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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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Ok. Here's the whole whatsapp conversation of this afternoon, thanks to Mara who uploaded it :heart:


Prepare. Brace yourselves :laugh3:




29 oct. à 16:49 - Row: Holy shot

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: Whaaaat

29 oct. à 16:49 - mara: You see someone?

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: what

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: dont do this to us

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:49 - mara: Row pliz

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: Look at us hahaha

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: He's here

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: Uuuhhhh

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: what

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: THE FUCK

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAAAAAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: NO

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO SAY

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: He walked behind me

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: WHAAAAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO HE DIDNT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WAAAAAA

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: SCREAM

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: Fuck

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: GO GET HIM

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: GOOOO

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: FOR FUCKS SAKE

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: ROW PLEASE

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: DAFUQ

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: GO. GET. HIM

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: NOW DAMNIT

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: WHAT???????

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: having heartattacks

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: With Moses

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: I can't

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Shut

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Function

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: Dont type something like that!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: He had Moses

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: Omg omg omg omg omg omg

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: He looked at me

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: I couldn't

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Oli and I are shaking

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: So much

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: OHH HELL

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: GET HIM

29 oct. à 16:52 - Row: I can't he had his son

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: NOW

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: ok

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: YES GO

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: get him later

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: fuck

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: YOU JUST WANT TO TALK

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: NOTHING ELSE

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: OH BOY

29 oct. à 16:52 - Sharon: OH....MY...GOD

29 oct. à 16:52 - Sharon: He's walking down the street??????????

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: DEAR JESUS MARY HOLY CHRIST

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: Row

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: Row!!!!!!!!!!(!!!

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: ar leasr ask him if hes coming back

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: Shit shit shit

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: OH FUCKING HELL

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: YES DO THAT

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: sorry foe the capital letters

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: Damn

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: I'm not sorry!!!!! DAMMIT

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: Heartfailure

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: Fuck

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: True Sharon not sorry either

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: Did he leave?

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: im dying here

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: WHAT????????????

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: is he in bakery?

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: where is he?

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: I didn't realise

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: Yes inside

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: Did he leave the bakery??? Is he walking????

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: Shit

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: No he walked into the bakery

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: Stay there

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Behind me

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: And he was l

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Oli said look behind you

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: dont you DARE leave

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: ever

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Passed

29 oct. à 16:55 - Sharon: Passed??????

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: Go knock

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: or stay

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: plizz

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: You're kidding

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: I can't

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: I want to cry

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: Dont knock

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: STAY

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: where he csn see you from window

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: Please

29 oct. à 16:56 - mara: Yeah stay

29 oct. à 16:56 - Row: Oli won't let me

29 oct. à 16:56 - Row: I wish I could

29 oct. à 16:56 - mara: Oli YOU STAY

29 oct. à 16:56 - Sharon: OLI!!!!

29 oct. à 16:56 - Sharon: I understand, BUT

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: OLI

29 oct. à 16:57 - Row: Going back

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: FUCK IT

29 oct. à 16:57 - Sharon: I was kidding about the knocking...

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: NO STAY

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: ROW

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: NOOOO

29 oct. à 16:57 - Sharon: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: You cant leave

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: for fucks sake

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: DO NOT GO BACK

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: NO

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: CHRIS IS THERE

29 oct. à 16:57 - Row: Going back

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: this is the closest you'll ever be

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: COMEON

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: NOOOOOOOOOOO

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: OLI

29 oct. à 16:58 - Sharon: I dont want to make you feel worsen

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: No

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: please dont do this

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: He is THERE

29 oct. à 16:58 - Sharon: I know this is hard!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:58 - mara: YES row come on that is your chance

29 oct. à 16:59 - Row: I'm out front

29 oct. à 16:59 - Sharon: Of the bakery???

29 oct. à 16:59 - mara: Where?

29 oct. à 17:00 - Sharon: I'm dying here....of jealousy, of envy, of excitement...

29 oct. à 17:01 - Sharon: What's happening???

29 oct. à 17:01 - Sharon: Stupid work! Dont they know how important this is????

29 oct. à 17:02 - mara: Row?

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: Lol

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: We were on the phone

29 oct. à 17:03 - Row: Of the bakery yes

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: I was so scared that she'd leave

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: i had to call to make sure she didnt xD

29 oct. à 17:03 - mara: Ok uff

29 oct. à 17:03 - mara: good reaction Ellen

29 oct. à 17:03 - Row: Battery low

29 oct. à 17:04 - Row: Ill text if anything happens

29 oct. à 17:04 - mara: Ok ok omg

29 oct. à 17:04 - Sharon: S..h..i..t

29 oct. à 17:06 - Ellen: Ok

29 oct. à 17:06 - mara: i am shaking like hell

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: I have tears in mh eyes

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: fucking hell

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: CHRIS I LOVE YOU, BUT

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: Omg

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: NOW GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE DAMMIT

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: Me too

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: oh fuck

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: Chris please!!

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: Whatsapp wasn't working

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: OMG

29 oct. à 17:09 - mara: Come out chrissy

29 oct. à 17:09 - mara: Jesus

29 oct. à 17:09 - Sharon: Shit. I think i might die. I've already cried.

29 oct. à 17:09 - Ellen: I need a doctor

29 oct. à 17:10 - mara: I cannot.breathe.move.talk

29 oct. à 17:10 - mara: i am malfunctioning

29 oct. à 17:10 - Kristal: Dying here

29 oct. à 17:10 - Sharon: My heart cant take this.

29 oct. à 17:10 - Kristal: ��

29 oct. à 17:11 - mara: Oh my god

29 oct. à 17:12 - Ellen: Make him do a video, Row

29 oct. à 17:12 - Ellen: hihi

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: my body is doing weird things to me

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: Ohhh yes

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: a video

29 oct. à 17:18 - mara: It is quiet in here

29 oct. à 17:18 - mara: or i don't get the notifications

29 oct. à 17:18 - Kristal: We are all dying I think

29 oct. à 17:18 - Sharon: I know....the torture

29 oct. à 17:18 - Sharon: I'm dying.

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: I dont know what im doing

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: walking around in my room

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: cant do anything but send hyper tweets

29 oct. à 17:19 - Kristal: I'm shacking

29 oct. à 17:19 - Ellen: and cping posts

29 oct. à 17:19 - mara: I think my mum is gonna send me to a mental institution

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Have to go.  Light going

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Don't want to go home in the dark. And it's cold

29 oct. à 17:21 - Kristal: Noooooo

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: Really?

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: But he walked behind me

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: please stay

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: the dark is awesome

29 oct. à 17:21 - mara: Defeat daaaaarkness

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Oli says I said shot

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Lol

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: love the dark

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: I don't remember

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: row

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Can't

29 oct. à 17:21 - mara: Please stay

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: you will regret this honey

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: You can stay

29 oct. à 17:22 - Kristal: Chris bring your ass out of there!

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: Its Chris Martin.

