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Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (OUT THIS FRI(ROW)/SAT (UK)!!) - [Walking Man and Videos + GIFs + Scre

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Guest howyousawtheworld
This should have been on LRLRL. I've kept this show on my DVR solely for this GPASUYF/Talk mix.


Definitely. I think LRLRL could have been better but I shouldn't complain - it was free after all!

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Excuse me!!!! But it isn't only a song!!!! it's!!! a Coldplay's Song, a NEW COLDPLAY'S SONG if that is only a song for you I don't know what are you doing reading this topic.


Be Carefull Where You Stand my friend.


Being excited is one thing, however ...


I am excited too and I have every right to be in this topic.

There are no links, because there is no song yet. You're going to have to wait until tomorrow to get the song and even then no links will be shared on Coldplaying.

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Hmmm is that like jr.college maybe? We do two yrs of general education and then you go to university. But you can do those two year at university also, so maybe not :thinking:


hmm we basically do 12 years of compolsory education (7 years in primary school and 5 years in secondary school). Then you can do two years of sixth form which is the main form of education. Or you can do other courses which are equal to sixth form at colleges. Then you go to university for usually 3 years but mine is a four year course. Going into my final year in september. Phew sounds confusing

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Since people think the song is going to be a dance tune (which it probably won't be) did anyone like the dance/ version of GPASUYF/Talk during the Viva La Vida tour? I really really loved it! Thought it was one of the highlights of the show.


Not really, to me original live versions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>techno versions


MOAR BASS! :wacky:


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Rolling Stone just answered this question on Tumblr...too bad they didn't say how they like it. My friend is a new employee at RS. I wonder if she's heard it...



I wish they said more :disappointed:

You should ask your friend! :D :P

Listen please, a friend of me that works on radio one saif that he already listened to the song, that it has a radiohead - bass style , similar to the song "where I end and you begin " from radiohead, whit a fast beat and a clear bass, he says is sensational, it is expecting over 20 plays tomorrow, and something else, aparently the name of the new album, acording to him, COULD be Monday Morning , that would explain the MM on the exibition room and the "MONDAY" that is painted in the wall of one of the newest pictures of coldplay , where the bassist is sitting in like a window, that is all, and he said it could be a big change for coldplay but seems to go to a good direction, thats pretty much all I know, and i singed in just for you to know...

This makes me even more excited for the song tomorrow!!! :dance:


The Monday Morning would explain a lot, like you said, and the monday morning lyric in ETIAW. Kinda of seems like a weird album though :shrug:

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i've no school tomorrow..!! :P


but i guess it'd been more of a big thing to me if i'd had school and skipped it because of COLDPLAY<3


but still i'm very happy of course, just to have the privilegue to be alive while the best band in the world still is making music. i discovered them last november, but for some weird reason i didn't love them sufficiently much to spend the night in front of the computer listening to coldplay songs instead of sleeping which'd been impossible either way, when "christmas lights" was released. now, tonight, it'll therefore be the first time for me waiting for the morning to come and the clock to struck 1 pm in my case..!! :D


btw, hope my english isn't terrible which it may be xD

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hmm we basically do 12 years of compolsory education (7 years in primary school and 5 years in secondary school). Then you can do two years of sixth form which is the main form of education. Or you can do other courses which are equal to sixth form at colleges. Then you go to university for usually 3 years but mine is a four year course. Going into my final year in september. Phew sounds confusing


Yea that is kinda confusing :P but I think I get it. That is a lot of school though!


A. Big change for coldplay? Ahhhhhh now im HELLA excited :D

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Every album that's been realeased, the title of the album has always been a song on the album


Parachutes- song on the album


X&Y- same

Viva- Same


if staying to this then a song on the album should be Monday Morning if the rumor above is true.

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Monday Morning?


Makes sense!




The inspiration is the graffiti movement of the 70s in New York and the White Rose-movement.


Chris Martin said something about, that he did some things, which others wanted him to to and not what he wanted to do. Moreover something about assimilation and the brave for individuality.


Consequently Monday Morning fits - because its "another life", where you do all the actions, which the society expect from you...




I can't describe it better, because my englisch isn't as good as yours. ;)

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^^^ thats a great explaination !






Hmm...stop making jokes about me. :D


Monday Morning - this is the day, where you start your "social routine", in particular in your job...do you know what I mean?!


There isn't any space to "break out" of this cage...

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^ Really? Honestly, that would have been kinda cool. I believe someone on this forum mentioned a few weeks ago that he thought LP5 would be something like Viva's brother. . . . It looks as if it's sorta turning out that way.


Chris Martin has said the band's next record will be a concept album revolving around a secret story, and that he wants follow-up to 'Viva La Vida' to have 'less fanfare', according to NME.






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