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Anyone else worried about the length?


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It's not totally true that thing about slow, fast, slow, fast.

Lyrics terrible? A message, swallowed in the sea, what if, fix you, the hardest part, maybe talk has great lyrics about feelings. White shadows, x&y, square one, speed of sound, low, have another meanings about life, space, etc.


But well, that's subjective.


I love every song of coldplay, i don't care about if is slow, fast, with good or bad lyrics (I don't feel it). And MX gonna be another pure genius album.


Of course it's subjective. When I say something is terrible, I just mean I PERSONALLY think that it is objectively (and relatively) so. For the record, I think that every single song you mentioned with lyrics about "feelings" DO have lyrics that are objectively (and relatively) not good. By not good, I mean uncreative, stuffed-with-cliches, etc. I enjoy and relate to lyrics that are more abstact, more thought-provoking, and more unique than "My song is love," "What if you should decide that you don't want me there in your life," and "When you love someone but it goes to waste, what could be worse?"


Cheesy is fun to an extent, but I don't think it should be hailed as genius. Musically, X&Y has some great songs (Low, Twisted Logic, White Shadows, Fix You), but the lyrics are (to me) too trite to be taken seriously. Some of the arrangements are a tad overblown as well.


On a somewhat related - if contrary - note, I think Speed of Sound has some pretty good lyrics, arguably some of Mr. Martin's best.

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I think a few of the songs will only be very short.


I'm telling you people, these fourteen songs won't all be 3-4 minutes long. Not a chance. Considering how much Coldplay regret making X&Y a long album, I'd doubt they'd do it again.

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Well...here's what I'd think about it. Jonny said that they fit everything they wanted into 42 and a half minutes, but he also said they were probably going to have only 10 songs on the album. So I'd say those original 10 songs are 42.5 minutes altogether. Somebody else said that it was all fitting into about 50 minutes with Chris saying he wanted 13 songs. So, with 14 songs, I'd expect there to be slightly more than 50 minutes in main tracks. However, if there are hidden tracks then it might be closer to an hour.

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I think a few of the songs will only be very short.


I'm telling you people, these fourteen songs won't all be 3-4 minutes long. Not a chance. Considering how much Coldplay regret making X&Y a long album, I'd doubt they'd do it again.


It would surprise me if we didn't see anything longer than Paradise's 4:38 length. X&Y averages 5+ minutes a song.

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My favorite album from the "old gen" is A Rush of Blood to the Head. However I'm quite enjoying what I've seen of this new one, and I didn't quite mind the past few albums either.


When it comes to X&Y I think for me wasn't the length, but more the quaility of the album. Looking at the track listing there isn't many songs from it which I go back and listen to over and over. However even with just the little bit from Mylo Xyloto I've been listing to the songs over and over and enjoying them.

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I wonder....How can more music (a.k.a. longer songs) from a great band be a bad thing?


Because it tears the album apart, that's why. X&Y is a classic example. The reason it was canned by nearly every music critic on earth and is most people's least favourite album is because it's long, it's messy and it is all over the place.


Lady GaGa is another person who writes very popular music but her albums are convoluted messes. An album has to flow, it has to be accessible and it has to hook you. Long albums can't do that.


Also, when Chris Martin was asked what one thing would he do if he could travel back in time he said he would travel back in time before X&Y was released and cut it down. So Coldplay themselves are very much against long albums too.


This is why these "fourteen" tracks will probably end up being around the same length as VLVADAAHF. There are 13 tracks on Viva, counting Chinese Sleep Chant, The Escapist and Reign of Love.

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Besides having heard random songs from previous releases, "X&Y" was the album that I was first really exposed to and it completely drew me in. It has songs that I'll still always add to my playlists, and even if the boys would rethink it's length, I still think it stands up for it's worth.


Regarding the length of MX, I'm not worried. As much as I would love for it to be a long one, I'd really rather see it be something of exceptional quality instead. Which I have no doubt it will be.

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Lady GaGa is another person who writes very popular music but her albums are convoluted messes. An album has to flow, it has to be accessible and it has to hook you. Long albums can't do that.


Agreed. She's ridiculously talented but cannot put together an album for crap. :laugh3:


X&Y wasn't really "panned." Some critics called it their masterpiece. I think it's just how they interpret the work. I for one thought it was really messy, but there are some amazing moments on the record. If only it were concise!

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Just my 2 cents:

It's highly unlikely that the album's length will exceed 50 minutes (it will probably be a little less). This is because there will also be a Vinyl Edition, and the length of an LP side is restricted to 25 minutes (if you don't wan't any impacts on the sound-quality).

So my guess is that it'll be something around 45 minutes long ;)



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^ Some people, not me, think the longer an album is it gets a bit... I dunno too long???? If you want to listen to it all in one go!

So 50 minutes is OK, but 51 minutes is too long? Amazing. Did you ever hear some small alternative band Pink Floyd and it's double CD The Wall? Or RHCP Stadium Arcadium?


I've never get why people heard somewhere X&Y is too long and keep repeating this BS since 2005. I hate generalisations. Think different for christs sake, don't repeat BS. X&Y has it's flaws, but it has nothing to do with length.

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To me, it would be totally plausible for MX to have a couple more tracks and be a little longer if it is, as being theorised right now, supposed to have two halves -- or two different parts. Which means it's possible the boys didn't adhere to their withstanding rule of "no longer than 42 minutes (or 9 tracks)," or worry about any regrets they may have with regard to X&Y's length, because for this occasion it was necessary. And obviously, agreed upon.


Either way, I'm completely happy with the fact it will have 14 tracks, whether it turns out to include a couple of instrumentals or not. As long as it's a good album, I'm not going to worry about anything else.

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Well just because it's 14 songs, doesn't mean it will an hour long, per se. I do think it will be around 45-47 minutes though. Something like...


Mylo Xyloto: 1:45

Hurts Like Heaven: 4:00

Paradise: 4:38

Charlie Brown: 4:30

Us Against the World: 3:10

M.M.I.X.: 1:00

Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall: 4:00

Major Minus: 3:30

U.F.O.: 3:30

Princess of China: 3:45

Up in Flames: 4:00

A Hopeful Transmission: 0:45

Don't Let It Break Your Heart: 3:45

Up with the Birds: 4:45


Which equals out to around 45 minutes long more or less.

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