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: Yes chris fucking hotness martin

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: don't go

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: Do you realize the immensity of this situation

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: I bet he'll come out soon

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: you cannot leave

29 oct. à 17:22 - Kristal: STAY

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: It is Unique

29 oct. à 17:23 - Ellen: this is ONE IN A MILLION

29 oct. à 17:23 - Kristal: It's your occasion!

29 oct. à 17:23 - mara: Comeon its so worth to stay

29 oct. à 17:23 - Ellen: Row

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: this is your idol

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: he's so close

29 oct. à 17:24 - mara: even if it means going home in the dark

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: you could TALK to himoto

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: hug him

29 oct. à 17:24 - mara: Don't give a crap

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: Oh my god. Imcan imagine the cilemma. I'm so sorry. Is there no way?????

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: I cant even type.

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: Right there....

29 oct. à 17:25 - Kristal: I don't want you to regret it Rowie!

29 oct. à 17:25 - Ellen: Sweety

29 oct. à 17:25 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:26 - Ellen: think about this

29 oct. à 17:26 - mara: You'll regret. It so much f you go

29 oct. à 17:26 - mara: honey

29 oct. à 17:26 - Sharon: This is like a replay of me. Waited. Had to get a train. Dark. Family.

29 oct. à 17:27 - Ellen: Is she even reading this;p

29 oct. à 17:27 - Sharon: The regret is so hard.

29 oct. à 17:27 - mara: Ooh honey !

29 oct. à 17:27 - Sharon: I'm torn bc i do understand but at the same time, its hard.

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: I will roundhouse kick you back to the Bakery, Midson

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: I will

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: dont doubt me

29 oct. à 17:28 - Kristal: We all will!

29 oct. à 17:28 - Sharon: You dont get many opportunities like this.

29 oct. à 17:28 - mara: Oooh yes

29 oct. à 17:30 - mara: listen honey (or read): i am looking at a pic of chris right now and YOU CAN look at him for real if you stay

29 oct. à 17:30 - mara: The opportunity is right there

29 oct. à 17:30 - Kristal: And speak to him!

29 oct. à 17:31 - Ellen: Do. Not. Leave.

29 oct. à 17:31 - Sharon: :(

29 oct. à 17:31 - Sharon: 

29 oct. à 17:31 - Kristal: ��stay

29 oct. à 17:32 - mara: Yes! Stay!

29 oct. à 17:32 - Sharon: She's not answering. Could be good or bad.

29 oct. à 17:33 - Ellen: Or phone empty

29 oct. à 17:34 - Sharon: True....

29 oct. à 17:34 - Sharon: He has to go to dinner sometime

29 oct. à 17:34 - mara: Hmmmm

29 oct. à 17:34 - mara: yes that s why i think he'll be out soon

29 oct. à 17:41 - Ellen: I think her phone died

29 oct. à 17:41 - mara: Yes that's possible

29 oct. à 17:42 - Sharon: Did you try it? I cant call it.

29 oct. à 17:42 - Ellen: I dont wanna disturb anything lolz

29 oct. à 17:42 - Sharon: On the sad side, she could be upset. On the good side, she could be meeting him.

29 oct. à 17:43 - Sharon: I would! Haha

29 oct. à 17:43 - mara: Yes...

29 oct. à 17:43 - mara: i dont wanna call tho

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: she'll get in touch with us when she is able to ;)

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: I hope

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: XD

29 oct. à 17:45 - Kristal: I'll die inside'till then

29 oct. à 17:46 - mara: Yeah me too

29 oct. à 17:46 - mara: i am still shaking

29 oct. à 17:45 - Sharon: 

29 oct. à 17:47 - Kristal: Me too��

29 oct. à 17:48 - mara: I have a feeling that she went away, i hope i am wrong

29 oct. à 17:48 - Ellen: Me too

29 oct. à 17:48 - Kristal: Yeah 

29 oct. à 17:48 - Sharon: Me too...devastating

29 oct. à 17:52 - Kristal: I'm supposed to do things but I can't!!

29 oct. à 17:52 - mara: Me too i wanted to do some sport but noooo not today

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: I needed to shower

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: and do a million things fo lr school

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: i cant even eat now

29 oct. à 17:55 - Sharon: I cant eat lunch at all...and its lunchtime.

29 oct. à 17:55 - Sharon: My stomach is in knots

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: I nearly wet myself

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: she sounded so calm over the phone

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: idk HOW

29 oct. à 17:56 - Kristal: How???? ��

29 oct. à 17:56 - Row: I'm sorry we had to go its raining its dark. It's cold

29 oct. à 17:56 - Kristal: Nooooo

29 oct. à 17:56 - mara: Aawwwwwh 

29 oct. à 17:57 - Row: I would be a bad mother to make h stand there any longer

29 oct. à 17:57 - Row: Sorry I let you s down 

29 oct. à 17:57 - Kristal: I'm down just if you'll regret it

29 oct. à 17:57 - mara: Noo Row, you did not let us down!!

29 oct. à 17:58 - Row: I feel I didn't try hard enough

29 oct. à 17:59 - Kristal: Don't say this

29 oct. à 17:59 - mara: You were there for you and Oli not for us. Don't worry. you were not even supposed to go there and you saw him!! Isnt that wonderful?

29 oct. à 17:59 - Kristal: you did the best for your son

29 oct. à 17:59 - Row: Chris walked past me

29 oct. à 17:59 - Row: It's enough

29 oct. à 18:00 - Row: I feel like crying

29 oct. à 18:00 - Kristal: And you are alive...how???

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: Thats so normal Row

29 oct. à 18:00 - Row: No clue

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: It was so intense ;)

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: And it was already wonderful

29 oct. à 18:02 - Row: Thsnks. On train

29 oct. à 18:03 - Row: Charging battery now

29 oct. à 18:03 - Kristal: 

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: 

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: hugs!!!

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: Think about it: something HUGE happened to you

29 oct. à 18:04 - Ellen: Oh honey:(

29 oct. à 18:04 - Ellen: Hugsss

29 oct. à 18:09 - Sharon: ;

29 oct. à 18:09 - Sharon: Massive. Chris martin was RIGHT THERE behind you.

29 oct. à 18:10 - Sharon: Wearing BLACK no less!

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Yes god

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: I left the scene because I was so shocked

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: But went back

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: It took me at least a couple of minutes to process it whilst he walked past

29 oct. à 18:10 - Sharon: And he looked at you. At YOU: i know oli freaked out.

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Sorry lost signal

29 oct. à 18:11 - mara: Omg

29 oct. à 18:11 - mara: that's so huge Row, SO HUGE

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Oli did I did

29 oct. à 18:11 - Sharon: Fantastic!

29 oct. à 18:11 - Row: Keep losing signal. On train. Will log in when I get home

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: No problem

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: Im still trembling lolz

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: me too haha

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: we have SO MUCH to talk about lol

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: every detail row. we need it

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: YES



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Ok. Here's the whole whatsapp conversation of this afternoon, thanks to Mara who uploaded it :heart:


Prepare. Brace yourselves :laugh3:




29 oct. à 16:49 - Row: Holy shot

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: Whaaaat

29 oct. à 16:49 - mara: You see someone?

