singer is. ... He then mentioned the marriage with Gwyneth Paltrow ... which then made me remember about this conscious uncoupling story and remembering Apple as the name of the girl, but could only guess you would probably name your second one Banana, if you name the first one Apple ...


The opening bands finished playing and instead of starting earlier, which we were told via mail beforehand, Coldplay was starting at the regular time ... 45 minutes of Mexican wave in the stadium and a fantastic atmosphere plus an amazing concert to follow is surely something I will never ever forget ... and as you said, it somehow changed my life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was a Coldplay fan pretty early however I will state that I didn't fully recognized them until "A Rush Of Blood To The Head" album launched. After I purchased "Rush" I knew I had to fetch the previous CD they worked on, I just admired them quite a ton... then it hit me hard that I had known of and enjoyed their other songs before but I just didn't know-know the band.


I feel the need the thank MTV for that... honestly I wouldn't have heard their earlier tracks at all, well.... "Yellow" was the exception, hehehe. And if it wasn't watching the music videos of their songs, their songs were often played a tiny bit during adverts for MTV in the background. I clear recall hearing the piano cord for 'Trouble' during an advert... it was so pretty but I didn't no jack about it at that time.


Here are the songs MTV played that I recall from my youth before I ran to buy the "Rush" CD for my freakish love obsession with 'Clocks' thanks to multitudes of radio-play etc. `Yellow`, `Don't Panic` and `Trouble`.



What songs did you know of Coldplay?

Thanks to MTV...

- Yellow

- Don't Panic

- Trouble

And what specifically got you hooked on the band?

- Clocks

(radio air play during the year of 2003 or so)

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  • 9 months later...

This is kind of a mysterious story. I grew up hearing all of the old songs, but what's annoying is that I don't know when or where or even exactly the first time I heard of them. I remember Paradise coming out since I used to listen to everything on the radio back in middle school, but honestly I didn't like it that much. My music taste wasn't very good then. Near the end of eighth grade (2014) I heard Viva la Vida and I remember thinking I'd heard it a lot before but I didn't know where. I liked it so much that I started listening to a lot of the new music from Ghost Stories and moved on to their old songs, almost all of which I'd heard before when I was too young to remember. When AHFOD came out I saw them live and became truly obsessed. I think part of the reason I like Coldplay so much is because all of the old music reminds me of the forgotten parts of my childhood. Even songs like Talk sound familiar....and it's not like my parents ever played them (my mom somehow didn't know who Coldplay was until 2015 no joke) so I'm not even sure where this comes from.

Slight update if literally anyone cares lol: Since I wasn't a big fan at the time, I actually just found out yesterday than Ghost Stories only went on Spotify four months after its release, in September 2014. That was the same month I started using Spotify and I remember listening to ASFOS when my friend recommended it to me and then True Love and Magic. I don't remember but I feel like it showed up in the discover section for me so I listened to it more? I just remember everyone being excited by the newness of the album on Spotify (I feel like my friends were more into Coldplay then:() and I think that was a factor in how I started to get into Coldplay. I'm excited I figured something else out since I literally don't really know how I got into my favorite band and it drives me crazy.

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TLDR: How could you not hear Yellow, Clocks, and Speed of Sound all over the radio in the early 2000's? But it wasn't until violet hill dropped that I became obsessed.


When I was a kid, I listened to a lot of pop punk, pop, and hip-hop (and still do) But when I was in middle school, my older brother and sister had limewire (an early torrenting site). They downloaded LP1, LP2 and LP3 and I was able to get them on my first little crappy ipod. I had known Yellow, Clocks, and Speed of Sound from the radio, but I started listening to the first three albums shuffled with Red Hot Chili Peppers, Modest Mouse, Beatles, Decembrists, Kanye, and others.


Then in 8th grade (2008), I remember Violet Hill dropped on iTunes for free. I listened to it endlessly, and spent what little $$ I had on the VLV album and basically listened to it everyday for a year. That's pretty much when I became a true Coldplayer. I was obsessed with everything and starting lurking on Coldplaying in 2010/2011 pre-Mylo.


On a side note, it really was Coldplay that helped me transition into liking all sorts of music. Before my taste was bit limited to generic and popular music. But after getting into the alternative side of Coldplay I began listening to a lot more alternative music. I think they're the perfect bridge band between mainstream and alternative music.

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I knew a few songs like VLV, Paradise, and the hits from AROBTTH when I was a kid but didn't pay too much attention. Fast forward to around 2011/2012 when I was about 14 and heard Speed of Sound on the radio for the first time. I ended up feeling a pretty special connection to that song and ended up buying X&Y at a Denver record store about a week later. It was one of the first albums I ever bought with my own money.

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