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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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This is absolutely one of the best Coldplay covers I have ever heard (please, take the time to listen to it, it is really worth it to take a break for whatever you're doing !) and the video is nice as well :)



Mobile Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE4berBjfbM

I totally love it! It fits the vibe of the song so well!

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Random Coldplay thought: I just thought how much I love Coldplay's music that you can always fall back upon when you are not alright. After so many times listening to their songs and albums it

It is like a safe place where you can go to in times of distress. They are like four good spirits accompanying you from far in your life, wherever you go. Unlike friends, they are always available, 24 hrs a day, every day. Unlike friends, they never hurt you or abandon you, they always try to lift you up and give you hope, and they never expect anything in return.

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Random Coldplay thought: I just thought how much I love Coldplay's music that you can always fall back upon when you are not alright. After so many times listening to their songs and albums it

It is like a safe place where you can go to in times of distress. They are like four good spirits accompanying you from far in your life, wherever you go. Unlike friends, they are always available, 24 hrs a day, every day. Unlike friends, they never hurt you or abandon you, they always try to lift you up and give you hope, and they never expect anything in return.

I completely agree. That’s why I love this band so much. I wasn't into music 5 years ago and I just wanted to increase my list of songs because the ones I had were starting to be boring. And I found this band telling me the words I needed to hear in that time and they still keep doing that. Coldplay is there for me in every moment of my life, there isn't a day without them in my daily activities. There are moments when I think if this feeling will stop, but their songs keep playing in my head to lift me up or to make my days brighter.

Your random Coldplay thought made me write something as well :)

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but their songs keep playing in my head

This is interesting, isn't it ? It is true, after so many listens you don't actually have to hear ths songs (even though that is better of course, if you can) but even when you are somewhere with no immediate access to the music (e.g. at work), their lyrics echo in your head and you can lift yourself up by replaying in your head a Viva La Vida performance, for example, or replay Fix You or Gravity in your head when you are sad.

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I completely agree. That’s why I love this band so much. I wasn't into music 5 years ago and I just wanted to increase my list of songs because the ones I had were starting to be boring. And I found this band telling me the words I needed to hear in that time and they still keep doing that. Coldplay is there for me in every moment of my life, there isn't a day without them in my daily activities. There are moments when I think if this feeling will stop, but their songs keep playing in my head to lift me up or to make my days brighter.

Your random Coldplay thought made me write something as well :)


I agree, I was thinking the same thing today. Coldplay always knows what to say through music and keeps being something I can rely on!

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This is interesting, isn't it ? It is true, after so many listens you don't actually have to hear ths songs (even though that is better of course, if you can) but even when you are somewhere with no immediate access to the music (e.g. at work), their lyrics echo in your head and you can lift yourself up by replaying in your head a Viva La Vida performance, for example, or replay Fix You or Gravity in your head when you are sad.


You made me think about how Coldplay lyrics can be used as life mottos or things to guide you through everything. Like "if you never try you'll never know" is something I always use. or "I know one day good things are coming our way" , basically all of up & up lyrics etc. Coldplay is a way of life lol :)

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This is interesting, isn't it ? It is true, after so many listens you don't actually have to hear ths songs (even though that is better of course, if you can) but even when you are somewhere with no immediate access to the music (e.g. at work), their lyrics echo in your head and you can lift yourself up by replaying in your head a Viva La Vida performance, for example, or replay Fix You or Gravity in your head when you are sad.

You know what I tend to do when I'm really bored and have absolutely nothing to do? I basically listen to music without physically listening to it, much like you just said. I could mentally replay an entire Coldplay album right now if I wanted to, just because I've heard the songs so many times in real life.

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Random Coldplay thought: I just thought how much I love Coldplay's music that you can always fall back upon when you are not alright. After so many times listening to their songs and albums it

It is like a safe place where you can go to in times of distress. They are like four good spirits accompanying you from far in your life, wherever you go. Unlike friends, they are always available, 24 hrs a day, every day. Unlike friends, they never hurt you or abandon you, they always try to lift you up and give you hope, and they never expect anything in return.


This is interesting, isn't it ? It is true, after so many listens you don't actually have to hear ths songs (even though that is better of course, if you can) but even when you are somewhere with no immediate access to the music (e.g. at work), their lyrics echo in your head and you can lift yourself up by replaying in your head a Viva La Vida performance, for example, or replay Fix You or Gravity in your head when you are sad.

I totally agree. They are always here for me and I know things are always gonna be OK somehow because I can always come back to them. It feels like coming home to listen to their music even after my rather short time of being a fan.

And I always have them in my head as well even if I'm not just listening to their songs.

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Up&Up just started playing in the radio in the car and of course I was super happy but I was always kind of annoyed because they said "Chris Martin AND Coldplay" and I was like "you don't need to mention Chris seperatly he's part of coldplay" and somehow then I started discussing about that with my parents[emoji23]

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I was watching football (of the American variety) with some other guys, including one who lives in the dorm right next to mine. Well that particular guy was talking on the phone to someone about random stuff, then all of a sudden I heard him say, "Honestly, Clocks and Viva La Vida are the best songs they ever made." :surprised:


I brought up Coldplay in conversation a few minutes after he got off the phone and it turns out he likes some of their older music, up to and including VLVODAAHF. Just like my roommate, he isn't a huge fan, but he is familiar with more than just the hits.

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This is interesting, isn't it ? It is true, after so many listens you don't actually have to hear ths songs (even though that is better of course, if you can) but even when you are somewhere with no immediate access to the music (e.g. at work), their lyrics echo in your head and you can lift yourself up by replaying in your head a Viva La Vida performance, for example, or replay Fix You or Gravity in your head when you are sad.