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: what

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: dont do this to us

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:49 - mara: Row pliz

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: Look at us hahaha

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: He's here

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: Uuuhhhh

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: what

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: THE FUCK

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAAAAAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: NO

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO SAY

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: He walked behind me

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: WHAAAAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO HE DIDNT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WAAAAAA

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: SCREAM

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: Fuck

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: GO GET HIM

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: GOOOO

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: FOR FUCKS SAKE

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: ROW PLEASE

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: DAFUQ

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: GO. GET. HIM

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: NOW DAMNIT

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: WHAT???????

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: having heartattacks

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: With Moses

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: I can't

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Shut

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Function

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: Dont type something like that!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: He had Moses

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: Omg omg omg omg omg omg

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: He looked at me

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: I couldn't

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Oli and I are shaking

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: So much

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: OHH HELL

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: GET HIM

29 oct. à 16:52 - Row: I can't he had his son

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: NOW

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: ok

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: YES GO

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: get him later

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: fuck

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: YOU JUST WANT TO TALK

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: NOTHING ELSE

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: OH BOY

29 oct. à 16:52 - Sharon: OH....MY...GOD

29 oct. à 16:52 - Sharon: He's walking down the street??????????

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: DEAR JESUS MARY HOLY CHRIST

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: Row

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: Row!!!!!!!!!!(!!!

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: ar leasr ask him if hes coming back

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: Shit shit shit

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: OH FUCKING HELL

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: YES DO THAT

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: sorry foe the capital letters

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: Damn

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: I'm not sorry!!!!! DAMMIT

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: Heartfailure

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: Fuck

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: True Sharon not sorry either

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: Did he leave?

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: im dying here

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: WHAT????????????

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: is he in bakery?

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: where is he?

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: I didn't realise

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: Yes inside

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: Did he leave the bakery??? Is he walking????

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: Shit

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: No he walked into the bakery

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: Stay there

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Behind me

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: And he was l

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Oli said look behind you

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: dont you DARE leave

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: ever

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Passed

29 oct. à 16:55 - Sharon: Passed??????

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: Go knock

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: or stay

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: plizz

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: You're kidding

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: I can't

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: I want to cry

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: Dont knock

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: STAY

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: where he csn see you from window

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: Please

29 oct. à 16:56 - mara: Yeah stay

29 oct. à 16:56 - Row: Oli won't let me

29 oct. à 16:56 - Row: I wish I could

29 oct. à 16:56 - mara: Oli YOU STAY

29 oct. à 16:56 - Sharon: OLI!!!!

29 oct. à 16:56 - Sharon: I understand, BUT

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: OLI

29 oct. à 16:57 - Row: Going back

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: FUCK IT

29 oct. à 16:57 - Sharon: I was kidding about the knocking...

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: NO STAY

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: ROW

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: NOOOO

29 oct. à 16:57 - Sharon: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: You cant leave

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: for fucks sake

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: DO NOT GO BACK

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: NO

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: CHRIS IS THERE

29 oct. à 16:57 - Row: Going back

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: this is the closest you'll ever be

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: COMEON

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: NOOOOOOOOOOO

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: OLI

29 oct. à 16:58 - Sharon: I dont want to make you feel worsen

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: No

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: please dont do this

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: He is THERE

29 oct. à 16:58 - Sharon: I know this is hard!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:58 - mara: YES row come on that is your chance

29 oct. à 16:59 - Row: I'm out front

29 oct. à 16:59 - Sharon: Of the bakery???

29 oct. à 16:59 - mara: Where?

29 oct. à 17:00 - Sharon: I'm dying here....of jealousy, of envy, of excitement...

29 oct. à 17:01 - Sharon: What's happening???

29 oct. à 17:01 - Sharon: Stupid work! Dont they know how important this is????

29 oct. à 17:02 - mara: Row?

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: Lol

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: We were on the phone

29 oct. à 17:03 - Row: Of the bakery yes

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: I was so scared that she'd leave

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: i had to call to make sure she didnt xD

29 oct. à 17:03 - mara: Ok uff

29 oct. à 17:03 - mara: good reaction Ellen

29 oct. à 17:03 - Row: Battery low

29 oct. à 17:04 - Row: Ill text if anything happens

29 oct. à 17:04 - mara: Ok ok omg

29 oct. à 17:04 - Sharon: S..h..i..t

29 oct. à 17:06 - Ellen: Ok

29 oct. à 17:06 - mara: i am shaking like hell

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: I have tears in mh eyes

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: fucking hell

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: CHRIS I LOVE YOU, BUT

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: Omg

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: NOW GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE DAMMIT

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: Me too

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: oh fuck

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: Chris please!!

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: Whatsapp wasn't working

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: OMG

29 oct. à 17:09 - mara: Come out chrissy

29 oct. à 17:09 - mara: Jesus

29 oct. à 17:09 - Sharon: Shit. I think i might die. I've already cried.

29 oct. à 17:09 - Ellen: I need a doctor

29 oct. à 17:10 - mara: I cannot.breathe.move.talk

29 oct. à 17:10 - mara: i am malfunctioning

29 oct. à 17:10 - Kristal: Dying here

29 oct. à 17:10 - Sharon: My heart cant take this.

29 oct. à 17:10 - Kristal: ��

29 oct. à 17:11 - mara: Oh my god

29 oct. à 17:12 - Ellen: Make him do a video, Row

29 oct. à 17:12 - Ellen: hihi

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: my body is doing weird things to me

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: Ohhh yes

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: a video

29 oct. à 17:18 - mara: It is quiet in here

29 oct. à 17:18 - mara: or i don't get the notifications

29 oct. à 17:18 - Kristal: We are all dying I think

29 oct. à 17:18 - Sharon: I know....the torture

29 oct. à 17:18 - Sharon: I'm dying.

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: I dont know what im doing

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: walking around in my room

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: cant do anything but send hyper tweets

29 oct. à 17:19 - Kristal: I'm shacking

29 oct. à 17:19 - Ellen: and cping posts

29 oct. à 17:19 - mara: I think my mum is gonna send me to a mental institution

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Have to go.  Light going

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Don't want to go home in the dark. And it's cold

29 oct. à 17:21 - Kristal: Noooooo

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: Really?

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: But he walked behind me

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: please stay

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: the dark is awesome

29 oct. à 17:21 - mara: Defeat daaaaarkness

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Oli says I said shot

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Lol

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: love the dark

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: I don't remember

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: row

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Can't

29 oct. à 17:21 - mara: Please stay

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: you will regret this honey

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: You can stay

29 oct. à 17:22 - Kristal: Chris bring your ass out of there!

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: Its Chris Martin.

