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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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It's late (or very early!) here and I'm knackered, as our English friends would say, but I know I'll be going home to a no-power house and I wanted to take the opportunity to post a little something here now.


It's short, but suffice to say....




The concert was AWESOME, everything I expected and more. So full of life and color. Chris stopped UATW and restarted his and Will's part. They seemed to be in a good mood. It was over way too soon.


We waited around for about an hour and a half. They told us right when we got there that they'd left directly after the show, but people hung around anyway. It wasn't until Matt came out (beer in hand) and sat against a wall on the other side of the drive from us that I believed it. We chatted for a few minutes and we got a picture together, and he said they had indeed left. He looked me in the eye and said it was true that he wouldn't lie to me, so I believed it then and went back to the hotel, empty handed with my Chris moment.


BUT it was stellar. ALL of the guys looked FANTASTIC and were awesome, but basically






D.C. in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good morning Girls have a great day :)



It's late (or very early!) here and I'm knackered, as our English friends would say, but I know I'll be going home to a no-power house and I wanted to take the opportunity to post a little something here now.


It's short, but suffice to say....




The concert was AWESOME, everything I expected and more. So full of life and color. Chris stopped UATW and restarted his and Will's part. They seemed to be in a good mood. It was over way too soon.


We waited around for about an hour and a half. They told us right when we got there that they'd left directly after the show, but people hung around anyway. It wasn't until Matt came out (beer in hand) and sat against a wall on the other side of the drive from us that I believed it. We chatted for a few minutes and we got a picture together, and he said they had indeed left. He looked me in the eye and said it was true that he wouldn't lie to me, so I believed it then and went back to the hotel, empty handed with my Chris moment.


BUT it was stellar. ALL of the guys looked FANTASTIC and were awesome, but basically






D.C. in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sharon you have a great time in concert cool !


but you have not had an autograph and a photo of Chris :(

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Sorry been out of commission ALL day.. work and then a migrane... horrid thing.. still feel a bit wobbly, but I am supoosed to be going out tonight.. promised to give someone a lift.. so I have to go..


Oh well an evening out with good friends, food and laughing should help.. I hope!


Sharon.. I am so happy you had a good time. You know this.. .. :heart: ;) :hug: and it seems like you MIGHT have power after all when you get home...;) a little birdie told me....


Nice photos everyone.. and that shirt.. the new/old one! LOL.. looks like it's been through the wash a few times since perhaps?


I like it anyway.. I love all his skintight... stuff.. :wink3:

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Oh man, this shirt suits him very well :dazzled:

:rolleyes: hm every t-shirt suits well actually :lol:

His left eyes looks a bit weird on this pic though :thinking: but the rest is absolutely perfect :dazzled:


Even if it's not a new one, that's a good sign: he's willing to wear other t-shirts from his wardrobe! Yay :awesome:

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Oh adorable Chris do not feel need to change all the time T-Shirt, because here told you still have the same flowering T-shirt you must be comfortable with your cloths ? :inquisitive:


And it's the Jazz Festival right now, I'll find a T-shirt.

I will buy t-shirt because I'll buy the image of this model man to offer to you a T-Shirt and not vice versa. (vacationer normal man not famous listen to music in Jazz Festival )

more make money on a concept disguised to bring a band. "Ode To Deodorant " . Jazz , (you know artist last minute surprises)






I'll even wear until the T-shirt

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Good evening :D



UGHHH :bomb:


^I hear this from pretty much everyone who's met him. It's just delightful to hear that his fame hasn't gone to his head and that he still takes time for as many fans as possible.:)


I know...I know...another Invisible Jonny photo. But it's pure coincidence, I swear!! One from Miami that I forgot to post the other night. (Bad Tracie Was drinking and Coldplayiing,lol.:drunk:)



Oh yes; that's a pure Invisible Jonny pic :nod::cool:





Hahhahahhahha OH MY !!! Tracie I love your avi so much. It's freaking hilarious :lol:



Jeeeeeeeeeeeez :o




Or this one!



Chris' :facepalm: hahaah


^ or this




hi girls!! i"m in Germany i came here 2 days ago, i came here to do an internship at the nurnberg university. i don"t have any internet connection on my room yet :( so i miss you ladies!!!! :cry:

Awww that sucks ! :( We miss you here as well Ceren :hug:



It's late (or very early!) here and I'm knackered, as our English friends would say, but I know I'll be going home to a no-power house and I wanted to take the opportunity to post a little something here now.


It's short, but suffice to say....




The concert was AWESOME, everything I expected and more. So full of life and color. Chris stopped UATW and restarted his and Will's part. They seemed to be in a good mood. It was over way too soon.


We waited around for about an hour and a half. They told us right when we got there that they'd left directly after the show, but people hung around anyway. It wasn't until Matt came out (beer in hand) and sat against a wall on the other side of the drive from us that I believed it. We chatted for a few minutes and we got a picture together, and he said they had indeed left. He looked me in the eye and said it was true that he wouldn't lie to me, so I believed it then and went back to the hotel, empty handed with my Chris moment.


BUT it was stellar. ALL of the guys looked FANTASTIC and were awesome, but basically






D.C. in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO happy for you Sharon !!!! :D :D :D And it sucks that you didn't get to meet them :(




^Ouch, migraines SUCK. :hug:



Posted by Tash, from last night:





(Just in case anyone is wondering: this isn't a new T-shirt. I've seen it before. :P)

What the hell??????

Is it allowed to be kinda sorta jealous right now? Everyone seems to get pictures with him :\


BTW, Chris looks gorgeous :dazzled:

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I still laugh my ass off when I look at my avi,lol.Though I guess if he's invisible, you should see the whole guitar...oops,lol.


I know there's a Jonny in this, but I'm too hot and lazy to crop it and I love how joyful Chris looks. (posted by Tash from Charlotte.)




EDIT: Changed my mind,lol.



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Good evening!


Folks, I have power! Yes, we have been deemed by the Power Gods tobe worthy enough again to have our power back. I'm keeping it like a refrigerator in here after not having a.c. for several days in 100 degree heat. I want it cold enough in here to grow icicles and hang meat!


I have some pics that I will post hopefully tomorrow, but I wanted to share one that I found amusing. Yes, it's blurry and there's a big hand in the way, but it still gave me pleasure. I can't explain it.





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What, People.com treated us to be groupies by here? :thinking:


So anyway I do not know what I am. but my bestfriend girl told me I'm groupie.


in fact I have nothing to say,about my heart to my only friend. I love Chris Martin point.

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