It's like that quote about "give s man a fish..., teach a man to fish and he will have fish for life." Their songs transfer to us, teaching us how to cope. That makes Coldplay so much more than mere entertainers.


Just heard a song the other day from someone else, but it sounded like I Ran Away to me, and the "play" button went off in my head!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So I just made a CD of all of Coldplay's greatest hits for my 2 yr old niece to listen to on her way to and from school. So far she knows ASFOS and Viva, and if I ask her who sings them she replies, "Coldplay" :) She hasn't really had any exposure to music other than the usual children songs, so I hope to be the one that introduces her to the wonderful world of music, and I hope one day when she's older she learns to appreciate not just Coldplay's music, but ALL music in general because even though I'll ALWAYS be there for her, she may one day, like me, encounter a difficult situation that only the power of music can alleviate. Music (Coldplay in particular) has served as the wings with which I could escape from the tough times in my life, it has been my constant comfort through the trial and the change, it has healed my soul time and time again. And I just hope that if ever she feels as I did, that she also has those set of wings whenever she needs them. Everyone deserves those wings <3

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Here is a thought:

when you are up in the middle of the night or close to daybreak (in Belgium anyway), watching a Coldplay concert on Periscope and they are at the C-stage and then you can hear the first notes of a song you like and Chris stops it to talk to people...


Come on... :omgomg:


Last night this happened 3x.

In my place - GPASUYF - See you soon (which he had to restart).

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Guest diogo_sg
You know what I tend to do when I'm really bored and have absolutely nothing to do? I basically listen to music without physically listening to it, much like you just said. I could mentally replay an entire Coldplay album right now if I wanted to, just because I've heard the songs so many times in real life.

Once during a car ride, I played the entire Ghost Stories album in my head. Every single sound. (I didn't have headphones with me and the radio was barely audible and I had to listen to something!!)

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Yesterday when I was on a shopping street, Life In Technicolor ii was playing on the local radio!! (the street is not that big though. But also not that small :D) When I was walking, I said to my parents , "hey, do you hear that?" They answered, "Oh yeah !" And a guy who was sitting around there heard that and began singing along while we were passing by :)

And a little further when I entered a shop, Princess Of China was playing then (Not one of my fav though, but it's Coldplay, I can't just ignore Coldplay music [emoji38] )


Gideon_Mx via Tapatalk

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Up&Up just started playing in the radio in the car and of course I was super happy but I was always kind of annoyed because they said "Chris Martin AND Coldplay" and I was like "you don't need to mention Chris seperatly he's part of coldplay" and somehow then I started discussing about that with my parents[emoji23]

What!?!! Are you serious? I was talking about the exact same thing with my parents too for a moment, hahaha !


Gideon_Mx via Tapatalk

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This is absolutely one of the best Coldplay covers I have ever heard (please, take the time to listen to it, it is really worth it to take a break for whatever you're doing !) and the video is nice as well :)



Mobile Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE4berBjfbM


i couldn't really get into it until the "yes i wanna know" part, then it all started coming together more

but i have a hard time listening to most covers of Coldplay, there's always something really off. it makes you realize just how unique Chris's voice is :P


Pretty sure at 2:18 Will accidentally loses grip on a drumstick and it goes flying away, but then, like the amazing person he is, just grabs another one and goes on just like normal without anyone noticing.


Mobile Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVDDskptKIM



*rewatches video*

:shocked2: i think you're right! that or he almost lost it and did a cool twirly trick and caught it again, but either way that is a BOSS MOVE


Coldplay is a way of life


this is not even a joke and something i've been thinking a lot about in the past few years

because casual fans do not understand this, and non-fans really do not understand it :lol: but Coldplay for me is almost like a spiritual thing, you know??? they're not just a band, but like you said, a way of life...


I'm a mess[emoji33] [emoji7]


Mobile Link: https://twitter.com/coldplay/status/771610650925600768?s=09


oh man, yes please :dazzled:

then maybe the Killers can do a random cover of Speed of Sound so i can really feel like i'm back in middle school :lol:

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but i have a hard time listening to most covers of Coldplay, there's always something really off. it makes you realize just how unique Chris's voice is :P

So much yes to this D;

I'm usually very tolerant of covers and sometimes like them even more than the original when they're covers of other artists I like.

But I almost never warm up to Coldplay covers. Even when the singer hits every note perfectly, it still sounds too polished and robotic. I don't really feel anything like I do when I listen to the original. Even though there's quite a few singers who are a lot more technically proficient than Chris, no one can really bring as much emotion as he can to their songs imo :wacko:

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So much yes to this D;

I'm usually very tolerant of covers and sometimes like them even more than the original when they're covers of other artists I like.

But I almost never warm up to Coldplay covers. Even when the singer hits every note perfectly, it still sounds too polished and robotic. I don't really feel anything like I do when I listen to the original. Even though there's quite a few singers who are a lot more technically proficient than Chris, no one can really bring as much emotion as he can to their songs imo :wacko:


my thoughts exactly :nod:

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my thoughts exactly :nod:

His imperfect singing makes some of their songs so much more perfect :'D


I love that voice crack at 1:09 it goes with the theme of the song so well. It feels so human and real. I love them for not editing it out <3


Ugh it was a bad idea to listen to this song right now :c

Ahfrkknn excuse me while I go cry in the corner. Thanks a lot Coldplay :bigcry:

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