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The NEW 2024 Leaks Thread


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To sum up the last 10 pages: 

Admirice thinks he's in the right because he didn't actually leak anything himself. He shared some stuff with people he trusted and they stabbed him in the back and leaked the songs. 

Those who oppose him say he's guilty anyway for having purchased the content illegally in the first place and is indirectly responsible for the leaks.

These two main arguments are then CTRL+C'd and CTRL+V'd with some words changed and the drama continues.


... Meanwhile the rest of us don't care about any of this and want to listen to more Codplay lol 


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Yeah, at the moment we all have a slight picture of the situation in our heads and it is up to each of us to think what we want to think. Nobody is going to change anybody's mind.
All I say is live and let live. Don't persecute anyone, don't harass people, even if you think what they think or do is wrong. It's not that hard.

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Changing the topic. What do you guys think the b sides for moon music will be? Aeterna is already confirmed to be one and there might be others too. Maybe Coldplay's version of The astronaut or A wave?? or other songs that won't fit into the album. Thoughts? 

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3 minutes ago, neonforest said:

Changing the topic. What do you guys think the b sides for moon music will be? Aeterna is already confirmed to be one and there might be others too. Maybe Coldplay's version of The astronaut or A wave?? or other songs that won't fit into the album. Thoughts? 

There's a Reprise for Aeterna. Ambient version of it. Might be on a bside too.

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8 minutes ago, Admirice said:

There's a Reprise for Aeterna. Ambient version of it. Might be on a bside too.

Ahh i see. 


Also do you know of any collaborations on the album aside from camila and chainsmokers or is that it👀

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40 minutes ago, neonforest said:

Ahh i see. 


Also do you know of any collaborations on the album aside from camila and chainsmokers or is that it👀

As far as I know there is another female artist who participated in MM sessions. But we'll see if the song will come out or not.

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25 minutes ago, Admirice said:

Yeah I wonder how you know that but that's true.

How do you know so much about the new music? I thought the leaks were stuff you got years ago. Or are you still getting access to newer stuff?

Edited by Xylobryte7
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23 minutes ago, Xylobryte7 said:

How do you know so much about the new music? I thought the leaks were stuff you got years ago. Or are you still getting access to newer stuff?

I don't wanna go into esoteric details but I still have sources where I can get info from.

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On 4/15/2024 at 5:34 PM, clark595 said:

Can someone tell me more about the song Mantra? I've heard it's an instrumental one but from what era?

Did it leak in full?

Hi @Admirice! Can you comment on this one? Thanks in advance!

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posts hidden. this thread is for discussing the music, not for accusing anyone of anything, for admitting you leaked something or discussing why files shouldn't have been leaked or why they were... or anything like that. it's all incredibly toxic. the leaks happened, we got to hear some gems, fans want to talk about that. this toxic behaviour regarding who did what and whether it was ethical (it's not, none of this is ethical but anyway) adds nothing.

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Right let's talk about something else.

What upcoming song are you guys looking forward to the most?

For me it's definitely Robots, what we've heard sounds incredible! I love how different the style of lyrics are at the start and hearing Chris go all out at the end had my jaw on the floor. I love the story they've set out with the lyrics as well, I could see it working amazingly in the Musical; I almost feel like POTP's tour visuals would fit this better. I think it has the potential to be one of their best, I really hope they don't over do whatever the add to it, and I really hope they don't rework it. 

Fingers crossed they still plan on releasing it, I would love for it to be on MM but maybe the Musical is better suited for it, as long as it comes out I'm happy.

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1 hour ago, Captain Crieff said:

posts hidden. this thread is for discussing the music, not for accusing anyone of anything, for admitting you leaked something or discussing why files shouldn't have been leaked or why they were... or anything like that. it's all incredibly toxic. the leaks happened, we got to hear some gems, fans want to talk about that. this toxic behaviour regarding who did what and whether it was ethical (it's not, none of this is ethical but anyway) adds nothing.

Ah so this forum believes in censoring the truth, sorry for standing up for myself and projecting the facts, not sure how that validates the flood of other messages that weren’t censored though?

Good job on soliciting Admirice too, a known cyberbully, homophobe and racist. It’s nice you clearly show favouritism! Can see why ColdplayXtra is more successful.

I’ll take that ban now. It’s nice that the risks I took for you all is really appreciated. Why do you think nobody has leaked anything up until now? 

Edited by M a t t y
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PM me where Admirice said something homophobic or racist on this forum and we'll happily give him a permanent ban. 

thread locked for the night, will reopen it again tomorrow so it can be used for the purpose of the thread.

edit: thread reopened, pls behave, people. no proof of the above received btw.

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11 hours ago, M a t t y said:

Ah so this forum believes in censoring the truth, sorry for standing up for myself and projecting the facts, not sure how that validates the flood of other messages that weren’t censored though?

Good job on soliciting Admirice too, a known cyberbully, homophobe and racist. It’s nice you clearly show favouritism! Can see why ColdplayXtra is more successful.

I’ll take that ban now. It’s nice that the risks I took for you all is really appreciated. Why do you think nobody has leaked anything up until now? 

Luckily I'm not what you accused me of. Please be a little bit civil. I'm going to drop all the arguments here. If you wish to ask me anything Coldplay, I'll see what I could answer. But please no personal attacks at me because honestly attacking people never get you anywhere. No more hostility, pretty please.

Also thanks to the Mods who helped clearing arguments. It wasn't my intention to fight with anyone here. I am a sensible guy, merely hate a bit of hypocrisy when it came in my way. But it's human nature after all. I understand people who doesn't understand me, it's perfectly fine. We are only human.

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At this point, what's everyone's top 3?
There's so many I love, it's tough, but I think mine's:

The Race (GS Version)
Love in a Lethal Dose/Lethal Drug (Feat. SZA)

And one past song you're desperate to hear, eventually?

I think maybe, Car Kids

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