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How has your view of MX changed?


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Has your view of Mylo Xyloto changed at all since it came out? What was your favorite song when you first listened to the album? Now what is your favorite? At first my favorite was Paradise, but now it's Charlie Brown. And Us Against the World really grew on me. What about you?

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It hasn't changed that much, i stand by my first claims that this is probably their second best album, i've been obsessed with Charlie Brown, HLH and UATW since the record came out and that hasn't changed, i've grown to like Up In Flames and DLIBYH much more than i did last year, overall, i still think it's an excellent, cohesive and accomplished album with some minor technical (and by 'technical' i mean Brian Eno) flaws.

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I can say that first... it wasnt kind of anything new for me... since they were live streaming everything and I got the chance to go to one of the festivals... so by the time the album came out, I had already heard practically all of the songs... I knew they were going to continue with this "beat" "hit" kind of "happy" and "catchy" sound... and they did! that was good, because it's a different time of their career.... at the beginning I kind of missed their first trilogy of albums, but then I realized how good Mylo Xyloto is! Probably for a fan is a weak album compared with the others, but in a general view it is really awesome!


At the beginning I loved Hurts Like Heaven and Up With The Birds, those were the most played ,and now I hear a lot Us Against The World and Dont Let It Break Your Heart and this last one is becoming one of my favorites... In the festivals the one that I loved was Major Minus cuz of their mystic sound, and of course why not ETIAW cuz it's a summer anthem... but definitely, the one that was my favorite from the beginning and it has remained is Charlie Brown!!! ♥!!! :D I love that song... it makes me sad the way they "released" it, but it's ok... xD

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The album is pretty i think. But nothing new and thats disappointing. Id love for Coldplay to totally change even though i know the money making machine that the band is will never be aloud to truly take any risks, maybe when they leave the label well see the music that they really wanted to make..

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I was just thinking the other day about how much it has grown on me. I actually really liked the album as a whole but now i really love it a lot! Charlie brown is still my favorite along with DLIBYH. Also, im really loving this era. Im really enjoying it. It mostly has to do with their live performances that this era has grown on me. Lollapalooza was an epic amazing intro to the era for me. And after seeing them twice in April, im even more in love with Coldplay! So overall, my view on MX was changed for the better thanks to hearing the songs live.


P.s im surprised how much ETIAW & paradise have grown on me (thanks to live performances) and DLIBYH is my new obsession because hearing it live is so amazing :heart:

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I think it's a fine album, just not so different compared to Viva (since there was the same team behind it) and when you understand that you tend to like it more. It orientates a bit more towards modern pop, and that's not too bad - look at how well 'Paradise' has been doing. MX has got some really good songs. Unlike some friends here, I don't really dig Charlie Brown - I mean, I get it, it sounds almost ultimately 'Coldplayish', but the song itself isn't a huge hit, definitely not in the same league as 'Paradise'. The promotion of the album singles has also been so so, with the video for Princess of China likely to gather a lot of attention.


All in all, it's another great era, somehow it would be even better if they released more songs. Compared to the eras before, we have been given relatively few songs, no b-sides, no acoustic versions, no nothing. I have my hopes for an EP, but I don't know if they'll release it.

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It hasn't really grown on me as an album, my favorites have changed a bit. When it first was released I was addicted to MX/HLH, but now my favorite track is Charlie Brown. Surprisingly enough, Paradise is the track that has grown the much on me. When it first was released I thought it was 'mwah', but nowadays I really enjoy listening it. Still don't really like it live, though. I also don't listen that much to songs as U.F.O., Major Minus, UATW and UWTB, btw.

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I still like it a lot, at first I was seeing it not better than Viva and as good as AROBTTH, now It has a very respectful 3rd place on my list of CP's favourite albums. I love how fresh and energetic it sounds. Charlie Brown was my favourite and still is, Princess Of China and DLIBYH grew a lot on me and I don't care that much for U.F.O anymore

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The whole album hasn't grown on me. I couldn't even say I have favourites from MX.

I loved Paradise from its release, it's a little bit ruined by the massive overplaying on the radio, but that feeling is wearing out slowly and surely :nice:

Major Minus has grown on me a lot.

At first, I loved Princess of China and kept it on repeat, but now I can really go without it. I'm just going to prepare for hearing it all the time : (

It's not a good argument, but Charlie Brown has been ruined for me by the video. It was amazing, although I don't see why it's classic Coldplay like most of people say.

My favourite has been and still is MX/Hurts Like Heaven.


On the whole, Mylo Xyloto was very exciting for 2 weeks and doesn't really move me now.

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At first my expectations were pretty much "Ohmahgaw this is going to blow my mind'', and then when it came out I was like ''This is completely different to what I imagined'', and after a few weeks of listening it became ''This is pretty good'', and now it is ''I TURN THE MUSIC UP, I GOT MY RECORDS ON''... So overall my opinion of the record is very positive :D

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At first I wasn't a big fan of the album, but my mind has changed within a few weeks. Because after a few weeks in which you've heard the album up and down, you know the songs a bit better and become familiar with them. But I have to say that there are still a few songs which I don't like.

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It was my favourite album for a few months but in the last couple months, I went back to Viva and I'm starting to find that VLV is my favourite album with MX as a close second. VLV's themes speak to me more, and as a whole, it's a cooler piece of art to me. MX is slightly too synth-heavy in a few places, namely Paradise and POC. Even the album version of HLH is a little much for me. VLV (with the exception of VLV the track) was definitely in a better place for me - balanced stuff like Cemeteries of London, 42, Lovers in Japan, Violet Hill, Strawberry Swing, and DAAHF being the standouts to me. The last four songs of the album do a really good job of closing it too. It's slightly less cohesive, VLV, but it makes up for it in feeling really full and diverse. MX clinches the disappointment by not having Moving to Mars and having 1 less full length song (it just feels too short to me even though it's about the same as VLV).


Speaking of individual songs, it was UATW, Charlie Brown, HLH, and Major Minus (the festival songs) that really grabbed me. ETIAW grew on me by the time MX was released (but I didn't like it that much when it was first released). Paradise grew on me quickly especially when they started playing it live, but it's kind of meh again because of the synth heaviness [not so live].


I was really obsessed with DLIBYH back in the day, but the lyrics come off a bit shallow now, and I don't like the live rendition that much because it hasn't got any piano. UWTB has grown on me a lot though, and as a whole, AHT-DLIBYH-UWTB is a really solid album closing (DAAHF is the better track though, as are Violet Hill and Strawberry Swing).


Please please PLEASE let there be an EP.

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