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Guest diogo_sg

This is great. The beginning reminds me of Kid A and the ending is simply gorgeous. Plus, my neurons are burning.

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Burn the Witch was a slow-burner for me. I like it now, but I think I love the video a bit more! That said, I can't quit playing it. The drums that come in and out are very, very good. Daydreaming was also a slow-burner for me, but it only took two listens before I realized this is pretty much an instant hit for Radiohead.


I'm cautiously optimistic -- BUT IT COMES OUT IN LESS THAN TWELVE HOURS!!!!

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Just downloaded and listened! It is incredible. The best since In Rainbows....not what I was expecting.


This should be a nice reminder for Coldplay that dreary beautiful music is where the most beautiful, creative and best music lives!! Seriously, if Chris isn't jealous of this record I will be mad.


There will be talks of whether this album is their best...

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This should be a nice reminder for Coldplay that dreary beautiful music is where the most beautiful, creative and best music lives!! Seriously, if Chris isn't jealous of this record I will be mad.


There will be talks of whether this album is their best...


This album is what Ghost Stories aspires to be.


Really early but my initial reaction is that this album is OK Computer/Kid A Tier.

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This should be a nice reminder for Coldplay that dreary beautiful music is where the most beautiful, creative and best music lives!! Seriously, if Chris isn't jealous of this record I will be mad.


Can we not compare everything to Coldplay? Also, that's far from the truth anyways.


Anyways, this album is so good. I've been cautiously optimistic for a long time regarding LP9 but it makes me so happy how well-rounded AMSP is! Some of the orchestral aspects are a bit much for me at times, but that's about my only complaint. I think I'm still in disbelief we have Ful Stop, Identikit and True Love Waits on the same album. Well worth the wait.


EDIT: Why are you guys so obsessed with this Coldplay comparison? They've never even been similar, and that's always going to be this way. Focus on Radiohead being Radiohead and not Coldplay "trying to be" Radiohead.

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Can we not compare everything to Coldplay? Also, that's far from the truth anyways.


Anyways, this album is so good. I've been cautiously optimistic for a long time regarding LP9 but it makes me so happy how well-rounded AMSP is! Some of the orchestral aspects are a bit much for me at times, but that's about my only complaint. I think I'm still in disbelief we have Ful Stop, Identikit and True Love Waits on the same album. Well worth the wait.


EDIT: Why are you guys so obsessed with this Coldplay comparison?

It is quite orchestral, I don't know if I like it yet!

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EDIT: Why are you guys so obsessed with this Coldplay comparison? They've never even been similar, and that's always going to be this way. Focus on Radiohead being Radiohead and not Coldplay "trying to be" Radiohead.


We certainly don't have to :) Yeah they make different kinds of music, but were cut from the same cloth and have MANY similarities. Regardless I only brought Coldplay up because this is a Coldplay forum--but yes, both bands do their own things in fantastic ways. For me though, the amount of texture and atmosphere Radiohead achieves is unparalleled. I personally love when Coldplay takes inspiration from them (and they totally do).


In fact, I think that Coldplay's True Love and Burn The Witch are kind of sister songs in a way. Both have beautiful, but weird orchestration and kind of unnerving undertones. Coldplay's version is introspective, cleaner and more aesthetically beautiful (like most of their music) whereas Radiohead's version is political, harsher, and more artfully beautiful (like most of their music). Sorry to make another comparison, but I think it is cool to enjoy both bands this way!

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I like the album, it's very calm and and enjoyable for people who are not receptive to experimental music like the previous album.



One question though, did Thom's voice EVER change in the past couple of uh, decades? To me he always sounds the same :surprised:

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The album it's great much better than The King of Limbs, my favorites are Full Stop, Daydreaming, Present Tense, True love waits. The wait was worth it, Radiohead it's back.:clap::dance:

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