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[h=1]Adele rules out Glastonbury headline slot: 'The crowds are too big'[/h] Singer has always maintained that she does not enjoy playing festivals





Adele has rubbished speculation that she will headline Glastonbury next year, saying that she is too scared of the festival's huge crowds.


The hugely popular singer returned this week with new single 'Hello' and details of her next album '25', which will be released in November. Adele remains a perennial part of the Glastonbury headliner rumour mill alongside Prince, Coldplay and Fleetwood Mac.


Asked about the chances of her playing the Pyramid Stage in 2016, Adele told Capital London's Breakfast Show that she can't see her position on festivals changing: "I think I have made myself pretty clear on Glastonbury," she said. "The crowds are too big – I don't know if I could do it."


Adele was at Glastonbury this year as a fan: "I went this year to watch Kayne [West] and I literally just crapped my pants on the size of the audience. It was pretty insane."


Joking about the dirty conditions of a three-day festival, she added: "Well, the front row – they always do a poo and a pee so they don't lose their spot. They do – I have seen it happen! I nearly did it myself years ago. It's true, that is why it stinks down the front."


Earlier this week, Adele published an open letter to fans in which she apologised for making fans wait to hear it.


In the letter Adele wrote about how she always wanted to be older when she was growing up and her regrets over not enjoying her life in the moment. Talking about her new music, Adele writes: "My last record ['21'] was a break-up record and if I had to label this one I would call it a make-up record. I'm making up with myelf. Making up for lost time. Making up for everything I ever did and never did."


Later in the letter Adele added: "'25' is about getting to know who I've become without realising. And I'm sorry it took so long, but you know, life happened."

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It's difficult to put into words quite how she makes me feel listening to her music since the very beginning. I think all that needs to be said about her has already been discussed a million times. I consider her to be the best female vocalist of the past 20 years (it's difficult to admit this since I'm a huge Winehouse and Amy Lee fan).


And Hello is everything I ever want from her; emotional, breathtaking, heartbreaking, intelligent, well-structured, well-produced etc.


For Coldplay to work with someone like Rihanna instead of Adele is beyond disappointing. But then again she most probably will ignore the band if asked.

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I don't like the song too much... I thought it would sound a little more subdued after Adele's comments on how 25 would probably sound. She has probably the best female voice in pop music, and the vocals on Hello do nothing to detract from that, but the song just sounds too similar to her previous work. I like variety, not 21 part 2. Then again, it is only one song, so like Coldplay's Amazing Day we shouldn't use it as a definite predictor of the whole new album's sound.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't like the song too much... I thought it would sound a little more subdued after Adele's comments on how 25 would probably sound. She has probably the best female voice in pop music, and the vocals on Hello do nothing to detract from that, but the song just sounds too similar to her previous work. I like variety, not 21 part 2. Then again, it is only one song, so like Coldplay's Amazing Day we shouldn't use it as a definite predictor of the whole new album's sound.

I just got the album. It's 21 part 2 for sure except the 2nd track

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Absolutely astonishing album. She just leave you breathless. I don't want to go on a rant about why and how great this album is so I'll just quotes a couple of people from Guardian live:


I found myself missing people I don’t even know in places I haven’t yet traveled to and wishing I was young all over again.

She should be so proud of herself for creating such a timeless masterpiece. Beautiful production, stunning vocals and devastatingly honest lyrics.

Amid the vacuous EDM that occupies the top 40, Adele’s music certainly still stands alone: the minimalist orchestration, her conversational tone, her gigantic choruses. What’s most interesting about this record are the references to the fame, however; the isolation; the eerie, ghostly production on I Miss You and River Lea.

An album of reflection, self-evaluation and outlining priorities – all the traits you’d expect of a lady who’s outgrown the media-driven adolescence that run hands-in-hand with the music industry, and into her role as a mother, partner and role model. The album is targeted for adult listening like most artists who’ve reached the peak of their career.


With the exception of Send My Love, which feels all rather out of place on the record, this is a cleverly crafted musical journey. Is ‘25’ the huge commercial record many wanted? No. Was it ever going to be? No. It doesn’t mean it’s any less successful.


Let me just also say the boundaries of irony are surpassed when you see someone on a Coldplay forum criticizing Adele!! I guess originality and artistic integrity aren't majorly significant nowadays.

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Let me just also say the boundaries of irony are surpassed when you see someone on a Coldplay forum criticizing Adele!! I guess originality and artistic integrity aren't majorly significant nowadays.


Hmm, that's not it. I find it funny that you're putting every single Coldplay fan into one bubble. I love Coldplay, but I recognize their faults and don't pretend to think they're perfect. Yet, all the other artists I listen to are widely regarded to be some of the best ever, so to say 'originality and artistic integrity aren't majorly significant nowadays' is a bit much, don't you think? People have varying musical taste.


Anyways, Adele is interesting. She has a great voice...but, for me personally, that's about it. I respect her talent, I respect what she does and I respect the attention she receives, but I feel like she can hide from any other musical talent with the help of her voice. Part of what irks me about her is the fact nearly everything she puts out is the same fucking thing. 'Hello' is a drag, and believe me, I generally love that sort of music -- but it's just boring. She could be doing so much more, but she just doesn't. One day, I'm sure, she'll change things up and people will erupt with anger and confusion, but if it means bringing something new to the table finally, I'm for it.

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It's difficult to put into words quite how she makes me feel listening to her music since the very beginning. I think all that needs to be said about her has already been discussed a million times. I consider her to be the best female vocalist of the past 20 years (it's difficult to admit this since I'm a huge Winehouse and Amy Lee fan).


And Hello is everything I ever want from her; emotional, breathtaking, heartbreaking, intelligent, well-structured, well-produced etc.


For Coldplay to work with someone like Rihanna instead of Adele is beyond disappointing. But then again she most probably will ignore the band if asked.


Adele said Coldplay was amazing during the MX Era...but she said the same about Kanye... :/

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So well done to Adele for breaking the fastest selling album of all time (in the UK & USA).


Although when I was in a branch of HMV on the day of release looking for ideas, all the songs sounded the same, at first it sounded like the staff had put on 21 instead

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Got a joke:


Why did Adele cross the road ?




































To say Hello from the other side.


(joke is by Chris, not me :))

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so adele is back!


after 2 listens, it's still in my head. it's good. but i was thinking how adele hasn't evolved much musically and still get people going crazy over her songs. not just the general listener, but the critics too. it must have something to do with her voice, her quality singing and the universal theme in her songs.


I am the last to enjoy sappy break up tunes and yet when I hear Adele I am completely sold! I asked myself why and for me at least it comes down to two things: her amazing voice and her honesty. She just has an earnestness and honesty in the way she conveys a song that I cant help by being taken by it...possibly because we are constantly surrounded by "fake" stuff, when we see something real it leaves an impression and people are just hungry for it.


For the record I love her single and plan to buy a few more songs from her latest album. Also she is absolute fun to watch in interviews hehe

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Adele is a cow. A cash cow. A product just like Katy Perry but sold to "adults" not 13 year old girls. I love her, she seems genuine but there's a gargantuan machine behind her. How else explain the record shattering numbers behind this ordinary album?


She makes music that will appeal to her core audience and for now only takes shy excursions to a different sound. For instance, she loves Frank Ocean and Drake and wants to do a cover of Hotline Bling but her label probably won't allow her to deviate from her signature sound.

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