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Major Minus: Studio v Live?


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I am really liking the studio version. It has such a unique sound to it. I especially like the first verse, with a folk-like sound.


Although, I wish the harmonics from the live version were in the studio "Major Minus".

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i'm a bit.. disappointed in the studio version. it sounds SO MUCH BETTER live.:(


the song itself live is really powerfull, i miss a lot of jonny's guitar work here? and i don't like chriss voice.. and is that will in the beginning?


i'm glad we have some good quallity live versions.. nevertheless, i still love the song & jonny's guitar work!

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It is the same song... its called major minus :inquisitive: you don't like the studio one, a tip , LISTEN TO THE LIVE ONE! , you don't like the live one mmmm LISTEN TO THE STUDIO ONE! , i like both and i find this discussion pointless, its like saying (it another way) which is better? major minus, or major minus? i think major minus, which one do you like , major minus, why? , I love more major minus than major minus, ITS THE SAME SONG GET OVER IT , and i really like the alien effects, they go well with the era


:laugh3: LOL, but I do agree. I like both. The live on has more edge to it. But I like both!

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Why do they even produce such a version when they don't want to play it live this way?

The vocals are distorted way too much (not that there'd be any need to distort it...). They are also a little distorted on Teardrop and I'd also prefer Teardrop's live version but with MM it's a difference of day and nigth for me. It's hard to recognize Chris' voice here though it always gives a song a special extra mark. Also, I really loved Jonny's part right before the 2nd verse. This marked a point where I was very happy about his guitar work on the news songs and hoped it would stay this way on the album. The live version of Major Minus completely kicked me, this one can't really get me. Coldplay's trademarks are hardly heard. You hear more Brian Eno(/U2) than Coldplay on this one and that's not a producer's job!


I thought X&Y was a little overdone productionwise on some songs but now I'm a little afraid of the LP5 production...

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I'm a huge huge HUGE fan of theirs, don't get me wrong, but how the hell did they manage to mangle this in the studio? This whole New Era thing is totally and completely not them. It's like a completely different band. Listen to songs from Viva, and then this. It's not the same guys. I don't like this. They need to go back to their parachutes days.

New Era is not okay with me :(

The live version is so great too. Coldplay what are you doing?

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:uhoh: Chris' voice sounds weird in the studio version. It's good but I think the live version is ten times better! ( that's a good thing if you think about it since for me it would suck if the song sounded good in the studio version but awful live)

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Most of the guitar parts in the studio version are EXACTLY the same as the live version.... and I mean exactly.


Is JB that good a guitarist that he can perfectly replicate the sound of a studio produced lead guitar? I wonder.....


Oh.. and I like the song.

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This might be one of the only songs in the world where I drastically, drastically prefer the live version. Usually I don't care for live versions much unless I'm physically at the concert, but this live version...God, it saves us from the horrible vocal distortion. Why did they decide to do that? Not even Will's backup vocals can help out. It's so drenched in filters that I actually flinched when the vocals came in on first listen.


I'd be a hypocrite if I said I was categorically anti vocal distortion on records, since my other favorite band relied heavily on vocal filters for two straight albums. But I think vocal effects can be used constructively, and this is not one of those times. This just sounds like they were bored so they threw it on, and I can't see where it adds anything. I feel like vocal distortion shouldn't stare you in the face and make you wince, and this definitely did that (and I don't think it was just because I'd heard the clean vocals of the live version before). There's the line on "Life in Technicolor ii," where he sings "every road is a ray of light," which I think is one of the few other times Coldplay's done vocal distortion, and even though that's a very obvious use of a filter, it seems more subtle to me, it seems to fit and add something. Not so with this song.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
the live version at rock am ring is the best one!

i really really don't like the studio version, so thats two fail songs so far, im really scared to hear moving to mars tomorrow! :confused:


Maybe they're testing us like those food testers they have in some of these lovely food stores! Giving us some samples and wanting our opinions after. The most well received song will go on to the album!


Major Minus - Spicy, overpowering but an acquired taste needed perhaps!


Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall - tasted sour overpowering and made my eyes water. And I swear there was an olive in there....I hate olives! This one left me spewing over the Coldplay super marketfloor...carrots and all! Mop for aisle 4 please!!!

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I prefer the live version fo sho.


Why did they use that effect on Chris' voice in the studio? Why hide/distort something that shouldn't be hidden/distorted?


Studio version is overproduced. Don't get me wrong, it's still good and it's a gabillion times better than ETIAW, but... maybe they should just ditch the studio and record the songs live from now on.

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Is it just me, or does Chris and his distorted voice kind of sound like Weird Al Yankovic in the studio version :) Not all the way through, but just at the beginning.....it was just my initial thought the first time I played it while I was making fun of it in my head.


I love the live version, studio version is just ok.

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