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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Today I was doing my US History hw in study hall. We had a big packet to read and highlight about the pilgrims and their journey. There was one guy always getting in the way and being an asshole about everything as they were trying to get ready for their journey. His name was Christopher Martin. If it were acceptable, I would have screamed when I read it. It made my morning :D [from that point on I thought of Chris in pilgrim clothes every time I saw the name in the packet.]

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Hay wassup guys mah fellow Coldplayers


Today when I was listening to White Shadows on the bus I was thinking of a music video to go along to it (that's what I do when I listen to music sometimes--think of music videos for them). I imagined Coldplay in a blue room with dark lighting, reflected in a large mirror. The camera is focused on the reflections, and occasionally on Chris looking at his reflection and putting his hand on the mirror.


The reflections start to fade away during "All this space I'm taking up" and for the second chorus, the mirror cracks and shatters, revealing white cracks of light, then solidifies into a glowing wall during "Come on love, stay with me"


I'm so crazy. :P

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