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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Attention Spotify Users!


Coldplay's entire discography is now available to listen on Spotify. So, now you can enjoy songs like Moving to Mars, Gravity, Sleeping Sun, and many more!


Thank you !! At my country is available !!

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Attention Spotify Users!


Coldplay's entire discography is now available to listen on Spotify. So, now you can enjoy songs like Moving to Mars, Gravity, Sleeping Sun, and many more!

Omg this is the most amazing thing ever!!! I didn't expect it to be available in germany but it is! I'm so happy rn[emoji1] [emoji1]


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Coldplaying mobile app

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Something awkward happened to me today :wacky:

My roommate wanted to go out for the evening and so did I a little later than her. I had about 45 mins to get ready in the bathroom and I thought she had left cause I had heard the front door slam, so I put on Parachutes in my room at full blast so that I would hear it in the bathroom. While getting ready I sang along to some of the songs, but not even properly - just humming random parts or singing like "oooooh ooooooh oooooh all yelloooooow !"

Well, towards the end of the album I realized my roommate had not left the apartment yet...and I died with mortification.

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Something awkward happened to me today :wacky:

My roommate wanted to go out for the evening and so did I a little later than her. I had about 45 mins to get ready in the bathroom and I thought she had left cause I had heard the front door slam, so I put on Parachutes in my room at full blast so that I would hear it in the bathroom. While getting ready I sang along to some of the songs, but not even properly - just humming random parts or singing like "oooooh ooooooh oooooh all yelloooooow !"

Well, towards the end of the album I realized my roommate had not left the apartment yet...and I died with mortification.

Haha hopefully you learned that it's not so bad getting caught being yourself and that it definitely won't be so bad the next time it happens :)

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Watching videos of their concerts, I thought Chris' voice had gotten really bad, but seeing them live, his voice was perfect!

So now I'm not sure if his voice just happened to be great this show or if it's all the singing along and atmosphere that makes it seem like that.

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Watching videos of their concerts, I thought Chris' voice had gotten really bad, but seeing them live, his voice was perfect!

So now I'm not sure if his voice just happened to be great this show or if it's all the singing along and atmosphere that makes it seem like that.

His voice seemed great on the stream too, so maybe we've just had bad recordings haha!

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Think he was always Jonny to friends. J and Jon are Chris' pet names for Jonny I think.

Okay because I can't remember if I'm remembering this correctly, but he's listed as Jon in Parachutes and AROBTTH, then his name appears as Jonny in MX, so that's why I was wondering. The formal switch maybe happened between those eras. (Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm really tired haha)

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Okay because I can't remember if I'm remembering this correctly, but he's listed as Jon in Parachutes and AROBTTH, then his name appears as Jonny in MX, so that's why I was wondering. The formal switch maybe happened between those eras. (Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm really tired haha)

I remember Jonny saying in an interview that for everyone except for his mom, he is Jonny. His mom calls him Jonathan :)

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you have music on the bus!? :stunned:

Well, Mexican bus drivers are multitalented. Sometimes they act like DJ's while they drive and played a selection of horrible songs. This time I was lucky enough to listen to HFTW

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Well, Mexican bus drivers are multitalented. Sometimes they act like DJ's while they drive and played a selection of horrible songs. This time I was lucky enough to listen to HFTW

Wow okay. Our busses don't play any music, you just sit there in silence and occasionally the computer voice speaker says what bus stop comes next :wacko:

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