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: Yes chris fucking hotness martin

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: don't go

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: Do you realize the immensity of this situation

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: I bet he'll come out soon

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: you cannot leave

29 oct. à 17:22 - Kristal: STAY

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: It is Unique

29 oct. à 17:23 - Ellen: this is ONE IN A MILLION

29 oct. à 17:23 - Kristal: It's your occasion!

29 oct. à 17:23 - mara: Comeon its so worth to stay

29 oct. à 17:23 - Ellen: Row

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: this is your idol

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: he's so close

29 oct. à 17:24 - mara: even if it means going home in the dark

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: you could TALK to himoto

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: hug him

29 oct. à 17:24 - mara: Don't give a crap

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: Oh my god. Imcan imagine the cilemma. I'm so sorry. Is there no way?????

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: I cant even type.

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: Right there....

29 oct. à 17:25 - Kristal: I don't want you to regret it Rowie!

29 oct. à 17:25 - Ellen: Sweety

29 oct. à 17:25 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:26 - Ellen: think about this

29 oct. à 17:26 - mara: You'll regret. It so much f you go

29 oct. à 17:26 - mara: honey

29 oct. à 17:26 - Sharon: This is like a replay of me. Waited. Had to get a train. Dark. Family.

29 oct. à 17:27 - Ellen: Is she even reading this;p

29 oct. à 17:27 - Sharon: The regret is so hard.

29 oct. à 17:27 - mara: Ooh honey !

29 oct. à 17:27 - Sharon: I'm torn bc i do understand but at the same time, its hard.

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: I will roundhouse kick you back to the Bakery, Midson

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: I will

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: dont doubt me

29 oct. à 17:28 - Kristal: We all will!

29 oct. à 17:28 - Sharon: You dont get many opportunities like this.

29 oct. à 17:28 - mara: Oooh yes

29 oct. à 17:30 - mara: listen honey (or read): i am looking at a pic of chris right now and YOU CAN look at him for real if you stay

29 oct. à 17:30 - mara: The opportunity is right there

29 oct. à 17:30 - Kristal: And speak to him!

29 oct. à 17:31 - Ellen: Do. Not. Leave.

29 oct. à 17:31 - Sharon: :(

29 oct. à 17:31 - Sharon: 

29 oct. à 17:31 - Kristal: ��stay

29 oct. à 17:32 - mara: Yes! Stay!

29 oct. à 17:32 - Sharon: She's not answering. Could be good or bad.

29 oct. à 17:33 - Ellen: Or phone empty

29 oct. à 17:34 - Sharon: True....

29 oct. à 17:34 - Sharon: He has to go to dinner sometime

29 oct. à 17:34 - mara: Hmmmm

29 oct. à 17:34 - mara: yes that s why i think he'll be out soon

29 oct. à 17:41 - Ellen: I think her phone died

29 oct. à 17:41 - mara: Yes that's possible

29 oct. à 17:42 - Sharon: Did you try it? I cant call it.

29 oct. à 17:42 - Ellen: I dont wanna disturb anything lolz

29 oct. à 17:42 - Sharon: On the sad side, she could be upset. On the good side, she could be meeting him.

29 oct. à 17:43 - Sharon: I would! Haha

29 oct. à 17:43 - mara: Yes...

29 oct. à 17:43 - mara: i dont wanna call tho

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: she'll get in touch with us when she is able to ;)

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: I hope

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: XD

29 oct. à 17:45 - Kristal: I'll die inside'till then

29 oct. à 17:46 - mara: Yeah me too

29 oct. à 17:46 - mara: i am still shaking

29 oct. à 17:45 - Sharon: 

29 oct. à 17:47 - Kristal: Me too��

29 oct. à 17:48 - mara: I have a feeling that she went away, i hope i am wrong

29 oct. à 17:48 - Ellen: Me too

29 oct. à 17:48 - Kristal: Yeah 

29 oct. à 17:48 - Sharon: Me too...devastating

29 oct. à 17:52 - Kristal: I'm supposed to do things but I can't!!

29 oct. à 17:52 - mara: Me too i wanted to do some sport but noooo not today

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: I needed to shower

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: and do a million things fo lr school

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: i cant even eat now

29 oct. à 17:55 - Sharon: I cant eat lunch at all...and its lunchtime.

29 oct. à 17:55 - Sharon: My stomach is in knots

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: I nearly wet myself

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: she sounded so calm over the phone

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: idk HOW

29 oct. à 17:56 - Kristal: How???? ��

29 oct. à 17:56 - Row: I'm sorry we had to go its raining its dark. It's cold

29 oct. à 17:56 - Kristal: Nooooo

29 oct. à 17:56 - mara: Aawwwwwh 

29 oct. à 17:57 - Row: I would be a bad mother to make h stand there any longer

29 oct. à 17:57 - Row: Sorry I let you s down 

29 oct. à 17:57 - Kristal: I'm down just if you'll regret it

29 oct. à 17:57 - mara: Noo Row, you did not let us down!!

29 oct. à 17:58 - Row: I feel I didn't try hard enough

29 oct. à 17:59 - Kristal: Don't say this

29 oct. à 17:59 - mara: You were there for you and Oli not for us. Don't worry. you were not even supposed to go there and you saw him!! Isnt that wonderful?

29 oct. à 17:59 - Kristal: you did the best for your son

29 oct. à 17:59 - Row: Chris walked past me

29 oct. à 17:59 - Row: It's enough

29 oct. à 18:00 - Row: I feel like crying

29 oct. à 18:00 - Kristal: And you are alive...how???

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: Thats so normal Row

29 oct. à 18:00 - Row: No clue

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: It was so intense ;)

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: And it was already wonderful

29 oct. à 18:02 - Row: Thsnks. On train

29 oct. à 18:03 - Row: Charging battery now

29 oct. à 18:03 - Kristal: 

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: 

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: hugs!!!

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: Think about it: something HUGE happened to you

29 oct. à 18:04 - Ellen: Oh honey:(

29 oct. à 18:04 - Ellen: Hugsss

29 oct. à 18:09 - Sharon: ;

29 oct. à 18:09 - Sharon: Massive. Chris martin was RIGHT THERE behind you.

29 oct. à 18:10 - Sharon: Wearing BLACK no less!

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Yes god

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: I left the scene because I was so shocked

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: But went back

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: It took me at least a couple of minutes to process it whilst he walked past

29 oct. à 18:10 - Sharon: And he looked at you. At YOU: i know oli freaked out.

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Sorry lost signal

29 oct. à 18:11 - mara: Omg

29 oct. à 18:11 - mara: that's so huge Row, SO HUGE

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Oli did I did

29 oct. à 18:11 - Sharon: Fantastic!

29 oct. à 18:11 - Row: Keep losing signal. On train. Will log in when I get home

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: No problem

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: Im still trembling lolz

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: me too haha

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: we have SO MUCH to talk about lol

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: every detail row. we need it

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: YES



even i had a little heart attack while reading that conversation :| :|how did Row survive?!?!



