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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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By the way you reminded me of this beautiful song now (yes, the singer's voice is not very good but the melody and vibe are so beautifully sad...)

"And I find it kind of funny, find it kind of sad, that the dreams in which I am dying are the best I've ever had"

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Singing Coldplay songs all the time, I figured out that my voice is just about one octave lower than Chris'. My falsetto starts almost exactly one octave below where his falsetto starts, and same goes for the low vibrato. Once it gets into falsetto, Chris can go much further, and he can hit a few more lower notes. To explain, Our "comfortable" voices are one octave apart but when it gets to falsetto or low vibrato he beats me by a mile. I think his range is about 1 and a half octaves wider than mine.


Just sayin'

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^^Much prefer the original Tears For Fears version:

I know this version too but I must admit I think it is too fast-paced for me.

It is like the Embrace and Coldplay version of Gravity - and to me, the Gary Jules version is like the Coldplay version of Gravity. :)

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5 till 10 cm of snow came down in the country where I live, a few days ago ! But not in my place, South (unfortunately), it happened all way in the North. Unbelievable.

You can keep it at your side of the border. [emoji4]

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Now that you were talking about dreams I think I saw the future in one of my Coldplay related dreams. I know this sounds strange but one month before the Mexican shows I was too excited about it that I dreamt I was checking twitter and in one of the posts Coldplaying shared one about a radio interview in a Mexican radio station. Coldplay was doing a special soundcheck or something like that before the beginning of their tour. So, I turned on my computer and got ready to listen to the live transmission of the concert! The weird thing was that the opening song was a children's song and their kids sang it while Coldplay played it lol. There you have my weird dream.

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I think reading all this dreams talk made my have a coldplay dream (I'm not complaining :P )

It's a bit long-ish so I'll just put in under a spoiler:



I was at a concert and I was right by the runway (or whatever that's called), I saw Chris up close a couple of times :D.

Before the second to last song Chris gave a big speech which I didn't understand because of the speakers or something.

They finished playing that song and Up&Up was next. But instead of the band playing it, Marina and the diamonds came onstage and started singing (:wtf: I have never even listened to one of her songs). The band wasn't even playing anymore and nobody cared tbh and the band was just hanging around on the stage.

So I moved to the front and a bit to the left of the stage and since my only goal on a coldplay concert is getting a decent picture of Guy (which I've failed so far), I started snapping a lot of pictures - enough for him to notice. He then came down and approached the barrier and started talking with me! I can't remember what he said because my brain was all like "askldfajkfh" so I just said "can I give you a hug?" and he said yes and it sounds so cheesy but I was so happy and my heart felt so full :cheesy: :heart:. I also hugged him for an embarrassingly long time :shame: but he was cool with it :cheesy:

We talked for a bit and they started calling for him on stage because they were going to take a picture or something. He started to walk away but I managed to ask him about Apparatjik and he said they were doing more stuff :wacko: he also told me I could go on stage with them!

When I was about to jump the barrier the security lady saw me and stopped me, so I told her "he said I could go!" and she ran up to him and said "Arantza said you asked her to go on stage?" and she pointed to where I was before (by the runway... why?!)! And he was like "who? nope I don't know anybody there" while I screamed my lungs out from the barrier.


Then I woke up... it was a very nice dream until the end :(


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How??? It's an intrumental!

I wonder the same. During that week there was a contest for a M&G in which they wanted to find the fans who listened to Coldplay more than anyone else. But it's still strange an instrumental song was listened to more than any other.

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I wonder the same. During that week there was a contest for a M&G in which they wanted to find the fans who listened to Coldplay more than anyone else. But it's still strange an instrumental song was listened to more than any other.

Hmm... weird.

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I want to share with you what I did today :braces: As you can guess, I started saving money for Coldplay concerts - I want to see at least 2 or 3 :wiseguy:. Currently I have about 6 euro, so it's very little in comparison to giant ticket prices, but I have a whole year to save :wink:. I'm quite proud of myself :braces:.



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