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Coldplay MX comic panel at Comic-Con (13 July 2012)


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Chris is a huge arcade fire fan, him and Markus Dravs were both wearing AF tshirts when I met them, so they undoubtedly know Sprawl II.
Okay, I didn't know that. (oops, hahaha!)


But still it seems too easy to say that they were using Sprawl II or were even inspired by it. For all we know Charly Brown was already written before Sprawl II came out and also is the theme too familiar for me to pinpoint it to Sprawl II. There is a lot of similarity though, like a lot!


By the way, I f*cking love that song. The whole album. Arcade Fire <3

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Ok so a few questions:

Do we know what MM and the council's "plan" is yet? And are the other council members superior to him? Why can he only switch to Hyponoflow is all the sparks are gone?


Also how does Mylo know that it's fly? Thanks :)

Yeah, as said above, each sparker signs their grafitti, much like in the 'real world'.

I think your other questions are related to Cheese Nip's below:

By REM I think he means like a REM cycle. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I heard there is a sleep cycle. One of the parts of the cycle is REM which is the part of the cycle where you're having dreams.


Speaking of which, I think that there is some relation between Mylo night feeding (what did they call it again?) and dreaming. The others seem to use it to watch dirty videos and blind themselves from society, but Mylo seems more like when he feeds he's going into dreams or something. I don't know yet, I'm still working it out.:P

My guess is that they want to get rid of the sparkers because their sparks interfere with the feed in the helmets. So because of their sparks, people cannot receive hypnoflow/ hypnofeed. This is how MM and the council control the population and makes them do what they want. With ‘they’ I mean Major Minus and his fellows, not Mylo’s people. They are now using Mylo’s race and planet for their plans. And what the plans are ...

we can only guess at this stage, but my guess is that MM is sent there to control Mylo’s race and let them build cities for MM’s race and not Mylo’s. They are basically turned into slaves. Soon, they will lack the will to oppose, when they find out the real reasons behind all this building. MM’s alien race will come down to their planet like a bunch of locusts and use it while Mylo’s people are enslaved. The counsel is probably the board/counsel of people that are in charge of getting a hold of that planet and MM is responsible for controlling the population and making them prepare the planet for MM’s people.


‘Hypno-/hypnos’ means sleep. The hypnofeed probably also and mostly works on the unsubconscious level. Without them knowing it, Mylo’s race is being hypnotized. What they receive consciously is something that holds between daydreams and fantasies. Just like with lucid dreams, you visually see what you wish for, they have the hypnofeed doing that, which probably works in the same way. Not only do they see stuff on those screens, but they also get influenced directly in their brains with some brainwave influencing stuff. Probably their brainwave pattern gets altered so that they become more drowsy and calm. Perfect subjects for hypnotism :) The people that wrote the comic are probably not aware that dreams also occur in non-REM parts of the sleep and even can occur when people are awake, so I guess that that’s why they refer to REM in the comic. REM as in sleep-stage: Rapid Eye Movement-stage, when most dreaming occurs. People receive hypnofeed in some kind of REM stage, while being little alert. The hypnofeed is dumbing them down, making them less alert, probably even influencing the brainwaves in such a way that they are more asleep than awake and highly susceptible. Without the hypnofeed they cannot be controlled, the sparks of the sparkers interrupt hypnofeed, so the sparkers have to be exterminated. Also because the sparkers know what MM and the counsel are up to: To take over their planet.


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Yeah, as said above, each sparker signs their grafitti, much like in the 'real world'.

I think your other questions are related to Cheese Nip's below:My guess is that they want to get rid of the sparkers because their sparks interfere with the feed in the helmets. So because of their sparks, people cannot receive hypnoflow/ hypnofeed. This is how MM and the council controls the population and makes them do what they want. With ‘they’ I mean Major Minus and his fellows, not Mylo’s people. They are now using Mylo’s race and planet for their plans. And what the plans are ...

we can only guess at this stage, but my guess is that MM is sent there to control Mylo’s race and let them build cities for MM’s race and not Mylo’s. they are basically turned into slaves. Soon, they will lack the will to oppose, when they find out the real reasons behind all this building. MM’s alien race will come down to their planet like a bunch of locusts and use it while Mylo’s people are enslaved. The counsel is probably the board/counsel of people that are in charge of getting a hold of that planet and MM is responsible for controlling the population and making them prepare the planet for MM’s people.


‘Hypno-/hypnos’ means sleep. The hypnofeed probably also and mostly works on the unsubconscious level. Without them knowing it, Mylo’s race is being hypnotized. What they receive consciously is something that holds between daydreams and fantasies. Just like with lucid dreams, you visually see what you wish for, they have the hypnofeed doing that, which probably works in the same way. Not only do they see stuff on those screens, but they also get influenced directly in their brains with some brainwave influencing stuff. Probably their brainwave pattern gets altered so that they become more drowsy and calm. Perfect subjects for hypnotism :) The people that wrote the comic are probably not aware that dreams also occur in non-REM parts of the sleep and even can occur when people are awake, so I guess that that’s why they refer to REM in the comic. REM as in sleep-stage: Rapid Eye Movement-stage, when most dreaming occurs. People receive hypnofeed in some kind of REM stage, while being little alert. The hypnofeed is dumbing them down, making them less alert, probably even influencing the brainwaves in such a way that they are more asleep then awake and highly susceptible. Without the hypnofeed they cannot be controlled, the sparks of the sparkers interrupt hypnofeed, so the sparkers have to be exterminated. Also because the sparkers know what MM and the counsel are up to: To take over their planet.


For some reason my "Thanks!" icon isn't showing up so here's a manual "Thanks!". :D

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Totally going to wait and buy it, obviously. But I just wish it was coming sooner than Feb next year. I would have thought that the marketing people at least would have wanted Issue 1 out before Christmas... :P Ah well, at least we're getting it at some point rather than never. Wonder when the HLH video's coming, though?

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Yeah, as said above, each sparker signs their grafitti, much like in the 'real world'.

I think your other questions are related to Cheese Nip's below:My guess is that they want to get rid of the sparkers because their sparks interfere with the feed in the helmets. So because of their sparks, people cannot receive hypnoflow/ hypnofeed.


I got something different. When Major Minus is talking to all the Silencers, he says that a big reward will be given to who captures Fly alive. I bet that for him to make the Hypnoflow work, he needs to drain some kind of power of them(Sparkers), and




that's what he is doing in the last page (that with the different artwork).




Also, the sparks would give the civilians the idea of revolution that the Irdoks don't want them to get, because it would make the work slower.

Less sparks=more work=less rebellions.


My bet.

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Yup, that's also what I thought. I didn't think of them using Fly's sparks or ability, but I think you might be right!



Also, at first I didn't understand the 'random' act of MM asking this guy to come over and hit a hammer on his hand. It seemed only to want to say that MM is a sadist, but by now it does make sense to me, because if the hypnoflow is indeed numbing people down, then they would not react strongly to pain as well and so that hammer was a test to see if the new suit really works.



Yeah, I read the whole first issue :shame: afterall I could not resist. I am so psyched about it!!! :dance: (will buy the comic too, for sure!)

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What the actual f Coldplay?! Next year!! NEXT YEAR!! Do you like making our hearts and stomach implOad.... I cant stand this..


Ps I knew they would take that link off damn silencers, so I'm going to say it again, if you want the comic pm me


AlsO when do you think carkids will come into it...

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Is it any different than what was already scanned?


Nope^ but please buy it, there is always something about having the material copy, and it would make me feel less bad that people are reading it and coldplay are not getting profit, like they even need it but you know..

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