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HAHAHA.. hahaha... hahahaha OMG Thalia.. hahahaha..


I am home.. I am totally and 100% mindblown. we didn't even intend to GO to the Bakery, it was a last minute thing. I took my son to the British Music Museum in the O2. We had lunch. We went to the museum and I kind of said to him. Shall we go and see if we can find the bakery? He is a big fan too.. so he said yeah sure.


So we took the tube.. got lost in the road where the Bakery is.. turned around, bought drinks in a newsagent. By this time my knees were like Jelly anyway... We finally found the bakery.. we had gone totally the wrong way.


And my son was saying. Oh mum.. this is such stalkerish behaviour! he is 14 and easily embarrassed. But I said we will just stand on the other side of the road and look. Which we did. I took a photo.. but you've all seen it before so I wont post it.


Then I thought this is stupid.. nobody will come out. So we prepared to go. But then I thought lets at least cross over the road and LOOK. So much to my son's embarrassment we did. I spent a minute or two pretending to look in the estate agents window next door.


Then my son said.. come ON mum lets go. So we prepared to cross the road again. I had my back to the purple building. Timing our crossing. When my son whispered in my ear.. Mum.. look behind! Look behind! I half turned wondering what he meant.. and caught sight of a tall man in black hoodie, black jeans, white sneakers, with a small boy.


Holy shit. Chris Martin himself, passing two inches behind me!


I turned of course and stared at his back. Kind of moving along behind him.. as if in a trance. he got to the corner and turned back and we made eye contact. He was looking rather preoccupied, and had Moses with him.


At this point my brain had processed that this WAS Chris. And wanted to start saying Chris! Stop.. but my mouth was having none of it. It hung open like a goldfish... (can I just say here that he walks like a cat... Long, lean and OMG so lovely.. he is also So tall.. so tall. . and looks SO much thinner in real life and as Ellen said to me just now (not TUBBY at all!! :p).


I followed him to the entrance to the alleyway, and there was a car parked in front of the door, he walked round it and opened the door. Holding it open for Moses, he looked back and we made eye contact again. I think I kind of half smiled at him. But I can't be sure. Then he went inside (thanks for that image Thalia you made me laugh and I need that.. I am STILL shaking!).


Then i was aware my son was shouting at me.. Holy hell we met Chris Martin! And I realised I was shaking so badly my legs were in danger of giving way.


I thought.. that's it.. that's enough. I don't need any more. He's here. Went around the corner and collapsed on a bench because I was shaking SO much and texted the girls.


Then they persuaded me to go back to the door. Which we did.. much once more to my son's embarrassment.


But we waited until it was getting dark and raining. Nobody else came or went. We must have stood there for half an hour, feeling more and more like weirdo stalkers.. Then we had to leave as my son has a horrible cough, and was saying he was cold and shivering. I had to leave right? my son comes first, as does Chris' to him.


What kills me though is what if he came out in those five minutes when I was texting the girls?


But I guess I can't think about that now. I did see him.. we made eye contact. TWICE.


Now excuse me if I fall over in a heap and cry my eyes out. Not sure why.. but I just will... OK?

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HAHAHA.. hahaha... hahahaha OMG Thalia.. hahahaha..


I am home.. I am totally and 100% mindblown. we didn't even intend to GO to the Bakery, it was a last minute thing. I took my son to the British Music Museum in the O2. We had lunch. We went to the museum and I kind of said to him. Shall we go and see if we can find the bakery? He is a big fan too.. so he said yeah sure.


So we took the tube.. got lost in the road where the Bakery is.. turned around, bought drinks in a newsagent. By this time my knees were like Jelly anyway... We finally found the bakery.. we had gone totally the wrong way.


And my son was saying. Oh mum.. this is such stalkerish behaviour! he is 14 and easily embarrassed. But I said we will just stand on the other side of the road and look. Which we did. I took a photo.. but you've all seen it before so I wont post it.


Then I thought this is stupid.. nobody will come out. So we prepared to go. But then I thought lets at least cross over the road and LOOK. So much to my son's embarrassment we did. I spent a minute or two pretending to look in the estate agents window next door.


Then my son said.. come ON mum lets go. So we prepared to cross the road again. I had my back to the purple building. Timing our crossing. When my son whispered in my ear.. Mum.. look behind! Look behind! I half turned wondering what he meant.. and caught sight of a tall man in black hoodie, black jeans, white sneakers, with a small boy.


Holy shit. Chris Martin himself, passing two inches behind me!


I turned of course and stared at his back. Kind of moving along behind him.. as if in a trance. he got to the corner and turned back and we made eye contact. He was looking rather preoccupied, and had Moses with him.


At this point my brain had processed that this WAS Chris. And wanted to start saying Chris! Stop.. but my mouth was having none of it. It hung open like a goldfish... (can I just say here that he walks like a cat... Long, lean and OMG so lovely.. he is also So tall.. so tall. . and looks SO much thinner in real life and as Ellen said to me just now (not TUBBY at all!! :p).


I followed him to the entrance to the alleyway, and there was a car parked in front of the door, he walked round it and opened the door. Holding it open for Moses, he looked back and we made eye contact again. I think I kind of half smiled at him. But I can't be sure. Then he went inside (thanks for that image Thalia you made me laugh and I need that.. I am STILL shaking!).


Then i was aware my son was shouting at me.. Holy hell we met Chris Martin! And I realised I was shaking so badly my legs were in danger of giving way.


I thought.. that's it.. that's enough. I don't need any more. He's here. Went around the corner and collapsed on a bench because I was shaking SO much and texted the girls.


Then they persuaded me to go back to the door. Which we did.. much once more to my son's embarrassment.


But we waited until it was getting dark and raining. Nobody else came or went. We must have stood there for half an hour, feeling more and more like weirdo stalkers.. Then we had to leave as my son has a horrible cough, and was saying he was cold and shivering. I had to leave right? my son comes first, as does Chris' to him.


What kills me though is what if he came out in those five minutes when I was texting the girls?


But I guess I can't think about that now. I did see him.. we made eye contact. TWICE.


Now excuse me if I fall over in a heap and cry my eyes out. Not sure why.. but I just will... OK?


ohhh this is amazing :heart: :heart: you saw him in real life :dazzled:

and making eye contact.. twice... Was Celine somewhere over there?? :lol:

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Ok. Here's the whole whatsapp conversation of this afternoon, thanks to Mara who uploaded it :heart:


Prepare. Brace yourselves :laugh3:




29 oct. à 16:49 - Row: Holy shot

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: Whaaaat

29 oct. à 16:49 - mara: You see someone?

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: what

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: dont do this to us

29 oct. à 16:49 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:49 - mara: Row pliz

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: Look at us hahaha

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: He's here

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: Uuuhhhh

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: what

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: THE FUCK

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAAAAAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: NO

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO SAY

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: He walked behind me

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WHAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: WHAAAAT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: NO HE DIDNT

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: WAAAAAA

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: SCREAM

29 oct. à 16:50 - Row: Fuck

29 oct. à 16:50 - Ellen: GO GET HIM

29 oct. à 16:50 - mara: GOOOO

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: FOR FUCKS SAKE

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: ROW PLEASE

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: DAFUQ

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: GO. GET. HIM

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: NOW DAMNIT

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: WHAT???????

