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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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August 11, 2008 - submitted by Alvin, United States of America


Q. Will Coldplay be using The Bakery again to record after the tours? Or will they create a new base since the location of Bakery is now known?



The Oracle replies:


The Bakery is the band�s office if you like so they aren�t going to move just because someone may have been a super sleuth and found it. It wouldn�t be practical to up sticks every time their whereabouts were uncovered. That said, it�s their place of work so one would hope people would respect that and realize it�s not open to visitors.


Ha, JD is that super sleuth :P

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New questions answered:


August 12, 2008 - submitted by Lauren, United States of America



Q. How do the members of Coldplay feel about Flight of the Conchords? Are they fans?




The Oracle replies:



Absolutely and I must take some of the credit for that! By the way, if you haven't seen it, I recommend you see Jermaine Clement in the film Eagle vs. Shark.


August 12, 2008 - submitted by kat, United States of America



Q. There was an Epiphone Sheraton ll Guitar that was auctioned for the Grammy charity and signed by the lads in the band. There were some drawings on it as well. Do you know what the drawings were and who drew them. They appear to be little faces, but it's hard to discern from the website photo. Can you shed any light, great Oracle?




The Oracle replies:



Yep, Chris drew those. He often does, they're meant to be the 4 members of the band. If you look at myspace.com/coldplay you'll see similar doodles there too.

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OMG of all the questions I have sent in, he addressed the most important one. :laugh3: I'm telling you, he's spying on us. :P


It had been awhile since I caught up with the big O and all the a Q and A. I about fell off my chair at Angie's question getting picked. Great answer too. ANd yeah, there are definately spies!


*pouts because she'd still like to see Jonny in tighter pants, comfortable or not

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It had been awhile since I caught up with the big O and all the a Q and A. I about fell off my chair at Angie's question getting picked. Great answer too. ANd yeah, there are definately spies!


*pouts because she'd still like to see Jonny in tighter pants, comfortable or not

Berryman doesn't look to be suffering and his pants are almost painted on. Jonny's nonstage pants are tight. Completely unfair! :angry:
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Coldplay’s Oracle speaks… [12/08/2008]


Just a few questions answered by the Oracle today…


August 12, 2008 - submitted by Guillermo, Mexico


Q. Why there were rumors of which the new disc would be called “Prospekt”?


The Oracle replies:


There was a track that was being considered for inclusion on Viva la Vida called Prospekt’s March. During recording journals were written by Prospekt. This led to many thinking the album would be titled so. It was actually mentioned as a potential name but that was in the early stages.


August 12, 2008 - submitted by kat, United States of America


Q. There was an Epiphone Sheraton ll Guitar that was auctioned for the Grammy charity and signed by the lads in the band. There were some drawings on it as well. Do you know what the drawings were and who drew them. They appear to be little faces, but it’s hard to discern from the website photo. Can you shed any light, great Oracle?


The Oracle replies:


Yep, Chris drew those. He often does, they’re meant to be the 4 members of the band. If you look at myspace.com/coldplay you’ll see similar doodles there too.


August 12, 2008 - submitted by Lauren, United States of America


Q. How do the members of Coldplay feel about Flight of the Conchords? Are they fans?


The Oracle replies:


Absolutely and I must take some of the credit for that! By the way, if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you see Jermaine Clement in the film Eagle vs. Shark.

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More brilliant questions and answers:


August 12, 2008 - submitted by Justin, United States of America


Q. If Coldplay was a teeny-bob boy band, what would be the weirdest merchandise the band would be talked into selling?



The Oracle replies:


Once upon a time Coldplay started a side project called Pectoralz that was essentially a boy band. They joked about playing a gig with Pectoralz being first on as support to Coldplay. They didn't take it too seriously but songs were written even though they didn't perform. A girl making a demo for the A&R guy who signed them at EMI recorded one of their songs much later. That also didn't materialize into anything but was called Call Me. I guess a muscle rub would have been appropriately weird.



August 12, 2008 - submitted by Guido, Argentina


Q. If I tell my friends, will I be rejected?



The Oracle replies:


If you are they're not friends to start with!



August 12, 2008 - submitted by Sir William, United States of America


Q. Do any members of Coldplay use a Mac at home? What about iPhones?



The Oracle replies:


Yes, the band love all Apple Mac products but they don't have iPhones because they're not on the mobile network that supports them.



August 12, 2008 - submitted by Guillermo, Mexico


Q. Why there were rumors of which the new disc would be called "Prospekt"?



The Oracle replies:


There was a track that was being considered for inclusion on Viva la Vida called Prospekt's March. During recording journals were written by Prospekt. This led to many thinking the album would be titled so. It was actually mentioned as a potential name but that was in the early stages.

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August 12, 2008 - submitted by Sir William, United States of America


Q. Do any members of Coldplay use a Mac at home? What about iPhones?



The Oracle replies:


Yes, the band love all Apple Mac products but they don't have iPhones because they're not on the mobile network that supports them.



:shocked2:Yikes that's one operator to rule out... one step closer to their phone numbers...

(Ya scared yet? :sneaky:)

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^I was thinking the same thing... So know we got to find out which mobile network doenst support iPhone


dunno about the rest of the world, but the only network you can get the iphone on in the UK is O2. so that leaves all the rest of the networks then :P

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