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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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this is not even a joke and something i've been thinking a lot about in the past few years

because casual fans do not understand this, and non-fans really do not understand it[emoji38]but Coldplay for me is almost like a spiritual thing, you know??? they're not just a band, but like you said, a way of life...



I couldn't agree more. Sometimes it's really awkward cause on the internet it feels normal to be like that but when I want to explain to someone in real life I feel like they'd think it's some stupid fangirl obsession but it's so much more!!

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His imperfect singing makes some of their songs so much more perfect :'D


I love that voice crack at 1:09 it goes with the theme of the song so well. It feels so human and real. I love them for not editing it out <3


Ugh it was a bad idea to listen to this song right now :c

Ahfrkknn excuse me while I go cry in the corner. Thanks a lot Coldplay :bigcry:


this is one cover i actually like, maybe because this guy also has an imperfect way of singing



Mobile Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8oAClazziQ

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Coldplay were at the Stade de France in Paris FOUR years ago today! My first Coldplay concert! :bigcry: (and where they shot most of Live 2012)

That's awesome!!! Well, I guess I'm not the only one here whose first Coldplay concert was one of the "famous" ones. :awesome:

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I love that voice crack at 1:09 it goes with the theme of the song so well. It feels so human and real. I love them for not editing it out <3


Glad to hear someone else saying that. I always thought that too - I actually think it is one of the things that makes this song brilliant ! When I sing along with it, I deliberately imitate that part too (so if I ever were to record a cover, it would have it in too Lol)

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this is one cover i actually like, maybe because this guy also has an imperfect way of singing


I had to give it like three listens before forming an opinion because I'm much too used to the original :P

And I think I kinda like it :lol: Some bits are really nice but I feel like overall this version doesn't really have a nice flow :3


I don't know if you've heard this one? This is probably the only cover of Yellow I've ever liked. Mostly because she doesn't deviate too much from the original :lol: and I think her voice is lovely :wacky:

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I had to give it like three listens before forming an opinion because I'm much too used to the original :P

And I think I kinda like it :lol: Some bits are really nice but I feel like overall this version doesn't really have a nice flow :3


I don't know if you've heard this one? This is probably the only cover of Yellow I've ever liked. Mostly because she doesn't deviate too much from the original :lol: and I think her voice is lovely :wacky:


this one is pretty good! actually, listening to this made me realize that maybe my main issue is when the covers are recorded, because then they tend to sound weird and robotic like you said before. i seem to only like live covers :P

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Speaking of covers: this is my favorite cover of Fix You




There is a beautiful story behind it too.

It was recorded by a Belgian singer for the Red Nose Day in Belgium.


There was also a search or contest to find someone to join him and Lisa was the lucky one.

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I'm watching the Rose Bowl show again right now, because why not? :) I'm on Magic right now and those Ghost Stories-themed visuals during Always In My Head and Magic are gorgeous. :heart: They bring back memories of first listening to Ghost Stories when iTunes made it available to stream as a "visual album."

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I'm watching the Rose Bowl show again right now, because why not? :) I'm on Magic right now and those Ghost Stories-themed visuals during Always In My Head and Magic are gorgeous. :heart: They bring back memories of first listening to Ghost Stories when iTunes made it available to stream as a "visual album."

Omg are you serious?!!! I'm watching it too for the the 3rd time just to relive that night :heart:

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Omg are you serious?!!! I'm watching it too for the the 3rd time just to relive that night :heart:

Yes!!! You're especially lucky though because you actually got to see that show in person. :)


Oh, and remember this post earlier?

That's awesome!!! Well, I guess I'm not the only one here whose first Coldplay concert was one of the "famous" ones. :awesome:

I suppose you're a part of that club as well, @coldplay luver , because you got to attend one of the GS Live 2014 tapings. :)

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Can anyone point me to a download link for the Ghost Stories Live TV special with Clocks, Viva La Vida etc. (not the DVD version) in at least 720p ? Or would anyone who has it be so kind to upload it for me ?

Just so you don't think I'm asking for a purchasable item - I have purchased the DVD (see images of my collection in the collectors thread), but I was specifically looking for a file of the uncut TV special as it aired on channels like 3Sat and some others. Thanks !

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Random Coldplay thought: I just thought how much I love Coldplay's music that you can always fall back upon when you are not alright. After so many times listening to their songs and albums it

It is like a safe place where you can go to in times of distress. They are like four good spirits accompanying you from far in your life, wherever you go. Unlike friends, they are always available, 24 hrs a day, every day. Unlike friends, they never hurt you or abandon you, they always try to lift you up and give you hope, and they never expect anything in return.