29 oct. à 16:51 - Ellen: having heartattacks

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: With Moses

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: I can't

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Shut

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Function

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: Dont type something like that!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: He had Moses

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: Omg omg omg omg omg omg

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: He looked at me

29 oct. à 16:51 - Sharon: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: I couldn't

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: Oli and I are shaking

29 oct. à 16:51 - mara: OMG

29 oct. à 16:51 - Row: So much

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: OHH HELL

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: GET HIM

29 oct. à 16:52 - Row: I can't he had his son

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: NOW

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: ok

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: YES GO

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: get him later

29 oct. à 16:52 - Ellen: fuck

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: YOU JUST WANT TO TALK

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: NOTHING ELSE

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: OH BOY

29 oct. à 16:52 - Sharon: OH....MY...GOD

29 oct. à 16:52 - Sharon: He's walking down the street??????????

29 oct. à 16:52 - mara: DEAR JESUS MARY HOLY CHRIST

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: Row

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: Row!!!!!!!!!!(!!!

29 oct. à 16:53 - Ellen: ar leasr ask him if hes coming back

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: Shit shit shit

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: OH FUCKING HELL

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: YES DO THAT

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: sorry foe the capital letters

29 oct. à 16:53 - mara: Damn

29 oct. à 16:53 - Sharon: I'm not sorry!!!!! DAMMIT

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: Heartfailure

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: Fuck

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: True Sharon not sorry either

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: Did he leave?

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: im dying here

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: WHAT????????????

29 oct. à 16:54 - Ellen: is he in bakery?

29 oct. à 16:54 - mara: where is he?

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: I didn't realise

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: Yes inside

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: Did he leave the bakery??? Is he walking????

29 oct. à 16:54 - Sharon: Shit

29 oct. à 16:54 - Row: No he walked into the bakery

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: Stay there

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Behind me

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: And he was l

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Oli said look behind you

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: dont you DARE leave

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: ever

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: Passed

29 oct. à 16:55 - Sharon: Passed??????

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: Go knock

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: or stay

29 oct. à 16:55 - mara: plizz

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: You're kidding

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: I can't

29 oct. à 16:55 - Row: I want to cry

29 oct. à 16:55 - Ellen: Dont knock

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: STAY

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: where he csn see you from window

29 oct. à 16:56 - Ellen: Please

29 oct. à 16:56 - mara: Yeah stay

29 oct. à 16:56 - Row: Oli won't let me

29 oct. à 16:56 - Row: I wish I could

29 oct. à 16:56 - mara: Oli YOU STAY

29 oct. à 16:56 - Sharon: OLI!!!!

29 oct. à 16:56 - Sharon: I understand, BUT

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: OLI

29 oct. à 16:57 - Row: Going back

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: FUCK IT

29 oct. à 16:57 - Sharon: I was kidding about the knocking...

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: NO STAY

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: ROW

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: NOOOO

29 oct. à 16:57 - Sharon: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: You cant leave

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: for fucks sake

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: DO NOT GO BACK

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: NO

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: CHRIS IS THERE

29 oct. à 16:57 - Row: Going back

29 oct. à 16:57 - Ellen: this is the closest you'll ever be

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: COMEON

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: NOOOOOOOOOOO

29 oct. à 16:57 - mara: OLI

29 oct. à 16:58 - Sharon: I dont want to make you feel worsen

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: No

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: please dont do this

29 oct. à 16:58 - Ellen: He is THERE

29 oct. à 16:58 - Sharon: I know this is hard!!!!!

29 oct. à 16:58 - mara: YES row come on that is your chance

29 oct. à 16:59 - Row: I'm out front

29 oct. à 16:59 - Sharon: Of the bakery???

29 oct. à 16:59 - mara: Where?

29 oct. à 17:00 - Sharon: I'm dying here....of jealousy, of envy, of excitement...

29 oct. à 17:01 - Sharon: What's happening???

29 oct. à 17:01 - Sharon: Stupid work! Dont they know how important this is????

29 oct. à 17:02 - mara: Row?

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: Lol

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: We were on the phone

29 oct. à 17:03 - Row: Of the bakery yes

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: I was so scared that she'd leave

29 oct. à 17:03 - Ellen: i had to call to make sure she didnt xD

29 oct. à 17:03 - mara: Ok uff

29 oct. à 17:03 - mara: good reaction Ellen

29 oct. à 17:03 - Row: Battery low

29 oct. à 17:04 - Row: Ill text if anything happens

29 oct. à 17:04 - mara: Ok ok omg

29 oct. à 17:04 - Sharon: S..h..i..t

29 oct. à 17:06 - Ellen: Ok

29 oct. à 17:06 - mara: i am shaking like hell

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: I have tears in mh eyes

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: fucking hell

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: CHRIS I LOVE YOU, BUT

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: Omg

29 oct. à 17:08 - Ellen: NOW GET YOUR ASS OUTSIDE DAMMIT

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: Me too

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: oh fuck

29 oct. à 17:08 - mara: Chris please!!

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: Whatsapp wasn't working

29 oct. à 17:08 - Kristal: OMG

29 oct. à 17:09 - mara: Come out chrissy

29 oct. à 17:09 - mara: Jesus

29 oct. à 17:09 - Sharon: Shit. I think i might die. I've already cried.

29 oct. à 17:09 - Ellen: I need a doctor

29 oct. à 17:10 - mara: I cannot.breathe.move.talk

29 oct. à 17:10 - mara: i am malfunctioning

29 oct. à 17:10 - Kristal: Dying here

29 oct. à 17:10 - Sharon: My heart cant take this.

29 oct. à 17:10 - Kristal: ��

29 oct. à 17:11 - mara: Oh my god

29 oct. à 17:12 - Ellen: Make him do a video, Row

29 oct. à 17:12 - Ellen: hihi

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: my body is doing weird things to me

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: Ohhh yes

29 oct. à 17:12 - mara: a video

29 oct. à 17:18 - mara: It is quiet in here

29 oct. à 17:18 - mara: or i don't get the notifications

29 oct. à 17:18 - Kristal: We are all dying I think

29 oct. à 17:18 - Sharon: I know....the torture

29 oct. à 17:18 - Sharon: I'm dying.

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: I dont know what im doing

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: walking around in my room

29 oct. à 17:18 - Ellen: cant do anything but send hyper tweets

29 oct. à 17:19 - Kristal: I'm shacking

29 oct. à 17:19 - Ellen: and cping posts

29 oct. à 17:19 - mara: I think my mum is gonna send me to a mental institution

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Have to go.  Light going

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Don't want to go home in the dark. And it's cold

29 oct. à 17:21 - Kristal: Noooooo

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: Really?

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: But he walked behind me

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: please stay

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: the dark is awesome

29 oct. à 17:21 - mara: Defeat daaaaarkness

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Oli says I said shot

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Lol

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: love the dark

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: I don't remember

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: row

29 oct. à 17:21 - Row: Can't

29 oct. à 17:21 - mara: Please stay

29 oct. à 17:21 - Ellen: you will regret this honey

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: You can stay

29 oct. à 17:22 - Kristal: Chris bring your ass out of there!

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: Its Chris Martin.

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: Yes chris fucking hotness martin

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: don't go

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: Do you realize the immensity of this situation

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: I bet he'll come out soon

29 oct. à 17:22 - Ellen: you cannot leave

29 oct. à 17:22 - Kristal: STAY

29 oct. à 17:22 - mara: It is Unique

29 oct. à 17:23 - Ellen: this is ONE IN A MILLION

29 oct. à 17:23 - Kristal: It's your occasion!

29 oct. à 17:23 - mara: Comeon its so worth to stay

29 oct. à 17:23 - Ellen: Row

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: this is your idol

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: he's so close

29 oct. à 17:24 - mara: even if it means going home in the dark

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: you could TALK to himoto

29 oct. à 17:24 - Ellen: hug him

29 oct. à 17:24 - mara: Don't give a crap

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: Oh my god. Imcan imagine the cilemma. I'm so sorry. Is there no way?????

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: I cant even type.

29 oct. à 17:25 - Sharon: Right there....

29 oct. à 17:25 - Kristal: I don't want you to regret it Rowie!

29 oct. à 17:25 - Ellen: Sweety

29 oct. à 17:25 - Ellen: please

29 oct. à 17:26 - Ellen: think about this

29 oct. à 17:26 - mara: You'll regret. It so much f you go

29 oct. à 17:26 - mara: honey

29 oct. à 17:26 - Sharon: This is like a replay of me. Waited. Had to get a train. Dark. Family.

29 oct. à 17:27 - Ellen: Is she even reading this;p

29 oct. à 17:27 - Sharon: The regret is so hard.

29 oct. à 17:27 - mara: Ooh honey !

29 oct. à 17:27 - Sharon: I'm torn bc i do understand but at the same time, its hard.

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: I will roundhouse kick you back to the Bakery, Midson

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: I will

29 oct. à 17:28 - Ellen: dont doubt me

29 oct. à 17:28 - Kristal: We all will!

29 oct. à 17:28 - Sharon: You dont get many opportunities like this.

29 oct. à 17:28 - mara: Oooh yes

29 oct. à 17:30 - mara: listen honey (or read): i am looking at a pic of chris right now and YOU CAN look at him for real if you stay

29 oct. à 17:30 - mara: The opportunity is right there

29 oct. à 17:30 - Kristal: And speak to him!

29 oct. à 17:31 - Ellen: Do. Not. Leave.

29 oct. à 17:31 - Sharon: :(

29 oct. à 17:31 - Sharon: 

29 oct. à 17:31 - Kristal: ��stay

29 oct. à 17:32 - mara: Yes! Stay!

29 oct. à 17:32 - Sharon: She's not answering. Could be good or bad.

29 oct. à 17:33 - Ellen: Or phone empty

29 oct. à 17:34 - Sharon: True....

29 oct. à 17:34 - Sharon: He has to go to dinner sometime

29 oct. à 17:34 - mara: Hmmmm

29 oct. à 17:34 - mara: yes that s why i think he'll be out soon

29 oct. à 17:41 - Ellen: I think her phone died

29 oct. à 17:41 - mara: Yes that's possible

29 oct. à 17:42 - Sharon: Did you try it? I cant call it.

29 oct. à 17:42 - Ellen: I dont wanna disturb anything lolz

29 oct. à 17:42 - Sharon: On the sad side, she could be upset. On the good side, she could be meeting him.

29 oct. à 17:43 - Sharon: I would! Haha

29 oct. à 17:43 - mara: Yes...

29 oct. à 17:43 - mara: i dont wanna call tho

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: she'll get in touch with us when she is able to ;)

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: I hope

29 oct. à 17:44 - mara: XD

29 oct. à 17:45 - Kristal: I'll die inside'till then

29 oct. à 17:46 - mara: Yeah me too

29 oct. à 17:46 - mara: i am still shaking

29 oct. à 17:45 - Sharon: 

29 oct. à 17:47 - Kristal: Me too��

29 oct. à 17:48 - mara: I have a feeling that she went away, i hope i am wrong

29 oct. à 17:48 - Ellen: Me too

29 oct. à 17:48 - Kristal: Yeah 

29 oct. à 17:48 - Sharon: Me too...devastating

29 oct. à 17:52 - Kristal: I'm supposed to do things but I can't!!

29 oct. à 17:52 - mara: Me too i wanted to do some sport but noooo not today

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: I needed to shower

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: and do a million things fo lr school

29 oct. à 17:54 - Ellen: i cant even eat now

29 oct. à 17:55 - Sharon: I cant eat lunch at all...and its lunchtime.

29 oct. à 17:55 - Sharon: My stomach is in knots

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: I nearly wet myself

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: she sounded so calm over the phone

29 oct. à 17:55 - Ellen: idk HOW

29 oct. à 17:56 - Kristal: How???? ��

29 oct. à 17:56 - Row: I'm sorry we had to go its raining its dark. It's cold

29 oct. à 17:56 - Kristal: Nooooo

29 oct. à 17:56 - mara: Aawwwwwh 

29 oct. à 17:57 - Row: I would be a bad mother to make h stand there any longer

29 oct. à 17:57 - Row: Sorry I let you s down 

29 oct. à 17:57 - Kristal: I'm down just if you'll regret it

29 oct. à 17:57 - mara: Noo Row, you did not let us down!!

29 oct. à 17:58 - Row: I feel I didn't try hard enough

29 oct. à 17:59 - Kristal: Don't say this

29 oct. à 17:59 - mara: You were there for you and Oli not for us. Don't worry. you were not even supposed to go there and you saw him!! Isnt that wonderful?

29 oct. à 17:59 - Kristal: you did the best for your son

29 oct. à 17:59 - Row: Chris walked past me

29 oct. à 17:59 - Row: It's enough

29 oct. à 18:00 - Row: I feel like crying

29 oct. à 18:00 - Kristal: And you are alive...how???

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: Thats so normal Row

29 oct. à 18:00 - Row: No clue

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: It was so intense ;)

29 oct. à 18:00 - mara: And it was already wonderful

29 oct. à 18:02 - Row: Thsnks. On train

29 oct. à 18:03 - Row: Charging battery now

29 oct. à 18:03 - Kristal: 

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: 

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: hugs!!!

29 oct. à 18:03 - mara: Think about it: something HUGE happened to you

29 oct. à 18:04 - Ellen: Oh honey:(

29 oct. à 18:04 - Ellen: Hugsss

29 oct. à 18:09 - Sharon: ;

29 oct. à 18:09 - Sharon: Massive. Chris martin was RIGHT THERE behind you.