I couldn't agree more. Sometimes it's really awkward cause on the internet it feels normal to be like that but when I want to explain to someone in real life I feel like they'd think it's some stupid fangirl obsession but it's so much more!!


I couldn't agree more with you guys. Coldplay has been a very important part of my life during last 5 years. I can relate one of their songs with every good or bad memory I have had. Their music has helped in my darkest times even more than many people. I remember so many nights when I listened to Ink or Another's Arms while I was feeling so wrong or when I was crying, and I remember the feeling of peace these songs gave me. I remember how Lost! helped me to find myself, or how What If knew the story of my life better than anyone. I could be naming songs forever, but the important thing here is that all these songs gave me hope, they gave me life. That's the reason why I was so overwhealmed when I saw them in the concert, it was like a dream that I remember every day since then... it was an experience I can't describe with words.


However, as some of you have said before, I can't tell all of these things to anybody because they think I'm just a crazy fan... yesterday I was talking to my brother and said that I'd definitely go again to a CP concert and then he said "why? Are you nuts? You've already seen them once!" He can't understand how much CP means to me, and actually that's how I feel every day when I talk about my fav band with anyone... thanks god we'll always have Coldplaying :)

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So I just made a CD of all of Coldplay's greatest hits for my 2 yr old niece to listen to on her way to and from school. So far she knows ASFOS and Viva, and if I ask her who sings them she replies, "Coldplay" :) She hasn't really had any exposure to music other than the usual children songs, so I hope to be the one that introduces her to the wonderful world of music, and I hope one day when she's older she learns to appreciate not just Coldplay's music, but ALL music in general because even though I'll ALWAYS be there for her, she may one day, like me, encounter a difficult situation that only the power of music can alleviate. Music (Coldplay in particular) has served as the wings with which I could escape from the tough times in my life, it has been my constant comfort through the trial and the change, it has healed my soul time and time again. And I just hope that if ever she feels as I did, that she also has those set of wings whenever she needs them. Everyone deserves those wings <3


I practically cried reading this. It is so poignant and beautiful. What a lucky niece!!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Today, a local radio station played HFTW. Second time I've heard it in a week and never before. Then the DJ comes on after and says he loved Coldplay for what they did in their concert the other night, honoring Gene Wilder with the song (Imagination?). Then he says they also had a kid come onstage because it was his first concert. He said to check out the morning DJs' FB page to see the videos!!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This is interesting, isn't it ? It is true, after so many listens you don't actually have to hear ths songs (even though that is better of course, if you can) but even when you are somewhere with no immediate access to the music (e.g. at work), their lyrics echo in your head and you can lift yourself up by replaying in your head a Viva La Vida performance, for example, or replay Fix You or Gravity in your head when you are sad.


Absolutely! I have a phobia of heights. Whenever I had to cross a pedestrian bridge I sing a Coldplay song in my head to give me strength. Or sometimes I woke up in a good mood and I play a song in my head on my way to the bus stop. Or as you said when I'm feeling a little bit down there's always a Coldplay song to help me see everything is not lost.


I agree, I was thinking the same thing today. Coldplay always knows what to say through music and keeps being something I can rely on!

They're always there for us.

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I couldn't agree more with you guys. Coldplay has been a very important part of my life during last 5 years. I can relate one of their songs with every good or bad memory I have had. Their music has helped in my darkest times even more than many people. I remember so many nights when I listened to Ink or Another's Arms while I was feeling so wrong or when I was crying, and I remember the feeling of peace these songs gave me. I remember how Lost! helped me to find myself, or how What If knew the story of my life better than anyone. I could be naming songs forever, but the important thing here is that all these songs gave me hope, they gave me life. That's the reason why I was so overwhealmed when I saw them in the concert, it was like a dream that I remember every day since then... it was an experience I can't describe with words.


However, as some of you have said before, I can't tell all of these things to anybody because they think I'm just a crazy fan... yesterday I was talking to my brother and said that I'd definitely go again to a CP concert and then he said "why? Are you nuts? You've already seen them once!" He can't understand how much CP means to me, and actually that's how I feel every day when I talk about my fav band with anyone... thanks god we'll always have Coldplaying :)

I am so happy to see your post, I can totally relate! I've seen the guys in concert a few times but this last time really got to me! It almost seemed like an out of body experience and while I'm a little embarrassed to say it, I got really emotional and cried a little. I get chills every time I listen to their music and just float away to another world. As you said, I can't really talk about to anyone. They'll just think I'm crazy.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Coldplaying mobile app

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