29 oct. à 18:10 - Sharon: Wearing BLACK no less!

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Yes god

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: I left the scene because I was so shocked

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: But went back

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: It took me at least a couple of minutes to process it whilst he walked past

29 oct. à 18:10 - Sharon: And he looked at you. At YOU: i know oli freaked out.

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Sorry lost signal

29 oct. à 18:11 - mara: Omg

29 oct. à 18:11 - mara: that's so huge Row, SO HUGE

29 oct. à 18:10 - Row: Oli did I did

29 oct. à 18:11 - Sharon: Fantastic!

29 oct. à 18:11 - Row: Keep losing signal. On train. Will log in when I get home

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: No problem

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: Im still trembling lolz

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: me too haha

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: we have SO MUCH to talk about lol

29 oct. à 18:13 - Ellen: every detail row. we need it

29 oct. à 18:13 - mara: YES


HIHIHIHIIHII :laugh3: Awesome !!


HAHAHA.. hahaha... hahahaha OMG Thalia.. hahahaha..


I am home.. I am totally and 100% mindblown. we didn't even intend to GO to the Bakery, it was a last minute thing. I took my son to the British Music Museum in the O2. We had lunch. We went to the museum and I kind of said to him. Shall we go and see if we can find the bakery? He is a big fan too.. so he said yeah sure.


So we took the tube.. got lost in the road where the Bakery is.. turned around, bought drinks in a newsagent. By this time my knees were like Jelly anyway... We finally found the bakery.. we had gone totally the wrong way.


And my son was saying. Oh mum.. this is such stalkerish behaviour! he is 14 and easily embarrassed. But I said we will just stand on the other side of the road and look. Which we did. I took a photo.. but you've all seen it before so I wont post it.


Then I thought this is stupid.. nobody will come out. So we prepared to go. But then I thought lets at least cross over the road and LOOK. So much to my son's embarrassment we did. I spent a minute or two pretending to look in the estate agents window next door.


Then my son said.. come ON mum lets go. So we prepared to cross the road again. I had my back to the purple building. Timing our crossing. When my son whispered in my ear.. Mum.. look behind! Look behind! I half turned wondering what he meant.. and caught sight of a tall man in black hoodie, black jeans, white sneakers, with a small boy.


Holy shit. Chris Martin himself, passing two inches behind me!


I turned of course and stared at his back. Kind of moving along behind him.. as if in a trance. he got to the corner and turned back and we made eye contact. He was looking rather preoccupied, and had Moses with him.


At this point my brain had processed that this WAS Chris. And wanted to start saying Chris! Stop.. but my mouth was having none of it. It hung open like a goldfish... (can I just say here that he walks like a cat... Long, lean and OMG so lovely.. he is also So tall.. so tall. . and looks SO much thinner in real life and as Ellen said to me just now (not TUBBY at all!! :p).


I followed him to the entrance to the alleyway, and there was a car parked in front of the door, he walked round it and opened the door. Holding it open for Moses, he looked back and we made eye contact again. I think I kind of half smiled at him. But I can't be sure. Then he went inside (thanks for that image Thalia you made me laugh and I need that.. I am STILL shaking!).


Then i was aware my son was shouting at me.. Holy hell we met Chris Martin! And I realised I was shaking so badly my legs were in danger of giving way.


I thought.. that's it.. that's enough. I don't need any more. He's here. Went around the corner and collapsed on a bench because I was shaking SO much and texted the girls.


Then they persuaded me to go back to the door. Which we did.. much once more to my son's embarrassment.


But we waited until it was getting dark and raining. Nobody else came or went. We must have stood there for half an hour, feeling more and more like weirdo stalkers.. Then we had to leave as my son has a horrible cough, and was saying he was cold and shivering. I had to leave right? my son comes first, as does Chris' to him.


What kills me though is what if he came out in those five minutes when I was texting the girls?


But I guess I can't think about that now. I did see him.. we made eye contact. TWICE.


Now excuse me if I fall over in a heap and cry my eyes out. Not sure why.. but I just will... OK?

ROW IT WAS AMAZING!! How cool was it? :D Don't feel bad and don't regret anything!! :kiss: :hug:

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Row, you said he walks like a cat. I have never seen him out walking on a street, but I can perfectly mentally picture it :wacky: Probably because he does yoga and all sorts of sports, and that makes his way of walking probably way more elegant.



Oh man, what an eventful day for you! And don't be sad, be freaking happy that you saw him DAMMIT :angry:

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Sweet sweet Row!

I read your post with my heartbeat somewhere at 424 beats per minute.

What the world!

You've seen him from so so close! And you looked at eachother!

Too bad Chris had Moses with him, but I'm sure that Chris is very thankfull to you for not going all fangirly with his son being with him. Big big applaud to you for respecting his private life.

I understand the feel you need to cry. I'd say: cry it out, but don't let it break your heart.

But oh my, how on earth are you gonna sleep tonight?


And what?!?!?!? Do you have a group whatsapp? So cewl!

As in: be aware of massive fangirling. Haha. Sounds great to me!

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Wow Row, so happy for you!!


You shared a 'moment' with Chris :D will you ever come down to earth????? LOL


Row, you said he walks like a cat. I have never seen him out walking on a street, but I can perfectly mentally picture it :wacky: Probably because he does yoga and all sorts of sports, and that makes his way of walking probably way more elegant.



Oh man, what an eventful day for you! And don't be sad, be freaking happy that you saw him DAMMIT :angry:




Sweet sweet Row!

I read your post with my heartbeat somewhere at 424 beats per minute.

What the world!

You've seen him from so so close! And you looked at eachother!

Too bad Chris had Moses with him, but I'm sure that Chris is very thankfull to you for not going all fangirly with his son being with him. Big big applaud to you for respecting his private life.

I understand the feel you need to cry. I'd say: cry it out, but don't let it break your heart.

But oh my, how on earth are you gonna sleep tonight?


And what?!?!?!? Do you have a group whatsapp? So cewl!

As in: be aware of massive fangirling. Haha. Sounds great to me!


Row, please don't be sad! You did the absolute right thing! No regrets, okay?

Maybe you two shall meet eyes again someday!


thanks everyone. :heart: so so sweet of you all when I know you'd all sell your grannies (sorry Ellen) to have been in my shoes today.












*taking off to build a cloning machine*


Dont take long will you! :D

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Little late to the party, but




Holy COW you made eye contact with Chris Martin at the Bakery. Jesus.


Please don't feel bad. You absolutely did the right thing. I'm sure he wouldn't have minded if you'd said something, but you actually had the respect to leave him because he was with his son. Not many people would have done the same. I'm sure he appreciates it. You'll get another chance, good karma coming your way. :kiss:



Thanks everyone for the updates, the last few pages were a very, very interesting read. :lol:

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